Imágenes de páginas

KABLUKOV (N.) Вопросъ о рабочихъ въ сельскомъ
хозяйствѣ. рр. 299. М. 1884. 8°.

D'YAKONOV (М.) Очерки изъ исторіи сельскаго
населенія въ Московскомъ Государствѣ хѴІ.-ХѴІІ. В.
pp. 344. Cпó. 1898. 8°.
Ac. 5581/16.

KHRULEV (S. S.) Нашъ ипотечный кредитъ.

08276. h. 34.

[blocks in formation]

pp. 160. Cпб. 1898. 8°.

8228. h.

[blocks in formation]

07077. k. 7.

FORTUNATOV (А. М.) Сельскохозяйственная ста-
тистика Европейской Россіи. рр. 246.
M. 1895. 8°.
DZHANSHIEV (G.) А. М. Унковскій и освобожденіе
крестьянъ. рр. 192. 51. M. 1894. 8°.

8094. b. 27.
ABRAMOVICH (К.) О крестьянскихъ сервитутахъ въ
Губерніяхъ западнихъ. рр. 230. Спб. 1865. 8°.
08277. i. 13.
CHECHCLIN (N.) Указатель [to the "Писцовыя
КНИГИ ХѴІ. Вѣка"]. рр. 422. Chủ. 1895. 8.
[Имп. Русс. Геогр. Об.-Писцовыя Книги. часть 1.]
Ac. 6130/37.
FISCHER (M.) Deutsche Roggen und russische
Roggen. pp. 20. Halle, 1895. 8°.
7031. h. 10. (1.)
KALACHOV (N. V.) Писцовыя книги ХVІ. вѣка.
3 pt. Cп6. 1895. 8°.
Ac. 6130/37.
MAKSHEEV (N. N.) Общее положеніе о крестьянахъ
вышедшихъ изъ крѣпостной зависимости. рр. 204.
Cпб. 1895. 8°.
5756. c. 11.
PEREPELKIN (А. Р.) Историческая записка объ
учрежденіи Имп. Моск. Общества Сельскаго Хоз-
яйства. pp. 165. 239. 72. M. 1895, 6: 8°.

7073. g. 14.
ARTCIREV (N. М.) Въ волостныхъ писаряхъ, etc.
pp. 314. M. 1896. 8°.
8094. g. 36.
CHAPROV (A. J.) and POSNIKOV (A. S.) Bлiяniе
урожаевъ на нѣкоторыя стороны русскаго народнаго
хозяйства. 2 T. CH. 1897. 8. 8226. i. 19.

08226. k. 31.

SIMKOVICH (V. G.) Die Feldgemeinschaft in
Russland. pp. 399. Jena, 1898. 8°.

08276. k. 33.
D., P. Русский Соціализмъ и общинное земле-
владѣніе. рр. 193. M. 1899. 8°. 08277. k. 5.
-ON (NIKOLAI) Die Volkswirtschaft in Russ-
land nach der Bauern-Emancipation, etc.
pp. 544. München, 1899. 8°.
8282. f. 23.
RozHKOV (N.) Сельское хозяйство Московской Руси
[въ хѴІ. вѣкѣ. рр. 511. M. 1899. 8°.

7077. h. 5.
MENDELYEEV (D. I.) Мысли о развитіи сельско-
хозяйственной промышленности. 2 pt.
Cпб. 1899. 8°.

08276. k. 35. (6.)
BAZHAEV (V. G.) Крестьянское травопольное хо-
зяйство въ нечерноземной полосѣ, Европейской Россіи.
pp. 304. 29. M. 1900. 8°.
07077. i. 40.
RUSSIA. Министерство Внутреннихъ Дѣлъ. Цен-
тральный Статистическій Комитетъ. Résultats
généraux de la récolte en Russie en 1899.
pp. 64. St. Petersbourg, 1900. 4°.


8223. de. 43.

[blocks in formation]

MACKENZIE (W. J.) Hope for the Farm Servant.
pp. 79. Elgin, 1887. 8°. 8277. a. 59. (1.)

