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ZAHN, Theodor, Lic. Theol. (Göttingen, 1867), | 1857; Profangräcität und biblischer Sprachgeist, D.D. (hon., Göttingen, 1872), German Protestant; 1859; System der christlich kirchlichen Katechetik, b. at Mörs, Rhenish Prussia, Oct. 10, 1838; studied 1 Bd. 1863-72, 2 vols., 2d ed. 1872-74; Die Kateat Basel, Erlangen, and Berlin, 1854-58; became chismen der Waldenser und Böhmischen Brüder, teacher in Neustrelitz gymnasium, 1861; repetent kritische Textausgabe, Erlangen, 1863; Ueber die at Göttingen 1865, privat-docent 1868, professor wesentlichen Verfassungsziele der lutherischen Refor extraordinary 1871; ordinary professor at Kiel mation, Leipzig, 1867 (pp. 64); System der prak1877, and at Erlangen 1878. He is the author of tischen Theologie, 1876-78, 3 parts; Der Kaisertraum Die Voraussetzungen rechter Weihnachtsfeier, Berlin, des Mittelalters in seinen religiösen Motiven, 1877 1865, pp. 48; Marcellus von Ancyra, Gotha, 1867; (pp. 31); Das Drama vom Ende des römischen KaiHerma Pastore N. T. illustr., Göttingen, 1867, pp. 52; sertums und von der Erscheinung des Antichrists. Der Hirt des Hermas untersucht, Gotha, 1868; Igna- Nach Hdschs. d. 12. Jahrh. in deutsch, 1878 (pp. tius von Antiochien, 1873; Constantin der Grosse und 75); Vom römischen Kaisertum deutscher Nation, die Kirche, Hannover, 1876, pp. 35; Ignatii et Poly- ein mittelalterl. Drama, 1877; Die Christenlehre im carpi epistula, martyria (Pat. apos. rec. de Gebhardt, Zusammenhang, 1880-82, 3 parts, 2d ed 1883-85; Harnack, Zahn), Leipzig, 1876; Weltverkehr u. Luthers kleiner Katechismus, 1880-81, 2 parts; Kirche während der drei ersten Jahrhunderte, Han- Lehrbuch der Pädagogik, 1882; Luthers Stellung, nover, 1877, pp. 50; Geschichte des Sonntags vornehm- Hamburg, 1883 (pp. 26). lich in der alten Kirche, 1878, pp. 79 (Norwegian trans., Kristiania 1879, Dutch trans., Amsterdam 1884); Sclaverei und Christenthum in der alten Welt, Heidelberg, 1879 (lecture); Acta Joannis, Erlangen, 1880; Forschungen zur Geschichte des neutestamentl. Kanons und der altkirchlichen Literatur, 1881 sqq.: I. Tatian's Diatessaron, 1881; II. Der Evangeliencommentar d. Theoph. v. Antiochien, 1883; III. Supplementum Clementinum, 1884; Cyprian v. Antiochien u. die deutsche Faustsage, 1882; Die Anbetung Jesu im Zeitalter der Apostel, Stuttgart, 1885 (lecture); Missionsmethoden im Zeitalter der Apostel, Erlangen, 1886 (2 lectures), pp. 48; numerous articles, etc. ZELLER, Eduard, German Protestant; b. at Kleinbottwar, Würtemberg, Jan. 22, 1814; studied at Tübingen and Berlin; became privat-docent of theology at Tübingen, 1840; professor extraordinary at Bern, 1847, ordinary, 1849; of the philosophical faculty, at Marburg 1849, at Heidelberg 1862, and Berlin 1872. He is the author of Platonische Studien, 1839; Geschichte der christlichen ZOECKLER, Otto, Ph.D. (Giessen, 1854), Lic. Kirche, uebersichtlich dargestellt, Stuttgart, 1848; Theol. (do., 1856), D.D. (hon., do., 1866), Lutheran; Die Philosophie der Griechen, Tübingen, 1844-52, b. at Grünberg, Hesse, May 27, 1833; studied at 3 vols., 4th ed. 1876-81, 5 vols.; Das theologische Giessen, Erlangen, and Berlin, 1851-56; became System Zwingli's, Tübingen, 1853; Die Apostel-privat-docent at Giessen, 1857; professor extraorgeschichte nach ihrem Inhalt und Ursprung kritisch dinary, 1863; ordinary professor at Greifswald, untersucht, Stuttgart, 1854; Vorträge und Abhandlungen, Tübingen, 1865, 2d ed. Leipzig, 1875, 2d series 1877, 3d series 1884; Staat und Kirche, Leipzig, 1873; Geschichte der deutschen Philosophie seit Leibnitz, Munich, 1872, 2d ed. 1875; David Friedrich Strauss in seinem Leben und seinen Schriften, Bonn, 1874; Grundriss d. gesch. d. griech. Philosophie, 1883; 2d ed. 1885 (English trans., Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy, Lond. and N. Y., 1886); Friedrich d. Gr. als Philosoph, Berlin, 1886. He is son-in-law of Dr. Baur.

