The letters "AC," "XE," and "UF" shown in figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 are examples, respectively, of the code identification letters of the official grader performing the service. (f) A shield-shaped eartag enclosing the letters "USDA," the words "Carcass Data Service," as shown below, and a serial number constitutes a form of official identification under the regulations for livestock and carcasses. Other information may appear on the backside of the eartag at the option of the purchasers. CARCASS DATA SERVICE USDA [34 FR 19338, Dec. 6, 1969 as amended at 38 FR 23317, Aug. 29, 1973] § 53.20 Custody of identification devices. All identification devices used in marking products or the containers thereof under the regulations, including those indicating compliance with specifications approved by the Chief, shall be kept in the custody of the Branch, and accurate records shall be kept by the Branch of all such devices. Each office of grading shall keep a record of the devices assigned to it. Such devices shall be distributed only to persons authorized by the Department, who shall keep the devices in their possession or control at all times and maintain complete records of such devices. [34 FR. 19339, Dec. 6, 1969] § 53.21 APPEAL SERVICE What is appeal service; marking products on appeal; requirements for appeal; certain determinations not appealable. (a) Appeal service is a redetermination of the class, grade, other quality, or compliance of product when the applicant for the appeal service formally challenges the correctness of the original determination. Only a person who has title to, or is a party to a contract for the sale of, a product may request appeal service with respect to such product and if the original determination of class, grade, other quality or compliance is found on appeal to have been in error all incorrect marks of class, grade, other quality and compliance will be removed from the product, and if the person having title to the product so requests, correct marks as determined on the appeal will be applied to the product. Examination requested to determine the class, grade, other quality, or compliance of a product which has been altered or has undergone a material change since the original service, or examination of product requested for the purpose of obtaining an up-to-date certificate and not involving any question as to the correctness of the original service for the product involved, shall be considered equivalent to original service and not appeal service. (b) Grade determinations for the following cannot be appealed: any lot of a product consisting of less than ten similar units; wholesale cuts, or other subdivisions of meat originally graded as larger units; and veal and calf carcasses originally graded with hides on. Moreover, appeal service will not be furnished with respect to product that has been altered or has undergone any material change since the original service. § 53.22 Request for appeal service. Except as otherwise provided in § 53.21, a request for appeal service with respect to any product under the regulations may be made by any person who is financially interested in the product when he disagrees with the determination as to class, grade, other quality, or compliance of the product as shown by the markings on the product or its containers, or as stated in the applicable certificate. A request for appeal service shall be filed with the Chief, directly or through the official grader who performed the original service or the official in charge of the office of grading to which such grader was assigned at the time of the service, or through the nearest office of grading. The request shall state the reasons therefor and may be accompanied by a copy of any previous certificate or report, or any other information which the applicant may have received regarding the product at the time of the original service. Such request may be made orally (including by telephone) or in writing (including by telegram). If made orally, the person receiving the request may require that it be confirmed in writing. Requests for appeal service received through an official grader or an office of grading shall be transmitted promptly to the Chief for instructions. § 53.23 When request for appeal service may be withdrawn. A request for appeal service may be withdrawn by the applicant at any time before the appeal service has been performed, upon payment of any expenses already incurred under the regulations by the Branch in connection therewith. § 53.24 Denial or withdrawal of appeal service. A request for appeal service may be rejected or such service may be otherwise denied to or withdrawn from any person, without a hearing, in accordance with the procedure set forth in § 53.13(b), if it shall appear that the person or product involved is not eligible for appeal service under § 53.21, or that the identity of the product has been lost; or for any of the causes set forth in § 53.13(b). Appeal service may also be denied to, or withdrawn from, any person in any case under § 53.13(a), in