Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

10759. b. 36.

MACKENZIE (F. A.) Paul Kruger: his life-story.
pp. 120. Lond. 1899. 8°.
PENNING (L.) De Oorlog in Zuid-Afrika.
Rotterd. 1899, etc. 8°.
09061. bb.
P.P. Amsterdam. Op! Voor Transvaal. Week-
blad. Amsterd. 1899, etc. fol. P.P. 9588. d.
P.P. Johannesburg. The Standard and Diggers'
News. Oct. 1899-31 May, 1900.
Johannesb. 1899-1900. 8°.
P.P. 9999. rec.
ROBINSON (C. N.) The Transvaal War Album.
pp. 268. Lond. 1899, 1900. fol. 1855. dd. 3.
TRANSVAAL WAR. The Boer Plan of Campaign :
a forecast of their scheme of operations in the
second theatre of war. pp. 8. Lond. 1899. 4°.
8822. i. 3. (4.)

AMERY (L. C. M. S.) The Times History of the
War in South Africa, 1899-1900.
Lond. 1900, etc. 8°.

BAGOT (D.) Shadows of the War. pp. 214.
Lond. 1900. 8°.

09061. b.

09061. b. 16.

[blocks in formation]

BOERS. Dix mois de campagne chez les Boërs. Par un ancien Lieutenant du colonel de VilleboisMareuil. pp. 267. Paris, 1900. 12o.

09061. aaa. 5. BROWN (H.) War with the Boers. Present and past trouble with the S. African Republics. Lond. 1900, etc. 4o. 9061. dd. BROWN (S. M.) With the Royal Canadians in S. Africa. pp. 291. Toronto, 1900. 8°.

9060. aaa. 22. BUNCE (C. T.) The real Kruger and the Transvaal. pp. 218. N. Y. 1900. 8°. 8155. de. 30. BRUNKER (H. M. E.) Boer War, 1899-1900. Chart showing organisation and distribution of the British and Boer forces, etc. pp. 145. Lond. 1900. 8°. 09061. a. 4. BUTTERY (J. A.) Why Kruger made War, or behind the Boer scenes. pp. 298.

Lond. 1900. 8°.
8155. de. 31.
CARTER (A. C. R.) The work of War Artists in
South Africa. pp. 32. 1900. The Art Journal.
P.P. 1931. pc.
CHILDERS (E.) In the ranks of the C.I.V. in
South Africa. pp. 301. Lond. 1900. 8°.

9060. c. 18.
CHURCHILL (W. L. S.) London to Ladysmith via
Pretoria. pp. 498. Lond. 1900. 8°. 9060. c. 11.
Ian Hamilton's march. pp. 409.
Lond. 1900. 8°.
CUNLIFFE (F. H. E.) History of the Boer War.
Lond. 1900, etc. 8°.
9061. dd.

9060. bb. 11.

DOYLE (A. C.) The Great Boer War. pp. 554. Lond 1900. 8°. 09061. aa. 1,

[blocks in formation]

The C.I.V., and the War in South Africa, 1900. Lond. 1900, etc. 4°. 8822. k. ESTORFF (L. V.) Der Burenkrieg in Süd-afrika. Berl. 1900, etc. 8°. 09061. b. FALLER ( ) Der Krieg in Süd-Afrika 1899/ 1900 gemeinverständlich dargestellt. pp. 59. Hannover, 1900. 8°. 09004. d. 4. (3.) FISHER (W. E. G.) The Transvaal and the Boers. pp. 394. Lond. 1900. 8°. 09061. b. 3. FROCARD (P. M.) and PAINVIN (A. P. A.) La Guerre au Transvaal. Paris, 1900, etc. 18°.

9060. bb.

GALLAGHER (M.) Mick Gallagher at the Front. pp. 51. Liverp. 1900. 8°. 9061. h. 18. GALLI (H.) Anglais et Boers. Histoire anecdotique de la guerre. Paris, 1900, etc. 8°.

