Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

1257. i. 20.

SAVAGE (W. R.) The Souls of the Righteous.
pp. 248. Lond. 1881. 8°.
ALFORD (H.) State of the Blessed Dead. pp. 96.
Lond. 1882. 16°.
4400. e. 17.
BARROWS (W.) Purgatory; doctrinally and his-
torically opened. pp. 228. N.Y. 1882. 12o.
4257. k. 21.
PARADISE. First Day in Paradise. pp. 20.
Lond. 1882. 16°.
4422. b. 18. (8.)
BRIEFE, über das Fegfeuer. pp. 131.

Regensburg, 1883. 8°.

4257. k. 24.

ROSIGNOLI (C. G.) Il Prato Fiorito. pp. 352.
Milano, 1883. 8°.
4257. g. 20.
3155. cc. 1.

ENGEL (M.) Die Lösung der Paradiesfrage.
pp. 195. Leipz. 1885. 8°.
WORDSWORTH (C.) Bp. of Lincoln. Intermediate
State of the Soul. pp. 32. Lond. 1885. 16o.

4466. e. 18.
ALLEN (W.) Cardinal. Souls Departed: a defence
of the doctrine touching Purgatory. Published
in 1565. pp. xi. Lond. 1886. 8°. 4257. f. 4.

[blocks in formation]

LUCKOCK (H. M.) After Death. pp 271.
Lond. 1886. 8°.

4257. ec. 25.
Intermediate State between death and judg-
ment. A sequel to "After Death." pp. 258.
Lond. 1890. 8°.
4257. g. 41.
PLUMPTRE (E. H.) The Spirits in Prison.
pp. 440. Lond. 1886. 8°.
4257. 1. 16.
PROBATION. Future Probation: a symposium.
pp. 324. 1886. 8°. Nisbet's Theological Library.

4257. m.
STARKEY (N.) Man in solution; thoughts on the
Intermediate State. pp. 24. Lond. 1887. obl. 8.
4422. bbb. 50. (3.)

SWAYNE (R. G.) The Blessed Dead in Paradise.
pp. 98. Lond. 1887. 8°.
4257. g. 34.
ROMANISM. Purgatory. pp. 32. Lond. 1889. 8.
3942. aaa. 4. (5.)

4378. e. 8.

WILLIAMSON (A.) The intermediate State.
pp. 82. Lond. 1890. 8°.
BULLINGER (E. W.) "The Spirits in Prison.”
pp. 29. Lond. 1891. 8°. 4371. ee. 2. (8.)

[blocks in formation]

MUMFORD (J.) Two ancient treatises on Purga-

1893. 8°. P.P. London.
Vol. 87.
3605. dd.
Purgatory. pp. 312.

4257. cc. 37.

tory. pp. 360.
Quarterly Series.
Lond. 1894. 8°.
SISTER OF MERCY. To-day in Paradise. pp. 48.
Oxf. 1894. 8°.
4257. a. 23.
INCE (W.) The Future Life-The Intermediate
State. pp. 30. Oxf. 1895. 8°. 4475. i. 3. (9.)
BODY (G.) The Work of Grace in Paradise.
pp. 31. Lond. 1896. 16o. 4420. e. 2. (1.)

BUSH (J.) The Intermediate State. pp. 95.
Lond. 1896. 8°.
4256. df. 5.
PIFFARD (B.) Consideration of the Abode of
departed Saints. pp. 40. Lond. 1896. 8°.
4257. b. 15.
SANDERSON (R. E.) Life of the Waiting Soul in
the Intermediate State. pp. 106.
Lond. 1896. 8°.
4399. cc. 12.
BARRETT (G. S.) The Intermediate State, and
the Last Things. pp. 275. Lond. 1898. 8°.
4257. d. 26.
MANNING (H. E.) Cardinal. Archbishop Manning
on Purgatory. pp. 27. Lond. 1898. 16°.
3940. a. 12.
BATEMAN (J. F.) The Day of Grace. Remarks
upon the Spirits in Prison, Purgatory and
Prayers for the Dead. pp. 20. Lond. 1900. 8°.
4371. d. 32. (5.)
HUNT (G. W.) Salvation beyond Death:
Thoughts on what a Christian may hope on
behalf of those who depart apparently not good
enough for Heaven or bad enough for Hell.
pp. 248. Lond. 1900. 8°.