ZEZSCHWITZ, Gerhard von, D.D., Lutheran; b. at Bautzen, July 2, 1825; studied at Leipzig, 1846-50; was university preacher there, 1856; professor extraordinary, 1857-61; honorary professor at Giessen, 1865; ordinary professor at Erlangen, 1866, till his death, July 20, 1886. He published numerous sermons, and Petri apostoli de Christi ad inferos descensu sententia, Leipzig,

ZIMMER, Friedrich Karl, Ph.D. (Halle, 1877), Lic. Theol. (Bonn, 1880), German Protestant; b. at Gardelegen, Prussia, Sept. 22, 1855; educated at Tübingen and Berlin; became privat-docent of theology at Bonn 1880, the same at Königsberg, and pastor at Mahnsfeld 1883; professor extraordinary, and pastor of the Deaconesses' hospital, Königsberg, 1884. He edited Halleluja, 1880-85. He is the author of J. G. Fichte's Religionsphilosophie, Berlin, 1878; Der Spruch vom Jonazeichen, Hildburghausen, 1881; Galaterbrief und Apostelgeschichte, 1882; Exegetische Probleme des Hebräer und Galaterbriefs, 1882; Concordantiæ supplementariæ omnium vocum N. T., Gotha, 1882; Die deutschen evangelischen Kirchengesangvereine der Gegenwart, Quedlinburg, 1882; Der Verfall des Kantoren- u. Organistenamtes in der evangelischen Landeskirche, Preussens, seine Ursachen u. Vorschläge zur Besserung, 1885; several minor articles on church music and exegesis.

1866. He became consistorialrath at Greifswald, January, 1885. He edited the Allgemeine literarische Anzeiger für das Ev. Deutschland, 1867-74; and since 1882, has edited the Evangelische Kirchenzeitung (founded by Hengstenberg); and since 1866, been principal editor of Der Beweis des Glaubens. He is the author of De vi ac notione vocabuli kλπíç in N. T. (inaugural dissertation), Giessen, 1857; Theologia naturalis: Entwurf einer systematischen Naturtheologie vom offenbarungsgläubigen Standpunkte, vol. i., Frankfurt-a.-M., 1860; Kritische Geschichte der Askese, 1863; Hieronymus, sein Leben und Wirken aus seinen Schriften dargestellt, Gotha, 1864; commentary on Chronicles, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles, and Daniel, in Lange's Bibelwerk, Bielefeld, 1866-72 (translated New York, 1870 sqq.); Die Urgeschichte der Erde und des Menschen, Gütersloh, 1868; Das Kreuz Christi, 1875 (English trans., The Cross of Christ,

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London, 1877); Geschichte der Beziehungen zwischen perhaps because of Zunz's radicalism. Many of Theologie und Naturwissenschaft, 1877-79, 2 vols.; its members became Christians. From 1824 to Die Lehre vom Urstand des Menschen, 1879; Gottes Zeugen im Reich der Natur, 1881, 2 vols. (Norwegian trans., Christiania 1882, English trans. 1886); editor of and contributor to Handbuch der theologischen Wissenschaften, Nördlingen, 1883-84, 3 vols., 2d ed. 1884-85, 4 vols.

ZOEPFFEL, Richard Otto, Ph.D., D.D. (both from Göttingen, 1871 and 1878), Protestant theologian (school of Ritschl); b. at Arensburg Livland (Russia), June 14, 1843; studied theology at Dorpat, 1862-68 (with interruptions); history at Göttingen, 1868-70; became repetent of theology at Göttingen, 1870; professor extraordinary of theology at Strassburg, 1872; ordinary professor there, 1877. He is the author of Die Papstwahlen und die mit ihnen im nächsten Zusammenhange stehenden Ceremonien in ihren Entwickelung vom 11. bis zum 14. Jahrhundert, Göttingen, 1871; (with Holtzmann) Lexikon für Theologie und Kirchenwesen, Leipzig, 1882.