09061. b. GERRETSEN (J. H.) Na Cronje's overgave. Rede. pp. 16. 's-Gravenhage, 1900. 8°. 8156. bb. 4. (9.) GILL (W. H.) On the Transvaal Border. An album of War Pictures. Lond. 1900. 4o.

9060. aa. 24.

9061. g. 21. HALES (A. G.) Campaign Pictures of the War in South Africa 1899-1900. pp. 303. Lond. 1900. 8°. HESTEREN (J. N. van) Het Land van Kruger en Steijn. De geschiedenis der Boeren. Utrecht, 1900, etc. 8°.


HENDERSON (W.) The New South Wales contingents to South Africa, Oct. 1899, to June, 1900. Syd. 1900, obl. 8o.

9060. aa. 21.

9060. a. 6. HILLEGAS (H. C.) The Boers in War. The story of the British-Boer war from the Boer side. pp. 300. N. Y. 1900. 8°. 9061. aa. 31. HOOKER (L. R.) The Africanders. A century of Dutch-English feud in South Africa. pp. 279. Chic. 1900. 8°. HOPKINS (J. C.) and HALSTEAD (M.) Africa and the Boer-British War. Toronto, 1900, etc. 8°. IRELAND (A.) The Anglo-Boer Conflict. pp. 128. Lond. 1900. 8°. ITTERSUM (L. A. van) geschiedenis. pp. 60.

South 09061. b.

9061. aaa. 23. De Vrijstaten en hun Leiden, 1900. 8o.

09061. b. 13.

JOHNSON (H.) With our Soldiers at the Front. pp. 192. Lond. 1900. 8°. 4430. e. 32. K., H. Chaplains in Khaki. Methodist soldiers in camp. pp. 344. Lond. 1900. 8°. 9060. aaa. 16. KEPPER (G. L.) De Zuid-Afrikaansche Oorlog. Leiden, 1900, etc. fol. 592.

KIDD (D.) Echoes from the Battlefields of South Africa. pp. 192. Lond. 1900. 8°.

9060. c. 14. KINAHAN (J.) From the Front. Pages from the diary of one of Miss Sandes' Soldiers' Home Workers. pp. 62. Lond. 1900. 8°. 9061. aaa. 25. KOLSTEE (H. J.) De Oorlog in Zuid-Afrika in woord en beeld. Delft, 1900. 4°. 9006. h. 4. (6.) KRUGER (S. J. T.) Kruger's Secret Service. pp. 221. Lond. 1900. 8°.

8155. de. 44.

KUNOWSKI (K. v.) and FRETZDORFF ( ) Der Krieg in Südafrika. Leipz. 1900, etc. 8°.

09061. b.

[blocks in formation]

1899, etc.-continued.

KURTH ( ) Bilder aus dem Burenkreige.

09061. aa. The Commissariat in the transport during siege of Aldershot, 1899. 8°.

Meldorf, 1900, etc. 8°. LE MESURIER (T. A.) Field. Supply and Pretoria. 2 vol.

8822. b. 11. LLOYD (J. B.) One Thousand Miles with the 9060. aa. 23. C.I.V. pp. 288. Lond. 1900. 8°. Loo (C. G. van der) Om leven en vrijheid. Geschiedenis der Ond-Hollandsche Republieken in Zuid-Afrika. Nijmegen, 1900, etc. 4°. 9061. dd. MANN (A. M.) The Boer in Peace and War. pp. 96. Lond. 1900. 8°. MACKINNON (H. V.) War Sketches. cences of the Boer War. pp. 73. Charlottetown, 1900. 8°.

12354. ee. 44.

09061. c. 10.

MAHAN (A. T.) The Story of the War in South
Africa. pp. 322. Lond. 1900. 8°. 9060. b. 13.
MATTHIOLIUS ( ) Tagebuchblätter aus dem
Boerenkriege 1899-1900. pp. 169.
Leipz. 1900. 8°.

