Imágenes de páginas

ance and bonding companies for the purpose of meeting the insurance and bonding requirements of the regulations in this part, pay such premiums, permit such reasonable inspections and examinations, and make such reasonable reports as may be provided for in such contracts.

(e) Each warehouseman shall promptly take such steps as may be necessary and proper to collect any moneys which may become due under contracts of insurance entered into by him for the purpose of meeting the requirements of the regulations in this part, and shall, as soon as collected, promptly pay to the persons concerned any portion of such moneys which they may be entitled to receive from him.

(f) If at any time a fire shall occur at or within any warehouse, it shall be the duty of the warehouseman to report immediately by wire to the Administrator the occurrence of such fire and the extent of damage.

§ 102.34 Records; safe keeping.

Each warehouseman shall provide a fireproof safe, vault, or compartment in which he shall keep, when not in actual use, all records, books, and papers pertaining to the licensed warehouse, including his current receipt book, copies of issued and canceled receipts, except that with the written consent of the Service, upon a showing by such warehouseman that it is not practicable to provide such fireproof safe, vault, or compartment, he may keep such records, books and papers in some other place of safety, approved by the Service. Each canceled receipt shall be retained by warehouseman for a period of six years after December 31 of the year in which the receipt is canceled and for such longer period as may be necessary for the purposes of any litigation which the warehouseman knows to be pending, or as may be required by the Administrator in particular cases to carry out the purposes of the act. Canceled receipts shall be arranged by the warehouseman in numerical order and otherwise in such manner as shall be directed, for purposes of audit, by authorized officers or agents of the Department of Agricuture.

§ 102.35 Warehouse charges.

A warehouseman shall not make any unreasonable or exorbitant charge for services rendered. Before a license to conduct a warehouse is granted under the act the warehouseman shall file with the Department a copy of his rules and a schedule of charges to be made by him if licensed. Before making any change in such rules or schedule of charges he shall file with the Department a statement in writing showing the proposed change and the reasons therefor. Each warehouseman shall keep exposed conspicuously in the place prescribed by § 102.8. and at such other place, accessible to the public, as the Service may from time to time designate, a copy of his current rules and schedule of charges.

§ 102.36 Business hours.

(a) Each warehouse shall be kept open for the purpose of receiving grain for storage and delivering grain out of storage every business day for a period of not less than six hours between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. The warehouseman shall keep conspicuously posted on the door of the public entrance to his office and to his licensed warehouse a notice showing the hours during which the warehouse will be kept open, except when such warehouse is kept open continuously from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

(b) In case the warehouse is not to be kept open as required by paragraph (a) of this section, the notice posted as prescribed in that paragraph shall state the period during which the warehouse is to be closed and the name of an accessible person, with the address where he is to be found, and the telephone number, if any, who shall be authorized to deliver grain stored in such warehouse, upon lawful demand by the depositor thereof or the holder of the receipt therefor, as the case may be.

§ 102.37 System of accounts.

Each warehouseman shall have and maintain a system of accounts, approved for the purpose by the Service. This shall include a stock record showing for each lot of grain received for storage its net weight including dockage, if any, its grade when its grade is required to be, or is, ascertained, its location, the dates received for and delivered out of storage, the receipts issued and canceled, also a separate record for each depositor of his grain, which shall include a detailed record of all moneys received and disbursed and of all insurance policies taken

out and canceled on request of each depositor. The warehouseman shall further keep a general insurance account showing the policy number, issuing company, amount, binding, and expiration dates of all fire, tornado, and other insurance policies taken out by him and in each instance show the property covered by such policies. These records shall also show similar information concerning any nonstorage grain handled through the warehouse. Such records shall be retained by the warehouseman for a period of six years after December 31 of the year in which created, and for such longer period as may be necessary for the purposes of any litigation which the warehouseman knows to be pending, or as may be required by the Administrator in particular cases to carry out the purposes of the Act.

$ 102.38 Reports required.

(a) Each warehouseman shall, from time to time, if requested by the Service, make such reports, on forms prescribed and furnished for the purpose by the Service, concerning the condition, contents, operation, and business of the warehouse.

