Imágenes de páginas

rogaui pro te, Petre, vt1 non deficiat fides tua: Tu verò conuersus confirma fratres tuos. Quhilk pouer he apperis Act. 1, 2, 3. planelie to hef exerceit amang the Apostolis, takand the speche on him specialie in all conuentionis-albeit he

5 sufferit St.2 Iames, Bischope of Hierusalem, to pronunce Act. 15. a sentence at his awin Kirk, in his præsence. And gif ony be superiour, quhy suld nocht the successour of Petir? Knaw ze nocht that all the aunciant Fatheris attributis mekle to the Kirk of Rome by wtheris Kirkis, IO and also the General Counselis quhilk ze appreue 1? As for exemple, ze knaw that St. Augustine confirmis his doc- Epist. 165. trine specialie contrare the Donatistis, that neuir ane of the Bischopes of Rome till his days (citand thair names to the numbre aboue xxxvj)5 trowit wthirways nor he did 15 contrare the saidis heretikis. Gif ze affirm the Pape



to be the Antichriste, will ze nocht schaw of quhat Pape of the name ze mein, gif ze speik of the Romane Pape? Or quhidder vnderstand ze be the Pape all bischopes? For be that name we reid ony bischope to hef bene decorit; as St. 20 Hierome writtis to St. Augustine Bischope: Hieronymus Presbyter beatissimo Papæ Augustino St. Gif ze had the Bischopes of Rome Antichristis be ressoun of ony wice (quhilk we intend nocht to defend), quhilk of zou is but wice, cast the first stane at thame. Gif it be for ony doc25 trine contrare Christ, schaw it in speciall 8 (we pray zou) that we may fle frome it.


40. Of the sacrament of pennance.

Qvhy deny ze the sacrament of pennance? and quhy neclect ze to vse at the leist the absolutioun of the minister afoir zour communioun always? Sen the apos30 tolis wes institut be our Saluiour with sick solennitie in that part of thair office, that eftir His resurrectioun he

1 MS. page 45, omits


2 MS. inserts Petir.

3 MS. reads, Quhy suld yt

nocht be swa in Goddis Kirk at this tyme? MS. appreiffe.

5 MS. xxx.

6 MS. Paip.
7 MS. to be.

8 MS. speciale.
9 MS. page 46.

Io. 20.

Io. 20.

Cyp. Serm.

de lap. 2

Lu. 13.

Serm. de laps. et passim.

blew in thame, sayand, Resaue the Haly Gaist. Quhois sinnis ze forgeue, thai ar forgeuin; and quhois sinnis ze retene, thai ar retenit. And quhy dissent ze frome the maist part of Allemannie in that part?

41. Of contritioun, confessioun, and satisfactioun.

Qvhy affirm ze that contritioun, confessioun, and satisfactioun ar papisticall inuentionis, and callis ws Papistis for the vseing thairof; and callis nocht Cypriane and the Kirk sen his days Papistis, quhois doctrine in that case we follow, as collectit and euidentlie deducit of Scriptuiris ?

42. Of confessioun.



Gif ze condemne confessioun to be maid to the preist of special1 faltis, quhow can he absolue, conforme to the word of God, sum of thair sinnis, and retene wthir nocht absoluit, gif he sall misknaw the sin? Or quy call ze it Papistrie, sen the said Martyr Cypriane wit- 15 nessis it to haif bene in the Kirk of God in his days, and wtheris siklyke aunciant Fatheris eftir him?

43. Of contritioun.

Or quhy call ze contritioun Papistrie, sen na man can haif forgeueance of his sinnis except he repent with intentioun of amendiment of lyfe, as our Saluiour 20 techis Except ze do repentance, ze sall all periss ? 4

44 Of satisfactioun to God.

Qvhy hald ze satisfactioun Papistrie, sen Cypriane with mony aunciant Doctouris oft inculcatis this terme

2 MS. side-note, Eccle.

3 MS. page 47.

1 MS. inserts hid.
4 MS. this paragraph is finished by a monogram

[MS. Epist. singulis

31, LI et in


3 Note.

in thair writtingis, to the sentence vseit and resauit at this præsent in the Kirk ?1 Misknew thai trew ze, the satisfactioun and redemptioun conquest till ws be Iesus epistolis.] Christ, as the full ransoun to the Father for the sinnis 5 of all the warld 2? Bot this we think ze wil not say : for misknawand that thing only, quhou culd thai be martyris of Christe that is witnessis of the veritie? And [MS. zit thai speik, and that be euident Scriptuiris, of a satisfactioun requirit of our obœdience, as to turn to God 10 in murning, fasting, prayar, and almus5 deid, with sik

lyke worthy fruitis of pennance, sa oft inculcat be our Saluiour and the Apostolis to the Iowis, with sik dolour and hauines quharof St. Paull speikis, 2 Cor. 7.6 Gif ze admit nocht satisfactioun on this maner to be maid 15 to God and nocht to man only, quhou vnderstand ze thir Scriptuiris: Cheritie coueris' the multitude of sinnis ; Turn to me in all zour hert9 in fasting, sobing, and greting; Geue almus,10 and all sal be clene to zou; and that Daniel says to Nabuchodonosor : Redeme thi sinnis 20 with almus deid, with mony siklyke places?