9060. bb. 17. METTA. De Oorlog van 1899. Een familie geschiedenis uit Pretoria. pp. 135. 9060. aa. 25. Amsterd. 1900. 8°.

09061. b.

MUELLER (A. v.) Der Krieg in Süd-Afrika,
1899-1900. Berl. 1900, etc. 8°.
MUSGRAVE (G. C.) In South Africa with Buller.
09061. aa. 2.
pp. 364. Lond. 1900. 8°.
NORRIS (S. L.) The South African War 1899-
09061. c. 2.
1900. pp. 309. Lond. 1900. 8°.
O'CONNELL (J.) Transvaal War. Campaigning
with the Durban Light Infantry. pp. 61.
9060. aa. 22.
Durban, 1900. 8°.
OORDT (J. F. van) Krüger und die Entstehung
der südafrikanischen Republik.
Basel, 1900, etc. 8°.
Christians in Khaki. Cameos of
Christian work among the soldiers, fresh from
the frout. pp. 100. Lond. 1900. 8°. 4192. eee. 4.
PEINLICH (F.) Gedanken und Erinnerungen an
den Krieg Englands gegen die Burenstaaten.
09061. b. 11.
pp. 448. Berl. 1900. 8°.
PEN PICTURES. Pen Pictures of the War.
Lond. 1900, etc. 8°.

09061. b.

9060. b.
London. "Khaki Letters" from "my
Colleagues in South Africa." Correspondence
from the Post Office Telegraphists. No. 1-21.
P.P. 4039. bc.
Lond. 1900, 01. 8°.
09061. bb. 9.

War Pictures. Lond. 1900. 8°.
Rotterdam. Wereldkroniek. De Vryheids-

oorlog van de Boereu in Zuid-Afrika.
Rotterd. 19co, etc. fol.


POLLOCK (A. W. A.) With Seven Generals in
the Boer War. pp. 292. Lond. 1900. 8°.
9060. bb. 13.
PRATT (E. A.) Leading points in South African
history, 1486 to March, 1900. pp. 384.
Lond. 19c0. 8°.
9060. cc. 3.
RALPH (J.) Towards Pretoria. Record of the
war to the hoisting of the British flag at Bloem-
fontein. pp. 381. Lond. 1900. 8°. 9060. b. 8.
REMBE (A. C.) Afrikanischer Totentanz, nach
den Erinnerungen eines englischen Offiziers.
Berl. 1900, etc. 8°.

09061. a.
ROBINSON (C. N.) Pictorial History of South
Africa and the Transvaal. pp. 122.
Lond. 1900. 8°.
09061. bb. 3.

Lond. 1900. 8°.

With Roberts to the Transvaal. pp. 128.
09061. bb. 7.

Rossi (A.) Inglesi e Boeri, 1900: attraverso
l'Africa australe e il Transvaal. pp. 159.

Milano, 1900 4°.

9061. g. 20.

AFRICA.-War with the Boer States,
1899, etc.-continued.

ROVILLE (L. J. van) Wonderbaar Gered. Eene
episode uit den hedendaagschen Transvaalschen
vrijheidsoorlog. pp. 32. Utrecht, 1900. 8°.
8154. bb. 38. (7.)
SACKVILLE (G. G. R.) Earl Delawarr. Some Re-
miniscences of the War in South Africa.
9061. aaa. 26.
pp. 120. Lond. 1900. 8°.
SANDERSON (E.) The Fight for the Flag in
South Africa. pp. 136. Lond. 1900. 8°.

