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BACH, Joseph, D.D. (University of Munich, the German army in the war against France, 1859), Roman Catholic; b. at Aislingen, near 1870-71; was in Russia, 1873-76; in Berlin, Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany, May 4, 1833; stud- 1876-77; in British Museum, London, 1878; ied philosophy and theology in the University of became privat-docent at Kiel, 1878; professor Munich; became privat-docent there, 1865; pro- extraordinary of theology, 1884. From 1881-84 fessor extraordinary of theology, 1867; ordinary he was also "adjunctus ministerii" in Kiel. He professor of philosophy of religion and peda- is the author of Untersuchungen über die Psalmen gogics, and university preacher, 1872. He has nach der Peshitâ, Kiel, 1878; Sindban oder die written Die Siebenzahl der Sacramente, Regens- sieben weisen Meister. Syrisch und Deutsch, Leipburg, 1864; Meister Eckhart, Wien, 1864; Propst zig, 1879; Syrische Grammatik des Mar Elias von Gerhoch von Reichersberg, 1865; Die Dogmenge- Tirhan herausgegeben und übersetzt, 1880; Anmuth schichte des Mittelalters vom christologischen Stand- und Würde in der alttestamentlichen Poesie, Kiel, punkte, oder die mittelalterliche Christologie vom 8. bis 1880 (a lecture); Fragmente syrischer und ara16. Jahr., 1873-75, 2 vols.; Joseph von Görres, bischer Historiker herausgegeben und übersetzt, 1884; Freiburg, 1876; Des Albertus Magnus Verhältniss Evangelienfragmente: Der griechische Text des Curezur Erkenntnisslehre der Griechen, Lateiner, Ara- ton'schen Syrers wiederhergestellt, 1885. Besides ber u. Juden, Wien, 1881; Vorlesungen über Dante, these he has written the following articles: Ein 1881; Ueber das Verhältniss des Système de la Melkitischer Hymnus an die Jungfrau Maria Nature zur Wissenschaft der Gegenwart, Cologne, (“ Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft," 1879, vol. 33, pp. 666-671 [1879], and in the same the yearly review of matters relating to Syriac, etc., 1879 sqq.); Kritische Bemerkungen über einige Stellen des Psalmentextes ("Theolog. Studien und Kritiken," 1880, pp. 751 sqq.); Philoxenus von Mabug über den Glauben ("Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte," 1881, vol. 5, pp. 122–138); Der textkritische Werth der alten Uebersetzungen zu den Psalmen ("Jahrbücher für protestantische Theologie," 1882, vol. 8, pp. 405459, 593-667); Nachricht von einer unbekannten Handschrift des Psalterium juxta Hebraeos Hieronymi ("Zeitschrift für die alttest. Wissenschaft," 1881, vol. 1, pp. 105-112); Der Psalmencommentar des Theodor von Mopsuestia in syrischer Bearbeitung (do., 1885, vol. 5, pp. 53-101).