JOHNSTON (C. N.) Agricultural Holdings (Scot-
land) Acts 1883 & 1889. pp. 124.
Edinb. 1891. 8°.

6583. b. 22.
CONNELL (L.) Farmer's Legal Hand-book.
pp. 192. 1894. 8°. Scottish Chamber of Agri-
culture Series.
7074. e.

RANKINE (J.) Lecture on the Agricultural Hold-
ings, Scotland, Act, 1883. pp. 72.

Edinb. 1894. 8°.

6583. a. 6.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ac. Zurich. Landwirthschaftlicher Verein. Wie kann die schweizerische Landwirthschaft intensiver betrieben werden, etc. pp. 168. Aarau, 1885. 8°. Ac. 3420/2. SCHWENDIMANN (J.) Der Bauernstand des Kantons Luzern. pp. 206. Luzern, 1893. 8°. 8275. dd. 23. CHUARD (E.) L'Agriculture. 1899. 8°. SEIPPEL (P.) La Suisse au dix-neuvième siècle. tom. 3. 10196. i. 7.

Trinidad. VERTEUIL (J. de) Essai sur l'agriculture de la Trinidad. pp. 240. Beauvais, 1896. 8°.

07076. m. 19. Tunis. See above: ALGERIA.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

AGRICULTURE. United States of America-continued.

MONGREDIEN (A.) The Western Farmer

America. pp. 30.

Lond. 1886. 8°.

NEW YORK.-Experiment Station. Annual Report of the New York State Experiment Station, etc. Albany, 1883, etc. 8°. 7078. h. of 8229. i. 16. (7.) Rossi (E.) Nuove notizie sulla concorrenza agraria transatlantica. pp. 186. Roma, 1886. 8°. 7078. d. 5. SERING (M.) Die landwirthschaftliche Konkurrenz Nordamerikas. pp. 759. Leipz. 1887. 8°. 8244. e. 6.

U.S.A.-Department of Agriculture.-Farmer's Bulletin. Wash. 1889, etc. 8°. 7053. e. 21.

Index to the Reports of the Bureau of Statistics. Wash. 1889, etc. 8°. 7053. e. 28. ELLIOTT (J. R.) American Farms; their con

dition and future. pp. 274. N.Y. 1890. 8°.

[blocks in formation]

JAMES (E. J.) The Farmer and Taxation.
Salem, 1892. 8°.

08226. k. 17. (2.) MILLS (C. A.) Competition and the Farmer. pp. 22. Camb., Mass. 1892. 8°. 8229. a. 17. STRANGE (D.) Farmers' Tariff Manual. pp. 363. N.Y. 1892. 8°. 08225. ee. 6. CONNER (J. B.) Indiana Agriculture. pp. 24. Indianap. 1893. 8°. 07031. df. 3. (7.)

HYDE (J.) Geographical Concentration, a feature of American Agriculture. pp. 19. Wash. 1893. 8°.

07031. df. 3. (9.) OETKEN (F.) Die Landwirthschaft in den Vereinigten Staaten. pp. 848. Berl. 1893. 8°.

08227. i. 28.

WOHLTMANN (F.) Landwirthschaftliche Reisestudien über Chicago und Nord-Amerika. pp. 440. Breslau, 1894. 8°.

10412. dd. 21.

HYDE (J.) Reports on the Statistics of Agriculture in the United States, 1890. 3 pt. 1895. 4°. U.S.A. Eleventh Census. Reports. 1882. c. 13.

LEVASSEUR (E.) L'Agriculture aux États-Unis. 1895. 8°. Ac. Paris. Société d'Agriculture.

Mémoires. Tom. 136.

Ac. 3408. U.S.A.-Department of Agriculture. Manual of Instructions to Crop Correspondents by H. A. Robinson. pp. 28. Wash. 1895. 8°.

7053. e. 77. MACHEN (E. C.) The Farmer and our Financial System. pp. 31. N. Y. 1896. 8°.