09061. bb. 6.
SCAIFE (A. H.) The War to Date, March 1, 1900.
9060. bb. 7.
pp. 372. Lond. 1900. 8°.
SCHEIBERT (J.) Der Freiheitskampf der Buren.
2 Bde. Berl. 1900. 8°.
09061. bb.
SCOBLE (J.) and ABERCROMBIE (H. R.) The Rise
and Fall of Krugerism. A personal record.
pp. 317. Lond. 1900. 8°.
09061. b. 7.
SEIDEL (A.) Transvaal, die südafrikanische Re-
publik. pp. 541. Berl. 1900. 8°. 010096. g. 27.
SELLERS (W. E.) From Aldershot to Pretoria.
Story of Christian Work among our troops.
4192. ee. 37.
pp. 224. Lond. 1900. 8°.
SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC. Yesterday and to-day
in Kruger's Land. Experiences of a Lady from
S. Africa. pp. 88. Lond. 1900. 8°.

9061. naa. 24.

[blocks in formation]

SYKES (J.) Side Lights on the War in South
Africa. pp. 156. Lond. 1900. 8°. 9060. aaa. 7.
THOMAS (C. H.) Origin of the Anglo-Boer War
revealed. pp. 215. Lond. 1900. 8°.

9060. b. 14. TIEDEMANN ( ) Der Krieg in Transvaal, 18991900. Berl. 1900, etc. 8°.

09061. b.

9060. aaa. 11.


VAN DER HOOST (C. W.) Story of the Boers
narrated by their own Leaders. pp. 284.
N. Y. 1900. 8°.
WENZELBURGER (K. T.) Um Gold und Dia-
manten. Die Buren und ihre Freiheitskämpfe.
Nürnberg, 1900, etc. 8°.
VALLENTIN (W.) Meine Kriegserlebnisse bei den
Buren. pp. 183. Berl. 1900. 8°. 09061. b. 21.
WILSON (H. W.) With the Flag to Pretoria.
2 vol. Lond. 1900. fol.
WÓJCIK (C.) Über den Krieg in Sud-Afrika.
Wien, 1900, etc. 8°.

[blocks in formation]

JERROLD (W.) Lord Roberts of Kandahar.
pp. 237. Lond. 1900. 8°.
BULLER (Sir R. H.) Life and Campaigns of Sir
R. H. Buller. pp. 80. Lond. 1900. 8o.

10600. g. 7. (7.) JERROLD (W.) Sir R. H. Buller. Story of his life and campaigns. pp. 246. Lond. 1900. 8°. 10815. de. 30. COATES (T. F. G.) Sir George White. The hero of Ladysmith. pp. 290. Lond. 1900. 8°. 010817. h. 19.

CAMPBELL (D.) General H. A. Macdonald. pp. 144. Lond. 1900. 8°.

10816. df. 8,

[blocks in formation]

010817. ee. 10. The Hero of Mafe

FLETCHER (J. S.) Baden-Powell of Mafeking. pp. 126. Lond. 1900. 8°. POWELL (R. S. S. B.) B.-P. king. pp. 80. Lond. 1900. 8°. 10600. g. 7. (9.) WORMSER (J. A.) Drie en zestig jaren in dienst der vrijheid. De levensgeschiedenis van Generaal Joubert. pp. 121. Amsterd. 1900. 8°.' 010817. h. 26. Military Comments and Criticisms. HRON (C.) Der Kampf um Sudafrika. Eine militärisch-politische Studie. pp. 27. Wien, 1899. 8°. 8156. bb. 4. (4.) CAVE (T. S.) and TEBBUTT (L.) Mobilization for War. The South African field force and home defence. pp. 40. Lond. 1900. 8°.

8822. e. 1. (4.) CZERLIEN (M. v.) Einiges zu den jetzigen Cavallerie Reglements in Österreich-Ungarn, Deutschland, Italien, Russland, Frankreich und vom südafrikanischen Kriege. pp. 136. Wien, 1900. 8°. 8822. ff. 1. ENGLAND. An Absent-Minded War. Reflections pp. 183. Lond. 1900. 8°.

on our reverses.

8832. aa. 38.

[blocks in formation]

AFRICA.-War with the Boer States,

1899, etc.-continued.

MAC HUGH (R. J.) The Siege of Ladysmith. pp. 213. Lond. 1900. 8°. 9060. b. 9.