BACHMANN, Johannes Franz Julius, German Lutheran theologian; b. in Berlin, Feb. 24, 1832; became privat-docent there, 1856; ordinary professor of theology at Rostock, 1858; and there also university preacher, 1874. Besides sermons, he has issued Die Festgesetze des Pentateuchs, Berlin, 1858; Das Buch der Richter, vol. i., in 2 parts, 1867-70; Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg, sein Leben und Wirken, Gütersloh, 1876-80, 2 vols. * BACON, Leonard Woolsey, M.D. (Yale, 1856), D.D. (Yale, 1879), Congregationalist; b. at New Haven, Conn., Jan. 1, 1830; graduated at Yale College, 1850, and at Yale Theological Seminary, 1854; was minister of St. Peter's (Presbyterian) Church, Rochester, N.Y., 1856; of Litchfield (Congregational) Church, Connecticut, 1857-60; BAIRD, Charles Washington, D.D. (University, missionary at large for Connecticut, 1861-62; New York City, 1876), Presbyterian; b. at Princeminister at Stamford, Conn., 1863-65; Brooklyn, ton, N.J., Aug. 28, 1828; graduated at the UniN.Y., 1865-70; Baltimore, Md., 1871; in Europe, versity of the City of New York, 1848, and at 1872-77; minister at Norwich, Conn., 1878-82; Union Theological Seminary, 1852; was chaplain stated supply to Woodland Presbyterian Church, of the American Chapel at Rome, Italy, 1852-54; Philadelphia, Penn., 1883; chosen pastor of the and pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church on same, 1885. He has contributed largely in prose Bergen Hill, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1859-61; but since and poetry to the press, issued pamphlets and 1861 has been pastor of the Presbyterian Church musical compositions, edited Congregational Hymn of Rye, Westchester County, N.Y. He is the and Tune Book, New Haven, 1857; The Book of necrologist of Union Theological Seminary. He Worship, New York, 1865; The Life, Speeches, has written the following books: Eutaria, or the and Discourses of Father Hyacinthe, 1872; The Presbyterian Liturgies: Historical Sketches, New Hymns of Martin Luther set to their Original Melo-York, 1855 (revised and reprinted under title A dies, with an English Version, 1883; The Church Chapter on Liturgies, with preface and appendix, Book: Hymns and Tunes, 1883; and original Are Dissenters to have a Liturgy? both by Thomas books, Vatican Council, New York, 1872; Church Binney, London, 1856); A Book of Public Prayer, Papers: Essays on Subjects Ecclesiastical and Social, compiled from the Authorized Formularies of WorGeneva, London, and New York, 1876; A Life ship of the Presbyterian Church, as prepared by the worth living: Life of Mrs. Emily Bliss Gould, New Reformers Calvin, Knox, Bucer, and others. With York, 1878; Sunday Observance and Sunday Law | Supplementary Forms, New York, 1857; Chronicle (with six sermons on the sabbath question, by of a Border Town [Rye, N.Y.], 1870; History of G. B. Bacon), 1882; The Simplicity that is in Bedford Church [Westchester County, N.Y.], Christ (sermons), 1886. 1882; History of the Huguenot Emigration_to America [1885], 2 vols., 2d ed. same year. Besides these he has translated Malan's Romanism, New York, 1844; and Discourses and Essays of J. H. Merle d'Aubigné, 1846; and written an arti

BAETHGEN, Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf, Lic. Theol. (Kiel, 1877), Ph.D. (Leipzig, 1878), Protestant theologian; b. at Lachem, Hannover, Jan. 16, 1849; studied at Göttingen and Kiel; was in

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cle in Magazine of American History (1879, Octo- ma di Enrico II. di Germania a Papa Benedetto ber) on Civil Status of Presbyterians in the Province VIII., Rome, 1880; S. Catterina da Siena e il of New York. Papato, 1880 (Flemish and French trans., Bruges, BAIRD, Henry Martyn, Ph.D. (Princeton Col-1884); La politica italiana dal 1863 al 1870, secondo lege, 1867), D.D. (Rutgers College, 1877), LL.D. (Princeton, 1882), brother of the preceding, Presbyterian; b. in Philadelphia, Penn., Jan. 17, 1832; graduated at the University of the City of New York, 1850; studied in the University of Athens, Greece; in the Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1853-55; graduated at Princeton Theological Seminary, 1856; was tutor in the College of New Jersey, Princeton, N.J., 1855-59; and has been since 1859 professor of the Greek language and literature in the University of the City of New York. He is the author of Modern Greece: a Narrative of a Residence and Travel in that Country, New York, 1856; The Life of the Rev. Robert Baird, D.D. (his father), 1866; History of the Rise of the Huguenots of France, New York, 1879, 2 vols., 2d ed., 1883, London, 1880.

gli ultimi documenti, 1880; La storia d'Italia e gli archivi segreti della S. Sede, 1881; Le relazioni fra la Chiesa Cattolica e gli slavi meridionali, 1881 (Slavic trans., Agram, 1882); I Papi ed i vespri siciliani, con documenti, 1881 (Spanish trans., Rome, 1881); Il processo di Bonifazio VIII., 1881; La politica di Clemente VII. fino al sacco di Roma, 1884; Roma capitale d'Italia, 1884 (German trans., 1884); Monumenta reformationis Lutherance ex tabulariis secretioribus s. sedis 1521-25, Regensburg, 1884; Monumenta sæculi XVI. historiam illustrantia, vol. i., Clementis VII. epistolæ per Sadoletum scriptæ, quibus accedunt variorum ad papam et ad alios epistolæ, Innsbruck, 1885; Clemente VII. e l'Italia del suo tempo, Milan, 1886.


