§ 61.8 Application for review. In case of dispute in which a review is desired of the grading of any sample of cottonseed covered by a valid certificate issued by a licensed cottonseed chemist, application therefor shall be filed with or mailed to a supervisor of cottonseed inspection within ten days after the date of the original certificate, whereupon the licensed chemist issuing the certificate shall immediately surrender to such supervisor the retained portion of the original sample, together with such records as may be required, for the determination of the true grade. The supervisor shall assign to such retained portion an identification number, shall divide such retained portion into two parts and submit the parts to two other licensed cottonseed chemists for reanalysis. Should the supervisor determine that such reanalyses indicate a grade differing from the original by not more than plus or minus one full grade, the original grade shall be considered the true grade. Should he find that such reanalyses indicate a grade differing more than plus or minus one full grade from the original, he shall determine the true grade. In any case, the supervisor shall issue over his name an appeal cottonseed grade certificate showing the true grade as determined in accordance with this section, which shall supersede the licensed chemists' certificates relating to the grade of such seed. Where due solely to errors in calculation or clerical error a grade certificated by a licensed cottonseed chemist is not the true grade, the supervisor shall direct the licensee to cancel the original and to issue a correct certificate. Should such error be found after an application for review has been filed, the supervisor shall nevertheless issue an appeal cottonseed grade certificate showing the true grade of the cottonseed involved. Director on forms furnished for the purpose by the Division. (b) Each such application shall be in English, shall be signed by the applicant, and shall contain or be accompanied by satisfactory evidence (1) that he has passed his twenty-fifth birthday and that he is an actual resident of the continental United States; (2) that he holds a degree in chemistry or chemical engineering from a recognized college or university and has had not less than three years' practical experience in laboratory work in which he shall have analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively samples of cottonseed; or in the absence of a degree from a recognized college or university, that he has had at least five years' practical laboratory experience, three years of which shall have been devoted chiefly to the analysis of samples of cottonseed; (3) that he will have no financial interest in any cottonseed oil mill or cotton ginning establishment; (4) that he agrees to comply with and abide by the terms of the act and these regulations so far as they may relate to him; (5) that he is an independent analytical chemist or an employee of a commercial analytical laboratory; (6) that he owns or will have the use of all of the apparatus specified in the methods established hereunder for the analysis and grading of cottonseed; and (7) such other information as the Director may deem necessary. (c) Every chemist licensed hereunder to analyze cottonseed and to certificate the grade thereof shall follow precisely the methods of analysis approved from time to time by the Director. (d) The applicant shall furnish such additional information as the Director shall at any time find to be necessary to the consideration of his application. § 61.11 Examination of applicant. Each applicant for a license as a chemist and each licensed chemist shall when requested submit to an examination or test to show his ability to analyze and grade cottonseed. His failure to pass such test may be considered sufficient ground for withholding the issuance to him of a license or of a renewal of a license. § 61.12 Period of license; renewals. The period for which a license may be issued shall be from the first day of Au 329 gust until and including the 31st day of July following. Renewals shall be for not more than 1 year beginning with the first day of August of each year, provided that licenses issued on and after June 1 of any year shall be for the period ending on July 31 of the following year. § 61.13 Conditions in licensing. It shall be a condition of the licensing of any person, and of the retention by him of a license, that during the active cotton season each year he shall be engaged in or in connection with the grading of cottonseed; that all cottonseed offered for grading shall be analyzed and graded in accordance with the official cottonseed standards of the United States; that each sample of cottonseed received for analysis and grading shall be handled in the order of its receipt at his place of business; and that such license shall not be used or be allowed to be used for any improper purpose. § 61.14 Fees for grading and certification. Whenever any licensed chemist shall grade and/or certificate any cottonseed or samples in consideration of a fee, the fee charged shall be reasonable, unconditional, non-discriminatory, and shall be in accordance with a schedule previously submitted to and approved by the Division. The schedule shall include the certificate fee provided for in § 61.45. § 61.15 Records of analyses; inspection of records. Each licensed chemist, shall keep, or shall cause to be kept for him, for a period of at least 1 year after date of analysis, a record of the analysis of each individual sample of cottonseed graded by him. Each licensed chemist shall permit any authorized officer or agent of the Department to inspect or examine, on any business day during the usual hours of business, his books and records relating to analyses of cottonseed samples and