NEVINSON (H. W.) Ladysmith. The Diary of a siege. pp. 306. Lond. 1900. 8°. 9060. aa. 20. PEARSE (H. H.S.) Four Months Besieged. The story of Ladysmith. pp. 244. Lond. 1900. 8°. 9060. c. 12.

P.P. Ladysmith. The Ladysmith Bombshell. (Reprint of a paper issued during the siege.) 8 pt. Durban, 1899-90. fol. P.P. 9999. od. NELIGAN (T.) From Preston to Ladysmith with the 1st Battalion South Lancashire Regiment. pp. 48. Preston, 1900. 8°. 09004. an. 5. (5.) STEEVENS (G. W.) From Capetown to Ladysmith. pp. 180. Edinb. 1900. 8°. 9060. aaa. 5.

[blocks in formation]

ASHE (E. O.) Besieged by the Boers. A diary of life in Kimberley. pp. 210. Lond. 1900. 8°. 9060. c. 9. KIMBERLEY. Pottery Man's Journal of the Siege of Kimberley. pp. 62. Kimberley, 1900. 8°.

9060. aa. 19. NOTCUTT (H. C.) How Kimberley was held for England. pp. 35. Kimberley, 1900. 8°. 9060. a. 4. WILSON (R. F.) C. J. Rhodes and his work, with an account of the siege of Kimberley. pp. 36. Cape Town, 1900. 8°. 10804. c. 20. (8.) KINNEAR (A.) To Modder River with Methuen. pp. 173. Bristol, 1900. 8°. 9061. aa. 23. MODDER RIVER. Battle of the Modder River, Nov. 21, 1899. Lond. 1899. 8. sh. fol.

[blocks in formation]

Tab. 11747. d. (68.)

8832. aaa. 8.

[blocks in formation]

WILKINSON (H. S.) Lessons of the War.

pp. 204. Westminster, 1900. 8°. 9061. aa. 25. WAR NEWS. How to read War News. A vademecum of notes and hints. pp. 140. Lond. 1900. 16°.

HAMILTON (J. A.) The Siege of Mafeking. pp. 332. Lond. 1900. 8°.

MAFEKING. Defence of Mafeking.

9060. a. 3.

Lond. 1900. fol.

[blocks in formation]

NEILLY (J. E.) Besieged with B.-P. Siege of
Mafeking. pp. 296. Lond. 1900. 8°. 9060. bb. 9.
Ross (E. J.) Siege Views of Mafeking.
Lond. 1900, obl. 8°.

9061. aaa. 27.

TAYLOR (D.) Souvenir of the Siege of Mafeking. Sheffield, 1900. obl. fol. 1853. a. 32. YOUNG (F.) The Relief of Mafeking. pp. 293. Lond. 1900. 8°. 9060. b. 15.

Hospitals: Sick and Wounded.

JOHN, ST. St. John Ambulance Association. Report of the Commissioner on the Mobilization of the Brigade for service in South Africa, 1899-1900. pp. 30. Lond. 1900. 8°. 8831. dd. 11. BENNETT (E. N.) With Methuen's Column on an Ambulance Train. pp. 127.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

AFRICA.-War with the Boer States, 1899, etc.-continued.

pp. 12.

LE CREPS (A.) Guerre de l'Angleterre contre
les Boërs. Copie de l'exposé adressé à Sa
Majesté Guillaume II.
Perpignan, 1899. 8°.
8156. bb. 4. (1.)
MEYSEY-THOMPSON (Sir H. M.) The Transvaal
Crisis-Remarks on the present condition of
affairs. pp. 30. Lond. 1899. 8°. 8155. g. 6. (7.)
PARKER (F.) Arbitration or War? A view of
the Transvaal' question. pp. 90.
Lond. 1899. 8°.

RATANE. Vrede in Zuid-Afrika.
Amsterd. 1899. 8°.

8155. df. 45.

pp. 112.

8156. ee. 18.