ZUNZ, Leopold, Ph.D., Hebrew; b. at Detmold, Germany, Aug. 10, 1794; d. at Berlin, March 21, 1886. He was educated at the University of Berlin; became rabbi to the new synagogue there, 1820, but retired after two years, and started a society for Jewish culture and science, to which Heinrich Heine belonged. But the society, which was nicknamed "Young Jerusalem," although embracing many men of talent, soon broke up,

1832, Zunz was director of the New Jewish Congregational School. From 1825 to 1835 he edited the Spener'sche Zeitung. From 1835 to 1839, at Prague, he again undertook ministerial functions. From 1839 to 1850 he was director of the Normal Seminary in Berlin. Since 1845 he was a member of the Board of Commissioners for the educational interests of the Jews in Prussia. His long life was one of great literary activity. His works are distinguished by learning and by beauty and clearness of style. Anong them may be mentioned, Etwas über die rabbinische Litteratur, Berlin, 1818 (which first brought him into notice); Predigten, 1823, 2d ed. 1846; Die gottesdienstlichen Vorträge der Juden, historisch entwickelt, 1832 (his most valuable book); Namen der Juden, Leipzig, 1837; Zeittafel über die gesammte heilige Schrift, Berlin, 1839; Zur Geschichte und Literatur, Bd. 1., 1845; Damaskus, ein Wort zu Abwehr, 2d ed. 1859; Die synagogale Poesie des Mittelalters, 1855-59, 2 parts; Die Vorschriften über Eidesleistigung der Juden, 1859; Wahlrede, 1861; 2. Wahlrede, 1861; Politisch und nicht politisch (lecture), 1862; Selbstregierung (lecture), 1864; Sterbetage, 1864; Die geistige Gesundheit (lecture), 1864; Die hebräischen Handschriften in Italien, 1864; Literaturgeschichte der synagogalen Poesie, 1865; Nachtrag dazu, 1867; Israels gottesdienstliche Poesie (lecture), 1870; Deutsche Briefe, Leipzig, 1872.


Mostly additions sent by the writers too late for insertion in the proper place. New book-titles follow directly after the authors' names.

ACHELIS, E. C. Aus dem akademischen Gottesdienst in Marburg, Predigten, Marburg, 1886. ACQUOY, John Gerard Richard, D.D. (Leiden, 1857), Dutch Protestant theologian; b. at Amsterdam, Jan. 3, 1829; educated at the University of Amsterdam; became Reformed pastor at Eerbeek 1858, Koog 1861, Bommel 1863; professor of theology at Leiden, 1878; professor of ecclesiastical history, and history of Christian doctrine, in the same, 1881. In 1877 he became a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences. He is the author of Gerardi Magni epistolæ XIV. (his D.D. thesis), Amsterdam, 1857; and in Dutch of "Herman de Ruyter, after Published and Unpublished Documents," 1870; Jan van Venray, 1873; “The Cloister of Windesheim and its Influence," 1875, 3 vols.; "The History of the Reformed Church of Holland," in preparation.

AHLFELD, J. F. Cf. art. Herzog 2 XVII. 637


ALLEN, A. V. G., received the degree of D.D. at Harvard's 250th anniversary, Nov. 8, 1886. ALEXANDER, Bishop W. The Divinity of our Lord, London, 1886.

ALEXANDER, Henry Carrington, D.D. (Hampden-Sidney College, Va., 1869), Presbyterian; b. at Princeton, N.J., Sept. 27, 1835; graduated at the College of New Jersey, Princeton, N.J., 1854, and at the Theological Seminary in that place, 1858; was stated supply of the Eighty-fourthstreet Church, New-York City, for six months in 1858; the same in the village church of Charlotte Court-House, Va., from Oct. 1, 1859, to May, 1861, pastor until Jan. 1, 1870; since professor of biblical literature and interpretation of the N. T., Union Theological Seminary, Va. Author of Life of Joseph Addison Alexander, D.D., N.Y., 1870, 2 vols. ARNOLD, M., resigned his inspectorship, November, 1886.

BAIRD, H. M. The Huguenots, and Henry of Navarre, New York, 1886, 2 vols.

