SUBSCRIPTION RATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2007 Subscription rates are for issues of the current year and the year immediately preceding. All other prior issues can be purchased as back numbers. Subscriptions are payable strictly in advance by certified check, manager's/cashier's check, official check, draft, PPC Postal Money Order, or cash in Philippine or United States currency and remitted to the National Printing Office by registered mail. Personal checks are not accepted in payment for subscription or publication fee. All letters and payments of subscription should be addressed to the Director of National Printing Office. Claims for missing numbers must be made immediately upon receipt of the following number. RATES OF PUBLICATION EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2007 1. Notice of Hearing in Land Registration cases in one publication: a. For one lot P1,329.10 3. All other publication of legal notices, patents, copyrights, invitation to bid, notices of application in mining leases, notices of application with the Board of Investments and other similar notices of advertisement: Official Gazette EDITED AT THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, UNDER COMMONWEALTH ACT NO. 638 ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER, MANILA POST OFFICE, DECEMBER 26, 1905 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROCLAMATIONS, EXECUTIVE ORDERS AND MEMORANDUM ORDERS Page No. 30 Page Proclamation No. 1292-Declaring Tuesday, June 19, 2007, as Special (Non-Working) Day in the Province of Laguna and the City of Calamba 4687 Executive Order No. 625-Amending BIR Executive Order No. 175 of President Joseph Estrada and for other purposes 4687 Flores, Jaime Gahuman, Cesar Bulaybulay, Nestor Rubio, Lucresio Buhisan, Anacleto Lagudas, Demetrio Duhaylungsod and Hon. Antonio Lubguban, respondents-appellees Gloria S. Cuevas, petitioner, vs. Social Security System, Cosmos Bottling Corporation and Employees Com- pensation Commission, respondents 4698 4702 DEPARTMENT, BUREAU AND OFFICE ADMIN- ISTRATIVE ORDERS AND REGULATIONS Administrative Order No. 177-Creating a National Organizing Committee for the Conduct of the Philippine Participation in Expo 2008 Zaragoza, Spain.......... COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION 4688 DECISIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 61, Series of 2006 4705 People of the Philippines, Plaintiff-appellee, vs. Pablo Cudal, Accused-appellant LEGAL AND OFFICIAL NOTICES 4691 Regional Trial Court 4824 DECISIONS OF THE COURT OF APPEALS Land Registration Authority 4886 Metro Siquijor Water District and Ferdinand Marquez, petitioners-appellants, vs. Pablo Ada, Pat Bryan Cortes, Mario Maglinte, Flaviano Bati-on, Rowell Manos, Azarina Bureau of Lands 4893 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE back cover 049517-1 cxix MGA KAUTUSANG TAGAPAGPAGANAP, PROKLAMASYON AT KAUTUSANG MEMORANDUM [PROCLAMATIONS, EXECUTIVE ORDERS AND MEMORANDUM ORDERS] WHEREAS, for 2006, BIR was short of P20 billion, but just for the first two months of 2007 (January and February), the BIR already incurred P10.3 shortfall. The 2006 and 2007 deficit continued from the 2005 deficit of P11 billion; WHEREAS, for April 2007 which is usually the highest payment of income tax, collection is already compromised with recorded input tax VAT refund of over P35 billion for April; I, THEREFORE, GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, NOW, THEREFORE, I, EDUARDO R. ERMITA, Executive Secretary, by authority of Her Excellency, GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, do do hereby order: hereby declare Tuesday, June 19, 2007, as special (non-working) day in the Province of Laguna and the City of Calamba. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. DONE in the City of Manila, this 5th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, Two Thousand and Seven. [SEAL] SECTION 1. The Run After Tax Evaders (RATE) Program shall be institutionalized into a regular division in the BIR's Enforcement Service of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR); SEC. 2. There is hereby created a Revenue Enforcement Committee to be headed by the Deputy Commissioner for Legal, Inspection and Enforcement Group; SEC. 3. The Large Taxpayers is hereby placed under the Office of the Deputy By authority of the President: Commissioner for Audit and Fraud (Sgd.) EDUARDO R. ERMITA By the Executive Secretary: (Sgd.) JOAQUIN C. LAGONERA Senior Deputy Executive Secretary Investigation. RDO Cesar Lim is hereby SEC. 4. RATE and tax fraud cases shall be given priority in tax investigations in the Large Taxpayers' Service and the district offices; |