BALLANTINE, William Gay, Congregationalist; b. at Washington, D.C., Dec. 7, 1848; gradBALAN, Pietro, Roman Catholic; b. at Este, uated at Marietta College, Ohio, 1688, and Union Padua, Italy, Sept. 3, 1840; educated in the sem- Theological Seminary, New York, 1872; professor inary at Padua; became ordinary professor in in Ripon College, 1874-76; in Indiana University, October, 1862, in that institution; director of the 1876-78; since 1878 connected with the CongreVenetian La Libertà Cattolica, 1865; of the Mo-gational Theological Seminary of Oberlin, O., denese Diritto Cattolico, 1867; sub-archivist of the first as professor of Greek and Hebrew exegesis Vatican, 1880; retired on account of health, | (1878-80), and since as professor of Old-Testa1883; since 1883 has lived at Pragatto in the ment language and literature. He studied at province of Bologna. He was nominated chamber- the University of Leipzig, 1872–73; was with the lain by Leo XIII., 1881; domestic prelate, 1882; American Palestine Exploration Expedition in referendary of the Papal "segnatura," 1883; Palestine, March to August, 1873. Since 1884, commander of the order of Franz Josef, Empe- he has been one of the editors of the Bibliotheca ror of Austria, 1883. He is the author of Studi | sul Papato, Padua, 1862; Tommaso Becket, 1864, BALOCH, Francis, Reformed; b. at Nagy 3d ed., Rome, 1866; Storia di S. Tommaso di Várad (Magnum Varadinum), Hungary, March Cantobery e dei suoi tempi, Modena, 1866, 2 vols.; 30, 1836; graduated there, 1854; continued theoI precursori del Razionalismo moderno fino a logical studies at Debreczen, Hungary, until 1858; Lutero, Parma, 1867–68, 2 vols.; Romani e Longo- resided in the college until 1863, when he went to bardi, Modena, 1868; Della necessità di ristorare Paris, London, and Edinburgh for further study; la storia d'Italia, 1868; L'Economia, la Chiesa e in 1865 he returned to Debreczen as assistant progli umanitari, 1869; Pio IX., la Chiesa e la Ri- fessor, and the next year (1866) became ordinary voluzione, 1869, 2 vols.; Dante ed i Papi, 1870; professor of church history, the history of docGli assedii della Mirandola nel 1511 e nel 1551, trines, and of Hungarian Protestant church hisMirandola, 1870; Della preponderanza_germanica tory. His theological standpoint is orthodox and sull'Occidente dell'Europa, Modena, 1871; Chiesa evangelical. He defends the Helvetic Confession e Stato: lettere a J. I. Doellinger, 1871; Sulle of the Hungarian Reformed Church against those legazioni compiute nei paesi nordici da Guglielmo who throw away all confessions. He was founder, vescovo di Modena nel Secolo XIII., 1872; Il and editor 1875-78, of the Evangelical Protestant vescovo di Modena Alberto Boschetti, 1872; La Gazette (Debreczen, weekly), which successfully Chiesa Cattolica ed i Romani Pontefici difesi dalle opposed the Budapest "Protestant Union," an imicalunnie del Senatore Siotto Pintor, Bologna, 1873;tation of the "Protestanten Verein " of Schenkel. Storia di Gregorio IX. e dei suoi tempi, Modena, 1873-74, 3 vols.; Storia d'Italia dai primi tempi fino al 1870, 1875-86, 7 vols.; Storia del Pontificato di Papa Giovanni VIII., 1876, 3d ed., Rome, 1880; Storia della Lega Lombarda, con documenti, Modena, 1876; Memorie storiche di Tencarola nel Padovano con documenti inediti, 1876; Storia della Chiesa Cattolica durante il Pontificato di Pio IX., Turin, 1876-86, 3 vols., 4th ed., vols. 1 and 2, 1886 (in continuation of Rohrbacher); Memorie della B. Beatrice I. di Este, Modena, 1877, 3d ed., Venice, 1879; Un giro nei Sette Comuni del Vicentino, Milan, 1878; Roberto Boschetti e l'Italia dei suoi tempi, Modena, 1878-84, 2 vols.; Discorsi tenuti nel V. Congresso Cattolico in Modena, Bologna, 1879, 31st ed., Milan, 1885; Le tombe dei Papi profanate da Ferd. Gregorovius, vendicate dalla storia, Modena, 1879; Sull'autenticità del diplo