BARTLETT, E. C., edited with J. P. Peters, The Scriptures for Young People, New York, 1886 sqq. 3 vols.

BARING-GOULD is lord of the Manor of Lew Trenchard and Waddlestone; eldest son of Edward Baring-Gould, J. P. and D. L. for County Devon, representative of the ancient family of Gould of Devon, which has occupied estates in the county since the reign of Henry III. Lew Trenchard became the property of the Goulds in 1625, and has continued in the family since. He is J. P. for County of Devon. To the list of his books add: The Trials of Jesus, London, 1886; Nazareth


and Capernaum: Ten Lectures on the Beginning of our Lord's Ministry, 1886; Our Parish Church: Twenty Addresses to Children on the Great Truths of the Christian Faith, 1886.

BAUDISSIN, W. W. F., D.D. (hon., Giessen, 1880).

BAUR, G. A. L., D.D. (hon., -, 18-); was member of commission for revising Luther's Bible. Add to list of books: Sechs Tabellen über die israelitische Geschichte, Giessen, 1848; (edited) Andreas Kempfer's Selbstbiographie, Leipzig, 1882; (with Dr. Karl A. Schmid), Geschichte der Erzie hung, Stuttgart, 1884.

BEECHER, H. W., made a brilliant lecturing tour in England in the summer of 1886, and was offered a public reception by the Common Council of Brooklyn, but declined it (November, 1886).

BEETS, Nicolaas, D.D. (Leiden 1839, Edinburgh 1884), Phil. Mag. and Litt. D. (Utrecht, 1865), Dutch Protestant, religious poet; b. at Haarlem, Sept. 13, 1814; studied theology at Leiden; became Reformed pastor at Heemstede 1840, at Utrecht 1854; professor of theology at Utrecht, 1875. He is the author in Dutch of Camera obscura (under the pseudonyme of Hildebrand), Haarlem, 1839, 16th ed. 1886 (translated into different languages of Europe; the French title is, Scènes de la vie hollandaise, Paris, 1856); "Biography of J. H. van der Palm," 1842 (English trans. New York, 1865); “Hours of Devotion," 1848-75, 8 vols. (German select trans. Bonn, 1858); "St. Paul, at the most Important Times of his Life and Activity," 18—, 3d ed. 1859 (German trans. Gotha, 1857, Danish trans. Copenhagen, 1858); "Literary Recreations," 1856, 2d ed. 1873; collected edition of his poems, 1864-85, 4 vols.; "Literary Miscellanies," 1876, 2 vols.; editor of the complete works of Staring and Bogaers (Dutch poets of the nineteenth century), 1862 and 1871 respectively; and of Anna Roemer Visscher (seventeenth century), 1881; translator into Dutch of Emblèmes chrétiens by Georgette de Montenay, lady of honor to Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre, 18-.

BEHRENDS, A. J. F. Socialism and Christianity, New York, 1886.

BELL, Frederik Willem Bernard van, D.D. (Leiden, 1849), Dutch Protestant theologian; b. at Rotterdam in the year 1822; studied at Leiden; became Reformed pastor at Noordwykerhout 1849, at Hoorn 1853, at Amsterdam 1855; professor of theological encyclopædia, interpretation of the Greek Testament, and moral philosophy, at Groningen. He is one of the founders and editors of the Theologisch Tijdschrift, Amsterdam and Lei




den, 1867 sqq. He is the author of De patefactionis College, Vt., 1847, and at Andover Theological christianae indole, e vocabulis pavepovv et añoкahúπтεiv, Seminary, Mass., 1852; was resident licentiate, in libris Novi Testamenti efficienda (his D.D. thesis), Leiden, 1849; and in Dutch of "Discourse upon the Character of the Independent Theology," Amsterdam, 1872; "The Science of the Moral Life," 1874; "The Connection of Logic and Ethics,"


BENDER, W., belongs to the left, or radical, wing of the school of Ritschl.

BENRATH, K., D.D. (hon., Jena, 18—). BENSON, Archbishop. Communings of a Day held with Masters of Public Schools in the Chapel of Winchester College (six short addresses), London, 1886.

1852-53; professor of rhetoric and English litera ture in Middlebury College, 1853-59; pastor of Presbyterian Church at Binghamton, N.Y., 185972; since 1872 has been professor of systematic theology in the Chicago Congregational Theological Seminary. He is the author of The Will, Virtue (two essays), Chicago, 1882; (with others) Current Discussions in Theology, 1883 sqq.

