fect that the beneficial interest in the commodity must be in the producer tendering the commodity for loan or purchase shall not be interpreted as excluding from any price support program a trustee who is otherwise eligible to participate. (Sec. 4, 62 Stat. 1070, as amended; 15 U. S. C. 714b) [14 F. R. 2372, May 7, 1949] PART 406-REWARDS REWARDS TO BE PAID FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO ARREST AND CONVICTION OF PERSON (S) GUILTY OF THEFT OF, OR MALICIOUS DAMAGE ΤΟ CCC-OWNED PROPERTY, COMMODITIES, AND EQUIP MENT Sec. 406.1 Arrest and conviction. 406.2 Amount of rewards. 406.3 Eligibility for rewards. 406.4 Filing of applications. AUTHORITY: §§ 406.1 to 406.4 issued under sec. 4, 62 Stat. 1070, as amended; 15 U. S. C. 714b. SOURCE: §§ 406.1 to 406.4 appear at 19 F. R. 6155, Sept. 25, 1954. § 406.1 Arrest and conviction. The Commodity Credit Corporation hereby announces that, subject to the following conditions, rewards will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons found to be guilty of malicious damage to property of the Commodity Credit Corporation or the theft of commodities and equipment owned by the Commodity Credit Corporation. § 406.2 Amount of rewards. (a) A reward in the amount of $50 will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons found to be responsible for malicious damage to CCC-owned property at the site of any storage structures owned or leased by Commodity Credit Corporation: Provided, That such reward shall not exceed $50 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons involved in the same act or series of acts of malicious damage perpetrated prior to conviction of those guilty. (b) A reward in the amount of $500 will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons found to be guilty of the theft of CCC-owned commodities from any storage structures owned or leased by Commodity Credit Corporation: Provided, That the total amount paid shall not exceed $500 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons involved in the same theft, or series of thefts perpetrated prior to conviction of those guilty. (c) A reward in the amount of $50 will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons found to be responsible for the theft of CCC-owned equipment valued at $50 or more at the site of any storage structures owned or leased by Commodity Credit Corporation: Provided, That such reward shall not exceed $50 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons involved in the same theft or series of thefts perpetrated prior to conviction of those guilty. § 406.3 Eligibility for rewards. (a) Any person or persons will be eligible for rewards mentioned above except (1) Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation County Committeemen, (2) Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation County Office Managers, (3) Personnel of Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service State Offices, and (4) United States Department of Agriculture employees. (b) State and local law enforcement officers, community committeemen and Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service County Office employees, other than those specifically excluded herein, will be eligible for reward. Sec. 421.1105 Program availability, maturity dates, and disbursement of loans. Financial institutions. 421.1106 421.1108 Applicable forms and requirements. 421.1109 Liens. Service charges. 421.1110 421.1111 Setoffs. 421.1112 Interest rate. 421.1113 Transfer of producer's interest. 421.1114 Safeguarding the commodity. 421.1115 Insurance on farm-storage loans. 421.1116 Loss or damage to the commodity. 421.1117 Personal liability of the producer. 421.1118 Release of the commodity under loan. 421.1119 Liquidation of loans and delivery under purchase agreements. Foreclosure. 421.1120 421.1121 Settlement value and charges. 421.1122 Death, incompetency, or dis appearance. 