The "Union" has ceased to exist. He was a delegate from his church to the Reformed Alliance Council at Edinburgh, 1877, and made a report; a member of the first general national synod held at Debreczen 1881, again in 1882; and since 1883 has been ecclesiastical assessor of the superintendency (a life office). Besides addresses, translations, articles in Herzog, etc., he has written, all in Hungarian, and published at Debreczen, Peter Melius, the Hungarian Reformer, 1866 (German translation, 1867); The History of the Hungarian Protestant Church, 1872; The History of the Christian Church to the 17th Century, 1872-82, 2 vols.; Points of Information in the Field of Theology (against Hungarian "modernism "), 1877; The Literature of the Hungarian Protestant Church History, 1879.

BARBOUR, William McLeod, D.D. (Bowdoin

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College, 1870), Congregationalist; b. at Focha- 77, 15 vols.; The Lost and Hostile Gospels, 1874; bers, Morayshire, Scotland, May 29, 1827; gradu-Yorkshire Oddities, 1874; Some Modern Difficulties, ated at Oberlin College, Ohio, 1859, and at An- 1875; The Vicar of Morwenstow (Rev. Robert Stedover Theological Seminary, 1861; was pastor of phen Hawker), 1876 (reprinted New York); GerSouth Church, South Danvers (now Peabody), many, Past and Present, 1879. From 1871 to 1873 Mass., 1861-68; professor of sacred rhetoric and he edited The Sacristy, a quarterly review of ecclepastoral duties (1868–75), and of systematic the-siastical art and literature.

ology (1873-77), in Bangor (Me.) Theological BARNARD, Frederick Augustus Porter, S.T.D. Seminary; since 1877 he has been professor of (University of Mississippi, 1861), LL.D. (Jefferdivinity in Yale College, and college pastor. He son College, Miss., 1855, Yale College, 1859), is a moderate Calvinist. L.H.D. (Regents of the University of the State BARCLAY, Joseph, D.D. (Dublin University, of New York, 1872), Episcopalian; b. at Shef1880), LL.D. (do., 1865); b. near Strabane, County field, Mass., May 5, 1809; graduated at Yale Tyrone, Ireland, Aug. 12, 1831; d. in Jerusalem, College, 1828; was tutor there, 1830; teacher in Palestine, Jan. 23, 1880. He was educated at asylums for the deaf and dumb at Hartford, Trinity College, Dublin, but did not distinguish Conn., 1831-33; and New-York City, 1833-37; himself; graduated B.A., 1854; M.A., 1857; be- professor of mathematics and natural philosophy came curate of Bagnalstown, County Carlow, in University of Alabama, 1837-48; of chemistry, Ireland, 1854; missionary to the Jews in Con- 1848-54; professor of mathematics, natural phistantinople, 1858; minister of Christ Church, losophy, and civil engineering in the University Jerusalem, 1861; resigned July 22, 1870; curate of Mississippi, 1854-56; president of the same, of Howe, England, 1871; St. Margaret's, West- 1856-58; chancellor, 1858-61; in charge of chart minster, 1871-73; rector of Stapleford, near Hert- printing and lithography, United-States Coast ford, 1873; consecrated bishop of Jerusalem, Survey, 1863-64; since May, 1864, president of July 25, 1879; arrived in that city Jan. 23, 1880. Columbia College, New-York City. He took deaHis attainments were extensive. He preached con's orders in the Protestant-Episcopal Church, in Spanish, French, and German, was well read in 1856. He belongs to many scientific societies, Hebrew, both biblical and rabbinic, and acquainted and, aside from text-books, has written many with Turkish and Arabic. He is the author of The educational treatises, of which may be mentioned Talmud (select treatises of the Mishna with pro- Letters on College Government, and the Evils inseplegomena and notes), London, 1877. See his biog-arable from the American College in its Present raphy (anonymous), London, 1883. Form, 1854; History of the American Coast Survey, 1857; University Education, 1858; Undulatory Theory of Light, 1862; Machinery and Processes of the Industrial Arts, and Apparatus of the Exact Sciences, New York, 1868; Metric System of Weights and Measures, 1871, 3d ed. 1879; Imaginary Metrological System of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, 1884.