08228. ff. 1. (3.)

7032. e. 2. (9.)

TAUBENECK (H. E.) The American Farmer. pp. 63.

[blocks in formation]

7078. g.

U.S.A. Practical Suggestions as to Farming in the United States and Canada. pp. 50.

Lond. 1882. 8°.

1147. b. 20. (5.)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

AIGUEVIVES. DAVID (P.) Aiguevives et son pèlerinage. pp. 46. Bordeaux, 1890. 8°. 10106. ff. 6. (5.) AIGUILLON. ALIS (R. L.) Histoire de la ville d'Aiguillon. pp. 564. Agen, 1895. 8°. 010171. m. 41. AILSA CRAIG. LAWSON (R.) Ailsa Craig. pp. 80. Paisley, 1888. 8°. 10369. ccc. 15. AIMARA LANGUAGE. See INdian LanGUAGES, Central and South America.

AIN, Department. AIN. Inventaire des Archives. pp. 231. 1884. 4°. FRANCE.-Collection des Archives. 9255. a. DUFAY (C. J.) Dictionnaire biographique des personnages du Département de l'Ain. pp. 524. Bourg, 1882. 8°.

10658. k. 12. Biographie des personnages notables de l'Ain. pp. 105. Bourg. 1884. 8°.

10604. f. 3. (6.) TIERSOT (E.) La Restauration dans le Département. pp. 77. Paris, 1884. 8°. 9079. b. 9. (4.) See also BRESSE: DOMBES. AINAY, Abbey. LA MURE nique de l'Abbaye. pp. 192.

AINAY. Cartulaire. 2 tom.

(J. M. de) ChroLyon, 1885. 8°.

4629. f. 21.

Lyon, 1885. 4°.

4630. e. 2.

AINU RACE. MACRITCHIE (D.) The Aïnos. pp. 69. 1888. 4°. P.P. Leyden. Internationales Archiv. Vol. 4. Supplement. P.P. 3863. b. BATCHELOR (J.) The Ainu of Japan. pp. 336. Lond. 1892. 8°. 4429. df. 6.

HOWARD (B. D.) Life with Trans-Siberian Savages. pp. 209. Lond. 1893. 8°. 10075. bbb. 7. LANDOR (A. H. S.) Alone with the Hairy Ainu. pp. 325. Lond. 1893. 8°. 010057. f. 23. MORSE (E. S.) A Curious Aino Toy. pp. 7. Salem, 1893. 8°. 07703. i. 2. (15.) Ac. London.-Folk Lore Society. CHAMBERLAIN (B. H.) Aino Folk-tales. pp. 57. 1888. 8°.

Ac. 9938/11. BATCHELOR (J.) Ainu Words as illustrative of customs, etc. 1896. 8°. Ac. Yokohama.Asiatic Society. Transactions. Vol. 24.

Ac. 8828/6. AIR: ATMOSPHERE: ETHER. MARTINEAU (C. A.) Earth, Air and Water. pp. 123. Lond. 1881. 8°. 10006. de. 7. FERREL (W.) Popular Essays on the movements of the atmosphere. pp. 59. 1882. 4°. UNITED STATES.-Department of War. Professional Papers. No. 12. 8750. i. TYNDALL (J.) Essays on the Floating Matter of the Air. pp. 338. Lond. 1883. 8°. 2244. f. 13. FRAENKEL (A.) and GEPPERT (J.) Ueber die Wirkungen der verdünnten Luft auf den Organismus. pp. 112. Berl. 1883. 8°. 7442. g. 7. MIQUEL (P) Les organismes vivants de l'atmosphère. pp. 310. Paris, 1883. 8°. 7297. i. 11. HURLBERT (J. B.)

Currents of Air in connection with climates. Salem, 1883. 8°. 8755. i. 19. (3.) FERREL (W.) Temperature of the Atmosphere. pp. 69. 1884. 4°. Papers of the Signal Service, etc. No. 13. 8750. i.