(b) Each warehouseman shall keep on file, as a part of the records of the warehouse, for a period of three years after December 31 of the year in which submitted, an exact copy of each report submitted by such warehouseman under the regulations in this part.

§ 102.39 Inspections; examination of warehouse.

Each warehouseman shall permit any officer or agent of the Department, authorized by the Secretary, or his designated representative, for the purpose, to enter and inspect or examine on any business day during the usual hours of business, any warehouse for the conduct of which such warehouseman holds a license, the office thereof, the books, records, papers, and accounts relating thereto, and the contents thereof and such warehouseman shall furnish such officer or agent the assistance necessary to enable him to make any inspection or examination under this section.

$ 102.40 Care of grain in licensed warehouses.

Each warehouseman shall at all times, including any period of suspension of his license, exercise such care in regard to grain in his custody as a reasonably careful owner would exercise under the same circumstances and conditions.

$ 102.41 Care of other grain and other commodities.

If, at any time, a warehouseman shall handle or store grain otherwise than as a licensed warehouseman, or shall handle or store any other commodity, he shall so protect the same, and otherwise exercise care with respect to it, as not to endanger the grain in his custody as a warehouseman or impair the insurance thereof or his ability to meet his obligations and perform his duties under the act and the regulations in this part.

$ 102.42 Excess storage.

If at any time a warehouseman shall store grain in his warehouse in excess of the capacity for which it is licensed, such warehouseman shall immediately notify the Service of such excess storage, the reason therefor, and the location thereof.

§ 102.43 Removal of specially stored grain.

Except as may be required by law or the regulations in this part, a warehouseman shall not remove any grain for storage from the licensed warehouse or a part thereof in which it may be specially binned or stored for insurance purposes, and transfer the grain to another bin without first obtaining the receipt, canceling the same and issuing a new receipt for said grain following its transfer.

§ 102.44 Grades and weights; bulk grain.1

Except as provided in § 102.27 each warehouseman shall accept all storage and nonstorage grain and shall deliver out all storage and nonstorage bulk grain, other than specially binned grain, in accordance with the grades of such grain as determined by a person duly licensed to inspect and grade such grain and to certificate the grade thereof and in accordance with the weights of such grain as determined by a person duly licensed to weigh such grain and to certificate the weight thereof, under the act, and the regulations in this part; or

1 Amended 40 F.R. 19011, May 1, 1975.

if an appeal from the determination of an inspector has been taken, either under the Grain Standards Act and regulations thereunder or under §§ 102.81 through 102.95, such grain shall be accepted for and delivered out of storage in accordance with the grades as finally determined in such appeal.

$ 102.45 Storage of identity-preserved grain.

Upon acceptance for storage of bulk grain, the identity of which is to be preserved, the warehouseman shall store such grain in a bin or bins, a compartment or compartments, or other container or containers identified by clearly distinguishable identification insignia permanently and securely affixed thereto, subject to such control by the Department as may seem administratively necessary to protect depositors or holders of receipts. If the grain is received in bags or other suitable containers, such bags or containers shall be so marked and so placed in the warehouse that the identity of the grain will not be lost while in storage. The warehouseman's records shall at all times clearly show the location of all identity-preserved grain stored in the warehouse.

§ 102.46 Sacked grain.

Each warehouseman shall keep sacked grain stored in an orderly manner so as to permit easy access to all lots and to facilitate inspecting, sampling, counting, and identification of each lot.

$ 102.47 Warehouses to be kept clean.

Each warehouseman shall keep his warehouse reasonably clean at all times and free from straw, rubbish, or accumulations of materials that will increase the fire hazard or interfere with the handling of grain.

$102.48 Delivery of fungible grain.

Except as may be provided by law or the regulations in this part, each warehouseman, (a) upon proper presentation of a receipt for any grain other than identity-stored grain, and which grain has not at the request of the depositor or lawful holder of the receipt covering such grain or otherwise as permitted by law or the regulations in this part, been dried or otherwise conditioned by such warehouseman, and upon payment or tender of all advances and legal charges, shall deliver to such depositor or lawful holder of such receipt grain of the grade and quantity named in such receipt; and (b) upon proper presentation of a receipt for any grain the identity of which was to have been preserved during the storage period, and upon payment or tender of all advances and legal charges, shall deliver to the person lawfully entitled thereto, the identical grain so stored in his warehouse.