BONAR, H. Hymns of Faith and Hope, new ed. 1886.

BONET-MAURY, A. G. C. A., when at Beauvais, built a church. In 1885 he became librarian of the Musée pedagogique, Paris. To list of books add: L'Empereur Akbar. Un chapitre de l'histoire de l'Inde au XVI. siècle, par le Comte F. A. de Noer, traduit de l'allemand, avec une introduction (by Bonet-Maury), Leiden, 1883–86,

BERESFORD, Right Hon. and Most Rev. Marcus Gervais, D.D. (Cambridge, 1840), D.C.L. (Oxford, 1862), Lord Archbishop of Armagh and Clogher, and Primate of All Ireland, Church of Ireland, a nephew of the first Marquis of Water-2 vols. ford; b. at Kilmore, Ireland, in the year 1801; BONNET, J., is a professor in the University d. at Armagh, Dec. 26, 1885; educated at Trinity of France. His Olympia Morata has been transCollege, Cambridge; graduated B. A. 1824, M. A. lated into several languages, besides the German 1828; ordained deacon 1824, priest 1825; became (Hamburg, 1860); his Aonio Paleario into Gerrector of Kildallen, 1825; later vicar of Drungand man (Hamburg, 1863), Italian (Florence, 18—); Lara, and also vicar-general of Kilmore and arch-his Récits, etc., into German (Berlin, 1864). He deacon of Ardagh; bishop of Kilmore, 1854; trans-edited the admirable Mémoires of Louis de Marolles, lated to Armagh, 1863. * from the time of the Revocation, Paris, 1882; and a third series of Récits du seizième siècle, 1886.

BERNARD, Hon. and Right Rev. Charles Brodrick, D.D. (Oxford, 1866), lord bishop of Tuam, Killaloe, and Achonry, Church of Ireland, son of the second Earl of Bandon; b. at Bandon (?), Ireland, Jan. 4, 1811; educated at Balliol College, Oxford; graduated B.A. 1832, M.A. 1834, B.D. 1866; was ordained deacon 1835, priest 1836; was vicar of Bantry, 1840-42; rector of Kilbrogan, senior prebendary of Cork, and rural dean, 184266; consecrated bishop, 1867. He is the author of occasional sermons and lectures.


BERSIER, E. Les Réfugiés français et leurs industries (lecture), Paris, 1886.

BESTMANN, H. J. Die evangelischen Missionen und das deutsche Reich (lecture), Leipzig, 1886. BEVAN, L. D., was assistant and co-pastor with Rev. Thomas Binney, 1865-66; became pastor at Melbourne, Australia, 1886.

BORDIER, Henri Léonard, Reformed Church of France, layman; b. in Paris, in the year 1817; educated at the École de droit and the École des Chartes in Paris, and licensed in law, and as palæographic archivist in 1840; but has ever since devoted himself to historical studies. He was successively, for a time, assistant to the historian Augustin Thierry; assistant in the Academy of Inscriptions; secretary par interim of the Ecole des Chartes; a member of the commission on the departmental archives of the minister of the interior (1846), archivist of the national archives (1850), dismissed on the establishment of the Empire. He was, during the siege of Paris, on the commission upon the papers of the Tuileries; and in 1872 nominated honorary librarian in the department of manuscripts in the National Library. He has been for many years on the committee, of the "Société d'histoire du protestantisme français." He is the author of numerous works, noted for their great accuracy. Among them may be mentioned: various notices in the Bibliothèque de l'école des Chartes, Paris, 1841-86: Histoire générale de tous les dépôts d'archives existant en France, 1855; Les églises et monastères de Paris, 1856; an edition of Libri miraculorum aliaque opera minora of Gregory of Tours, Latin text with French translation, 1857-64, 4 vols. ; a French translation of the Historia Francorum of Gregory of Tours, 1859-61, 2 vols.; (with Ed. Charton) Histoire de France, 1859-61; Les inventaires des archives de l'Empire, 1867; Une fabrique de faux autographes, 1869; Chansonnier huguenot du seizième siècle, 1869; L'Allemagne aux Tuileries, de 1850 à 1870, 1872; La Saint Barthélemy et la critique moderne, Geneva, 1879; L'école historique de Jérôme Bolsec, Paris, 1880; Nicolas Castellin de Tournay, réfugié à Genève (1564-1576), 1881; is re-issuing with enBOARDMAN, George Nye, D.D. (Middlebury largements and corrections, the brothers Eugène College, Vt., 1867), Congregationalist; b. at Pitts- and Emile Haag's La France protestante (original ford, Vt., Dec. 23, 1825; graduated at Middlebury | ed., Paris, 1848–59, 10 vols.), Paris, 1877 sqq.

