(a) of this section; or (5) in case the person is a partnership, corporation, or other person from whom the benefits of the service are currently being withheld under paragraph (a) of this section. Notice of such denial or withdrawal, and the reasons therefor, shall promptly be given to the person involved. (c) Filing of records. The final orders in formal proceedings under paragraph (a) of this section to deny or withdraw the service under the regulations (except orders required for good cause to be held confidential and not cited as precedents) and other records in such proceedings (except those required for good cause to be held confidential) shall be filed with the Hearing Clerk and shall be available for inspection by persons having a proper interest therein. [24 F.R. 5280, June 30, 1959, as amended at 30 F.R. 4157, Mar. 31, 1965; 34 F.R. 19337, Dec. 6, 1969; 38 FR 23314, Aug. 29, 1973] § 53.14 Financial interest of official grader. No official grader shall grade or determine compliance of any livestock or products in which he or any of his relatives by blood or marriage is directly or indirectly financially interested. [24 F.R. 5280, June 30, 1959, as amended at 30 F.R. 4157, Mar. 31, 1965] § 53.15 Accessibility and refrigeration of products; access to establishments. (a) The applicant shall cause livestock or products, with respect to which service is requested, to be made easily accessible for examination and to be so placed, with adequate illuminating facilities, as to disclose their class, grade, other quality, and compliance. Supervisors of grading and other employees of the Department responsible for maintaining uniformity and accuracy of service under the regulations shall have access to all parts of establishments covered by approved applications for service under the regulations, for the purpose of examining all livestock or products in the establishments which have been or are to be graded or examined for compliance with specifications or which bear any marks of grade or compliance. (b) Grading service will be furnished for meat in carcass form or wholesale cuts only if properly chilled. Determination of class, grade, or other quality of carcass meat or wholesale cuts of meat under the standards in Subpart B of this part will not be made if such carcass meat or wholesale cuts are in a frozen state. [24 F.R. 5280, June 30, 1959, as amended at 30 F.R. 4157, Mar. 31, 1965] § 53.16 Official certificates. (a) Required; exception. The official grader shall prepare, sign, and issue either (1) an official Agricultural Products Grading Certificate for products graded by him, or (2) an official Agricultural Products Acceptance Certificate covering products for which he has determined compliance except in the Beef Carcass Data Service as provided for in § 53.4. In the latter case, complete records of the services shall be furnished to the office of grading. (b) Form. (1) The following forms constitute forms of official certificates for products under the regulations. This certificate is receivable by all officers and all Courts of the United States as prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements there in com tained. (This certificate does not excuse failure to comply with any of the regulatory laws enforced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.) LOCATION Where weight is certified, the word "Not" shall be deleted from the phrases "Weights Not Verified." (2) Where determination of ingredient content or method of preparation of products in acceptance service is based on a certification of the facts by the inspection system having jurisdiction of the products, this fact shall be stated on the certificates. (c) Distribution. The original certificate, and not to exceed two copies, shall be delivered or mailed to the applicant or other person designated by him. The remaining copies shall be forwarded as required by agency, division, and branch instructions. Additional copies will be furnished to any person financially interested in livestock or in the products involved with the concurrence of the applicant and upon payment of fees, as provided in § 53.29(g). [38 FR 23314, Aug. 29, 1973] § 53.17 Advance information concerning service rendered. Upon request of any applicant, all or any part of the contents of any certificate issued to him under the regulations, or other notification concerning the determination of class, grade, other quality, or compliance of livestock or products for such applicant may be transmitted by telegraph or telephone to him, or to any person designated by him, at his expense. [24 F.R. 5280, June 30, 1959, as amended at 30 F.R. 4157, Mar. 31, 1965] § 53.18 Marking of products. All products for which class and grade under the standards in Subpart B of this part, or compliance, is determined under the regulations, or the immediate and shipping containers thereof, shall be stamped, branded, or otherwise marked with an appropriate official identification: Provided, That except as otherwise directed by the Chief, such marking will not be required when an applicant only desires official certificates. The marking of products, or their containers, as required by this section shall be done by official graders or under their immediate supervision. identification under the regulations for preliminary grade of carcasses and wholesale cuts. USDA UF Figure 1. (b) A shield enclosing the letters "USDA" as shown below with the appropriate quality grade designation "Prime.” "Choice," "Good," "Standard," "Commercial," "Utility," Cutter," "Canner,” or "Cull," as provided in the standards in Subpart B of this part and accompanied when necessary by the class designation "Bullock," "Veal," "Calf," Yearling Mutton," or "Mutton," constitutes a form of official identification under the regulations to show the quality grade, and where necessary the class, under said standards, of steer, heifer, and cow beef, bullock beef, veal, calf, lamb, yearling mutton and mutton. The code identification letters of the grader performing the service will appear intermittently outside the shield. (c) A shield enclosing the letters "USDA" and the words "Yield Grade," as shown below, with the appropriate yield grade designation "1,” “2,” “3,” “4," or "5" as provided in the standards in Subpart B of this part constitutes a form of official identification under the regulations to show the yield grade under said standards. When yield graded, bull and bullock carcasses and eligible cuts from bull and bullock carcasses will be identified with the class designation “Bull” and “Bullock,” respectively. The code identification letters of the grader performing the service will appear outside the shield. |