issuance of cottonseed grade certificates under the act and the regulations in this subpart. § 61.16 Official and unofficial samples; analyses; certificate. (a) Each licensed cottonseed chemist shall assign a laboratory number to each sample of cottonseed received by him and shall analyze and certificate over his signature the grade of each sample or lot of cottonseed in the order in which the sample is received. (b) Each such sample which is in proper condition for analysis under these regulations and which is accompanied by the certificate of a licensed cottonseed sampler certifying it to be an official sample representing an identified lot of cottonseed shall be considered an official sample. In any case where the original sample is lost or destroyed before analysis, the duplicate thereof retained by the licensed cottonseed sampler as provided in § 61.34 shall become the official sample. Each licensed chemist shall retain for at least two weeks a portion of each official sample first analyzed; and in any case where a review is requested under § 61.8 such retained portion shall be considered an official sample for purposes of review analysis. (c) Each such sample which is (1) not in proper condition for analysis as an official sample under these regulations, or (2) not accompanied by a certificate of a licensed cottonseed sampler, or (3) known to be a duplicate of an official sample (except duplicates of lost or destroyed official samples) shall be considered an unofficial sample and the licensed cottonseed chemist's certificate of the grade thereof shall be plainly marked: "Sample not official; grade applies to sample only." This paragraph shall not apply to mill control or crush samples. § 61.17 Grade certificate; form. Each grade certificate issued under the act by a licensed chemist shall be in a form approved for the purpose by the Director and shall embody within its written or printed terms: (a) The caption "Cottonseed Grade Certificate." (b) The serial number assigned to it. (c) The date and place of issuance. (d) A statement certifying that the analysis of the cottonseed sample was made according to the methods approved by the Director of the Cotton Division and that the grade given is according to the official standards of the United States. (e) A statement of the condition of the lot of cottonseed as reported by the sampler, and in cases where the sample was submitted by a licensed sampler, the name and license number of the sampler. (f) The identification of each lot of cottonseed by the marks and notations by which the seed was identified at the time the sample was taken, and the origin of the cottonseed by county and state. (g) All analytical data required by the Director. (h) The signature of the licensed chemist. In addition, the grade certificate may include any other matter not inconsistent with the act or the regulations in this part. Two copies of the grade certificate form shall be submitted to and approved by the Division before use by a licensed chemist. A copy of each certificate shall be mailed to a designated office of the Division within 36 hours after its issuance. § 61.18 Reports of licensed chemists. Each licensed chemist shall from time to time when requested by the Director, make reports on forms furnished for the purpose by the Division bearing upon his activities as such licensed chemist. § 61.19 Information of violations. Every person licensed under the act shall immediately furnish the Director any information which comes to the knowledge of such person tending to show that any provision of the act or the regulations has been violated. § 61.20 Licensed chemists; suspension of license. The Director may, without a hearing, suspend or revoke the license issued to a licensed chemist upon written request and a satisfactory statement of reasons therefor submitted by such licensed chemist. Pending final action by the Secretary, the Director may, whenever he deems such action necessary, suspend the license of any licensed chemist when such licensed chemist (a) has ceased to perform services as such chemist, (b) has knowingly or carelessly analyzed cottonseed improperly, (c) has violated or evaded any provision of the act or the regulations thereunder so far as the same may relate to him, (d) has used his license or allowed it to be used for any fraudulent or improper purposes, or (e) has in any manner become incompetent or incapacitated to perform the duties of a licensed chemist. In such cases the Director shall give notice of the suspension to the licensed chemist, accompanied by a statement of the reasons therefor. Within 10 days after the receipt of the aforesaid notice and statement of reasons by such licensee, he may (b) Each such application shall be in English, shall be signed by the applicant, and shall contain or be accompanied by (1) satisfactory evidence that he is an actual resident of the United States, (2) satisfactory evidence of his experience in the handling and sampling of cottonseed, (3) a statement by the applicant that he agrees to comply with and abide by the terms of the act and these regulations so far as they relate to him, and with instructions issued from time to time governing the sampling of cottonseed, and (4) such other information as may be required. § 61.26 Bonds of licensed samplers. (a) Each applicant for a license to sample cottonseed shall, as a condition to the granting thereof, execute and file with the Director a good and sufficient bond to the United States to secure the faithful performance of his duties as a licensed sampler under the terms of the act and the regulations in this part. Said bond shall be in such form and amount, not less than $1,000, and shall have such surety or sureties as shall be approved by the Department, subject to service of process in suits on the