4256. de. 17.

[blocks in formation]

ESCHATOLOGY.-Eschatology of Non-
Christian Religions, etc.-continued.
MUHAMMAD. Le Paradis de Mahomet, suivi de
l'Enfer. pp. 229. Paris, 1892. 8°. 14516. a. 9.
Beiträge zur Eschatologie des
Leipz. 1895. 8°.

Thoughts on
Lond. 1900. 8°.
4257. aa. 21.

[blocks in formation]

Islam. pp. 74.

ANDERSON (A. J.) Is it right
Dead? pp. 32. Lond. 1889. 8°.
PRAYERS for the Dead.

Lond. 1885. 16o.

pp. 46.

3457. cc. 29. (8.)
D., H. T. The Faithful Dead. Shall we pray
for them? pp. 130. Lond. 1896. 8°.

JESSE (E. T. D'E.)

4257. b. 14.
Prayers for the departed,
Purgatory, Pardons, etc. pp. 375.
Lond. 1900. 8°.

3940. de. 11.
WRIGHT (C. H. H.) The Intermediate State and
Prayers for the Dead. pp. 326. Lond. 1900. 8°.
4256. de. 13.

See also above, General.

Ac. 1099.

Eschatology of Non-Christian
Religions (including Jews).
WIEDEMANN (A.) Ancient Egyptian doctrine of
the Immortality of the Soul. pp. 71.
Lond. 1895. 8°.
4503. aaa. 26,
TSAREVSKY (A. A.) Религіозныя представленія
древнихъ Египтанъ о загробной жизни.
Кіевъ, 1898. 8°. [Имп. Унив. Свят. Влад. Унив.
извѣ. r. 38.]
JEREMIAS (A.) Die babylonisch-assyrischen Vor-
stellungen vom Leben nach dem Tode. pp. 126.
Leipz. 1887. 8°.
7704. bb. 36.
STOELZLE (R.) Die Lehre vom Unendlichen bei
Aristoteles. pp. 80. Würzburg, 1882. 8°.
08464. i. 56. (2.)
KAUFMANN (C. M.) Die Jenseitshoffnungen der
Griechen und Römer nach den Sepulcralin-
schriften. pp. 85. Freiburg, 1897. 8°.

4505. dd. 8.
ZELLER (E.) Über die Lehre des Aristoteles von
den Ewigkeit des Geistes. 1882. 4°. Sitzungs-
berichte der k. preuss. Akademie, 1882. Ac. 855.
BRENTANO (F.) Brief an Herrn E. Zeller, aus
Anlass seiner Schrift über die Lehre des Aris-
toteles von der Ewigkeit des Geistes. pp. 36.
Leipz. 1883. 8°.
8463. df. 28. (9.)
la mort en Grèce
Paris, 1897. 8°.
11312. q. 25.

RIDDER (A. de) De l'idée de
à époque classique. pp. 204.

MELTZER (H.) Die Vorstellungen der alten
Griechen vom Leben nach dem Tode. pp. 44.
1900. 8°. Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Vorträge.
N. F. Hft. 347.
12249. 1.
KAUFMANN (C. M.) Die sepuleralen Jenseits-
denkmaler der antike und des Urchristentums.
Beiträge zur Vita Beata Vorstellung der Römer,
etc. pp. 242. Mainz, 1900. 4o.
7701. i.
T., J. W. Immortality in Old Testament times:
the hope of the ancients. pp. 62. 1889. 16°.
P.P. Malvern. "The Faith" Extras. No. 10.
P.P. 736.
ROYER (J.) Die Eschatologie des Buches Job.
pp. 101. Regensburg, 1892. 8°. 03166. e. 9.
SCHWALLY (F.) Die Leben nach dem Tode nach
den Vorstellungen des alten Israel. pp. 204.
Giessen, 1892. 8°.
4257. dd. 6.
FREY (J.) Tod, Seelenglaube und Seelenkult
im alten Israel. pp. 244. Leipz. 1898. 8°.
04034. g. 10.

