Preface This book contains the rules and regulations constituting Title 6 as of January 1, 1963. It replaces the volume entitled "Title 6-Agricultural Credit, Revised, 1956" and becomes an integral part of the Code of Federal Regulations. In consolidating the material contained in the 1956 revision with subsequent changes and additions, there have been included all rules and regulations, general and permanent in nature, duly published in the Federal Register on or before December 31, 1962, and effective as to facts arising on and after January 1, 1963. Current regulatory material appearing in the daily issues of the Federal Register follows the numbering system used herein and serves as a daily supplement hereto. This book contains the following finding aids: a list of CFR volumes as of January 1, 1963; a list of CFR volumes superseded during the period January 1, 1949-December 31, 1962; a table of CFR titles and chapter headings; an alphabetical list of CFR subtitle and chapter headings; and a list of sections affected which furnishes Federal Register citations to all changes in Title 6 since January 1, 1949, including changes which are no longer in effect. This volume is published pursuant to Part 30 of the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register approved March 20, 1959 (24 F.R. 2352; 1 CFR Part 30), under the authority contained in section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended (67 Stat. 388; 44 U.S.C. 311). The contents of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations are by law prima facie evidence of the text of the original documents and are required to be judicially noticed (49 Stat. 502, 67 Stat. 388; 44 U.S.C. 307, 311). The approved citation of the Code is "CFR". Thus the citation "6 CFR 4.1" refers to section 4.1 of this Title. January 2, 1963. D. C. EBERHART Title 6-Agricultural Credit CHAPTER I-Farm Credit Administration CHAPTER II—Rural Electrification Administration, Department of Agricul ture Part 4 200 CHAPTER III—Farmers Home Administration, Department of Agriculture. 300 CHAPTER IV-Commodity Credit Corporation, Department of Agriculture. CHAPTER V-Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture. 400 501 NOTE: Other regulations issued by the Department of Agriculture appear in Title 7, Title 9, Title 17, Chapter I, and Title 36, Chapter II, Code of Federal Regulations. CROSS REFERENCES: Banks and Banking, Title 12; Business Credit and Assistance, Title 13, Code of Federal Regulations. |