Official Gazette REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES EDITED AT THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, UNDER COMMONWEALTH ACT NO. 638 SUBSCRIPTION RATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2007 Subscription rates are for issues of the current year and the year immediately preceding. All other prior issues can be purchased as back numbers. Subscriptions are payable strictly in advance by certified check, manager's/cashier's check, official check, draft, PPC Postal Money Order, or cash in Philippine or United States currency and remitted to the National Printing Office by registered mail. Personal checks are not accepted in payment for subscription or publication fee. All letters and payments of subscription should be addressed to the Director of National Printing Office. Claims for missing numbers must be made immediately upon receipt of the following number. RATES OF PUBLICATION EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2007 1. Notice of Hearing in Land Registration cases in one publication: a. For one lot P1,329.10 3. All other publication of legal notices, patents, copyrights, invitation to bid, notices of application in mining leases, notices of application with the Board of Investments and other similar notices of advertisement: Official Gazette VOL. 106 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES EDITED AT THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, UNDER COMMONWEALTH ACT NO. 638 MANILA, PHILIPPINES, FEBRUARY 15, 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS No. 7 Republic Act No. 9810-An Act separating the Pangangan High School, Calape Municipality of Calape, Province of Bohol Republic Act No. 9807-An Act separating 051269-1 xxxi |