LANGLEY (S. P.) Solar Heat and its absorption by the atmosphere. pp. 242. 1884. 4°. Papers of the Signal Service. No. 15. 8750. i. MOHN (H.) Les phénomènes de l'Atmosphère. pp. 487. Paris, 1884. 8°.

8756. bbb. 30.

RUSSELL (J. S.) The Wave of Translation in the Oceans of Water, Air and Ether. pp. 318. Lond. 1885. 8°. 8755. h. 42.

AIR: ATMOSPHERE: ETHER-cont. SCHLEMUELLER (W.) Grundzüge einer Theorie der kosmischen Atmosphären. Prag. 1885. 8°. 8755. i. 21. (6.)

MUENTZ (A.) Recherches sur la constitution de l'Atmosphère. pp. 90. 1886. 4°. HORN, Cape. Mission scientifique. 8709. d.

8756. aa. 6.

Igroscopi, umidità atmosferica,
Milano, 1887. 8°.

12206. c. 28.

pp. 808.

8755. k. 44.

PICKERING (E. C.) Atmospheric Refraction. pp. 25. Camb., Mass. 1886. 8°. 8758. dd. 13. (2.) WOOD (D. V.) Luminiferous Ether. pp. 121. N. Y. 1886. 8°. CANTONI (P.) etc. pp. 146. FLAMMARION (C.) Paris, 1887. 8°. RECLUS (J. J. E.) Ocean, Atmosphere and Life. pp. 500. Lond. 1887. 8°. 2057. c. ANDRÉ (C.) Influence de l'altitude sur la température. pp. 122. Lyon, 1888. 8°. 8756. eee. 5. BECQUEREL (A. E.) and (H.) Mémoire sur la température de l'air à la surface du sol et de la terre. 1888. 4°. Ac. Paris. Académie des Sciences. Mémoires. Ser. 2, tom. 44. 2099. b. ÅNGSTRÖM (K.) Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Absorption der Wärmestrahlen durch die verschiedenen Bestandtheile der Atmosphäre. pp. 29. 1889. 8°. Ac. Stockholm. K. S. Vetenskaps Academi. Bihang. Bd. 15. Ac. 1070/7.

[blocks in formation]

HAASE (F. H.) Die atmosphärische Elektrizität. pp. 46. Berl. 1892. 8°. 8755. dd. 7. (8.) PETERMANN (A.) and GRAFTIAU (J.) Recherches sur la composition de l'Atmosphère. 1892, etc. 8°. Ac. Brussels. Académie. Mémoires couronnés. Tom. 47, etc. Ac. 985/4. TEISSERENO DE BORT (L.) Report of the present state of our Knowledge respecting the circulation of the Atmosphere. pp. 20. Lond. 1893. 4o. 8706. f. 23. (11.) DRUDE (P.) Physik des Aethers auf elektromagnetischer Grundlage. pp. 592. Stuttgart, 1894. 8°. 8757. h. 28. SCHEELE (C. W.) Chemische Abhandlung von der Luft. pp. 112. 1894. 8°. Ostwald's Klassiker. Nr. 58. 8706. de.

Ac. Antwerp. Societe de Géographie. Con-
grès de l'Atmosphère. Compte rendu par le
Chevalier Le Clément de Saint Marcq.
pp. 272. Anvers, 1895. 8°.
Ac. 6096/3.
BARUS (C.) Report on the condensation of
atmospheric pressure. pp. 104. 1895. 8°. U.S.A.
Department of Agriculture. Bulletin. No. 12.
1892, etc. 8°.
7053. e. 40.

BRZEZIN'SKI (M.) O powietrzu, etc. pp. 184.
Warsawa, 1896. 8°.

8775. a. 57.

8755. bbb. 52.

8909. dd. 2.