TEMPLER (B.) Die Unsterblichkeitslehre bei den
judischen Philosophen des Mittelalters. pp. 79.
Leipz. 1895. 8°.
4257. dd. 7.
GRZYMISCH (8.) Spinoza's Lehren von der
Ewigkeit und Unsterblichkeit. pp. 59.
Breslau, 1898. 8°.
8466. bbb. 32. (2.)

4505. eee. 1. (9.)
ESCHWEILER. KOCH (H. H.) Geschichte
der Stadt Eschweiler. Eschweiler, 1882, etc. 8°.
10255. g.

corial á la vista. pp. 42. Madrid, 1898. 8°.
10160. a. 40.
Place. pp. 50. Lond. 1893. 8°. 10360. dd. 21.
ESK, Dumfriesshire. ARMSTRONG (R. B.) His-
tory of Eskdale. Edinb. 1883, etc. 8°. 2368. h.
ESK, Forfarshire. EDWARDS (D. H.) Historical
Guide to Glenesk district. pp. 135.
Brechin, 1893. 8°.

10369. aaa. 49.

ESK, Midlothian. CHAPMAN (T.) and Strath-
ESK (J.) The Mid-Lothian Esks. pp. 45.
Edinb. 1895. 4°.
K.T.C. 30. b. 9.

KLUTSCHAK (H. W.) Als Eskimo unter den
Eskimos. pp. 247. Pest, 1881. 8°. 10460. ee. 18.
SCHWATKA (F.) Children of the Cold. pp. 212.
Lond. 1886. 8°.
PETITOT (E.) Les grands Esquimaux. pp. 307.
Paris, 1887. 8°.
10460. aaa. 19.

NANSEN (F.) Eskimoliv. pp. 293.
Kristiania, 1891. 8°.

10460. b. 31.

10460. ee. 41.

[blocks in formation]

PILLING (J. C.) Bibliography of the Eskimo
language. pp. 116. Wash. 1887. 8°.
12902. g. 23.
PAYNE (F. F.) Eskimo of Hudson's Strait.
pp. 18. Toronto, 1889. 8°. 10460. e. 37. (2.)
SCHULTZE (A.) Brief Grammar and Vocabulary
of the Eskimo Language. pp. 21.
Bethlehem, Pa. 1889. 8°.

12910. d. 31. (2.)
KELLY (J. W.) English-Eskimo and Eskimo-
English Vocabularies. 1890. 8°. United
States. Bureau of Education. Circular of
Information. No. 165.

8308. i.

[blocks in formation]


RYBERG (C. J. P.) Dansk-grønlandsk Tolk. pp. 378. Kjøbenh. 1891. 8°.

12910. aa. 54.

12972. k. 3.

KJER (J.) and RASMUSSEN (C.) Danskgrønlandsk
Ordbog. Kjøbenh. 1893. 8°.
SÖRENSEN (P. H.) 100 Timer i Gronlandsk. En
Lærebog i det grønlandske Sprog. pp. 320.
Kjøbenh. 1900. 8°.
12910. cc. 29.

nage. pp. 143. Paris, 1888. 8°. 6875. cc. 15.
MIGHEM (L. v.) L'Espionnage et la Trahison.
pp. 44. Tournai, 1889. 8°. 8831. ee. 16. (3.)
KLEMBOWSKY ( ) L'Espionnage militaire en
temps de paix et en temps de guerre. pp. 75.
Toulouse, 1895. 8°.
8832. aa. 3.
FROMENT (A.) L'Espionnage militaire et les
fonds secrets de la guerre. pp. 316.
Paris, 1898. 12°.
8831. 1. 21.

[blocks in formation]

WALFORD (E.) Tourist's Guide to Essex. pp. 136. Lond. 1882. 8°.

10352. aa. 30.

P.P. 6081. 1.

