of which is hereto attached as Annex "B". The Bureau also issued a Certification dated September 27, 2007, establishing my lawful entry into the Philippines through social integration under Republic Act No. 7919 on October 17, 1996, which was approved on January 31, 1997. The original copy of said Certification is hereto attached as Annex "C" and made integral part hereof. 6. I was first issued Alien Certificate of Registration No. E112585 on April 2, 1997. I was issued another Alien Certificate of Registration No. E 267530 pursuant to R.A. No. 7919 on August 20, 2002 at Manila, a photocopy of which is hereto attached as Annex "D". A new or computerized Alien Certificate of Registration E267530 was issued on January 18, 2007, a photocopy of which is hereto attached as Annex "E". 7. I am permanently residing in the Philippines since my first arrival and admitted as an immigrant at the port of Manila on April 2, 1997 pursuant to R.A. No. 7919, as shown by the photo copy of my Immigrant Certificate of Residence No. 312181 issued on April 2, 1997, hereto attached as Annex "F". 8. My recent 2x2 pictures with signature across its bottom are attached at the upper left side of every first page of this Declaration. 9. I am executing this Declaration of Intention to be filed with the Office of the Solicitor General in compliance with Section 5 of Commonwealth Act No. 473, otherwise known as the Revised Naturalization Law, preparatory to the filing of my petition for admission to Philippine citizenship under said law or under R.A. No. 7919, and for such other valid and legal purpose it may serve. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at Makati City, this 8th day of October, 2007. (Sgd.) MIHIR ASHOK KUMAR KHANCHANDANI Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me at the City of Makati, this 8th day of October 2007 by Mihir Ashok Kumar Khanchandani exhibiting his Community Tax Certificate/ Passport No. B0509999 issued on January 16, 2002 at the Manila with extended validity up to January 15, 2012 under Entry No. P-36812002 dated August 26, 2002. (Sgd.) ATTY. JUANCHO D.R. TABLANG Doc. No. 500; Page No. 100; Book No. xix; Series of 2007. ANNEX F REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ) CITY OF MAKATI, METRO MANILA) S.S. AFFIDAVIT I, TARIQ MIAN, of legal age, Filipino citizen, married, and a resident of No. 7 Juan Luna Street, San Lorenzo Village, Makati City, after having been sworn to in accordance with law hereby depose and say that: 1. I am a citizen of the Republic of the Philippines. 2. I have personally known and have been closely acquainted in the Philippines with MIHIR ASHOK KUMAR KHANCHANDANI a.k.a. TONY KHANCHANDANI, the petitioner in the above-entitled naturalization case, for a continuous period of more than (10) years. 3. To my personal knowledge, the petitioner has resided continuously in the Philippines, particularly in Metro Manila, where the petition is made, for a period of more than ten (10) years preceding the date of the filing of said petition of which this affidavit forms part. 4. I have personal knowledge that the petitioner is and, during all such periods, has been a person of good repute and morally irreproachable, attached to the principles underlying the Philippine Constitution, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the Philippines. 5. In my opinion, the petitioner has all the qualifications necessary to become a citizen of the Philippines and is not any way disqualified under the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 473, as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at the City of Makati, 30th day of March, 2009. (Sgd.) TARIQ MIAN Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me at the City of Makati this 30th day of March, 2009, by affiant exhibiting his Driver's License with No. N0306018391, which expires on July 1, 2009. (Sgd.) MARIBEL G. ALVAREZ-DOMADO Until December 31, 2009 Appointment No. M-306-(2008-2009), June 5, 2008 PTR. No. 1573687, January 9, 2009, Makati City Lifetime Member Roll No. 07887 MCLE No. II-0001157, February 28, 2008 Doc. No. 521; Page No. 106; Book No. i; Series of 2009. ANNEX G REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ) CITY OF MAKATI, METRO MANILA) S.S. AFFIDAVIT I, MICHAEL P. YUKONG, of legal age, single, an outsourced pilot, and with residence and postal address at Block 5, Lot 3, Camella, E-Aldana, Tramo Road, Las Piñas City, after having been sworn to in accordance with law hereby depose and say that: 1. I am a citizen of the Philippines and a credible person I personally know Mihir Ashok Kumar Khanchandani, a citizen of India, who is the petitioner in a naturalization 2. I have personally known him for a period of five (5) years. He was my classmate when I studied business administration at the De La Salle - College of St. Benilde located at the City of Manila. I personally know him to have resided in the Philippines for a period of time required by law, or for a continuous period of more than ten (10) years, and had finished elementary and high school also in the Philippines. 3. I call him, and so did our other classmates, by his nickname or Filipino given name "Tony". Tony and I got along well with each other and we became good friends. We often talk to each other, share our ideas, constantly play basketball, go out or dine together. 