421.1123 Compliance requirements for SUBCHAPTER B-LOANS, PURCHASES, AND OTHER OPERATIONS NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER citations to regulations for previous program years not included in this volume, see List of Sections Affected. PART 421-GRAINS AND RELATED COMMODITIES Subpart-1961-Crop Wheat Price Support Program ACREAGE COMPLIANCE Sec. 421.126 Administration. 421.127 Applicability of §§ 421.126 to 421.131. 421.128 Definitions. 421.129 Compliance requirements. 421.131 Application for review and request Subpart Provisions of 1961 and Subsequent 421.626 General. Administration. 421.628 Period and area of operation. 421.629 Eligible producer. 421.630 Eligible flaxseed. 421.631 Personal liability of the producer. 421.632 Authorized dealer. 421.633 Purchase documents. 421.634 Basis of purchase. 421.635 Determination of quantity. 421.636 Issuance of purchase prices, premiums and discounts. 421.637 Storage charges. 421.638 Service charge. 421.639 Liens. 421.640 421.641 Setoffs. Payment. 421.642 Purchase prices, premimums and discounts. Subpart-1961 Feed Grain Price Support Program ACREAGE COMPLIANCE 421.901 Administration. 421.902 Applicability of §§ 421.901 to 421.906. 421.903 Definitions. 421.904 Compliance requirements. 421.905 Quantity of corn and grain sorghums eligible for price support and establishment of farm normal yield. 421.906 Effect of unknowingly exceeding farm maximum permitted acreage; method of determination. 421.1130 421.1131 421.1132 wheat. Definitions. Delegation of authority. ASCS commodity offices and Data Subpart-1962-Crop Wheat Loan and Purchase Purpose. Agreement Program 421.1201 421.1202 Availability of price support. 421.1203 Eligibility requirements. 421.1204 Eligible wheat. Subpart-General Provisions 1962-Crop Price 421.1205 Determination of quality. 421.1206 Determination of quantity. 421.1207 Warehouse receipts. 421.1208 Warehouse charges. 421.1101 Administration. 421.1102 Commodities covered by this sub- 421.1103 Methods of price support. 421.1209 Maturity of loans. 421.1210 Inspection of wheat under pur 421.1211 chase agreements. Settlement. 421.1212 Support rates. APPENDIX-Notice of Applicability of Provisions Contained in 1960 Agricultural Appropriation Act-Public Law 86-80 to Grain. Subpart-1961-Crop Wheat Price Support Program AUTHORITY: §§ 421.126 to 421.131 issued under sec. 4, 62 Stat. 1070, as amended; 15 U.S.C. 714b. Interpret or apply sec. 5, 62 Stat. 1072, secs. 101, 401, 408, 63 Stat. 1054, 68 Stat. 904, sec. 125, 70 Stat. 198; 15 U.S.C. 714c, 7 U.S.C. 1421, 1428, 1441, 1374. SOURCE: § 421.126 to 421.131 contained in 1961 C.C.C. Wheat Bulletin A, 26 F.R. 5732, June 28, 1961. As used in the regulations in this subpart and in all instructions, forms and documents in connection therewith, the words and phrases defined in this section shall have the meaning assigned to them herein unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires. The following words or phrases are defined in Part 719 of Title 7, Chapter VII, Reconstitution of Farms, Farm Allotments and Farm History and Soil Bank Base Acreages (23 F.R. 6731), as amended, and shall have the meaning assigned to them by such regulations: "State Committee," "State Administrative Officer," "County Committee," "Person," "Operator" and "Farm." (a) "Producer" means a person producing wheat in 1961 as landowner, landlord, tenant or sharecropper. (b) "Wheat acreage allotment" means the wheat acreage allotment established for the farm in accordance with the regulations pertaining to Farm Acreage Allotments for 1960 and Subsequent Crops of Wheat (7 CFR 728.1010 to 728.1025; 24 F.R. 2475), March 31, 1959, and any amendments thereto. (c) "Wheat acreage” means any acreage planted to wheat and any acreage of volunteer wheat which is not disposed of or destroyed by the disposal date determined under 7 CFR 728.1145 (26 F.R. 4718, and any amendments thereto) excluding: (1) Any acreage of a wheat mixture in wheat-mixture counties; (2) any acreage of a mixture of other grains and wheat which does not contain enough wheat to cause the grain to be graded as "mixed grain" under the Official Grain Standards of the United States; (3) any acreage of wheat cover crop; (4) any acreage of wheat grown |