Subsurface Mapping |
Common terms and phrases
amount angle anhydrite anomalies anticline areal bedding plane boundaries Bull changes characteristics clastic commonly components contour interval contour lines contours drawn control points correlation cross section cut point deposition depth determined direction drilled elevation environment erosion evaporite facies maps fault plane folding Geochemical geologic maps geological history geologist geophysical geophysical logging geosyncline illustrate important Inasmuch indicate interpretation intersection intracratonic isolith isopach contours isopach maps Jour key horizon Krumbein limestone lithofacies lithology mapping unit measurements method oil-water contact onlap outcrop Paleogeographic parallel percentage Petroleum problems rate of dip recognized regional relationships represent reservoir rock bodies rock unit sand to shale Sandstone sea level sedimentary sedimentary basin sediments shale ratio shelf shoreward Sloss stratigraphic section stratigraphic unit strike and dip structure contour map structure maps subsurface geologist subsurface maps suggest surveys syncline tectonic thickness thrust fault topographic truncation unconformity uplift upper upthrown values variations vertical