BARGES, Jean Joseph Léandre, Roman Catholic abbé; b. at Auriol (Bouches-du-Rhône), Feb. 27, 1810; studied Arabic and Hebrew at Marseilles; was ordained priest in 1834; has been since 1842 professor of Oriental languages in the faculty of Catholic theology at Paris; and since 1860 honorary canon of Notre Dame. He has written, Traditions orientales sur les pyramides d'Égypte, Marseilles, 1841; Rabbi Yapheth ben Hali Bassorensis Karita in librum Psalmorum commentarii arabici edidit et in Latinum convertit, Paris, 1846, and Yapheth's Versio, 1861; Aperçu historique sur l'Église d'Afrique, 1848; Le livre de Ruth, 1854; Hebron et le tombeau du patriarche Abraham: Traditions et Légendes musulmanes rapportées par les auteurs arabes, 1863.

BARRETT, Benjamin Fisk, Swedenborgian; b. at Dresden, Me., June 24, 1808; graduated at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me., 1832, and at the Harvard (Unitarian) Divinity School, Cambridge, Mass., 1838; became a Swedenborgian, 1839; was pastor of the New Church Society in New-York City, 1840-48; in Cincinnati, O., 184850; retired temporarily from ministerial service because of ill health; was pastor in Philadelphia, BARING-GOULD, Sabine, Church of England; Penn., 1864-71; and since has been president and b. at Exeter, Jan. 28, 1834; was student in Clare corresponding secretary of the Swedenborg PubCollege, Cambridge; graduated B.A., 1854; M. A., lishing Association, Philadelphia. He edited The 1856; ordained deacon, 1864; priest, 1865; be- Swedenborgian, 1858-60 (when discontinued), and came perpetual curate of Dalton, Yorkshire, 1866; The New Church Monthly, 1867-70 (when merged rector of East Mersea, Essex, 1871; and rector of in The New Church Independent). He is the author Lew Trenchard, Lew Down, North Devonshire, of Life of Emanuel Swedenborg, New York, 1841; 1881. He has written, besides volumes of ser- Lectures on the Doctrines of the New Church, 1842 mons under various titles, in 1872, 1873, 1875, (present title, Lectures on the New Dispensation), 1879, 1880, 1881, 1884, 1885, and novels, the fol- 11th ed., Philadelphia, 1878; The Golden Reed, lowing: The Path of the Just, London, 1856; Ice- New York, 1855; The Question concerning the Visiland, its Scenes and its Sagas, 1863; Post-mediaval ble Church, 1856 (new edition under title, The Preachers, 1865; The Book of Were-wolves, 1865; Apocalyptic New Jerusalem, Philadelphia, 1883); Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, 1866-68, 2 Beauty for Ashes, New York, 1856; Letters to series, new ed., 1881, 1 vol. (reprinted Boston); Beecher on the Divine Trinity, 1860, 4th ed., PhilaThe Silver Store, collected from mediaval Christian delphia, 1873; Catholicity of the New Church, and Jewish Mines, 1868, 2d ed. 1882; Curiosities New York, 1863; The New View of Hell, Philaof Olden Times, 1869, 2d ed. 1875; The Origin delphia, 1870, 5th ed. 1886; Prelate and Pastor, and Development of Religious Belief, 1870-71, 2 1871 (title changed to A Bishop's Gun reversed, vols., 2d ed. 1882 (reprinted New York); Legends 1882); Letters to Beecher on the Future Life, 1872; of the Old-Testament Characters, 1871, 2 vols. The Golden City, 1874; The New Church, its Na(reprinted New York); Lives of the Saints, 1872-ture and Whereabout, 1877; Swedenborg and Chan


ning, 1879; The Question answered [What are the doctrines of the New Church?], 1883; Footprints of the New Age, 1884; Heaven revealed, 1885. Compiled and edited The Swedenborg Library (giving the substance of Swedenborg's theological teachings), Philadelphia, 1876-81, 12 vols.

BARROWS, John Henry (Lake Forest University, Ill., 1883), Presbyterian; b. at Medina, Mich., July 11, 1847; graduated at Olivet College, 1867; studied at New-Haven (Congregational) Theological Seminary, 1867-68, and at Union (Presbyterian) Theological Seminary, NewYork City, 1868-69; was superintendent of public instruction in Osage County, Kansas, 1871-72; stated supply of First Congregational Church of Springfield, Ill., 1872-75; ordained (Congregationalist), April 29, 1875; pastor of the Eliot Congregational Church, Lawrence, Mass., 1875 81; of the Maverick Church, East Boston, 188182; since Dec. 8, 1882, he has been pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Chicago, Ill.