P.P. London. The Essex Notebook. No. 2-12. Lond. 1884-85. 4°. ANGLIA. Holiday Notes in East Anglia. pp. 105. Stratford, 1886. 16°. 10360. aaa. 55. CHRISTY (R. M.) Durrants' Handbook for Essex. pp. 237. Chelmsford, 1887. 8°. 10351. bb. 63. BENHAM (W. G.) The Essex Labourer. pp. 18. Colchester, 1888. 8°. 8282. g. 28. (4.) HISSEY (J. J.) Tour in a Phaeton through the Eastern Counties. pp. 403. Lond. 1889. 8°. 10350. de. 18. LINDLEY (P.) New Holidays in Essex. pp. 70. Lond. 1891. obl. 16°. 10358. bb. 66. COWPER (F.) Sailing Tours. Pt. 1. Coast of Essex. Lond. 1892, etc. 8°. 10360. e. 33. ESSEX. Murray's Handbook for pp. 78. 482. Lond. 1892. 8°. JONES (H. L.) Swin, Swale, cruises down the Thames, etc. Lond. 1892. 4o.

Essex, etc.

2364. a. 13. and Swatchway: pp. 203.

10358. e. 26.

RITCHIE (J. E.) Some of our East Coast Towns. pp. 66. Chelmsford, 1893. 8°.

BERLYN (A.) Sunrise-Land. Lond. 1894. 8°.

10347. cc. 26. (6.) pp. 345.

10350. bb. 48.

[blocks in formation]

pp. 189. No. 18. 010358. e.

ENGLAND. The Eastern Counties Pictorial Guide. pp. 178. Lond. 1899. obl. 8°. 1788. d. 12. P.P. London. The Home Counties Magazine. Lond. 1899, etc. 8°. P.P. 6033. ga. TATE (W. J.) East Coast Scenery. pp. 261. 1899. 8°. Jarrold's "Holiday" Series. 10360. d. WARD (C. S.) The Eastern Counties. pp. 144. 1899. 8°. Thorough Guide Series. 10347. aaa. EPHEM. Essex County Annual. Forest Gate, 1891, etc. 8°.

P.P. 2507. cfc.

P.P. Chelmsford. The Essex Review. Chelmsford, 1892, etc. 8°.

P.P. 6081. eb.

BULL (R. F.) Essex Foxhounds, with notes upon hunting in Essex. pp. 384. Lond. 1896. 8°.

YERBURGH (H. B.) in Essex. 2 vol.

7907. i. 26.

Leaves from a Hunting Diary Lond. 1900. 8°. 7908. f. 30.

DAY (G.) Notes on Essex Dialect and FolkLore. pp. 14. Lond. 1896. 8°. 012901. i. 2. (15.) ESSLINGEN. PFAFF (K. H. S.) Chronik der Stadt Esslingen. pp. 43. Esslingen, 1896. 8°. 10106. ff. 12. (9.) EGLE (J. v.) Die Frauenkirche in Esslingen. pp. 27. Stuttg. 1898. fol. 1711. d. ESSOYES. PÉTEL (A.) Essoyes pendant la Révolution. pp. 336. Troyes, 1895. 8°. 9231. ccc. 1.

ESTATES, Management of.. See LAND. ESTE. BENVENUTI (L.) and PIETROGRANDE (G.) Bibliografia Atestina. pp. 133. Bologna, 1881. 8. 11903. bbb. 14.

LONIGO (M.) Cronachette d'Este. pp. 20. Este, 1883. 8°. 10131. h. 5. Ac. London. Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of Pictures of the school of FerraraBologna, also of Medals of members of the house of Este. pp. 57. Lond. 1894. 4°. 7858. c. 25. CRESPELLANI (A.) Medaglie estensi ed austroestensi. pp. 178. Modena, 1893. fol.

7757. k. 2. PROSDOCIMI (A.) R. Ispettorato pei monumenti e scavi dei mandamenti di Conselve-Este e Montagnana. Este, 1899, etc. 8°. 7706, d. See also FERRARA.

Nueva colección de documentos. pp. 138.
Estepa, 1891. 8°.
10161. c. 7.

Trayas, Var. L'Esterel, le Cap Roux, etc.
Paris, 1899. 8°.


010171. e. 33.

Ac. Riga. Gesellschaft für Geschichte der OstseeProvinzen. Bibliographie der Archäologie Liv-, Est- und Kurlands. pp. 61. Riga, 1896. 8°. 11901. h. 34.



ARBUSOW (L.) Grundriss der Geschichte Liv-,
Est- und Kurlands. pp. 204. Mitau, 1895. 8°.
9335. aa. 4.
SERAPHIM (E.) Geschichte Liv-, Est- und Kur-
lands. 2 Bde. Reval, 1895, 96. 8°. 9456. de. 2.
BUNGE (F. G. v.) Liv-, Est- und Curländische
Urkunden-Regesten. pp. 118. Leipz. 1881. 4°.
9455. h. 2.

