where first unloaded, and if arriving by water from the wharf where first unloaded at such port, to any place other than the place designated in accordance with this part as the place where the same shall be inspected; and no product shall be conveyed in any manner other than in compliance with this part. (c) Means of conveyance or packages in which any product is moved in accordance with this part, prior to inspection, from the port or wharf where first unloaded in the United States, shall be sealed with special import seals of the U.S.Department of Agriculture or otherwise identified as provided herein, unless already sealed with customs or consular seals in accordance with the customs regulations. Such special seals shall be affixed by an inspector or, if there is no inspector at such port, by a customs officer. In lieu of sealing packages, the carrier or importer may furnish and attach to each package of product a warning notice on bright yellow paper, not less than 5 x 8 inches in size, containing the following legend in black type of a conspicuous size: (Name of Truck Line or Carrier) Failure to comply with these instructions will result in penalty action being taken against the holder of the customs entry bond. If the product is found to be acceptable upon inspection, the product may be released to the consignee, or his agent, and this warning notice defaced. (d) No person shall affix, break, alter, deface, mutilate, remove, or destroy any special import seal of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, except customs officers or inspectors, or as provided in paragraph (f) of this section. (e) No product shall be removed from any means of conveyance or package sealed with a special import seal of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, except under the supervision of an inspector or a customs officer, or as provided in paragraph (f) of this section. (f) In case of a wreck or similar extraordinary emergency, the special import seal of the U.S. Department of Agriculture on a car, truck, or other means of conveyance may be broken by the carrier and, if necessary, the articles may be reloaded into another means of conveyance for transportation to destination. In all such cases, the carrier shall immediately report the facts by telegraph to the Chief of the Grading Branch. (g) The consignee or his agent shall provide such facilities and assistance as the inspector may require for the inspection and handling and marking of products offered for importation. [36 FR 9814, May 28, 1971, as amended at 37 FR 6660, Apr. 1, 1972; 40 FR 20060, May 8, 1975] and § 59.935 Means of conveyance equipment used in handling eggs and egg products to be maintained in sanitary condition. Compartments of boats, railroad cars, and other means of conveyance transporting any product to the United States, and all chutes, platforms, racks, tables, tools, utensils, and all other devices used in moving and handling such product offered for importation, shall be maintained in a sanitary condition. § 59.940 Marking of egg products offered for importation. Egg products which, upon inspection, are found to be acceptable for importation into the United States, and are properly labeled and bear the inspection mark of the country of origin, need no further identification. However, each shipping container of egg products rejected shall be marked "U.S. Refused Entry." [40 FR 20060, May 8, 1975] § 59.945 Foreign eggs and egg products offered for importation; reporting of findings to customs; handling of products refused entry. (a) Inspectors shall report their findings to the collector of customs at the port where products are offered for entry, and shall request the collector to refuse entry to eggs or egg products which are marked or designated “U.S. Refused Entry" or otherwise are not in compliance with the regulations in this part. Unless such products are exported by the consignee within a time specified by the collector of customs (usually 30 days), the consignee shall cause the destruction of such products for human food purposes under the supervision of an inspector. If products are destroyed for human food purposes under the supervision of an inspector, he shall give prompt notice thereof to the District Director of Customs. (b) Consignees shall, at their own expense, return immediately to the collector of customs, in means of conveyance or packages sealed with the special import seal of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, any eggs or egg products received by them under this part which is marked or designated "U.S. Refused Entry," or which in any respect does not comply with this part. (c) Except as provided in § 59.930 (a), no person shall remove or cause to be removed from any place designated as the place of inspection, any eggs or egg products which the regulations require to be marked in any way, unless the same has been clearly and legibly marked in compliance with this part. [36 F.R. 9814, May 28, 1971, as amended at 37 F.R. 6660, Apr. 1, 1972] § 59.950 Labeling of containers of eggs or egg products for importation. (a) Immediate containers of product offered for importation shall bear a label, printed in English, showing: (1) The name of product; (2) the name of the country of origin of the product, and for consumer packaged products, preceded by the words "Product of," which statement shall appear immediately under the name of the product; (3) the quality or description of shell eggs; (4) for egg products, the word "Ingredients" followed by a list of the ingredients in order of descending proportions; (5) the name and place of business of manufacturer, packer, or distributor, qualified by a phrase which reveals the connection that such person has with the product; (6) an accurate statement of the quantity; (7) for egg products, the inspection mark of the country of origin, and (8) the plant number of the plant at which the egg product was processed and/or packed. (b) The labels shall not be false