BARROWS, Walter Manning, D.D. (Olivet College, 1884), Congregationalist; b. at Franklin, Mich., April 12, 1846; graduated at Olivet College, Mich., 1867, and at Andover Theological Seminary, Mass., 1873; became pastor in Salt Lake City, Utah, 1874; corresponding secretary of the American Home Missionary Society, NewYork City, 1881.

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First Words in Australia, 1884. He commented
upon Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and
Philemon, in vol. iii. of Bishop Ellicott's N. T.
Commentary for English Readers, 1879, re-issued
in the Handy Commentary, 1883.

BARTLETT, Edward Totterson, Episcopalian;
b. at Philadelphia, Penn., July 25, 1843; gradu-
ated from the University of Pennsylvania, Phila-
delphia, 1865, and from Andover Theological
Seminary, 1868; became rector at Sharon Springs,
N.Y., 1869, and at Matteawan, N.Y., 1874; and
since 1884 has been dean of the Divinity School
of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Philadelphia,
and professor of ecclesiastical history in the

BARTLETT, Samuel Colcord, D.D. (Dartmouth College, 1861), LL.D. (College of New Jersey, 1878), Congregationalist; b. at Salisbury, N.H., Nov. 25, 1817; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1836, and at Andover Theological Seminary, 1842; became successively pastor at Monson, Mass., BARROWS, Samuel June, Unitarian; b. in 1843; professor of intellectual philosophy in the New-York City, May 26, 1845; graduated B.D. Western Reserve College, Hudson, O., 1846; pasat Harvard Divinity School, 1875, and studied for tor at Manchester, N. H., 1852; pastor in Chia year at Leipzig University; became pastor of cago, Ill., and professor of biblical literature in the First Parish Church, Dorchester (Boston), the Congregational Theological Seminary, ChiMass., 1876; editor of The Christian Register, 1881. cago, Ill., 1857; resigned pastorate, but retained He edited Life and Letters of Thomas J. Mumford, professorship, 1859; president of Dartmouth Boston, 1879, and Ezra Abbot (memorial volume), College, Hanover, N. H., 1877. He is "in subCambridge, 1884; contributed to Proceedings of stantial accord with the modified Calvinism of the 250th Anniversary of the First Church and Town New England, as represented by Andover Semiof Dorchester, Boston, 1880, and articles on Dor-nary in the time of Woods, Stuart, B. B. Edwards, chester in Memorial History of Boston, 1880; has and Park; welcoming all new light, from whatpublished The Doom of the Majority, 1883; A ever source, upon the text, composition, or interpretation of the Scriptures, or the doctrines thence Baptist Meeting-House, 1885. legitimately resulting; but resisting all baseless theories, and rash speculations, and, in general, declining to surrender the natured and wellestablished convictions of the great mass of intelligent evangelical Christians, except on valid evidence." He was the first on the ground to open and organize the Chicago Congregational Theological Seminary, and raised the funds for endowing the chair he occupied. He aided also in the organization of numerous churches in Illinois. He crossed the desert of Et Tih to Palestine (1874) with a view to compare in detail all the circumstances and conditions of the region with the narrative of the journey of the children of Israel. Besides numerous articles in the Bibliotheca Sacra, The New-Englander, The North-American Review, orations at the centennial of the battle of Bennington, the quarter-millennial celebration of Newburyport, and at literary anniversaries, he has written Life and Death Eternal, a Refutation of the Doctrine of Annihilation, Boston, 1866, 2d ed. 1878; Sketches of the Missions of the A. B. C. F. M., 1872; Future Punishment, 1875; From Egypt to Palestine, Observations of a Journey, New York, 1879; Sources of History in the Pentateuch, 1883. His works BARTOL, Cyrus Augustus, D.D. (Harvard, include five volumes of sermons, London, 1866-1859), Independent Congregationalist; b. at Free81; six lectures on the Atonement of Christ, 1871; the Boyle lectures for 1876, entitled, What is Natural Theology? (1877) (German trans., Die natürliche Theologie, Gotha, 1882), and for 187778; The Manifold Witness for Christ, 1880; The Teacher's Prayer Book, being the Book of Common Prayer, with introductions, analyses, notes, and a commentary upon the Psalter, 1882, 2d ed. 1885;

