Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]


and manlie ressoun in that mater, bot to geue credit to
the expres Word of God, albeit it appere contrare our
wittis and sensis. But sen Christe hes spokin, (says he)
This is my body, let ws geif credit, and repugne nocht
to God! Ze misknaw nocht, sindry of zour maist leirnit1
precheouris, within thir twa zeris and ane half, to hef
affirmit with ws planelie, and zit hes schawin na expres
Scriptuir in the contrare. Quhy wald ze heirfor thral
ws, as ze war the catholik Kirk, the pillar of veritie,
that can nocht erre?* Quhare ze allege that Christe 10
ascendit to the heuin, and sittis at the richt hand of the
Father, ze wil nocht haif Him sa bund3 in heuin that
He may naways be in erd. For eftir His ascensioun
He apperit to St. Paul in the way; be the quhilk St. Paul
And to 15
prouis His werray resurrectioun, 1 Cor. 15.
sit at the rycht hand of the Father confirmis mair our
purpose, sen be that is signifiit His omnipotent pouer.

22. Gif the dew celebratioun of the said sacrament
be a sacrifice.

Qvhy abhorre ze to affirm and cal6 the rycht vse always of the celebratioun and sanctifiing of the said sacrament of our Lordis body ane sacrifice or oblatioun, sen 20 our Saluiour maid sacrifice at His last supper, eftir the ordour of Melchisedech: quhilk samin self thing he commandit to be done in rememberance of him; and sen the last of the twelf prophetis, Malachias, to quhome aggreis Dauid, forespak expreslie of the abolitioun of 25 the auld sacrifices and oblationis, and vpsetting of ane clene new oblatioun, to be offerit in the new law to the name of God in all places—mening of the vnbluidy sacrifice of the Kirk, in the body and bluid of Christe-as

1 MS. page 28.

2 The MS. contains this

3 MS. has bundin and

omits in heuin.

4 O.E. ye; MS. he.
5 MS. pruivis.

6 MS. call.

7 MS. oblatioune.
8 MS. sacrifice.


Iusti. in dialogo cum Iudeo.

Irinæ. lib.

ca. 32. Aug. de trinit, lib. 3.

сар. 4. Euseb. demonst.

witnessis haly1 Martialis, St. Petiris disciple, Iustinus, Irinæus, with Augustine, Eusebius, and wtheris doctouris? Bot sen ze esteme 2 Augustine gretumlie (and nocht without cause amangis3 the reste of the doc5 touris), intend nocht in this cause to thraw him 1 sum of zour new writtaris dois) to mein in this mater of uang. cap. ane wthir sacrifice of louing allanerly. For we aduertis zow as tender freindis, that ze wil be eschamit tharin, he is sa plane in sa mony places in zour contrare.


23. Of the numbre5 of the communicantis, and
wtheris ceremonies.


de sanct. 19.

As we grant it lauchful and godly that mony wald cum daylie to the Mess, and resaue the haly sacrament of the altar (we speik on this maneir with Augustine) togidder Aug. serm. with the Preist, sua can we nocht vnderstand zour scrupulositie and wane ceremonie, quhilk is, that ane 15 faithful man haueand na wthir impediment, bot wantand cumpanie to communicat with him sacramentalie, may nocht resaue that sacrament him allane, without errour or idolatrie. Quhou can he be him allane, sa lang as he is a membre of Christis Kirk? Heirfoir we de20 mand zou gif our Saluiour at the institutioun of this sacrament præscriuit ane law till ws of all the ceremoneis vseit at that tyme—as of the place, quhilk wes ane hall; of the tyme, quhilk wes eftir suppare; of the numbre of the communicantis, of the quhilkis we reid 25 only twelf? Gif ze affirm that he did sua, ze failze zour selfis, quhilkis keipis nocht ane iot of all thre. And quhy wald ze heirfor thral9 ws to ane ceremonie, nocht expreslie commandit, contrare zour awin doctrine in wtheris places 10?

1 MS. inserts martires;

MS. page 29.

2 MS. inserts s.

3 MS. amang.


[blocks in formation]

of place, numbir 7 of nicantis is

tyme, nor

the commu

na expres

command in Scriptuir.


Eccle. hist.

24. Quhy this sacrament is nocht vseit to be ministrat to the seik.


Qvhy neclect1 ze to ministrat 2 this haly sacrament to the seik, afoir thair departing of this lyfe, by the laudable vse and canounis of the primitiue Kirk, in tyme of the glorious Martyris? Gif ze say that ze may nocht deliuir it to ane allane, quhy nocht now als weil as the 5 tyme of the Martyris, be the exemple of the haly li. 6, cap. 34. penitent man Serapion, quha in the 5 tyme of the resauing thairof wes illuminat be the spirit of prophetie? Gif ze excuis zou be thir wordis of our Saluiour, sayand, Drink ze al of this, and thairthrow ane man 10 can nocht resaue it him allane, gif the minister or wtheris be nocht rady to communicat, quhow can that? preue zour intent, sen al Christianis at ane tyme and ane place can nocht keip that commande, and ze interpet it sua? 8

A grete absurditie follouing thair doctrine heir.