RUDOLPH (R. J. W.) Houdt aan in het gebed voor Transvaal! Predikatie. pp. 21. Kampen, 1899. 8°. 4426. g. 6. (5.) S., S. The Great Transvaal Irish Conspiracy. pp. 12. Cape Town, 1899. 8°. 8154. b. 18. (5.) SCHREINER (O.) The South African Question. pp. 24. Cape Town, 1899. 8°. 8156. ee. 17. (6.) SCHREINER (W. P.) The Last Appeal before the Outbreak of War. pp. 7. Lond. 1899. 8°. 8156. df. 26. (5.)

SEH (J.) Le Transvaal avec Johannesburg la

véritable cause de la guerre. Brux. 1899. 8°.

SELOUS (F. C.) The War in South Africa.

pp. 27.

8154. b. 18. (6.)

pp. 8. Lond. 1899. 8°.

8156. df. 26. (6.)

8156. df. 26. (3.)

[blocks in formation]

Süd-Afrika englisch oder deutsch-holländisch. pp. 31. Berl. 1899. 4°.

8156. ee. 17. (2.) APPLETON (L.) Britain and the Boers. Who is responsible? pp. 109. Lond. 1899. 8°. 8155. eee. 11. BLINK (H.) De Britsche koloniale politiek in Zuid-Afrika en de vryheidstrijd der Boeren. pp. 80. Amsterd. 1899. 8°. 8156. bb. 4. (2.) BOER. Boer en Brit. Een en ander uit Zuid Afrika. pp. 52. Amsterd. 1899. 8°.

8154. bb. 38. (1.) CRIME. The Crime of the Century. The Boer unmasked. pp. 15. Cape Town, 1899. 8°. 09004. aa. 5. (3.) Boers et Anglais : où est le Paris, 1899. 8°.

DEMOLINS (E.) droit? pp. 24.

8156. ee. 17. (3.) Boers or British: Who are in the Right? 8154. aa. 40.

pp. 42. Lond. 1900. 8°.

DUPONT (H.) Les conséquences de la guerre du Transvaal aux points de vue financier et industriel. pp. 39. Paris, 1899. 8°.

08223. h. 1. (1.) DUTCHMAN. Voor den oorlog met Engeland. pp. 14. Oostwolde, 1899. 8°. 8156. df. 26. (7.) ENGLAND. England and the Boers. pp. 19. Leeds, 1899. 8°. 09004. aa. 2. (4.) GROSCLAUDE (É.) La France, la Russie, l'Allemagne, et la guerre au Transvaal. pp. 102. Paris, 1899. 8°. 8156. de. 10. HIGGINSON (F. B.) Boer Atrocities. The Pretoria Lunatic Asylum and its inmates. pp. 30. Cape Town, 1899. 8°. 8154. b. 18. (3.) Wien, 1899. 8°. 8156. df. 35. (3.) HUGENHOLTZ (P. H.) Transvaaldag. pp. 15. Amsterd. 1899. 8°. 8154. bb. 38. (2.) KRUGER (S. J. P.) South Africa up to Date. The Manifesto of Peace. The letter of Paul to the trekkers. pp. 14. Lond. 1899. 8°. 12315. i. 85. LECLERCQ (J.) Les Boers. pp. 32. Paris, 1899. 8°.

HRON (C.) Der Transvaalkrieg und die deutsche

Reichspolitik. pp. 37.

8154. b. 18. (4.)

Dum-Dums in the Transvaal. pp. 14.

[blocks in formation]

ACKLAND (J.) War and Christian Profession. pp. 57. Lond. 1900. 8°.

AFRICA, Dame. The Fight at Dame Africa's School. pp. 34. Lond. 1900. 8°.

06955. f. 10.

012314. i. 63. (3.) BAR (L. V.) Der Burenkrieg. pp. 61. Hannover, 1900. 8°. BARAUDE (H.) Le Transvaal. Les origines. La guerre. pp. 24. Paris, 1900. 8°.

