Imágenes de páginas

larly, were freely interchanged, they apparently being also pronounced -yi,-hyech, wyl, sayngis, layt.

In reprinting the works of Winzet, care has been observed to retain the antique forms of words found in the original editions, with the exception of palpable misspellings. All changes of importance have been indicated in the foot-notes. The original editions give proof of the use of no rule for the employment of capital letters: in this reprint capitals are used according to modern practice.

The best thanks of the Society are due to many gentlemen who have rendered me invaluable assistance in tracing the career of Winzet :-to the most Reverend Archbishop Smith, Edinburgh, for obtaining a search in the registers of the University of Louvain; to the Rev. Principal Grant, Blairs, for the use of, and to the Rev. Dr Fraser, Blairs, for writing the accurate, annotated copies of the MSS. in Blairs College; to the Rev. Joseph Stevenson, S.J., London, and to the Rev. Father Cody, O.S.B., Fort Augustus, for kind help in many ways; to Mr Law of the Signet Library for valuable suggestions and references to sources of information; to Mr Webster, Edinburgh University Library, to Mr Limburn and to Mr Galbraith, Glasgow University Library, for their courtesy and willing aid during my investigations at the libraries; to the Rev. Patrick Beaton, Paris, for rendering me help in carrying out the successful search at the Archives Nationales, Paris; and to the Secretary, the Rev. Dr Gregor, for revising the proof-sheets.

The thanks of the Society are also due to the Library

Committee of Edinburgh University, for kindly intrusting in loan to me the rare first editions of the 'Certane Tractatis' and 'The Last Blast,' together with the MS. of 'The Buke of Four Scoir Thre Questions,' with the aid of which the reprint of Winzet's works has been made.

ROTHESAY, July 1888.



With regard to the difficulty of identifying William and Ninian Winzet (Introduction, ante, pp. xii-xvi, xliii, xliv), I find, on the eve of going to press with this work, that similar difficulties have been experienced by the author of 'Henry VIII. and the English Monasteries.' In referring to the monks and nuns of the houses suppressed by King Henry VIII., he writes:

"The difficulty of identifying the religious at this time is very considerable. They are variously described by their Christian, religious, or surnames, and often also by the name of their birthplace. Hence there is no doubt that a great number more really received pensions, but not under the same name as that by which they are entered in the Comperta." 1

J. K. H.

1 'Henry VIII. and the English Monasteries.' By Francis Aidan Gasquet, O.S.B. Vol. i. p. 353, footnote. 2d edit. Lond. 1888.

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From the Minute-Book of the Congregation of the German Nation of the University of
Paris: Archives Nationales, Paris, Reg. H 2589, fol. 152; cf. Appendix, p. civ.)




GREGORIUS, Episcopus, Servus servorum Dei, dilecto Filio Niniano Winzeto, Presbytero Glasguensis Dioecesis, Magistro in Theologia, salutem et Apostolicam Benedictionem. Apostolicæ sedis providentia circumspecta cupientibus vitam ducere regularem, ut eorum pium propositum ad laudem divini nominis adimplere valeant, Apostolico consuevit adesse præsidio ac circa statum Ecclesiarum et Monasteriorum quorumlibet quæ Pastorum regiminibus sunt destituta, prospere dirigendum diligenter intendit, ut Ecclesiæ et Monasteria ipsa operationis suæ ministerio idoneis commissa personis supremi favoris suffragante auxilio votivæ prosperitatis successibus gratulentur. Cum itaque sicut accepimus monasterium Sancti Jacobi Scotorum Ratisbonæ ordinis S. Benedicti, cui quondam Thomas Anderson ipsius monasterii Abbas dum viveret providebat, per obitum ejus Thomæ Abbatis qui extra Romanam curiam diem suum clausit extremum, vacaverit et vacat ad præsens, et sicut accepimus tu ob melioris vitæ frugem cupias in dicto monasterio una cum pro tempore existentibus illius conventus sub habitu regulari virtutum Domino famulari. Nos tam huiusmodi laudabili proposito confovere ac eidem monasterio, ne longæ vacationis exponatur incommodis, de Persona secundum cor nostrum utili et idonea per quam circumspecte rite et salubriter dirigi valeat, providere cupientes ac sperantes quod tu qui, ut asseris, ex regno Scotiæ oriundus existis et de cujus religionis zelo, vitæ munditia, honestate morum, spiritualium providentia, et temporalium circumspectione, et multiplicarum virtutum donis fide digna apud nos testimonia perhibentur, eidem Monasterio poteris esse plurimum utilis et etiam fructuosus, te a quibuslibet excommunicationis suspen

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