Imágenes de páginas

Mat. ho. 26.

Sacerdos altari assistens pro vniuerso orbe terrarum, Chrysos. in pro absentibus, &c., sacrificio illo proposito, gratias Deo iubet offerre.

Siklyke we dout nocht that1 ze misknaw the samin

5 Fatheris, and all the rest maist aunciant, commonlie to
hef vseit the samin termes in all aiges, as the Kirk dois Note.
at this præsent; and the Apostolis siklyke to hef2 ab-
stenit commonlie in thair writtingis fra thir3 termes in
this significatioun, for the oblation of the preistheid,
Io sacrifice, and altar in the auld law, and distincting the
samin in the 5 law of grace fra the wthir.

As the vseing of the samin names in al aiges sen thair days in vniforme consent manifestlie to ws persuadis, quhy cal ze ws heirfor, for the vseing of the samin, 15 Papistis, and sparis in that part the haill Kirk afoir ws?

27. Of the ornamentis of the altaris, and the priestis.

Gifs the law of natuir ingraftit in our hertis reioss in al cumlie9 and decent ordour, and the samin nocht being abolissit, bot confirmit be the Euangel; and sen St. Paull also commandis al thingis to be done honestlie 20 and eftir ordour in the Kirk of God,—quhat haif ze for zow to affirm all the vestimentis and ornamentis in the Houss of God, specialie on the altaris and ministeris in tyme of the 10 diuine offices, to be superstitious and idolatrical, specialie sen we may preue in the primitiue

I Cor. 14.

and 6.

25 Kirk siklyke ornamentis to hef bene vseit, nocht commandit in the New Testament? Salamon also com- Prouerb. 1 manding ws naways to dimit the law of our mother, quhilk is the Kirk (sen be it na thing is promulgat, bot aggreing with Godis Word, and proffetable to the out

1 MS. bot ze sen the
apostolis knew the
samin, faderis, and
all the rest mair

2 MS. hawe.

3 MS. wthir.

4 MS. oblatioune; O.E.

5 MS. inserts new.

6 MS. tha.

7 MS. twiching, p. 34.

8 MS. gywe.

9 MS. semelie

10 MS. places the after in.

Daniel. 5.
A sacrilege.

A prophane impietie.

Apoc. 1.

I Petr. 2.

Quhow thai prouoke

thair scoleris

to vsurpe auctoritie.

setting of the samin), na mair than we suld nocht heir the præceptis of our Fathir, quhilk is God.

28. Gif it be lesum1 to vse ony prophane coupis2
at this sacrament.

Sen the weschelis and ornamentis appropriat to the
seruice of God suld nocht be prophanit in wthir com-
moun vseis, as the feirfull exemple of Balthazar preuis 5
maist planelie, quhy hef ze wappit doun al the affixit
tabellis3 of the Lord, be al aunciant Fatheris afoir
our dayis callit altaris, togiddir with the font of baptim,
and vseis zour tabillis, baissinis,5 and coupis furth of
ony prophane taueroun ?6 Wil ze haif the sacramentis 10
of grace in the new law of les dignitie and honour than
thais war in the auld, for the abusing of the weschelis
of the quhilkis the grete King Balthazar wes sa seueirlie
punissit ?

29. Euiry guid Christiane man is a king, and a

preist, and quhat is meanit thairby.

Albeit we acknawlege be the Scriptuir of God, that al 15 iust man in the Kirk of God quha subdeuis his concupiscence and lustis to the diuine law is a victorious king, and preist also spiritualie. Nochttheles we demand zou, gif be that titill euiry man (albeit he haif wit and pissance thairto) may iustlie be a king to ministrat ius- 20 tice? Gif ze say Na, quhy allow ze, and prouokis also, the prouestis and ballies of euiry burgh (quhome we can nocht call magistratis propirlie, as ze do, sen thai ar nocht principalis in a fre citie, as wes Rome, to mak lawis, bot suld be subditis 10 to our Souerane Lady) 25 to baneis Christianis and trew Scottismen fra thair

1 MS. leswme.

2 MS. weschallis.

3 MS. tablis.

4 MS. p. 35.

5 MS. bassin.

6 MS. taberne.

7 MS. wer.

8 O.E. spitualie.

9 MS. balzeis.

10 O.E. subitis.

roumes and possessiones, confisk thair guidis, put thame to the horne, and condemne1 thame to the dethe, for breking only of thair actis and decreis 2 vnknauin to our Souerane Lady, or hir Maiestie's prædecessouris, sen 3 5 thai haif only pouer to puniss thair awin comburgessis in an viij ss. vnlaw or siklyke?