BARRY, Most Rev. Alfred, D.D. (Cambridge, 1865), D.C.L. (Oxford, 1870), metropolitan, primate of Australia; b. in London, 1826; was student in Trinity College, Cambridge; graduated B.A. (seventh in first class classical tripos, fourth wrangler) and Smith prizeman, 1848; M. A., 1851; B.D., 1858; was elected fellow, 1848; ordained deacon, 1850; priest, 1853; became successively sub-warden of Trinity College, Glenalmond, 1850; head master of the grammar school at Leeds, 1854; principal of Cheltenham College, 1862; principal of King's College, London, 1868; also was canon of Worcester, 1871-81; chaplain in ordinary to the Queen, 1879-83; canon of Westminster, 1881-83; honorary canon of Westminster, 1883-84. He was consecrated lord bishop of Sydney, metropolitan of New South Wales, and primate of Australia, Jan. 1, 1884.

port, Me., April 30, 1813; graduated at Bowdoin
College, Maine, 1832, and at the Cambridge Divin-
He has written Dis-
ity School, 1835; since 1837 he has been pastor of
the West Church, Boston.
course on the Christian Spirit and Life, Boston,
1850; Discourse on the Christian Body and Form,
1854; Pictures of Europe, 1855; Church and Con-
gregation, 1858; Radical Problems, 1872; The


Rising Faith, 1873; Principles and Portraits, 1880.

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Eulogius und Alvar, ein Abschnitt spanischer Kirchengeschichte aus der Zeit der Maurenherrschaft, 1872; Studien zur semitischen Religionsgeschichte, 187678, 2 vols.; Der heutige Stand der alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft, Giessen, 1884.

BAUM, Henry Mason. See page 31.

BAUR, Gustav (Adolf Ludwig), D.D., German Protestant; b. at Hammelbach, June 14, 1816; became privat-docent at Giessen, 1841; professor extraordinary, 1847; ordinary, 1849; pastor at Hamburg, 1861; ordinary professor of theology at Leipzig, 1870. Besides numerous sermons he has issued Der Prophet Amos erklärt, Giessen, 1847; Grundzüge der Homiletik, 1848; Geschichte der alttestamentlichen Weissagung, first part, 1861; Grundzüge der Erziehungslehre, 1st to 3d ed, 1876; Boëtius und Dante, Leipzig, 1874.

BASCOM, John, D.D. (Iowa College, 1875), LL.D. (Amherst, 1873), Congregationalist; b. at Genoa, N. Y., May 1, 1827; graduated at Williams College, Massachusetts, 1849, and at Andover Theological Seminary, 1855; was professor of rhetoric in Williams College from 1855 to 1874; and ever since has been president of the University of Wisconsin. He is the author of A Political Economy, Andover, 1859; Esthetics, or the Science of Beauty, New York, 1862, revised edition 1881; Rhetoric, 1865; The Principles of Psychology, 1869, revised edition 1877; Science, Philosophy, and Religion (Lowell lectures), 1871; A Philosophy of English Literature, 1874; Philosophy of Religion, or the Rational Grounds of Religious Belief, 1876; Comparative Psychology, or Growth and Grades of BAUSMAN, Benjamin, D.D. (Franklin and Intelligence, 1878; Ethics, or Science of Duty, 1879; Marshall College, 1870), Reformed (German); b. Natural Theology, 1880; Science of Mind, 1881; at Lancaster, Penn., Jan. 28, 1824; graduated at The Words of Christ as Principles of Personal and Marshall College, and the theological seminary, Social Growth, 1884; Problems in Philosophy, 1885. Mercersburg, Penn., 1852; became pastor at BASSERMANN, Heinrich, Lic. Theol. (Jena, Lewisburg, Penn., 1852; editor of The Reformed 1876), D.D. (hon, Zürich, 1883), German Protes- Messenger, published at Chambersburg, Penn., tant; b. at Frankfurt-am-Main, July 12, 1849; 1858; pastor there, 1861; at Reading, 1863 (First studied at Jena, Zürich, and Heidelberg, 1867-72; Reformed Church till 1873, since of St. Paul's, became assistant preacher at Arolsen, Waldeck, which he organized). He was delegate to Ger1873; privat-docent at Jena, 1876; professor ex-man Church Diet at Lübeck, 1856, and to Council traordinary at Heidelberg, 1876; ordinary profess- of Alliance of Reformed Churches held at Belfast, or of practical theology, 1880; and seminar-director 1884; president of General Synod, Baltimore, and university preacher, 1884. He is the author of Dreissig christliche Predigten, Leipzig, 1875; De loco Matt. 5, 17-20 commentatio, Jena, 1876; Handbuch der geistlichen Beredsamkeit, Stuttgart, 1885; and since 1881, with Dr. Ehlers, editor of Zeitschrift für praktische Theologie. He is announced to furnish the volume on Practical Theology, in the new Freiburg series of theological text-books.