accordance with the procedure set forth in said section. § 53.25 Who shall perform appeal service. Appeal service for products shall be performed by official graders designated Immediately after appeal service has been performed for any products, a certificate designated as an "appeal certificate" shall be prepared, signed, and issued referring specifically to the original certificate and stating the class, grade, other quality, or compliance of the products as shown by the appeal service. § 53.27 Susperseded certificates. The appeal certificate shall supersede the original certificate which, thereupon, shall become null and void and shall not thereafter be deemed to show the class, grade, other quality, or compliance of the products described therein. However, the fees charged for the original service shall not be remitted. If the original and all copies of the superseded certificate are not delivered to the official with whom the request for appeal service is filed, the official graders issuing the appeal certificate shall forward notice of such issuance and of the cancellation of the original certificate to such persons as they may deem necessary to prevent fraudulent use of the superseded certificate. § 53.28 Application of other regulations to appeal service. The regulations in §§ 53.1 through 53.20 and §§ 53.29 through 53.32 shall apply to appeal service except insofar as they are manifestly inapplicable. CHARGES FOR SERVICE 53.29 Fees and other charges for service. Fees and other charges equal as nearly as may be to the cost of the services rendered shall be assessed and collected from applicants in accordance with the following provisions unless otherwise provided in the cooperative agreement under which the services are furnished, or as provided in § 53.8. (a) Fees based on hourly rates. Except as otherwise provided in this sec tion, fees for service shall be based on the time required to render the service, calculated to the nearest 15-minute period, including the time required for the preparation of certificates and travel of the official grader in connection with the performance of the service. A minimum charge for one-half hour shall be made for service pursuant to each request notwithstanding that the time required to perform the service may be less than 30 minutes. The base hourly rate shall be $16.20 per hour for work performed between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, except on legal holidays; $19.20 per hour for work performed before 6 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and anytime Saturday or Sunday except on legal holidays; and $32.40 per hour for all work performed on legal holidays. (b) Fees for service on commitment basis. Minimum fees for service performed under a commitment agreement shall be on the basis of 8 hours per day, Monday through Friday, calculated at the hourly rates in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section. Hours worked on Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays, and in excess of 8 hours per day will be charged at the appropriate hourly rate in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section. The Agricultural Marketing Service reserves the right under such a commitment to use any grader assigned to the plant on a commitment basis to perform service for other applicants as provided in § 53.8 (c), crediting the commitment applicant with the number of hours charged to the other applicants, provided the allowable credit hours, plus hours actually worked for the applicants, do not exceed 8 hours on any day, Monday through Friday. (c) Travel charges. (1) When service is requested at a place so distant from an official grader's headquarters or place of prior assignment on a circuit routing, that a total of one-half hour or more is required for the grader to travel to such place and back to the headquarters or to the next place of assignment on a circuitous routing, the charge for such service shall include a mileage charge at 13 cents per mile, and travel tolls if applicable, for such travel prorated against all the applicants furnished the service involved on an equitable basis, or, where the travel is made by public transportation (includ ing hired vehicle), a fee equal to the actual cost thereof. (d) Per diem charges. When service is requested at a place away from the official grader's headquarters, the fee for such service shall include a per diem charge if the employee performing the service is paid per diem in accordance with existing travel regulations. Per diem charges to applicants will cover the same period of time for which the grader receives per diem reimbusement. The per diem rate will be administratively determined by the Chief. However, the applicant will not be charged a new per diem rate without notification before the service is rendered. (e) [Reserved] Fees for (1) Fees for appeal service. appeal service shall be determined on the basis of the time, of two official graders, required to render the service, calculated to the nearest fifteen minute period, including the time required for the