AIR: ATMOSPHERE: ETHER--cont. HAWKINS (A. E.) Lessons on Air. pp. 188. Lond. 1896. 8°. RAMSAY (W.) The Gases of the Atmosphere; history of their discovery. pp. 240. Lond. 1896. 8°. STRUTT (J. W.) Baron Rayleigh, and RAMSAY (W.) Argon, a new constituent of the Atmosphere. pp. 43. 1896. 8°. Smithsonian ConAc. 1875. tributions to Knowledge. 1033. ARCHIBALD (E. D.) Story of the Earth's Atmosphere. pp. 208. Lond. 1897. 8°. 8756. aa. 20. HENRIET (H.) Les gaz de l'atmosphère.

pp. 192. 1897. 8°. Encyclopédie des aide

mémoire. No. 184 B.

8709. g. GROSSE (W.) Der Äther und die Fernkräfte. 8758. ccc. 29. pp. 89. Leipz. 1898. 8°. LE CADET (G.) Étude du champ électrique de l'atmosphère. Ac., etc. 1898. 8°. pp. 198. Lyons. Université. Annales. Fasc. 35. Ac. 365. LE MONNIER (L. G.) Observations sur l'électricité de l'air. 1898. 8°. HELLMANN (G.) Neudrucke von Schriften über Meteorologie, etc. No. 11. 8755. dd. LIEBIG (G. V.) Der Luftdruck in den pneumatischen Kammern und auf Höhen. pp. 240. Braunschweig, 1898. 8°. 7461. gg. 26. WALTER (A.) Theorie der atmosphärischen Strahlenbrechung. pp. 74. Leipz. 1898. 8°.

8715. e. 38. Mémoires originaux sur la circulation générale de l'Atmosphère. pp. 163. 8754. cc. 32.


Paris, 1900. 8°.

Camb. 1900. 8°.

LARMOR (J.) Aether and Matter. pp. 365.

8715. i. 12.

LIEBEN W (C.) Die atmosphärische Elektrizität. 8756. df. 23. (6.) pp. 4 Halle, 1900. 8o.

ROTCH (A. L.) Sounding the Ocean of Air. pp. 184. 1900. 8°. Romance of Science Series.


4421. de.

[blocks in formation]

WANKLYN (J. A.) Air-Analysis. pp. 82. Lond. 1890. 8°.

8756. dd. 6.

KORSCHELT (0.) Die Nutzbarmachung der lebendigen Kraft des Aethers in der Heilkunst, etc. 07509. e. 18. pp. 182. Berl. 1892. 8°.

POWNALL (A. E.) Considerations of the effects of Air Pollution. pp. 14. 1892. 8°. MANCHESTER. Air Noxious Vapours Abatement Association. Pollution. Ser. 4, no. 4. 8755. bbb. 31. KEY (W.) Paper on the purification of Air supply. pp. 18. Glasg. 1893. 8°. 8777. bbb. 28. (8.) AIKMAN (C. M.) Air. pp. 128. 1895. 12°. Manuals of Health. BILLINGS (J. S.) The composition of expired Air and its effects upon animal life. pp. 81. 1895. 4°. Smithsonian Contributions to KnowAc. 1875. ledge. Vol. 29. COHEN (J. B.) The Character and Extent of Air Pollution in Leeds. pp. 22. Leeds, 1896. 8°. 8775. b. 54. (3.)

AIR: ATMOSPHERE: ETHER-cont. RUSSELL (Hon. F. A. R.) The Atmosphere in relation to human life and health. pp. 148. 1896. 8°. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. No. 1072. Vol. 39. Ac. 1875/2. RABAGLIATI (A.) Air, Food and Exercises : essay on the predisposing causes of disease. 7404. aaaa. 13. pp. 220. Lond. 1897. 8°. COWELL (W. B.) Pure Air, Ozone and Water. Treatise of their utilisation and value in industries, etc. pp. 85. Lond. 1900. 8°. 8777. c. 8. JURISCH (C. W.) Grundzüge des Luftrechts. 05605. k. 4. pp. 86. Berl. 1897. 8°. HUDSON (A. A.) and INMAN (A.) The Law of Light and Air. pp. 231. Lond. 1898. 8°. 6325. cccc. 8.