Note thair wristing and wrying

of the expres
word of

25. Of the wordis of sanctificatioun.


Ze confessing oftymes treulie with ws, eftir the techement of St. Augustine, that a sacrament in Christis Kirk consistis nocht only of a signe, bot of the word of God iunit 10 thairto at His command: quhy teche ze, and settis furth in zour Catechis, that the wordis of sanctifi- 20 catioun of the sacrament of our Lordis body and bluid ar nocht to be pronunceit to the end, that thair suld be ony transubstantiatioun thairby, or be the intent of the sacrificear,11 bot to aduertis the peple communicant quhou thai suld behaif thame in the mein tyme? Quhou 25 can ze appropriat thir wordis: This is my body; this is my bluid,—to teche the peple quhou thai suld behaif

1 MS. neglect.

2 MS. gif.

3 MS. omits the glorious.
4 MS. apostolis and.

5 MS. inserts mein.

6 MS. receavyng.

7 MS. ze.

8 MS. omits last clause.

9 MS. ane, p. 31.

10 MS. joint; O.E. innit. 11 MS. sacrefiar.

thame, except only to the intent that thai suld beleue the samin to be trew-that is, spokin be God, and commandit to be spokin be the minister in His name, quho may nocht lie? Or be quhat temeritie and fuilhardines 5 dar ze ministrat a sacrament, nocht pronunceand the wordis of Christe, to the intent that it suld be a sacrament, sen ze teche in wtheris places rycht treulie that without the wordis of God commandand and promittand grace thairto na sacrament can be maid? Or quhou Io suld ze1 minister nocht haif intent to performe and 2 perfyte that thing, that he wirkis in the name and at the command of God?

And nocht

to teche the

peple gesquhow thai


suld behaif


26. Of the names sacrifice, preist, and altar.

Matth. 19. Mar. 10. Exod. 7.

Luc. 18.

Ro. 3.

1 Cor. 8. Io. 10.

Psal. 81.

10. 1.

Albeit to ws Christianis be properlie ane God allane, ane King, and ane new Lord, quha only be nature and 15 essential substance is guid, ryhteous,1 trew, and merciful, zit the inexplicable benignitie of the samin our God distributis and appropriatis in 5 His Scriptuir, the samin names to His reularis and wtheris membris of Christis mystical body in erd, calling thame godis, kingis, lordis, 20 iust, guid, &c. And siklyke oure Saluiour Christe Iesus being only our Hie Preist, and only that sacrifice quhilk fra the fall of Adam to the day of iugement takis away the sinnis of the warld. And only siklyke that altar, vpon the quhilk the prayaris of all acceptit 25 and hard be our heuinly Father 6 are offerit. Zit ze Passim in


Apocal. 8.

Exod. and

7 appro- Leuit.

misknaw nocht that the samin names priat to the preistis, sacrifice, and altar in the law of Moyses, præfiguring only Christe Iesus than to cum. The quhilk names preist, sacrifice, and altar, the Kirk of 30 God hes vseit, sen the Apostolis days, for the minister

1 MS. has ze blotted, fol-
lowed by nocht hawe.
and mynd.

2 MS. or.

3 MS. quhilk.

4 MS. rychtews; O.E.

5 MS. p. 32.

6 MS. fader.
7 MS. wer.

8 MS. alter.

9 MS. dayis.

Martialis 2
D. Petri dis-
cipulus ad

ca. 3.

Philal. de B. And. in eius vita.


li. 4, C. 34.

Ibid. ca. 32.


li. 2, epist. 3. M. George Hay fy haist

zow to recant?

offering, at Christis command, the vnbluidy sacrifice of
the body and bluid of Christe vpon the table of the
Lord: quhilk thing ze misknaw nocht, albeit ze wink at
the samin applauding1 to the tyme. Albeit we may bring
intellable testimoneis theirof; zit for schortnes we will 5
adduce bot a certane [numbre] to zour memorie.

Dum altaria dæmonum in puluerem redigerentur, aram
ignoti Dei ad consecrationem reseruari iussimus, &c.
Sacrificium Deo creatori in ara offertur, non homini, nec

Ego omni die sacrifico, non thuris fumum, &c., sed immaculatum agnum quotidie, in altare crucis sacrifico. Ecclesiæ oblatio, quam docuit Dominus offerri in vniuerso mundo, purum sacrificium reputatum est illi.


Ecclesia 15

Noui testamenti nouam docuit oblationem, quam ab Apostolis accipiens, in vniuerso mundo iam offert Deo. Nam si Iesus Christus Dominus et Deus noster, ipse est summus Sacerdos Dei3 Patris, et sacrificium Deo Patri ipse primus obtulit, et hoc fieri in sua commemorationem Christi verè fungitur, 20 Et sacrificium verum Ecclesia Deo Patri, si

Loquitur de præcepit. Vtique sacerdos ille vice si id quod Christus fecit imitatur.

calice vino et aqua


Aug. in

Psal. 33.

Idem, epi. 59.

Idem, de

ciuit. Dei,

et plenum tunc offert (sacerdos) in
sic incipiat offerre, secundum quod ipsum Christum videat

Christus de corpore et sanguine suo instituit sacrificium 25 secundum ordinem Melchisedech.

Vouentur omnia quæ offeruntur Deo, maximè sancta altaris oblatio.

Cùm Melchisedech Abrahæ benediceret, ibi primùm ap

lib. 16, cap. paruit sacrificium: quod nunc à Christianis offertur Deo, 30


Idem, ep. 107.

Amb. li. 5,

c. 1. de sacr.

toto terrarum orbe.

Sacerdos ad altare Dei stans, exhortatur populum orare pro incredulis.

In altari constituitur panis et calix.

1 MS. applauting.

2 The MS. does not give

the marginal notes on
the Latin quotations.

3 MS. p. 33.

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