preparation of certificates and travel of such graders in connection with the performance of the service, at the applicable hourly rate prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section, plus any travel charges and per diem for such graders ordinarily chargeable under paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section: Provided, That when on appeal it is found that there was error in the original determination equal to or exceeding ten percent of the total number of similar units of the products involved, no charge will be made for the appeal service unless a special agreement therefor was made with the applicant in advance. (g) Fees for extra copies of certificates. In addition to copies of certificates furnished under § 53.16. any financially interested person may obtain not to exceed three copies of any such certificate within one year from its date of issuance upon payment of a fee of $1.00, and not to exceed three copies of any such certificate at any time thereafter, while a copy of such certificate is on file in the Department, upon payment of a fee of $5.00. (h) Other charges. When costs, other than costs specified in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (f), and (g) of this section, are involved in providing the services, the applicant will be charged for these costs. The amount of these charges will be determined administratively by the Chief. However, the appli cant will not be charged for such cost without notification before the service is rendered of the charge for such item of expense. [24 F.R. 5280, June 30, 1959, as amended at 27 F.R. 1963, Mar. 1, 1962; 34 F.R. 19339, Dec. 6, 1969; 35 FR 14497, Sept. 16, 1970; 37 FR 2745, Feb. 5, 1972; 38 FR 2209, Jan. 23, 1973; 38 FR 23313, 23317, Aug. 29, 1973; 38 FR 30995, Nov. 9, 1973; 39 FR 36563, Oct. 11, 1974; 40 FR 25581, June 17, 1975; 40 FR 47753, Oct. 10, 1975] Payment of fees and other § 53.30 charges. Fees and other charges for service shall be paid in accordance with the following provisions unless otherwise provided in the cooperative agreement under which the service is furnished. Upon receipt of billing for fees and other charges for service the applicant shall remit by check, draft, or money order, made payable to the Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S.D.A., payment for the service in accordance with directions on the billing, and such fees and charges shall be paid in advance if required by the official grader or other authorized official. [24 FR 5280, June 30, 1959; 38 FR 23313, Aug. 29, 1973] All official graders and supervisors of grading shall have their Agricultural Marketing Service identification cards in their possession at all times while they are performing any function under the regulations and shall identify themselves by such cards upon request. [24 FR 5280, June 30, 1959; 38 FR 23313, Aug. 29, 1973] § 53.32 Errors in service. When an official grader, supervisor of grading, or other responsible employee of the Branch has evidence of misgrading, or of incorrect certification or other incorrect determination or identification as to the class, grade, other quality, or compliance of a product, he shall report the matter to his immediate supervisor. The supervisor of grading will investigate the matter and, if he deems advisable, will report it to the owner or his agent. The supervisor of grading shall take appropriate action to correct errors found in the determination or identification of class, grade or other quality or compliance of products if the products are still owned by the person who owned them when, and are still located at the establishment where, the incorrect service was rendered and if such service was rendered by a grader under the jurisdiction of such supervisor, and the supervisor of grading shall take adequate measures to prevent the recurrence of such errors. [38 FR 4763, Feb. 22, 1973] Subpart B-Standards § 53.100 Scope. These standards for grades of beef are written primarily in terms of carcasses. However, they also are applicable to the grading of sides, quarters, and certain other parts of carcasses. To simplify phrasing of the standards, the words "carcass" and "carcasses" are used also to mean all parts of carcasses which are eligible for grading. [88 FR 4763, Feb. 22, 1973] § 53.101 Classes of beef carcasses. (a) Class determination of beef carcasses is based on evidences of maturity and apparent sex condition at the time of slaughter. The classes of beef carcasses are steers, bullocks, bulls, heifers, and cows. Carcasses from males-steers, bullocks, and bulls-are distinguished from carcasses from females-heifers and cows-as follows: (1) Steer, bullock, and bull carcasses have a "pizzle muscle" (attachment of the penis) and related "pizzle eye" adjacent to the posterior end of the aitchbone. (2) Steer, bullock, and bull carcasses have, if present, rather rough, irregular fat in the region of the cod. In heifer and cow carcasses, the fat in this region-if present-is much smoother. (3) In steer, bullock, and bull carcasses, the area of lean exposed immediately ventral