or misleading in any respect. § 59.955 Labeling of shipping containers of eggs or egg products for importation. (a) Shipping containers of foreign product which are shipped to the United States shall bear in a prominent and legible manner the true name of the product, the name of the country of ori gin, the plant number of the plant in which the egg product was processed and/or packed, and for egg products, the inspection mark of the country of origin, the quality or description for shell eggs, except as required in § 59.905 of this part. Labeling on shipping containers examined at the time of inspection in the United States, if found to be false or misleading, shall be cause for the product to be refused entry. (b) In the case of products which are not in compliance solely because of misbranding, such products may be brought into compliance with the regulations only under the supervision of an authorized representative of the Administrator. § 59.960 Small importations for consignee's personal use, display, or laboratory analysis. Any eggs or egg products which are offered for importation, exclusively for the consignee's personal use, display, or laboratory analysis, and not for sale or distribution; which is sound, healthful, wholesome, and fit for human food; and which is not adulterated and does not contain any substance not permitted by the Act or regulations, may be admitted into the United States without a foreign inspection certificate. Such product is not required to be inspected upon arrival in the United States and may be shipped to the consignee without further restriction under this part: Provided, That the Department may, with respect to any specific importation, require that the consignee certify that such product is exclusively for the consignee's personal use, display, or laboratory analysis and not for sale or distribution. The amount of such product imported shall not exceed 30-dozen shell eggs, 30 pounds of liquid or frozen eggs, or 50 pounds of dried egg products, unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator. [37 FR 6660, Apr. 1, 1972] $ 59.965 Returned U.S. inspected and marked products; not importations. Products which have been inspected by the United States Department of Agriculture and so marked, and which are returned from foreign countries are not importations within the meaning of this part. Such returned shipments shall be reported to the Administrator by letter. Duplicate license. Unlicensed persons must not represent themselves 88 licensed samplers. 61.42 Information on sampling to be kept confidential. FEES AND COSTS 61.43 Fee for sampler's license. 61.44 Fee for chemist's license. 61.45 Fees for certificates to be paid by licensee to Service. 61.46 Fees for review of grading of cottonseed. Subpart B-Standards for Grades of Cottonseed Sold or Offered for Sale for Crushing Purposes Within the United States 61.101 Determination of grade. 61.102 Determination of quantity index. 61.103 Determination of quality index. 61.104 Sampling, analysis, and certification of samples and grades. SOURCE: The provisions of this Part 61 appear at 22 FR 10948, Dec. 28, 1957, unless otherwise noted. NOTE: Nomenclature changes to Part 61 appear at 37 F.R. 8059, Apr. 25, 1972. Subpart A-Regulations AUTHORITY: The provisions of this Subpart A issued under sec. 205, 60 Stat. 1090, as amended; 7 U.S.C. 1624. DEFINITIONS § 61.1 Words in singular form. Words used in the regulations in this subpart in the singular form shall be deemed to import the plural, and viceversa, as the case may demand. § 61.2 Terms defined. As used throughout the regulations in this part, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall be construed, respectively to mean: (a) The act. The applicable provisions of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 1087; 7 U. S. C. 1621 et seq.) or any other act of Congress conferring like authority. (b) Regulations. Regulations mean the provisions in this subpart. (c) Department. The United States Department of Agriculture. (d) Secretary. The Secretary of Agriculture of the United States, or any officer or employee of the Department to whom authority has heretofore been delegated, or to whom authority may hereafter be delegated, to act in his stead. (e) Service. The Agricultural Marketing Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. (f) Administrator. The Administrator of the Agricultural Marketing Service, or any officer or employee of the Service, to whom authority has heretofore been delegated, or to whom authority may hereafter be delegated, to act in his stead. (g) Division. The Cotton Division of the Agricultural Marketing Service. (h) Director. The Director of the Cotton Division, or any officer or employee of the Division to whom authority has heretofore been delegated, or to whom authority may hereafter be delegated, to act in his stead. (i) Custodian. Person who has possession or control of cottonseed or of samples of cottonseed as agent, controller, broker, or factor, as the case may be. (j) Owner. Person who through financial interest owns or controls, or has the disposition of either cottonseed or of samples of cottonseed. (k) Official cottonseed standards. The official standards of the United States for the grading, sampling, and analyzing of cottonseed sold or offered for sale for crushing purposes. (1) Supervisor of cottonseed inspection. An officer of the Division designated as such by the Director. (m) License. A license issued under the act by the Secretary. (n) Licensed cottonseed chemist. A person licensed under the act by the Secretary to make quantitative and qualitative chemical analyses of samples of cottonseed according to the methods prescribed by the Director and to certificate the grade according to the official cottonseed standards of the United States. (0) Licensed cottonseed sampler. A person licensed by the Secretary to draw and to certificate the authenticity of samples of cottonseed in accordance with the regulations in