BATES, Cyrus Stearns, D.D. (Western Reserve College, Ohio, 1879), Episcopalian; b. at Chester, O., Dec. 31, 1840; graduated at the Cincinnati Law College, 1865, and at the Gambier Episcopal Theological Seminary, 1873. From 1865 to 1871 he was a lawyer in Cincinnati; became rector at Newark, O., 1873; professor of systematic divinity in the Gambier Theological Seminary, 1878; rector in Cleveland, 1884.

BATTERSON, Hermon Griswold, D.D. (Nebraska College, 1869), Episcopalian; b. at Marbledale, Conn., May 28, 1827; educated privately; was rector at San Antonio, Tex., 1860-61; at Wabasha, Minn., 1862-66; since 1866 in Philadelphia, Penn. (St. Clement's 1869-72, the Annunciation since 1880). He is the author of the Missionary Tune-Book, Philadelphia, 1867, 10th ed. 1870; The Churchman's Hymn-Book, 1870; Sketch-Book of the American Episcopate, 1878, 2d ed. 1883; Christmas Carols and other Verses, 1878; The Pathway of Faith, New York, 1885, 2d ed.


BAUDISSIN, Wolf Wilhelm Friedrich, Ph.D. (Leipzig, 1870), Count, German Protestant; b. at Sophienruhe, near Kiel, Sept. 26, 1847; became privat-docent at Leipzig, 1874; professor extraordinary at Strassburg, 1876; ordinary professor, 1880; and at Marburg, 1881. He is the author of Translationis antiquæ libri Jobi quæ supersunt, Leipzig, 1870; Jahve et Moloch sive de ratione inter deum Israelitarum et Molochum intercedente, 1874;

Md., 1884. He is the author of Sinai and Zion (travels), Philadelphia, 1860, 7th ed. 1883 (German trans., Reading, Penn., 1875, 2d ed. 1885); Wayside Gleanings in Europe, Reading, 1876; edited The Guardian, 1867–82; Harbaugh's Harfe (poems), 1870; founded, and since has edited, Der Reformirte Hausfreund, 1867 sqq.

BAYLISS, Jeremiah Henry, D.D. (Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, O., 1873), Methodist ; b. at Wednesbury, Eng., Dec. 20, 1835; attended Genesee College, Lima, N.Y., 1854-57; was pastor in the Genesee (N.Y.) Conference, 1857-66; in Chicago, Ill., 1866-71; in Indianapolis, Ind., 1871-79; in Detroit, Mich., 1879-82; at Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O., 1882-84; elected in May, 1884, editor of The Western Christian Advocate.

BEARD, Charles, Unitarian; b. at Manchester, Eng., July 27, 1827; studied in the Manchester New College, and University of Berlin; graduated B. A. at London University, 1847; became minister at Gee Cross, near Manchester, 1850; and of Renshaw-st. Chapel, Liverpool, 1867. He was the editor of The Theological Review from 1864 to 1879; and is the author of Outlines of Christian Doctrine, London, 1859; Port Royal, a Contribution to the History of Religion and Literature in France, 1861, 2 vols., cheaper ed. 1873; The Soul's Way to God, 1875, 2d ed. 1878; The Ref ormation of the XVI. Century in its Relation to Modern Thought and Knowledge (Hibbert lectures for 1883), 1883, 2d ed. 1885 (German trans. by F. Halverscheid, Berlin, 1884).

BEATTIE, Francis Robert, Ph.D. (Illinois University, U.S.A., 1884), Presbyterian; b. at Guelph, Ontario, Can., March 31, 1848; graduated at the University of Toronto, B.A., 1875 (medallist in philosophy, and prizeman in Oriental literature); M.A., 1876; B.D. at Knox College, Toronto, 1882. He was tutor in the University of Toronto, 1877; examiner, 1877-78, 1882-; tutor in Knox

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