BEYSCHLAG, (Johann Heinrich Christoph) Willibald, D.D. (hon., Königsberg, 1861), United Evangelical; b. at Frankfort-on-the-Main, Sept. 5, 1823; educated at the gymnasium in Frankfort, and at the universities of Bonn and Berlin, 1840-44; became Vicar at Coblenz, 1849; Hülfsamtspfarrer, also Religionslehrer in Trier, 1850; court preacher at Carlsruhe, 1856; ordinary professor of theology at Halle, 1860. He is theologically a pupil of Schleiermacher and Nitzsch, and a leader of the "Middle Party.' His principal work is the Life of Christ, 2 vols. To the books mentioned on p. 17, add Zur deutschchristlichen Bildung (collected popular lectures), Halle, 1880. BICKERSTETH, E. The Rock of Ages, 1858; The Lord's Supper, 1881; "From Year to Year," or poems for every Sunday and Holy-day in the Year, 1883; Lay Ministration (a paper), London, 1886.

BLUNT, J. H. Dictionary of Sects, etc., new ed. 1886.

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BREDENKAMP, C. J. Der Prophet Jesaia erläutert, Erlangen, 1886 sq.

BRIGGS, C. A. Messianic Prophecy, New York and Edinburgh, 1886.

BRIGHT, W., was educated at Rugby School; ordained deacon 1848, priest 1850; appointed proctor of the chapter in convocation, 1879. BROOKE, S. A. The Unity of God and Man, and other Sermons, London, 1886.

BROWNE, E. H., was educated at Eton. Besides the commentary on Genesis, he wrote the Introduction to the Pentateuch in the Speaker's Commentary.

BRUCE, A. B. The Miraculous Element in the Gospels, New York, 1886 (lectures delivered in the Union Theological Seminary, N. Y., on the Ely Foundation).

BRUECKNER, B. B., is Ph.D. and LL.D. as well as D.D. He is Propst of St. Nicholas and St. Mary, vice-president of the Berlin Ober-consistorialrath, Mitglied des Staatsrath, and Domherr in Brandenburg. His Predigten 1853-60, 5th ed. Leipzig, 1886; 1861-66, 5th ed. 1886.

BRUSTON, C. A. Du texte primitif des Psaumes, 1873; Études sur l'Apocalypse, 1884; Les deux Jehovistes, études sur les sources de l'Histoire sainte,


BUCHWALD, G. A. Landeskirche und Freikirche, Zwickau, 1886; Die Lutherfunde der neueren Zeit insbesondere in der zwickauer Ratsschulbibliothek (lecture), Zwickau, 1886, contributed to Blätter für Hymnologie.

BUCKLEY, J. M. The Land of the Czar and the Nihilist, Boston, 1886.


ary, 1872; The Athanasian Creed to be retained in
its Integrity, and why, 1872; The Oxford Diocesan
Conference, and Romanizing within the Church of
England (2 sermons), 1st to 3d ed. 1873; A Plea
for the Study of Divinity in Oxford, 1875; Home
Missions and Sensational Religion: also Humility, Ad
Clerum, 1876; The New Lectionary examined, with
Reasons for its Amendment (jointly with the Bishop
of Lincoln and Dean Goulbourn), 1877; Nehemiah,
a Pattern for Builders, 1878; The Servants of Scrip-
ture, 1878; The Disestablishment of Religion in Ox-
ford, the Betrayal of a Sacred Trust: Words of
Warning to the University, 1880; Prophecy, not
," but (in the words of Bishop Butler)
"The History of Events before they come to pass,'
1880; Divergent Ritual Practice, 1881; Canon
Robert Gregory, A Letter of Friendly Remonstrance,
1st and 2d ed. 1881; The Revision Revised: Three
Articles from the Quarterly Review, with a Reply to
Bishop Ellicott's Pamphlet, and a Vindication of the
Traditional Reading of 1 Tim. iii. 16, 1883; To
Educate Young Women like Young Men, and with
Young Men, a Thing Inexpedient and Immodest,
1884; Poems (1840-78), 1885.