KHARUZHIN (М.) Богородицкая гора въ Эстляндіи.
pp. 149. M. 1889. 8°.
10291. bb. 27.
Ac. Reval. Ehstländische litterärische Gesell-
schaft. HAUSMANN (R.) Grabfunde aus Est-
land. Eine archäologische Studie. pp. 54.
Reval, 1896. 4o.
7706. f. 32.
HERMANN (C. A.) Uurimised Eesti rahwa muinas-
ajast. pp. 101. Jurjewis, 1895. 16°. 9454. a. 9.
PAUCKER (E. P. H.) Ehstlands Kirchen und
Prediger seit 1848. pp. 120. Reval, 1885. 8°.
4695. dd. 10.
JORDAN (P.) Die Resultäte der ehstländischen
Volkszählung, 1881. pp. 157. Reval, 1886. 8°.
8223. de. 16.


LIVONIA. Ein deutsches Land in Gefahr! pp. 30.
Berl. 1886. 8°.
8033. g. 27. (4.)
Rechtskraft und Rechtsbruch der liv- und est-
ländischen Privilegien. pp. 85. Leipz. 1887. 8°.
5605. ee. 5. (6.)
ERDMANN (C.) System des Privatrechts der Ostsee-
provinzen. Riga, 1889, etc. 8°.
5756. c.
LIVONIA. Commentar zu dem vierten Buch des
liv-, est- und curländischen Privatrechts.
Riga, 1889, etc. 8°.
NEUMANN (W.) Grundriss einer Geschichte der
bildenden Künste in Liv-, Est- und Kurland.
pp. 184. Reval, 1887. 8°.

5756. bbb. 21.

7808. bb. 32.

Ac. Riga. Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Ost-See
Provinzen. Goldschmiedearbeiten in Estland,
etc. pp. 24. Lübeck, 1892. fol.


1811. a. 8.

Language and Literature.

Ac. Saint Petersburg. Academia Scientiarum.
WIEDEMANN (F. J.) Ehstnisch-deutsches Wör-
terbuch. col. 1406. St. Petersburg, 1893. 8°.
12963. m. 10.
ESTHONIANS. Kõnelemised sage õppimiseks Eesti
rahwale, etc. Jurjew, 1894. 8°. 12975. bbb. 3.
BUSCH (A.) Eesti raamatute nimekiri. pp. 47.
Pеseb, 1897. 8°.
011901. h. 14.
JORDAN (P.) Geschichte der ehstländischen
literärischen Gesellschaft, 1842-92. pp. 92.
Reval, 1892. 8°.
11851. f. 35.
JANNSEN (H.) Märchen und Sagen des estnischen
Volkes. pp. 203. Riga, 1888. 8°. 12430. d. 37.
KIRBY (W. F.) The Hero of Esthonia. Study
of the Kalewipoeg. 2 vol. Lond. 1895. 8°.
12431. ee. 29.
ESTOPPEL, Law of. EVEREST (L. F.) and
STRODE (E.) Law of Estoppel. pp. 499.
Lond. 1884. 8°.
6325. e. 11.
CABABÉ (M.) Principles of Estoppel. pp. 152.
Lond. 1888. 8°.
6146. bb. 31.
BROUGHTON (L. P. D.) Estoppel in civil suits in
India. pp. 168. Lond. 1893. 8°. 5318. bb. 30.
CASPERSZ (A.) Estoppel in British India.

pp. 444. 1896. 8°. Tagore Law Lectures.
5318. aaa.
EWART (J. S.) Exposition of the principles of
Estoppel by Misrepresentation. pp. 548.
Toronto, 1900. 8°.
06605. f. 16.
cuerdos de Extremadura. pp. 180.
Fregenal, 1884. 16°.

10160. aa. 16.

[blocks in formation]

10168. i. 21.

