2. For lature to give written notice of change of reuternice address 24 hours before change is effected, an aceading 500.00, or upon conviction be punished by a line out exceeding Ph.,000.00 or import for not more th (Sec. 6. par 2. PRA 562. as amended by RA 751) 3 For tature to report within the liest 60 days of every year an administrative line not exceeding P100.00 Punished by a ling not exceeding P200.00 or imprisonment for more than 6 months, or both (Sec. 10, pax. 2. RA582. (TO BE REPLACED WITH NEW ACR AFTER 10 YEARS) amended by R ILLAAA Page 7. Plans of I asry City its воссезвors-in-interest or assigns to develop the areas remaining in ita naste shall be adject to prior written proval by PEA to conform with the gindelines, teme and Note. This remotions was enotated by virtue of the Decision dated Oct. 19, 1989 rendered by Hond "A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 13, of the Cons Subd plan, Pre-00-009512, being a portioreof Lots 1-11, 13-26, Roed Lots 1-7, Pad-00-052360 & Lote 12-12B. 12-C, & 12-D, Ped-00-053730, L.R.C. Record No.), situated in the City of Passy, Province of Metro-Manila, laland of Luzon Bounded on the NE, slong lines 12-3 by Lot 12, on the B, slong line 3-4 by Lot 10, on the SW., along line 4-5 by Lat 14, and on the NW., along line 5-1 by Lot 15, all of the Cons. Subd plai xxx containing an area of FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SEXTY, 31 (4,366) SQUARE METERS, more or less." ENTRY NO. 02-041/T-142892-MASTER DEED WITH DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS OF BAY GARDENS Executed by BAYWATCH REALTY CORPORATION, rep by ita President, Vy Tonne 30, owner and developer of the parcel of land described in TCT No 142892 who desires to bring the aforecited property under the operation of Rep Act. No 4726 otherwise known to the Condominium Act, constituting on the said property Condominium Project known as "BAY GARDENS" thereby imposing on the aforesaid condomuruum project, on the individual units to comprise the same and the land rea to be occupied by the said structure certain conditions and restrictlons relating thereto wiach shall constitute a lien upon each condominium in the project, and shall inure to and bind all parties owrang or holding wy unit or any right or interest therein or in the condominium project pursuant to the provisions of the Condominiurn Act. (Complete text of Master Deed With Declarations of Restrictions setforth in Doc. No. 384, Page No. 78, Bk. No. XII Senes of 2001 acknowledged beforetary Public Busan M Paragerya for Makati City) -C A) Entry No. MEMORANDUM OF ENCUMBRANCES (When necessary use this page for Use continuation of the technical description) (MEMORANDUM OF ENCUMBRANCES) ENTRY NO. 89-265/T-107985-RESTRICTIONS ..... 7. Plans of Pasay City ila воссевмогs-in-interest or sage to develop the areas remaining in ita nane shall be sject to prior written approval by PEA to conform with the guidelines, terms and conditions of the General Framework and Developement Plan for the MCCKRPapproved by the Offior of the President of the Philippines Note: This restrictions was notated by virtue of the Decision dated Oct. 19, 1989 rendered by Hom Marasel P. Dumatol, Presiding Judge, RTC, Br CXII, Pasay City, in Comil Case Ho 5458-P entitled Republic of the Phils, plaintiffs Pasay City Gort, et al., defendmis) Date of Inscription October 30, 1989-9:00am (BGD) OSCAR O. NOLASCO, Regater of Deed (Curried-over from TCT No. 141930/T-679, 142133/T-680 a 142407/7-682) (JUD.) MARIO SP DIAZ, Acig Reparar of Deede (SOD.) MARIO IP. DIAZ, Acte Registru of Deede (Curried over from TCT No. 142538/T-683) BRIEF TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND TCT No. 142992 "A PARCEL OF LAND (Let 13, of the Cons Sued plan, Pre-00-009512, being a portion of Lota 1-11, 13-26. Road Lota 1-7. Pad-00-052560 & Lou 12-12B-C, A 12-D, Pad-00-053730, L.R.C. Record No.), situated in the City of Pamy, Province of Metro-Manila, Island of Luzon Bounded on the NE., slong lines 12-3 by Lol 12, on the 38., slong line 3-4 by Lot 10, on the SW., along line 4-5 by Lot 14; und on the NW., along line 5-1 by Lot 15, all of the Cons und plan za containing in area of POUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY JUX (4.566) SQUARE METERS, more or less" ENTRY NO. 03-041/T-1-42892-MASTER DEED WITH DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS OF BAY GARDENS Executed by BAYWATCH REALTY CORPORATION, rep. by its President, Vy Tophe Boer and developer of the parcel of land described in TCT No. 142892 who desires to bring the afurecited property under the operation of Rep Act. No. 4726 oleranse known as the Condortinnam Act, constituting on the said property a Condominum Project known "HAY GARDENS" thereley imposing on the aforesaid conformaniam project, on the individual units to comprise the same and the land wpa to be occupied by the said structure certain conditions and restrictions reisting thereto whuch shil carutitute a lien upon) each condurruun in the project, and shall inure to and bind all parties owning or bolding my unit or may right or interest there in or in the condomineam project pursuant to the provisions of the Condornanium Act. (Complete text of Master Deed With Declarations of Restrictions netforth in Dos. No. 384, Page No. 78, Bk. No. XIII, Series of 2001 acknowledged before Notary Public Susan M Paraguya for Makati City). Date of Instrument November 20, 2001. Date of Irecription January 04, 2002-215 pm (BOD) MARIO SP. DIAZ, Arte Reiter of Deeds (The foregoing uripotations are carried-over from TCT No. 142892/T-68414482/T-LXXXIV) P Register of Dan International AMAIEX"G-1" CERT. NO. 715-002-05 11 Jan 2005 Gentleman: This is to certify that MS JOSEFIN Y SY is a deponitor of MRTC-Metropolitan Park-Roxas Blvd. Branch and that there is on deposit with this bank the sum of PHP: ONE MILLION RICHT HUNDRED FIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY-ONE AND 65/100 (P1,806,571.65) as of 10Jan.2005. Continuation of the Memerandam of Encumbrances from Page-B) JANUARY 10, 2005 REGIONAL TRIAL COURT CERTIFICATION 85608.004ΡΗΡΩΣ This is to certify that Josefin Sy or Teresa Bacani has an outstanding balance deposited with us in the amount of SIX HUNDRED EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR AND 03 100 (P608 00403) in the following form Type of Deposit Account Number Outstanding Balance CURRENT ACCOUNT 043-020-003997 P 608,004,03 This account was opened last November 14, 2003 This certification is issued upon the request of our client for citizenship or whatever legal purpose it may serve TUTUBAN BRANCH Esgute of Downl Rowena Palero Signature of Aarhuned Officer Over Printed Nam TMDA-1006-78 Shopperse Prime Bloc Man Tuluban Center CM Recto Ave Manda 253-6015 Fax 253 5039 |