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reader of this little volume will be able to compare his portrait of Sir Elijah with the simple truth.

For the smallness of the volume no apology, I trust, is needed. It might have been expanded to almost any size, at the certain sacrifice of the object for which it was mainly written. Big books, especially on Indian themes, are a weariness to the mass of English readers; and this little volume contains the pith of Mr. Gleig's work, filled out with illustrative matter derived from other sources, written as well as printed. A Life of Hastings necessarily includes some passing sketches of Indian History. Those here given, while studied carefully from the best authorities, will no more than suffice to bring out the true relations of the central figure, Hastings himself, to the events and circumstances of his time.

In the spelling of Indian words I have generally followed the scientific system first employed by Sir W. Jones, and now adopted by the Indian Government. Such well-known names as Calcutta, Delhi, Bombay, Oudh and Madras, are left

[blocks in formation]

unaltered. In other cases the following letters are thus sounded

á long as in father.

a short as in highland or the u in but.
e long as in fête, there.

í long as in pique.
i short as in thin.
o long as in roll.
ú long as in prude.
u short as in bull.

au and ai as in German.
y as in yet.

ch as in church.

ph hard as in uphill.

gh and kh guttural.

th, as in Chatham: sh, and other consonants as in English.

The distinguishing mark of the long vowels will sometimes be found omitted, after several recurrences of the same word. L. J. T.


23rd September, 1878.

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