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CARROLL, Henry King, LL.D. (Syracuse University, N.Y., 1885), Methodist layman; b. at Dennisville, N.J., Nov. 15, 1847; was self-taught; became editor of The Havre Republican, Maryland, 1868; assistant editor of The Methodist, New York, 1869; of The Hearth and Home, New York, 1870; night agent of the New-York Associated Press, 1871; special correspondent of the Boston (Mass.) Traveller, 1873; religious editor of the NewYork Independent, 1876. He was a delegate from BURGON, J. W. The list of Dean Burgon's the Methodist-Episcopal Church to the Ecumenical publications, as given by himself, is as follows: Methodist Conference in London, 1881; organizing Mémoire sur les vases Panathaiques par le Chev. secretary of the Methodist Centennial Conference, Brönsted (translated), London, 1833; The Life and 1884. He was the chief editor of the Proceedings Times of Sir Thomas Gresham, 1839, 2 vols.; Petra, of the Centennial Methodist Conference, New York, a Poem, 1846; Some Remarks on Art, 1846; (edited 1885; is the author of the pamphlets, World of with Rev. H. J. Rose) Fifty Cottage Prints, 1851;| Missions, New York, 1882; Catholic Dogma of Thirty-six Cottage Wall-Prints, 1853; The Picto- Church Authority, New York, 1884; and is a frerial Bible, 1854; Oxford Reformers, 1854; The quent contributor to the Methodist Quarterly ReHistory of our Lord (with 72 engravings): a Plainview, New York. Commentary on the Four Holy Gospels, 1855, 8 vols. CASPARI, C. P., shared in the new Norwegian new ed. 1877, 4 vols., reprinted Philadelphia, 1856 translation of the Old Testament, which appeared and 1868, 2 vols.; Ninety Short Sermons, for Family in 1887. Reading, 1855, 2 vols.; Historical Notices of the Colleges of Oxford, 1857; One Soweth, and Another Reapeth (ordination sermon), 1859; Portrait of a Christian Gentleman: a Memoir of P. F. Tytler, Esq., 1859; Inspiration and Interpretation (answer to Essays and Reviews), 1861; Letters from Rome to Friends in England, 1862; A Treatise on the Pastoral Office, 1864; Zaccheus, 1864; Work of the CHESTER, Right Rev. William Bennet, D.D. Christian Builder tried by Fire, 1865; Ninety-one (Trinity College, Dublin, 1883), lord bishop of Short Sermons, 2d series, 1867, 2 vols.; The Lam- Killaloe, Church of Ireland; b. at Ballyclough, beth Conference and the Encyclical, 1867; Plea for County Cork, Ireland, in the year 1820; educated a Fifth School, 1868; Disestablishment, The Na- at Trinity College, Dublin; graduated B. A. and tion's Formal Rejection of God and Denial of the divinity_testimonium (second-class) 1846, M.A. Faith, 1868; England and Rome: Three Letters to 1856, B.D. 1883; ordained deacon and priest, 1846; a Pervert, 1869; The Roman Council, 1869; First became curate of Kilrush, 1846; vicar of Killead and Second Protest against Dr. Temple's Consecra- | 1847, of Killkee 1849; rector of Ballymackey and tion, 1869; Protests of the Bishops, 1870; Dr. Tem- | chancellor of Killaloe, 1855; rector of Nenagh ple's Explanation examined, 1870; The Last 12 1859, of Birr 1875 (prebendary of Tipperkevin or Verses of the Gospel according to St. Mark, vindi- canon of St. Patrick's, 1877-84; archdeacon of cated against Recent Critical Objectors and estab- Killaloe, 1880-84); bishop of Killaloe, Kilfenora, lished, 1871; The Review of a Year, 1871; Woman's Clonfert, and Kilmacduagh, 1884. Place, 1871; An Unitarian Reviser of our Author- CHEYNE, T. K. Job and Solomon; or, the Wisized Version, Intolerable, 1872; The New Lection-dom of the Old Testament (an introduction to the

CASSEL, P. Kritisches Sendschreiben über die Probebibel, Berlin, 1885 (Heft I., Mit e. wissenschaftl. Anmerkung über Hellenismen in den Psalmen; Heft II., Messianische Stellen des alten Testaments. Anhängt sind Anmerkungen über Megillath Taanith); Aus dem Lande des Sonnenaufgangs, 1885; Zoroaster, sein Name und seine Zeit, 1886 (pp. 24).

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