$ 102.49 Cleaning of grain.

Each warehouseman whose warehouse is equipped with machinery suitable for the purpose, shall clean all bulk grain, received for storage in such warehouse, on which the inspector at the request of the depositor or lawful holder of the receipt covering such grain has set dockage for cleaning.

§ 102.50 Grades; separate in storage.

A warehouseman may not mix lots of different grades of grain stored or received for storage except when the identity of the grain to be stored is to be preserved or when a depositor surrenders receipts covering two or more lots and requests the warehouseman to deliver the amount of grain represented by the canceled receipts in such a manner that they will become one lot. The balance, if any, of grain resulting from this operation, after weighing and inspecting, is to be stored with grain of like grade or its identity preserved.

$102.51 Stocks to be in balance by grades.

Warehousemen must keep stocks of grain in storage by grades in balance with the grades of grain represented by outstanding storage obligations for which receipts have been or are to be issued, except when the grain has unavoidably improved or deteriorated through natural causes. In case the grades of stored grain should get out of balance with grades represented by outstanding storage obligations for which receipts have been or are to be issued, the warehouseman shall effect proper adjustments.

$102.52 Out-of-condition and damaged grain.

(a) If the condition of any grain offered for storage is such that it probably will affect the condition of grain in the licensed warehouse, the warehouseman shall not receive such grain for storage or store such grain in his licensed ware

house, but, if the warehouse has separate bins or is equipped with proper conditioning apparatus, he may receive such grain for storage in such separate bins or he may condition it and then store it in such manner as will not lower the grade of other grain.

(b) In case the warehouseman or the Department shall find that storage of grain in direct contact with any part of the structure of the warehouse results, or is likely to result, in damage to the grain, the warehouseman shall not store grain in such part of the warehouse except in such manner and by the use of such material as will keep the grain in the same condition as when stored. $102.53 Reconditioning grain.

In case the warehouseman considers that any portion of the grain in his warehouse is out of condition, or becoming so, he shall direct the inspector to examine the grain in question. If the inspector finds such grain to be out of condition or becoming so and he is of the opinion that by re-elevating, screening, blowing, cooling, or drying the grain can be brought back into condition or that further deterioration can be prevented, such warehouseman shall give immediate notice of the fact to the persons and in the manner specified in § 102.54. If, within 24 hours after the giving of such notice, the owners of such grain have not otherwise directed as to the disposition of same, such warehouseman, with the approval of the inspector, shall, in his warehouse to the extent to which it is equipped with machinery suitable for the purpose, or may in another warehouse or elevator so equipped to the extent to which his warehouse is not equipped with suitable machinery, subject the grain to any or all of the above-mentioned processes. $ 102.54 Notice of condition of grain.

(a) If the warehouseman with the approval of the inspector, shall determine that the further deterioration of any grain can not be prevented by reconditioning, or after treating it in accordance with § 102.53, it is still out of condition, the warehouseman shall give immediate notice of the fact, in accordance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(b) Such notice shall state

(1) The warehouse in which the grain is stored,

(2) The quantity, kind, and grade, if determined, of the grain at the time the notice is given,

(3) The actual condition of the grain as nearly as can be ascertained, and the reason, if known, for such condition,

(4) The oldest outstanding receipts covering the amount of grain out of condition, other than sacked or specially binned grain, upon which the grain will be delivered, giving the number and date of each such receipt and the quantity, the kind, and grade of the grain as stated in such receipts, or

(5) The outstanding receipts covering the grain out of condition the identity of which was to have been preserved, giving the number and date of each such receipt and the designation of the bin, container or location of such grain as stated in the receipt therefor, and

(6) That such grain will be delivered upon the return and cancellation of the receipts therefor.