Étude paléon-


ÉTAMPES. MARQUIS (L.) Les rues d'Étampes.
pp. 131. Étampes, 1881. 8°.
tologique sur le terrain oligocène marin aux
environs d'Etampes. pp. 187. 1884. 4°.
Paris. Société Géologique. Mémoires. Troisième
série. Tom. III.
Ac. 3115/2.
MARQUIS (L.) Notice sur le Château d'Étampes.
pp. 114. Etampes, 1885. 8°.
LEGRAND (M.) and MARQUIS (L.) Les trois états
du bailliage d'Etampes aux Etats généraux.
Etampes, 1892, etc. 8°.


General History.

JODL (F.) Geschichte der Ethik.
Stuttg. 1882, etc. 8°.

PRESENSÉ (E. de) Les origines.

10168. b. 40.

9225. bb. 21.

8486. bbb. 9.

L'origine de la

morale. pp. 360. Paris, 1883. 8°. 8470. d. 39.
BECKER (J. H.) Ursprung der Sittlichkeit.
pp. 112. Leipz. 1888. 8°.

CUTLER (C.) Beginnings of Ethics.
N. Y. 1889. 8°.

8409. c. 46.

pp. 324.

8411. c. 29.

[blocks in formation]

MARTHA (C.) Études morales sur l'antiquité.
pp. 339. Paris, 1883. 8°.
EWALD (P.) Der Einfluss der stoisch-ciceronian-
ischen Moral auf die Darstellung der Ethik
bei Ambrosius. pp. 88. Leipz. 1881. 8°.

8463. df. 25. (6.)
HERFORD (C. H.) The Stoics as Teachers.
pp. 99. Camb. 1882. 8°.
8462. d. 14.
LUTHARDT (C. E.) Die antike Ethik als Ein-
leitung in die Geschichte der christlichen Moral,
pp. 187. Leipz. 1887. 8°.
8460. ee. 34.
SIMAR (T.) Die Lehre vom Wesen des Gewis-
sens in der Scholastik. Freiburg, 1886, etc. 4°.
8485. g. 2.

RICKABY (J.) Aquinas Ethicus: moral teaching
of St. Thomas. 2 vol. 1892. 8°. Quarterly
Series. Vol. 79-80.
3605. dd. 79. 80.
LUTHARDT (C. E.) Melanchthon's Arbeiten in
Gebiete der Moral. pp. 62. Leipz. 1884. 4°.
8464. f. 25. (6.)
GORHAM (C. T.) Ethics of the great French
Rationalists. pp. 101. Lond. 1900. 8°.
8411. cc. 37.

[blocks in formation]

LESSONA (M.) La morale e il diritto in Socrate.
pp. 79. Roma, 1886. 8°. 8411. c. 2. (6.)
FAVRE (Mme. J. G. C.) La Morale de Socrate.
pp. 328. Paris, 1888. 12o.
8460. bb. 28.
COOK (A. B.) Metaphysical basis of Plato's
Ethics. pp. 160. Camb. 1895. 8°. 8460. bb. 40.
SHOREY (P.) The Idea of Good in Plato's Re-
public. 1895. 8°. Ac. Chicago. University.
Studies in Classical Philology. vol. 1.
Ac. 2691. d/2.
ARISTOTLE. Ethics of Aristotle. Greek. Notes
by Sir A. Grant. 2 vol. Lond. 1885. 8°. 2051. d.
Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachea recognovit I.
Bywater. pp. 264. Oxonii, 1890. 8°.

8408. g. 27.
The Nicomachean Ethics. Translated by
F. H. Peters. pp. 354. Lond. 1881. 8°.
2234. a. 3.
Ethics of Aristotle. Bks. I.-IV. and Bk. x.
Translated by S. H. Jeyes. pp. 233.
Lond. 1890. 8°.

2234. cc. 2.
Ethics. Chase's translation, etc. pp. 333.
1890. 8°. Camelot Classics.
12205. ff. 2.
Nicomachean Ethics. Translated by J. E. C.
Weldon. pp. 352. Lond. 1892. 8°. 8460. bb. 32.


The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle, books
Translated by St. G. Stock. pp. 107.
8460. c. 39.
Oxf. 1897. 8°.
Nicomachean Ethics. Bks. 1, 4 and 10.
Translated by F. Harvey. pp. 176.
Oxf. 1898. 8°.