30. Gif the subditis may violentlie compel thair
princes to religioun.

Gif the peple of Israel vnder the idolatrical kingis in
Babylone wes nocht commandit be God to resist the

saidis idolatouris, or be ony violence to remuif thame Hiere. 27. 10 fra thair errour, bot to obey thame, suffer thame, pray


1 Reg. at lenthe.

for thame, and serue God in thair awin religioun: and Dauid being vnctit king of Israel, wald do na violence Baruch. i. to king Saull than being 5 repellit and reprobat of God, and persuitand the said Dauid iniustlie to the deth, 15 bot sufferit him to rage in his furie, fleing onlie fra his violence, for the honour that he wes a king :-also we reid nocht that the Apostolis or ony of the catholik religioun euir punissit in body or geris the infidelis quha had nocht ressauit the religioun of Christ, albeit thai 20 chastisit the apostatis relapsit fra the trew fayth anis 1 Tim. 1. ressauit, bot quhou the trew Christianis wes scharpelie Reid persuitit and iniustlie punissit and oppressit be the Arrianis and wthiris heretikis and apostatis the exemplis ar ouer patent,-quhat auctoritie heirfor haif ze for zou 25 to comptrol our Souerane Lady, and compel hir Maiestie to ressaue zour priuat opinioun of materis in religioun vnknauin to the haill Christiane Kirk afoir thir days, and as zit nocht ressauit be ony Christiane king at this præsent? For 10 zour selfis knauis Ingland, Denmark,


1 MS. condempe to deid.
2 MS. decretis.

3 MS. page 36.

4 MS. comburgess men.

5 MS. beand.

6 MS. persuttand.
7 MS. recewit.

8 MS. of.

9 MS. cristin. 10 MS. page 37.


and Nice


O humane, hertly,

gentle, and wyse Souerane !

The com

moun pro

uerb is ouer

and Alemannie, except sum Caluinistis and wtheris strange sectis, prætending reformatioun alsua by the Romane kirk, to dissent in mony heidis fra zour doctrine.

31. Of obedience to our natiue Souerane1 Marie.


Think ze nocht our maist noble, humane, and gentil 5 Souerane hes schawin hir self mair than king Dauidis trew dochtir, quha in that case dissenting fra the counsel of maist Christiane princis, wald fle all occasioun of trible to be done be violence of men of weir and strangeris, nocht to a king, quha sumtymes wes hir maister, as wes 10 Saul to Dauid, bot to hir awin subiectis,2 vsurping (as Christiane princis hir Grace's nerrest freindis thocht) hir Hienes auctorite in prætending sa to reforme religioun, in hir absence wald aduenture hir Hienes 3 awin persoun, by counsell and exhortatioun of maist noble 15 princis, hir Grace's neir cousingis 5 and vndoutit freindis in the stormie seis, throu euident perellis of vnfreindis, and præsent hir self to this realme maist humblie, nochte as a Souerane, bot as a subiect, or erar hertlie mother, haifand compassioun of hir tribulit sones; ob- 20 iecting hir Maiestie to maist extreme perelis, to the intent that hir sones maist deirbelouit suld hef bene deliuirit frome all perel-albeit thai had maist fuleschelie in ane furius rage obiectit thame to the samin—and9 in the mein tyme nocht intendand to the punisment of 25 ony cryme with rigour committit be zouris in hir Hienes absence, bot labouris maist diligentlie for godlie concord in the realme, and dew obedience to the auctorite, but the quhilk the wthir may not 10 stand: committand also libertie of conscience to zouris in religioun (quhilk 30


[blocks in formation]


the sow put

&c. Thair

man, resist

the aud he enter

serpent, that nocht his heid.

only in the beginning of the tumult thai desyrit), and that trew, Lat by the consuetude of al Christiane princis vseit to thare in ane fute, subditis, quhill ordour be tane thairin, be the Thre Estatis for, faythful of the realme. Think ze nocht that this grete humilitie, 5 gentrice, and singular humanitie iunit with wisdume of sik excellent zour natiue Souerane, suld mollifie to humill1 obedience the hert of ane trew Scot,2 albeit it war forgeit of irne or steill 4? Gif ze think sua with ws (as is zour dewtie but dout to do), quhy exhort Io ze the subiectis sa feruentlie to rebellioun against hir Grace except sche 5 leue the ordour and catholik opinoun in the sacramentis of Christe Iesus vniuersalie ressauit, and mak a monstruous idoll of zour Maister Caluin, adheirand only to his priuat opinioun, vnknawin to the 15 warld afoir this præsent? Gif ze can nocht preue zour doctrine in the controuersiis now præsent amangis ws to be vniuersalie ressauit, quhow can ze but schame bable in zour beleif, The haly Kirk vniuersal? Or Note Reidar. quhat proffettis zow that part of zour beleif, sen ze ar as 20 bund slauis, addictit to zour awin priuat opinions iugement, contrare the mynd and auctorite of the samin Kirk?

32. Gifs in the mess be ony idolatrie.

And gif9 it sall pleis our maist excellent Souerane, to the intent to saif zouris fra vter ruine (as thair is na 25 dout of hir Grace's guid 10 mynd thairto), to permit 11 zou sa fer as Godis æternall Word sufferis in the mess, aganis the quhilk ze schaw zour selfis sa coniurit inimeis: as for exemple, that thai be na preist nor minister admittit thairto, bot sik that may instruct the peple be hale and 30 syncere 12 doctrine, and guid exemple of haly lyfe; and

1 MS. trew.

2 MS. Scotte

3 MS. wer.

4 MS. omits of irne or


5 MS. scho leiff.

6 MS. babil.

7 MS. opinionis.

8 MS. giwe, page 39.

9 MS. gife.

10 MS. godlie.

11 MS. admitt.
12 MS. omits syncere.

Thair is na trew Chris

dout bot al

tiane will

do all that with Godis

may stand

plesuir for

an vnitie in

the Kirk.


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