09004. bb. 6. (7.) BATY (T.) International Law in South Africa. pp. 127. Lond. 1900. 8°. 06955. f. 11. BELL (F. W.) The South African Conspiracy. pp. 248. Lond. 1900. 8°. 09061. b. 8. BELLEROCHE (E.) Letters on the Transvaal War from "The Belgian Times & News." Brux. 1900. 8. sh. fol. 1865. c. 1. (52.) BENGOUGH (H. M.) Notes and Reflections on the Boer War. pp. 76. Lond. 1900. 8°.

8832. aa. 44.

AFRICA.-War with the Boer States, 1899, etc.-continued.

BERRY (G.) Français: Boers. Conférence. pp. 62. Paris, 1900. 8°. 8155. aaaa. 11.

BLEY (F.) Die Buren im Dienste der Menschheit. pp. 31. Wien, 1900. 8°. 8156. bb. 4. (6.) BOERS. Voor de Boeren. Uitgave van het Christeljik Nationaal Boeren-Comité. pp. 85. Amsterd. 1900. 8°. 8155. df. 54. BOISSEVAIN (C.) Open Letter to the Duke of Devonshire. pp. 16. Amsterd. 1900. 8°. 8156. d. 2. (3.) The Struggle of the Dutch Republics. pp. 93. Amsterd. 1900. 8°. 8155. de. 40. BORRIAS (W. G.) Verloochen uw Afrikaander broeders niet! pp. 15. Arnhem, 1900. 8°. 8156. bb. 4. (7.)

BOTHA (P.M.) From Boer to Boer and Englishman. pp. 43. Lond. 1900. 8°. 8155. df. 53. BRANDT (M. v.) Zeitfragen. Die Krisis in Südafrika. pp. 394. Berl. 1900. 8°.

8008. h. 30. CONGREVE (C. D.) The Transvaal War Alphabet. pp. 29. Manch. 1900. 4o. 9060. cc. 11. CORELLI (M.) Patriotism or Self-advertisement? pp. 34. Lond. 1900. 4°. 8156. df. 32. DAVIN (N. F.) Strathcona Horse. Speech by N. F. Davin at Landsdowne Park, March 7th, 1900. pp. 20. Ottawa, 1900. 12o. 8154. a. 20. DEANE (M. M.) Saint George and the Transvaal Dragon. pp. 48. Lond. 1900. 8°.

DEWINNE (A.) Les Anglais l'Afrique australe. pp. 92.

DRAGE (G.) South Africa. Westminster, 1900. 8°. ENGLAND. Le Droit des du Transvaal. pp. 32.

8154. aa. 44. et les Boers dans Brux. 1900. 8°.

8156. e. 25.

Speeches. pp. 28. 8154. b. 18. (1.) Anglais dans la guerre Genève, 1900. 8°.

8154. bb. 38. (3.) The War in South Africa in the light of facts and history. pp. 103. Madras, 1900. 8°. 9061. a. 16. ENGLISH CANAILLE. Illustrations submitted to those most concerned as regards the question of anti-Boer's might as contrasted with proBoer's right. pp. 33. N.Y. 1900. 8°. 8154. b. 18. (9.) EUGÈNE (M.) Hommage aux Boers. Paris, 1900. 8°.

11481. h. 43. (4.) EŸDMAN (L. J.) Liederen voor Transvaal. pp. 116. Dordrecht, 1900. 8°. 011557. k. 14. (3.) F., T. The Destruction of Johannesburg, the revenge of the defeated Boer. pp. 8. Capetown, 1900. 8°. 09004. bb. 6. (8.) FARRELLY (M. J.) The Settlement after the War. pp. 321. Lond. 1900. 8°. 8156. ee. 19. GOTT. Wo ist Gott? Konnte Deutschland der Helfer Transvaals sein? pp. 16. Leipz. 1900. 8°. 8154. b. 18. (11.) GREEN (J.) Causes of the War in South Africa from the American lawyer's standpoint. pp. 28. Worcester, Mass. 1900. 8°. 8156. bb. 4. (10.) GUYOT (Y.) La Politique Böer. Faits et documents. pp. 110. Paris, 1900. 8°. 8155. df. 51. Boer Politics. pp. 155. Lond. 1900. 8°. 8155. de. 35. HAMMOND (J. H.) The Transvaal Trouble. pp. 37. N.Y. 1900. 8°. 8156. de. 11. HILLIER (A. P.) South African Studies. pp. 314. Lond. 1900. 8°. HILTY (C.) Der Boerenkrieg. Berl. 1900. 8°.

