Laboratory Equipment Suggested Textbooks 4.1 Resource Allocation 5. Planning for Project Layout 6. In The Field - Starting Up the Project 7. Project Monitoring 7.1 Earned value Monitoring 7.2 Cost and Risk Control 7.3 Monitoring and Info. System 7.4 Quality Assurance 7.5 Conflict Management 8. Project Control 8.1 Subcontractor Management 8.2 Project Crashing 8.3 Change Management 8.4 Critical Chain 9. Purchasing, Expediting, and Receiving 10. Project Completion and Close-out 11. Project Learning 11.1 Life Cycle and Post Mortem Analysis 11.2 Methodology for Performance Evaluation None and Reference Materials 8. Project Management: A Managerial Approach Fourth Education, Jack R. Meredith and Samuel J. Mantel, (John Wiley and Sons, 1995) 9. Managing the Construction Process Estimating, Scheduling and Project Control, Frederick Gould (Pearson, 2002) 10. Introduction to Engineering Construction Inspection, Edward Fisk (Wiley, 2004) 11. Management of Construction Projects: A Constructor's Perspective, 12. Managing Construction Equipment, S. W. Nunnaly (Pearson, 2000) Delmar Learning, 2004) 14. Project Management software: Microsoft Project, Primavera Suretrack, or other 15. Critical Chain, Goldratt, North River, 1997 MGA PAHAYAG NA LEGAL AT OPISYAL [LEGAL AND OFFICIAL NOTICES] Regional Trial Court REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES REGIONAL TRIAL COURT [FIRST PUBLICATION] That he has resided continuously in the Philippines for a period of fourteen (14) years having first entered into this Country on July 9, 1993; and That EDEN V. GALANG, of legal age, with residence address at No. 121 Laon St., Abucay, Bataan and LEE V. GAZA, of legal age, residing at Daugan, Hermosa, Bataan, are both Filipino Citizens who will appear and testify as his witnesses at the hearing of the petition; Wherefore, notice is hereby given that the Petition will be heard on February 28, 2008 at 8:30 o'clock in the morning before this Court located at Room 202, 2nd Floor, Hall of Justice Building, Quezon City Hail Compound, Quezon City, at which date, time and place, all interested persons are required to appear and show cause why the Petition should not be granted. Let copies of this Order and the Petition be published, at the expense of the petitioner, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in the Official Gazette and in one (1) newspaper of general circulation in the city where the petitioner resides. Also, let copies of this Order and of the Petition be posted at the bulletin board of the Office of the Clerk of Court of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, at the bulletin board of this Branch and at the bulletin board of the Barangay Hall where the petitioner resides. Likewise, let the Office of the Solicitor General, the Office of the City Prosecutor of Quezon City, the Office of the President and the Chief of the Philippine National Police be furnished with a copy of this Order together with the Petition. SO ORDERED. Quezon City, Philippines, June 18, 2007. (Sgd.) HENRI Jean-Paul B. Inting [30-32] Presiding Judge PETITION FOR NATURALIZATION I apply for naturalization as citizen of the Philippines, and to the court respectfully show: 1. My full name is Vigen William Boyadjian. Some of my official documents refer to me as Vig Boyd. 2. My present place of residence is at No. 28 Adonis Street, Acropolis Subdivision, Libis, Quezon City. I have also residence at Sto. Cristo, Hermosa, Bataan and also at Villa 12 Apec Subic Villa, Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Subic, Philippines. 3. I was born on the 5th day of October 1949 in Baghdad. I am at present, however, a citizen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, under whose laws Filipinos may become naturalized citizens thereof. A copy of my Birth Certificate is hereto attached as Annex "A". 8. Since my stay in the Philippines, I had been accustomed to Filipino traits, manners and conduct and had gotten along well with many Filipinos in this country. 9. I have resided continuously in the Philippines for a period of fourteen (14) years having first entered into this country on July 9, 1993. 10. I believe in the principles underlying the Philippine Constitution. I have conducted myself in a proper and irreproachable manner during the entire period of my residence in the Philippines in my relations with the constituted Government as well as with the community in which I am living. I have mingled socially with the Filipinos, and have learned and embraced the customs, traditions, and ideals of the Filipinos. I have all the qualifications required under section 2, and none of the disqualifications under section 4 of Commonwealth Act No. 473. I am of good moral character. 11. I am not opposed to organized government or affiliated with any association or group of persons who uphold and teach doctrines opposing all organized governments. I am not defending or teaching the necessity or propriety of violence, personal assault, or assassination for the success and predominance of men's ideals. I have not been convicted of any crime. I am not suffering from any incurable contagious disease. The nation of which I am a citizen or subject is not at war with the Philippines. 12. It is my intention in good faith to become a citizen of the Philippines and to renounce absolutely and over all allegiance and fidelity to my foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, and particularly to the Republic of Great Britain of which at this time I am a citizen or subject. I will reside continuously in the Philippines from the date of the filing of my petition up to the time of my admission to Philippines citizenship. 13. I have not heretofore made any petition for citizenship before any court, tribunal or administrative body. 14. EDEN V. GALANG of legal age, Filipino with residence at No. 121 Laon St., Abucay, Bataan and LEE V. GAZA of legal age, Filipino with residence address at Daungan, Hermosa, Bataan are both Filipino citizens who will appear and testify as my witnesses during the hearing of this petition, copies of their Affidavits are hereto attached as Annexes "F" and "G", respectively. 15. I have filed my Declaration of Intention to become a Filipino citizen before the Office of the Solicitor General on May 17, 2006, a copy of which is hereto attached as Annex "Н". |