See also VENTILATION. AIR, Compressed. COHEN (S. S.) Exhibition of an apparatus for the therapeutic use of Compressed Air. pp. 18. Lond. 1889. 8°. 7306. df. 14. (4.) WILLIAMS (C. T.) Lectures on Compressed Air bath. pp. 29. Lond. 1895. 8°. 7306. cc. 20. (13.) POPP (V.) L'Air comprimé à Paris. pp. 53. Paris, 1894. 8°.

8767. m. 9.

RAND (A. C.) Uses of Compressed Air. pp. 134. 8767. ee. 6. N.Y. 1894. obl. 8°.

HOUSSAY (F.) Contribution à l'étude de l'emploi thérapeutique de l'Air comprimé. pp. 114. Romorantin, 1896. 8°. 7460. f. 10. SLOANE (T. O'C.) Liquid Air and the Liquefaction of Gases. pp. 365. Lond. 1899. 8°.

8909. i. 15. For the Compressed Air Illness, see CAISSON DISEASE.

AIRE AND CALDER NAVIGATION. PATERSON (M. McC.) Pollution of the Aire and Calder. pp. 32. Lond. 1893. 8°.

8777. bbb. 29. (8.)

[blocks in formation]

7404. a.

Aix, 1882, etc. 8°.


9007. g. 23. (5.)

7808. c. 2.

8356. f. 31.

CHAVERNAC (J. F. E.) Histoire de l'Université. Aix, 1889, etc. 8°.

BELIN (F.) Histoire de l'ancienne Université de Provence. Paris, 1896, etc. 8°. 8357. k. MÉCHIN (E.) Annales du Collège Royal Bourbon. d'Aix. 3 tom. Marseille, 1890-92. 8°.

8356. f. 44.

[blocks in formation]

9009. 1.

LULVES (J.) Die gegenwärtigen Geschichtsbe-
strebungen in Aachen. pp. 104. 1892. 8°.
Moderne Geschichtsforscher. I.
NOLTEN (F.) Archäologische Beschreibung der
Münster. pp. 80. Aachen, 1886. 8°.
7704. e. 5. (4.)
RHOEN (C.) Die ältere Topographie der Stadt
Aachen. pp. 138. Aachen, 1891. 8°.

10255. ee. 5. ADENAW (E.) Archäologische Funde in Aachen bis zum Jahre 1898. 1898. 8°. Ac. Aix-laChapelle. Aachener Geschichtsverein. Zeitschrift, etc. Bd. 20. Ac. 7008. RHOEN (C.) Die römischen Thermen zu Aachen. pp. 68. Aachen, 1890. 8o. 7706. g. 4. (14.) GROSS (H. J.) Beiträge zur Geschichte des Aachener Reichs. pp. 237. Aachen, 1894. 8°.

09325. h. 15. Das falsche

Ac. 7028.

CHARLES I., called Charlemagne. Diplom Karls des Grossen. 1890. 8°. Ac. Cologne. Gesellschaft für rheinische Geschichtskunde. Publicationen. No. 7. KESSEL (J. H.) and RHOEN (C.) Beschreibung der karolingischen Pfalz zu Aachen. pp. 96. 1881. 8°. Ac. Aix-la-Chapelle. Aachener Geschichtsverein. Zeitschrift. Bd. 3. Ac. 2008. DRESEMANN (0.) Die Jacobskirche zu Aachen. pp. 124. Aachen, 1888. 8°. 4662. bbb. 20. RHOEN (C.) Geschichte der St. Foilanskirche.

pp. 80. Aachen, 1892. 8°. 4662. d. 18. (4.) KESSEL (J. H.) Das Rathhaus zu Aachen in seiner geschichtlichen Bedeutung. pp. 82. Aachen, 1884. 8°. 10107. d. 1. (3.) FUERTH (H. A. v.) Beiträge zur Geschichte der aachener Patrizier-Familien. 3 Bde. Aachen, 1890. 8°. SCHEINS (M.) Aachen vor hundert Jahren. pp. 94. Aachen, 1887. 16°. 10106. ccc. 9. (8.) RHOEN (C.) Die Befestigungswerke der Reichsstadt Aachen. pp. 217. Aachen, 1894. 8°. 8827. c. 67.