pp. 69.

8155. de. 33, 09061. b. 9.

AFRICA.-War with the Boer States,

1899, etc.-continued.

HOBSON (J. A.) The War in South Africa. pp. 324. Lond. 1900. 8°. 8154. d. 28. HRON (C.) Der Ausgang des Transvaalkrieges. pp. 31. Wien, 1900. 8°. 8156. df. 35. (2.) JOUBERT (J.) Un Peuple héroïque. Les Boers. pp. 34. Angers, 1900. 8°. 8156. bb. 4. (11.) JOUBERT (P. J.) Een ernstig woord en een historische herinnering aan Hare Majesteit Koningin Victoria. pp. 26. Amsterd. 1900. 8°. 8154. bb. 38. (4.)

KESEL (C. de) 't Ultimatum van Transvaal. pp. 11. Gent, 1900. 8°. 8156. de. 14. (4.) KUYPER (A.) La Crise Sud-Africaine. pp. 149. Paris, 1900. 8°. 8154. aa. 46. LANGWERTH VON SIMMERN (H.) Baron. England in Südafrika und die grossen germanischen Weltinteressen. pp. 37. Wiesbaden, 1900. 8°.

LEWIS () A Message Christian people. pp. 16.

8156. df. 35. (5.) from South Africa to Lond. 1900. 16o.

8157. a. 6.

[blocks in formation]

L'Indépendance des Républiques sud

africaines et l'Angleterre. pp. 38. Genève, 1900. 8°.

8154. b. 17. (1.)

8156. df. 35. (6.) die Heldennatie? 09004. bb. 6. (11.) Rights of England

Britain and Boer Independence. pp. 64. Edinb. 1900. 8°. 8155. aaa. 8. NEBEL (H. C.) Der südafrikanische Krieg und seine handelspolitische Bedeutung für Deutschland. pp. 16. Berl. 1900. 8°. 8154. b. 20. (4.) NEW YORK. Candlelight Club. The South African War. Is England's position justifiable? pp. 39. N.Y. 1900. 8°. OOSTERBAAN (N.) Kent gy pp. 47. Naarden, 1900. 8°. PÉTAVEL-OLLIFF (E.) The in the South African War. pp. 62. Edinb. 1900. 8°. 8155. de. 26. PFISTER (A. v.) Der Kampf um die Freiheit in Südafrika. pp. 35. Stuttgart, 1900. 8°. 8154. bb. 38. (6.) RANDOLPH (S.) Who ought to win? Oom Paul or Queen Victoria. pp. 287. Chicago, 1900. 8°. 8155. de. 29. RICHARDSON (A. W.) A Quaker View of the War. pp. 15. Lond. 1900. 8°.

8155. de. 27. (3.) ROBINS (W.) The Truth about the Transvaal. pp. 43. Lond. 1900. 8°. 09004. d. 4. (2.) Ross (J.) The Boers and the Cause of the War in South Africa. pp. 32. Toronto, 1900. 8°. 9060. cc. 12. SCHREINER (S. C. C.) South Africa. Address. pp. 16. Holmfirth, 1900. 8°. 8154. b. 17. (2.) SERMONS. Three Plain Sermons for the Day of Intercession in respect of the war in South Africa. pp. 27. Lond. 1900. 8°.

1475. g. 56. (5.)

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