8410. f. 12.
Introduction to Aristotle's Ethics. By E.
Moore. pp. 300. Lond. 1890. 8°. 2234. b. 2.

Lectures in the Lyceum; Aristotle's Ethics
for English readers. Edited by St. G. Stock.
pp. 379. Lond. 1897. 8°.
8459. ee. 1.

OLLÉ-LAPRUNE (L.) Essai sur la morale d'Aris-
tote. pp. 313. Paris, 1881. 8°. 8462. d. 11.
COTES (K. D.) Aristotle's Ethics explained.
pp. 195. Lond. 1883. 8°.

8460. ccc. 8.

[blocks in formation]

JACKSON (H.) On some passages in the Eude-
mian Ethics attributed to Aristotle. pp. 51.
Camb. 1900. 8°.
8461. bb. 42.

MUIRHEAD (J. H.) Chapters from Aristotle's
Ethics. pp. 319. Lond. 1900. 8°. 8460. dd. 37.
LARSEN (S. C.) Studia critica in Plutarchi Mo
ralia. pp. 151. Hauniæ, 1889. 8°. 11312. k. 52.
HARPF (A.) Die Ethik des Protagoras. pp. 71.
Heidelberg, 1884. 8°.
8470. dd. 24. (4.)

[blocks in formation]

FRIEDLAENDER (J.) Spinoza ein Meister der
Ethik. pp. 30. Berl. 1895. 8°. 8408. m. 8. (1.)
SCHEIDEMANTEL (H.) Die Grundprobleme der
Ethik Spinoza's. pp. 36. Leipz. 1898. 8°.
8407. f. 34. (3.)
WAHLE (R.) Kurze Erklärung der Ethik von
Spinoza. pp. 212. Wien, 1899. 8°. 8410. h. 7.
HAAN (J. D. B. de) Levensleer naar de begin-
selen van Spinoza. pp. 404.
's-Gravenhage, 1900. 8°.

08464. g. 34.

HOBBES (T.) The Ethics of Hobbes; selections
from his works. pp. 377. Bost. 1898. 8°.

8411. e. 18.
Introduction to Cudworth's
treatise concerning Eternal Morality. pp. 67.


8405. cc. 33.

Lond. 1891. 8°.
MALEBRANCHE (N.) Traité de morale. pp. 272.
Paris, 1882. 12o.
8409. bb. 28.
REINER (J.) Malebranche's Ethik in ihrer
Abhängigkeit von seiner Erkenntnistheorie, etc.
pp. 48. Berl. 1896. 8°. 08464. i. 26. (4.)
HAFFERBERG (R. C.) Die Philosophie Vauven-
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pp. 55. Jena, 1898. 8°. 8407. e. 43. (3.)

SELBY (F. G.) Butler's Method of Ethics.
pp. 52. Bomb. 1881. 8°. 8463. bb. 21. (5.)
COOK (W.) Ethics of Bishop Butler and Kant.
pp. 52. 1888. 8°. Ac. Ann Arbor. University.
Philosophical Papers. Ser. 2. No. 4.
Ac. 2685/7.

SCHUBERT (J.) Smith's Moralphilosophie.
1891. 8°. WUNDT (W.) Philosophische Studien.
Bd. 6.
8463. e. 12.
KANT (I.) Fundamental Principles of the Meta-
physic of Ethics. pp. 102. Lond. 1895. S.
8411. cc. 32.
HERBART (J. F.) Die Fortbildung der Kant-
ischen Ethik durch Herbart. 1881, etc. 8°.
8356. d. 9.

JACKSON (W. T.) Seneca and Kant.
Dayton, Ohio, 1881. 8°.
SCHURMAN (J. G.) Kantian Ethics.
Lond. 1881. 8°.

BOLLIGER (A.) Anti-Kant.

pp. 109.
8463. c. 23.

pp. 103.

8409. c. 15.

Basel, 1882, etc. 8°.

8467. gg. 17.
Critical exposition.
8463. bb.

PORTER (N.) Kant's Ethics.
pp. 249. Chicago, 1886. 8°.
COOK (W.) Ethics of Bishop Butler and Kant.
pp. 52. 1888. 8°. Ac. Ann Arbor. University.
Philosophical Papers. Ser. 2. No. 4.
Ac. 2685/7.

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