to the aitchbone is much smaller than in heifer and cow carcasses. (b) Steer, bullock, and bull carcasses are distinguished by the following: (1) In steer carcasses, the "pizzle muscle" is relatively small, light red in color, and fine in texture and the related "pizzle eye" is relatively small. (2) In bullock and bull carcasses, the "pizzle muscle" is relatively large, dark red in color, and coarse in texture and the related "pizzle eye" is relatively large. (3) Bullock and bull carcasses usually have a noticeable crest. (4) Bullock and bull carcasses also usually have a noticeably developed small round muscle adjacent to the hipbone commonly referred to as the “jump muscle." However, in carcasses with a considerable amount of external fat, the development of this muscle may be obscured. (5) Although the development of the secondary sex characteristics is given primary consideration in distinguishing steer carcasses from bullock or bull carcasses, this differentiation is also facilitated by consideration of the color and texture of the lean. In bullock and bull carcasses, the lean is frequently at least dark red in color with a dull, "muddy" appearance-and in some cases it may have an iridescent sheen. Also, it frequently has an "open" texture. In distinguishing between these classes when grading wholesale cuts in which the secondary sex characteristics are absent or normally not well developed-especially ribs and loins-consideration of the color and texture of the lean necessarily must receive the major emphasis. (6) The distinction between bullock and bull carcasses is based solely on their evidences of skeletal maturity. Carcasses with the maximum maturity permitted in the bullock class have slightly red and slightly soft chine bones, and the cartilages on the ends of the thoracic vertebrae have some evidences of ossification; the sacral vertebrae are completely fused; the cartilages on the ends of the lumbar vertebrae are nearly completely ossified; and the rib bones are slightly wide and slightly flat. Bull carcasses have evidences of more advanced maturity. (c) Heifer and cow carcasses are distinguished by the following: (1) Heifer carcasses have a relatively small pelvic cavity and a slightly curved aitchbone. In cow carcasses, the pelvic cavity is relatively large and the aitchbone is nearly straight. (2) In heifer carcasses, the udder usually will be present. In cow carcasses the udder usually will have been removed. However, neither of these are requirements. [38 FR 4763, Feb. 22, 1973] § 53.102 Application of Standards for Grades of Carcass Beef. (a) The grade of a steer, heifer, cow, or bullock carcass consists of separate evaluations of two general considerations: (1) The indicated percent of trimmed, boneless, major retail cuts to be derived from the carcass, herein referred to as the "yield grade," and (2) the palatability-indicating characteristics of the lean herein referred to as the "quality grade." When officially graded, the grade of a steer, heifer, cow, or bullock carcass consists of both the quality grade and the yield grade. Each of the quality and yield grade designations must remain on grade-identified carcasses, sides, quarters, and untrimmed wholesale cuts unless both such designations are removed. However, for subprimal and retail cuts, and for wholesale cuts which have been substantially trimmed of external fat, the yield grade designation may be removed. For labeling and other related purposes, the grade of such items may consist of the quality designation only. The grade of a bull carcass consists of the yield grade only. (b) The carcass beef grade standards are written so that the quality grade and yield grade standards are contained in separate sections. The quality grade section is divided further into two separate sections applicable to carcasses from (1) steers, heifers, and cows, and (2) bullocks. Eight quality grade designations— Prime, Choice, Good, Standard, Commercial, Utility, Cutter, and Cannerare applicable to steer and heifer carcasses. Except for Prime, the same designations apply to cow carcasses. The quality grade designations for bullock carcasses are Prime, Choice, Good, Standard, and Utility. There are five yield grades applicable to all classes of beef, denoted by numbers 1 through 5, with Yield Grade 1 representing the highest degree of cutability. (c) When officially graded, bullock and bull beef will be further identified for its sex condition; steer, heifer, and cow beef will not be so identified. The designated grades of bullock beef are not necessarily comparable in quality or cutability with a similarly designated grade of beef from steers, heifers, or cows. Neither is the cutability of a designated yield grade of bull beef necessarily comparable with a similarly designated yield grade of steer, heifer. cow, or bullock beef. (d) The Department uses photographs and other objective aids in the correct interpretation and application of the standards. (e) To determine the grade of a carcass, it must be split down the back into two sides and one or both sides must be |