9916. bb. 18.

[blocks in formation]

FROMM (E.) Die Literatur über die Thermen von Aachen. pp. 31. Aachen, 1890. 8°.

011900 ee. 6. (7.) SEASON at Aix-la-Chapelle. Lond. 1885. etc. 8°. 11652. cc. 29.

DowSE (T. S.) On the Aix-la-Chapelle Cure.
pp. 14. Lond. 1886. 8°. 7305. e. 11. (4.)
ALEXANDER (L.) Aix-la-Chapelle. pp. 348.
Aix-la-Ch. 1891. 8°.

[blocks in formation]

BRACHET (L.) Aix-les-Bains, the medical treatment and general indications. pp. 174. Lond. 1884. 8°.

7462. bb. 16. COCHRANE (A. B.) Baron Lamington. Aix-lesBains. pp. 43. Lond. 1884. 8°. 10168. bbb. 21. BARBIER (V.) Aix-les-Bains. pp. 60. 1885. 8°. Illustrated Europe. No. 58, 59. 10108. bb. VIDAL (F.) Du degré de thermalité des eaux d'Aix dans le traitement de la goutte. pp. 48. Chambéry, 1886. 8°. 7462. e. 10. (17.)

WAKEFIELD (W.) Baths of Aix-les-Bains. pp. 223. Lond. 1886. 8°. 10168. aa. 28. BLANC (L.) Cardiac affections of rheumatic origin treated at Aix. pp. 48. Lond. 1887. 8°. 7305. ee. 10. (10.) AIX-LES-BAINS. Établissement thermal d'Aixles-Bains. pp. 14. Melun, 1890. 8°.


Collégiale d'Aix. Société d'histoire.


7461. i. 9. (11.)

Collegiate Church of. La

1891. 8°. Mémoires.



Chambéry. Série 2, tom. 5.

Ac. 5240.

medical treat7462. aaa. 41. Guide Joanne.

ment. pp. 125. Lond. 1891. 8°. LEGRAND (M.) Aix-les-Bains. pp. 146. Paris, 1893. 16°. AJACCIO. WISE (A. T. T.) Ajaccio. pp 12. Lond. 1891. 8°.

10171. a. 19.

The Climate of 7306. df. 19. (8.)

STEIN (H.) Le Musée d'Ajaccio. pp. 16.
Paris, 1894. 8°.
7808. cc. 9. (8.)
See also CORSICA.

AJLÛN. See PALESTINE, Explorations.
AJUNTA. GRIFFITHS (J.) The Paintings in
the Buddhist Cave-Temples of Ajuntâ, Khan-
desh, India. 2 vol. Lond. 1896, 97. fol.
8. Tab. d. 7.
Short Vocabulary of the Aka Language. pp. 20.
Shillong, 1896. 8°.
14180. bbb. 2.

AKHMIN. See EGYPT, Antiquities.

[blocks in formation]

und sumerische Keilschrifttexte.
DELITZSCH (F.) Assyriologische Bibliothek.
Bd. 1.
12903. h. 19.

BERTIN (G.) Akkadian Precepts. pp. 42.
Lond. 1884. 8°.

12902. e. 43. (4.)

12903. h. 31. (1.)

L'Incorporation verbale en Accadien. pp. 24. Paris, 1886. 4o.

Grammars of languages of Cuneiform Inscriptions. pp. 117. 1888. 8°. Trübner's Gram


2268. a.

Influence of

KING (E. G.) Akkadian Genesis. Babylonian Religion on Genesis. pp. 70. Camb. 1888. 8°.

7702. bb. 36.

[blocks in formation]
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