45. Of satisfactioun to men.

We desyre zou to schaw, gif ze think it necessar to a pœnitent, to the end he get remissioun of his sinnis fra God, that he mak satisfactioun to his brothir at the leist, in sa fer as he hes offendit and rubbit him of his geris or 25 honouris, gif it be in his pouer? Gif11 ze dissent fra ws, sayand Na, the Scriptuiris ar ful of testimonies in zour contrare, as thir :—

[blocks in formation]

Matt. 3.

Act. 26.

2 Cor. 7.]

I Pet. 4.

Ioel 2.

Luc. 11.

Daniel 4.

I Ioan. 3.

Matt. 7 and 5.

Iosue. 7.



Quhen thow offeris thi gift at the altar, and remembiris that thi brother hes ocht aganis the, leif thi gift afoir the altar, and pas and be reconcilit with thi brother, and syne cum and offir thi gift. Quha luuis1 nocht his brother quhome he seis, quhow sall he luue God, quhome he seis nocht? Can a man luue his brother, sa layng2 as he nocht only nocht helpis him in his mistar, bot contrarie oppressis him be violence and fraud? Quhilkis all to our purpose St. Augustine concluidis in thir wordis: Sin is nocht forgeuin (says he) 10 except it quhilk is tane away be instorit.4 Gif ze grant with ws that it is necessare, quhy ministrat ze zour communion to sik persones, quhome ze knew perfytlie to hef intromittit violentlie with wthiris mennis possessionis,5 and als rubberie of the Kirk guidis-nocht only of mon- 15 asteriis, quhilkis ze imaginat to hef bene idolatrical, bot also of bischopis saitis and paroche kirkis, but ony repentance, satisfactioun, or intentioun of amendiment,quhilk thing ze man othir grant to be intromissioun with idolatrical geris, and sua thame and it to be burnt to- 20 giddir be ze law of God as efter sal follow, or ellis to be sacrilege war thans commoun thift? Of the quhilkis it follouis consequent/ie, that thai hef failzeit hauelie cumand to the communioun, but restitutioun of wrangous geris, or intentioun to that ilk: and ze fer hau- 25 iar,9 quha ministrat the Sacrament (gif we may sua call it with zou) to the vnuorthy, knawand thame in that estate. [Zowr ansser heir schaw giffe ze think sa persones may communicate with faythfull and just Christianis or nocht, or giff ze failzeit in zour office of ministration in that 30 part or nocht, that we may knav quhat aucthoritie we have to affirme zour doctrine and ordour to be trewe.]10

1 MS. luffis.
2 MS. salange.
3 MS. mister.
4 MS. restorit.

5 MS. page 49.

6 MS. settis.

7 MS. to gidder.

8 MS. nor.

9 MS. far havear. 10 MS. lines 28-32 not in


46. Of twa partis of pennance, neulie setfurth.

Thair being sa mony thingis requirit to trew pennance or repentance, as sobing, mourning and teris, walking, fasting, prayair and almus deid, with abstinence for a tyme fra mony thingis wthirwayis lesum, hawy dolour 5 for the foremer offenssis, with firm intent of reneuing of lyfe thaireftir, with wtheris1 worthy fruitis of pennance, and specialie satisfactioun to all men quhome we hef offendit quhy hef ze setfurth the said pennance sa obscuirlie, appuncting2 thairto twa partis only, quhilkis 10 ar fayth and reneuing of lyfe, callit be zou resipiscentia, sen fayth is na mair a part of pennance than it is of ony wthir vertew, it being the grund of al vertew, and be the wthir name the foresaidis propirteis of pennance ar ouer obscuirlie declarit? Persuade ze nocht heirby to 15 mony vngodlie proud præsumptioun, and vnsuir securitie of conscience? 3

47. Gif præsumptioun vpspringis of the præmissis1
or nocht.

[blocks in formation]

We desyre zow to maturelie consider, and anssuer till ws, quhiddir it cumis of zour licentious doctrine in neclecting and contemning thir thre partis of pennance 20 abone specifiit (as it apperis planelie till ws to cum) or wthirwyis, that sindry at this præsent ar descendit to sik beistlie ruidnes, and præsumptuous securitie of conscience, and schameles præsumptioun, that thai ar nocht eschameit nocht to satifie thair inferiouris or 25 brethir in thair deuitie of dettis or siklyke, bot to mak mony maist large promissis and oblissingis, knit with word, writt, walx and seil, als weil to superiour Note, and poueris (quhare thai dar) as to æquall and inferiouris :

1 O.E. witheris.

4 O.E. præmisss.

2 O.E. appuntting.

3 Chap. 46 is not in MS.

5 MS. above.

6 MS. page 50.

7 MS. dewte.


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