4. I, personally know him to be a person of good repute and morally irreproachable. During the entire period of our studies at De La Salle - College of St. Benilde, Tony carried himself out with proper decorum and conducted himself out in an irreproachable manner. He was never involved in any fight, and never exhibited ideas or actions contrary to the norms of good conduct, good morals, and public policy. He had interacted or mingled fully well with our classmates and with his other friends, and in the college community as a whole. case. 4.1. A good-natured person, he was never involved into activism or organizations, or affiliated with any association or group of persons who uphold and teach doctrines opposing all organized governments, or teaching or defending violence, personal assault, or assassination for the success or predominance of their ideas. 4.2. In our exchange of ideas, he expressed that he does not believe in the practice of polygamy, and would have to marry only one woman. 4.3. He was able to adopt to the Filipino culture, embraced Filipino customs, traditions and ideals, sincerely welcomes the continuous learning of them. He became like a true Filipino in words and in deeds. He speaks fluently, and writes, the English language, as well as Pilipino or Tagalog. He is, I know, more than a Filipino than an Indian citizen. laws meant Filipinos the right to become naturalized citizens or subjects thereof. 5. Based on my personal knowledge, is a citizen or subject of said country whose Tony has never been a public charge. He was never been charged of any offense or crime in court, or other administrative bodies, or government agencies. I have not known him to be hospitalized or suffered any oatsome, or incurable contagious disease. I know that Tony is a morally upright person, or a person of good repute and morally irreproachable, and shall not become a public charge. 6. I know that Tony has, or in my opinion, Tony has all the qualifications to become a Filipino citizen. He is not any way disqualified to become a citizen of the Philippines under the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 473, because I personally know that (a) he is not opposed to organized government or affiliated with any association or group of persons who uphold and teach doctrines opposing all organized governments; (b) he is not a person defending or teaching the necessity or propriety of violence, personal assault, or assassination for the success and predominance of their ideals; (c) He is not a polygamist or a believer in the practice of polygamy; (d) he has not been convicted of any crime or crimes involving moral turpitude; (e) he is not suffering from mental alienation or incurable contagious diseases; (f) he is a person who, during the period of his residence in the Philippines, has mingled socially with the Filipinos, and has evinced a sincere desire to learn and embrace the customs, traditions, and ideals of the Filipinos; (g) he is a subject of India, a country which is not at war or has never been at war with the Philippines; and (h) he 7. I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing and to support the petition of Mihir Ashok Kumar Khanchandani for his naturalization or admission as a citizen of the Philippines, and for whatever valid and legal purpose it may serve. In witness WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at the City of Makati, this 30th day of March, 2009. (Sgd.) MICHAEL P. YUKONG SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me at the City of Makati this 30th day of March, 2009, by affiant exhibiting to me his Driver's License with No. N26-01-005422 issued at Las Piñas City, which expires on June 26, 2010. Sgd.) MARIBEL G. ALVAREZ-DOMADO Until December 31, 2009 MCLE No. II-0001157, February 28, 2008 Doc. No. 520; MIGAT gust 14, 2007 REPUBLIK THE PHILIPPINES BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION MAGALLANTS DRIVE INTRAMUROS 102 MANILA Control No. 0814200705C4529B CERTIFICATION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT the Passenger Manifests of Arrival and parture for the year 1991 and 1992 were among the documents that were med last September 24, 2005. This certification is issued upon request of Khanchandani Mihir Ashok mar for whatever legai purpose it may serve. Verified by : Menandro Manglo Date & Time: August 13, 2007 Fee Records Section RENATO SANTIAGO Authorized Signing Officer по. : 500.00 : 12906382 Research : 10.00 по. : 12906382 press Fee: 500.00 no. : 12894505 www.immigration gov p ANNEX "C This is to certify that per existing records on file in the Alien Social Integration MR. MIHIR ASHOKKUMAR KHANCHANDANI, DOB 24 November Indian national, applied for social integration under Republic Act No. 7919 on 17 1996 and was assigned ASIO No 010109 His application was approved by then missioner Edgar L. Mendoza on 31 January 1997. He had completed the payment of Inquired integration fee under ATAP No. 008758 (P31,000 00) and was issued Alien ficate of Registration No. E 267530 on 04 September 2002 and Immigrant ficate of Residence No. 312181 on 02 April 1997 That he is a dependent of MR. ASHOKKUMAR TARANCHAND ANCHANDANI, DOB 25 February 1957, Indian national, applied for social tion under Republic Act No. 7919 on 17 October 1996 and was assigned ASIO 010111. His application was approved by then Commissioner Edgar L. Mendoza on apuary 1997 He had completed the payment of the required integration fees under P Nos. 008756 (P106,000.00), 016936 (P50,000.00) and 019767 (P100,000 00) and issued Alien Certificate of Registration No. E 112584 and Immigrant Certificate of dence No. 312180 on 02 April 1997. This Certification is issued upon the request of Mr Mihir Ashokkumar nchandani for whatever legal purpose it may serve Manila, 27 September 2007. ma ATTY. ROY M. ALMORO Associate Commissioner fication fee paid under O.R. No. M-13033965-P51000 nád paslane fee paid under O.R. No. M-12997537-P500 00, both 06 September 2007. ANNEX "Е" |