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work, there shall be at least one (1) secretary for the office of the dean and clerical assistance whenever applicable and necessary.

20.2 Faculty. The general faculty may request for clerical assistance whenever necessary and/or the services of student assistant may also be allowed for this purpose.

SEC. 21. Staff Development

Programs. Each administrator and fulltime architecture faculty member shall be encouraged to participate in a schoolapproved program of professional development.

21.1 Leave of Absence. A set of policy and procedures permitting every full-time architecture faculty member a leave of absence for professional development with or without pay, at the discretion of the administration, and a provision to ensure that the faculty shall be returned to his/her regular position at the end of the leave period. This provision shall be published or defined in the school rules.

21.2 Assistance.

There shall be an announced program of the architectural institution on the basis of its financial resources, for fulltime faculty members to pursue advanced degrees or undertake graduate studies and continuing education programs, including attendance to seminars, conventions, workshops, etc.

21.3 Contractual terms. A full-time faculty member granted either a paid or unpaid leave of absence or provided assistance by the school in pursuit of graduate studies shall be governed by contract, by and between the school and the faculty member concerned.

SEC. 22. Academic Functions

20.1 Administrative. Faculty shall be expected to contribute correspondence and general office in the implementation of the effective

performance of the following academic institutional functions:

22.1 Instruction

22.1.1 Classroom/studio lectures and supervision activities

22.1.2 Out-of-classroom consulta

tion and supervision on school-based activities

22.2 Research

22.2.1 Architectural and Scientific Researches- published and unpublished works, whether local or international.

22.2.2 Built-Creative Works documented projects undertaken and completed in relation to professional practice and experience in architectural designing, planning and building of structures (and as defined in the General practice of architecture). For performance evaluation purposes, this may be equivalent to a referred and/ or published academic research output.

22.3 Extension Services

22..3.1 Socio-civic responsiveness participation to socio-civic groups

a. Membership and active participation to sociocivic groups

b. Initiate and supervise community projects

c. Active participation with the accredited professional organization and attendance to their conventions, conferences, seminars, and other related activities either as speaker or delegate.

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23.2 Capacity. The architecture library shall provide suitable chairs with back supports and tables or other flat writing surfaces which can seat five percent (5%) of the maximum school attendance of architecture students at any one time with at least 0.64 sq. m. space of floor area per reader.

23.3 Design. The furniture and facilities of the architecture library shall be arranged to promote easy use and smooth flow of traffic and that all materials shall be arranged for quick and easy access by the students.

There shall be a walk space of no less than 60 cm. (24in.) behind each occupied chair in the architecture library.

A separate architecture library shall be provided with an office for the librarian and staff, a control desk for checking out materials, shelfspace for all processed materials, a display space for bulletins, a storage for library supplies, an appropriate typewriter/computer, one large English unabridged dictionary with stand, at least on English science and technology dictionary with stand, and one telephone if available in the locality.

23.4 Personnel. The architecture library, if physically separated from the main library and has a reading capacity of more than 50, shall have one architecture head librarian with a degree in library science and registered librarian and adequate number assistant librarians who have acquired proper training in library work.

The librarian shall participate in architecture faculty meeting and shall serve on architecture faculty planning committee dealing with educational programs.

The librarian shall be encouraged to join the librarian societies and attend conference and seminars directly related to library matters.

23.5 Funding and Book Collection. The funding of the architecture library development program stated herein should allow the gradual attainment of these goals through the use of the architecture library fees exclusive of salaries of library personnel should be allocated for the purpose indicated.

23.5.1 The library should have design books and coffee table books on architecture, local and international publications, and other technical handbooks;

23.5.2 The library should have at least two (2) technical nonduplicate books with copyrights of less than ten (10) years old per technical subjects;

23.5.3 The library should have at least two (2) professional architecture non-duplicate books with copyright of less than ten (10) years old for each course of the last three (3) years of each architecture curriculum in which a degree is offered;

23.5.4 Copyrights of at least fifty percent (50%) of the professional architecture and another 50% of the other technical nonduplicate books shall not be more than fifteen (15) years old;

23.5.5 The library should be accessioning additional non-duplicate technical books at a rate of at least 0.1 book per full-time equivalent architecture student per year.

23.5.6 Thesis collection; and 23.5.7 Faculty portfolio.

The architecture library fee should be spent exclusively for the proposed indicated herein. However, if the finance of the school warrants, an additional amount shall be allotted for its library development program.

23.6 Definitions

A "technical book" is defined as a book classified under one of the Library of Congress headings.

23.7 Periodical Collection

The Library of each school/college of architecture should have a

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a. No more than twenty percent (20%) of the architecture library book collection shall be on reserve at any one time.

b. No more than forty percent (40%) of the architecture library book collection shall be caged, or behind locked doors or closed counters or otherwise inaccessible to student browsing.

c. At least sixty percent (60%) of the architecture library book collection shall freely be accessible to students for browsing, and the reminder available on call.

d. To eliminate pilferage from the library, the books or materials that the student shall carry to or from the library may be monitored.

e. Internet access

23.9 Loan System. Books not on reserve shall be allowed to be checked out by the students from the architecture library for at least one (1) class day with the opportunity for renewal following the said period

23.10 Inter-Library Cooperative. Cooperative relations, including inter-library loan services and inter-library accessibility of resources, with other libraries shall be established and maintained to augment and enhance the architecture library services.

The cooperative relations, with respect to subscriptions to special uses or specialized technical journals, shall include jointly planned purchases and the sharing of periodical resources among architecture libraries within a given locality, if feasible.

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24.1.2 Adherence to Codes. Unless otherwise stated, the physical plan of the architectural institution shall conform with the National Building Code and all other applicable codes and ordinances.

24.1.3 Health and Safety

a. All classrooms, lecture rooms, studios and laboratories in the architectural institution shall be clean and properly maintained to meet public health and safety regulations.

b. Physical education and recreational areas shall conform with all rules and regulations pertaining to safety and suitability.

c. Actual occupancy load of instructional rooms shall be properly observed and maintained.

d. All stairways/ corridors shall be free of obstruction. All stairways shall not be used for storage.

e. There shall be a working fire alarm system and fire fighting system.

f. Each instructional space shall be easily evacuated by all of its occupants within sixty (60) seconds. All external and laboratory doors shall open outward.

24.1.4 Acoustics. The sound levels inside the school facility shall generally conform with standard building practices, as follows:

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