(d) Finish and appearance:
Bandaged and paraffin dipped. Shall possess a sound, firm rind with the bandage and paraffin coating ad- hering tightly but may possess the following char- acteristics to a very slight degree: soiled surface and surface mold; and to a slight degree: rough surface, irregular bandaging, lopsided and high edges.
Rindless. The wrapper or covering shall be practically smooth, properly sealed with adequate overlapping at the seams or by any other satisfactory type of closure. The wrapper or covering shall be neat and adequately and securely envelop the cheese. May be slightly wrinkled but shall be of such character as to fully protect the surface of the cheese and not detract from its initial quality. Shall be free from mold under the wrapper or covering and shall not be huffed but may be slightly lopsided.
Shall possess a pleasing characteristic cheddar cheese flavor and aroma. May possess a very slight bitter flavor and the following flavors to a slight degree: feed and acid.
A plug drawn from the cheese shall be reasonably firm, appear reasonably smooth, waxy, fairly close and translucent but may have a few mechanical openings if not large and connecting. May be slightly curdy or not entirely broken down. May possess not more than two sweet holes per plug but shall be free from other gas holes. May possess the following other characteristics to a slight degree: mealy, short and weak.
Shall have a uniform, bright attractive appearance. May have slight white lines or seams. May be colored or uncolored but if colored, it should be a medium yellow-orange.
Bandaged and paraffin dipped. Shall possess a sound, firm rind with the bandage and paraffin coating ad- hering tightly but may possess very slight mold under bandage and paraffin and the following other characteristics to a slight degree: soiled surface, sur- face mold, rough surface, irregular bandaging, lop- sided and high edges.
Rindless. Same as for current, except very slight mold under wrapper or covering permitted.
Shall have a uniform, bright attractive appearance. May have slight white lines or seams and numerous tiny white specks. May be colored or uncolored, but if colored, it should be a medium yellow-orange. Bandaged and paraffin dipped. Shall possess a sound, firm rind with the bandage and paraffin coating ad- hering tightly but may possess the following char- acteristics to a slight degree: soiled surface, rough surface, mold under bandage and paraffin, irregular bandaging, lopsided and high edges; and surface mold to a definite degree.
Rindless. Same as for medium.
(d) Finish and appearance:
Bandaged and paraffin dipped. Shall possess a reason- ably firm sound rind, but may possess very slight mold under bandage and paraffin. The following characteristics to a slight degree: soiled surface, sur- face mold, defective coating, checked rind, huffed, weak rind, and sour rind; and to a definite degree: rough surface, irregular bandaging, lopsided and high edges.
Rindless. The wrapper or covering shall be fairly smooth and properly sealed with adequate over- lapping at the seams or by other satisfactory type of closure. The wrapper or covering shall be fairly neat and adequately and securely envelop the cheese. May be definitely wrinkled but shall be of such char- acter as to protect the surface of the cheese and not detract from its initial quality. Shall be free from mold under wrapper or covering but may be slightly huffed and slightly lopsided.
Should possess a fairly pleasing characteristic cheddar cheese flavor and aroma. May possess very slight onion and the following flavors to a slight degree: flat, yeasty, malty, old milk, weedy, barny and lipase; the following to a definite degree: feed, acid, bitter, fruity, utensil, and whey-taint.
A plug drawn from the cheese may possess the follow- ing characteristics to a slight degree: curdy, coarse, gassy, slitty, and corky; the following to a definite degree: Open, short, mealy, weak, pasty, crumbly, and sweet holes.
May possess a very slight bleached surface; and the following characteristics to a slight degree: wavy, acid-cut, mottled, salt spots, dull or faded; and def- initely seamy. May be colored or uncolored but if colored, may be slightly unnatural.
Bandaged and paraffin dipped. Shall possess a reasonably firm sound rind, but may possess the following characteristics to a slight degree: surface mold, mold under bandage and paraffin, checked rind, huffed, weak rind, and sour rind; the following to a definite degree: soiled surface, rough surface, irregular bandaging, lopsided, high edges and de- fective coating.
Rindless. Same as for current, except slight mold under wrapper or covering permitted.
Should possess a fairly pleasing characteristic cheddar cheese flavor and aroma, with moderate to well de- veloped degrees of flavor or sharpness. May possess very slight onion and the following flavors to a slight degree: flat, yeasty, malty, old milk, weedy, barny, lipase and sulfide; the following to a definite degree: feed, acid, bitter, fruity, utensil, and whey-taint.
A plug drawn from the cheese may possess the following characteristics to a slight degree: gassy and slitty; the following to a definite degree: open, sweet holes, short, mealy, weak, pasty and crumbly.
May possess the following characteristics to a slight degree: wavy, acid-cut, mottled, salt spots, dull or faded and bleached surface; and definitely seamy. May be colored or uncolored but if colored, may be slightly unnatural.
Bandaged and paraffin dipped. Shall possess a reason. ably firm sound rind, but may possess the following characteristics to a slight degree: checked rind, huffed, weak rind, and sour rind; the following to a definite degree: soiled surface, surface mold, mold under bandage and paraffin, rough surface, irregular bandaging, lopsided, high edges and defective coating. Rindless. Same as for medium.
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