(c) A copy of such notice shall be delivered in person or shall be sent by mail

(1) To the persons holding the oldest receipts covering the grain in question mentioned in paragraph (b) (4) and (5) of this section if known to the warehouseman,

(2) To any other person, including the persons mentioned in paragraph (d) of this section, known by the warehouseman to be interested in the grain.

(3) To the grain exchange, board of trade or chamber of commerce, if any, in the city or town in or nearest to which the warehouse is located, and (4) To the Administrator.

If the holders of the receipts and the owners of the grain are known to the warehouseman and cannot, in the regular course of the mails, be reached within 12 hours, the warehouseman shall, whether or not requested so to do in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section, also immediately notify such persons by telegraph or telephone at their expense. Public notice shall also be given by posting a copy of such notice in a conspicuous place in the main office of the warehouse where receipts are issued. A copy of such notice shall be kept as a record of the warehouse.

(d) Any person, interested in any grain or the receipt covering such grain stored in a warehouse, may, in writing, notify the warehouseman conducting

such warehouse, of the fact and nature of his interest, and such warehouseman shall keep a record of the fact. If such person requests, in writing, that he be notified regarding the condition of any such grain and agrees to pay the cost of any telegraph or telephone toll charge, such warehouseman shall notify such person in accordance with such request.

(e) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as relieving the warehouseman from properly caring for any grain after notification of its condition in accordance with this section.

(f) Records required to be kept by this section shall be retained, as a part of the records of the warehouse, for a period of six years after December 31 of the year in which created, and for such longer period as may be necessary for the purposes of any litigation which the warehouseman knows to be pending, or as may be required by the Administrator in particular cases to carry out the purposes of the Act.

$ 102.55 Sale of grain at public auction.

If the grain, advertised in accordance with the requirements of § 102.54 has not been removed from storage by the owner thereof, within 10 days from the date of notice of its being out of condition, the warehouseman in whose warehouse such grain is stored may sell the same at public auction at the expense and for the account of the owner after giving 10 days' notice in the manner specified in $ 102.54 (c).

$ 102.56 Identity-preserved grain; acceptance.

Subject to the provisions of section 13 of the act (39 Stat. 488; 7 U.S.C. 254), a licensed warehouseman may elect not to receive grain for storage the identity of which is to be preserved while in storage.

$ 102.57 License fees.


There shall be charged and collected a fee of $20 for each original warehouseman's license, and a fee of $10 for each amended or reinstated warehouseman's license applied for by a warehouseman, and a fee of $6 for each license or amendment thereto issued to an inspector and/or weigher, except that no fee shall be charged for issuance of a license to an inspector who holds an unsuspended and unrevoked license under the United States Grain Standards Act or the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 and regulations thereunder to inspect and grade any grain and to certificate the grade thereof.1

§ 102.58 Warehouse inspection fee.

There shall be charged and collected for each original inspection of a warehouse under the act, when such inspection is made upon application of a warehouseman, a fee at the rate of $6 for each 10.000 bushels of the grain storage capacity of the warehouse, or fraction thereof, determined in accordance with § 102.6(a), but in no case less than $40 nor more than $1,000, and for each reinspection, applied for by the warehouseman, a fee based on the extent of the reinspection, proportioned to, but not greater than, that prescribed for the original inspection.

§ 102.59 Advance deposit.

Before any warehouseman's license, or amendment thereto, or any inspector's and/or weigher's license, is granted, or original examination or inspection, or reexamination or reinspection applied for by a warehouseman, is made, pursuant to the regulations in this part, the warehouseman and/or inspector or weigher shall deposit with the Service the amount of the fee prescribed. Such deposit shall be made in the form of a check, certified if required by the Service, draft, or post-office or express money order, payable to the order of "Treasurer of the United States."

$ 102.60 Return of excess deposit.

The Treasurer of the United States shall hold in his custody each advance deposit made under § 102.59 until the fee, if any, is assessed and he is furnished by the Service with a statement showing the amount thereof and against whom assessed. Any part of such advance deposit which is not required for the payment of any fee assessed shall be returned to the party depositing same.

1 Amended 40 F.R. 5347, Feb. 5, 1975.

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