this subpart. (p) Dispute. A disagreement as to the true grade of a sample of cottonseed analyzed and graded by a licensed chemist. (q) Party. A party to a dispute. (r) Commercial laboratory. A chemical laboratory operated by an individual, firm, or corporation in which one or more persons are engaged in the chemical analysis of materials for the public. (s) Cottonseed. The word "cottonseed" as used in this part means the seed, after having been put through the usual and customary process known as cotton ginning, of any cotton produced within the continental United States. (t) Lot. That parcel or quantity of cottonseed offered for sale or tendered for delivery or delivered on a sale or contract of sale, in freight cars, trucks, wagons, or otherwise in the quantities and within the time limits prescribed from time to time by the Director for the drawing and preparation of official samples by licensed cottonseed samplers. (u) Official sample. A specimen of cottonseed drawn and prepared by a licensed cottonseed sampler and certified by him as representative of a certain identified lot, in accordance with the regulations in this subpart. § 61.2a Designation of official certificates, memoranda, marks, other identifications, and devices for purpose of the Agricultural Marketing Act. Subsection 203 (h) of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, as amended by Public Law 272, 84th Congress, provides criminal penalties for various specified offenses relating to official certificates, memoranda, marks, or other identifications, and devices for making such marks or identifications, issued or authorized under section 203 of said act, and certain misrepresentations concerning the inspection or grading of agricultural products under said section. For the purposes of said subsection and the provisions in this part, the terms listed below shall have the respective meanings specified: (a) "Official certificate" means any form of certification, either written or printed, used under this part to certify any initial record of findings made by an authorized person in the process of grading, inspecting, or sampling, pursuant to this part, any processing or plant-operation report made by an authorized person in connection with grading, inspecting, or sampling under this part, and any report made by an authorized person of services performed pursuant to this part. (c) "Official mark" means the grade mark, inspection mark, and any other mark, approved by the Administrator and authorized to be affixed to any product, or affixed to or printed on the packaging material of any product, stating that the product was graded or inspected or both, or indicating the appropriate U.S. grade or condition of the product, or for the purpose or maintaining the identity of products graded or inspected or both under this part. (d) "Official identification" means any United States (U. S.) standard designation of class, grade, quality, quantity, or condition specified in this part, or any symbol, stamp, label, or seal indicating that the product has been officially graded or inspected and/or indicating the class, grade, quality, quantity, or condition of the product, approved by the Administrator and authorized to be affixed to any product, or affixed to or printed on the packaging material of any product. (e) "Official device" means a stamping appliance, branding device, stencil, printed label, or any other mechanically or manually operated tool that is approved by the Administrator for the purpose of applying any official mark or other identification to any product or the packaging material thereof. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL § 61.3 Director. The Director shall perform for and under the supervision of the Secretary and the Administrator, such duties as the Secretary or the Administrator may require in enforcing the provisions of the act and the regulations. § 61.4 Supervisor of cottonseed inspection. The Director, whenever he deems necessary, may designate an officer of the Division as supervisor of cottonseed inspection who shall supervise the inspection and sampling of cottonseed and perform such other duties as may be required of him in administering the act and the regulations. § 61.5 Regulations to govern. The inspection, sampling, analyzing, and grading of cottonseed in the United States pursuant to the act shall be performed as prescribed in methods approved from time to time by the Director. § 61.6 Denial of further services. Any person, partnership, or corporation that shall have undertaken to utilize the services of licensed cottonseed samplers and licensed cottonseed chemists under these regulations who shall not make available for official sampling and analysis each lot of cottonseed purchased or sold on grade and received by such person or partnership or corporation, may be denied further services under the act and these regulations: Provided, That in cases of persons, partnerships, or corporations operating two or more cottonseed crushing units under separate local managements, such penalty shall apply only to the offending unit, unless it shall be shown that the actions of such unit were at the direction or with the knowledge, approval, or acquiescence of the general management. § 61.7 Misrepresentation. Any willful misrepresentation or any deceptive or fradulent practice made or committed by an applicant for a cottonseed sampler's certificate or for a cottonseed chemist's certificate or for an appeal grade certificate in connection with the sampling or grading of cottonseed by persons licensed under the act and the regulations or the issuance or use of a certificate not issued by a person licensed under the regulations in imitation of or that might mislead anyone to believe that such certificate was in fact issued by a person licensed under the act, or that might be otherwise false, misleading, or deceptive, may be deemed sufficient cause for debarring such applicant from any further benefits of the act. |