bond within the State, district, or territory, in which such licensee shall perform services as a licensed cottonseed sampler. Any person injured by the breach of any obligation to secure which a bond is given under this paragraph shall be entitled to sue on the bond in his own name in any court of competent jurisdiction to recover the damages he may have sustained by such breach. (b) If the Director finds that conditions warrant such action, there shall be added to the amount previously required under paragraph (a) of this section such additional amount as he shall deem necessary. § 61.27 Period of license; renewals. The period for which a license may be issued under the regulations in §§ 61.25 through 61.42 shall be from the first day of August until and including the 31st day of July following. Renewals shall be for 1 year, beginning with the first day of August of each year: Provided, That licenses or renewals issued on and after June 1 of any year shall be for the period ending July 31 of the following year. § 61.28 Renewal of license; bond. It shall be a condition of the renewal of any license hereunder that the licensed sampler shall file a new bond in the required amount with, and that such bond shall be approved by, the Director or his authorized representative: Provided, That in the discretion of the Director or his authorized representative a properly executed instrument in form approved by him amending, extending, or continuing in force and effect the obligations of a valid bond previously filed by the licensed sampler and otherwise complying with the regulations in §§ 61.25 through 61.42 may be filed in lieu of a new bond. § 61.29 Approval of bond. No bond, amendment, or continuation thereof shall be deemed accepted for the purpose of the regulations in §§ 61.25 through 61.42 until is has been approved by the Director or his authorized representative. § 61.30 Examination of sampler. Each applicant for a license as a sampler and each licensed sampler whenever requested by an authorized representative of the Director, shall submit to an examination or test to show his ability properly to perform the duties for which he is applying for a license or for which he has been licensed, and each such applicant or licensee shall furnish the Division any information requested at any time in regard to his sampling of cottonseed. § 61.31 License must be posted. Each licensed sampler shall keep his license conspicuously posted at the place where he functions as a sampler or in such other place as may be approved by the Director. § 61.32 No discrimination in sampling. Each licensed sampler, when requested, shall without discrimination, as soon as practicable and upon reasonable terms, sample any cottonseed if the same be made available to him at his place of business, under conditions that will permit proper sampling. Each such licensee shall give preference to those who request his services as such over persons who request his services in any other capacity. § 61.33 Equipment of sampler; contents of certificate. Each licensed sampler shall have available suitable triers or sampling tools, sample containers, scales, seed cleaners, seed mixers, and air-tight containers for enclosing and forwarding the cmcial samples to licensed chemist, and with tags and samplers' certicates 10proved or furnished by the DiPORT or his representative for identifying the samples of cotonseed and for certificating the condition of the cottonseed represented by such samples. There shall be clearly wrimen or printed on the face of such certificate a £5001able caption; the location of the cottonseed involved and its point of origin: (c) the identification of the lot from which the sample was drawn: d) the date on which the sample was drawna: (e) the gross weight of the original sample, and the net weight of the cleaned sample; (f) a statement indicating that the sample was drawn in accordance with sampling methods prescribed by the Director of the Comon Division; and (g) the signature of the licensed sampler as such. The use of such tags and certif cates shall be in conformity with instructions issued from time to time by the Division. § 61.34 Drawing and preparation of sample. Each licensed cottonseed sampler shall draw, prepare, and identify one official sample of cottonseed and a duplicate thereof from each lot made available to him in such manner as may be required by the Director, and shall promptly prepare it for forwarding to a licensed cottonseed chemist for analysis and grading. The duplicate shall be sealed and retained by the sampler until the original official sample shall have been analyzed by a licensed chemist. If the original official sample shall become lost or destroyed before having been analyzed the duplicate shall become the official sample; otherwise the licensed sampler shall immediately remove the identification marks from the duplicate and discard it. In no case shall the duplicate be offered for analysis unless the original shall have been lost or destroyed before analysis. § 61.36 Cause for suspension or revocation. The failure or refusal of any cottonseed sampled, duly licensed as such under the regulations in this subpart, to draw, prepare, identify, and to forward an official sample of every lot of cottonseed made available to him for the purpose, in accordance with these regulations, shall be cause for the suspension OF REVOCATINE of his beans brense may also be suspended when the sampler & has ceased to petom, serices as a based cotonseed sample. (b) has knowiner or cariert szaks comonseed propery, has volzad or evaded any provision of the ach the regulamons, or the sampling methods prescribed by the Director, (d) has used his bicense or slowed to be used fo any fraudulent or imprY JEANN or (e) has in any manner Mon competezi or incapacitated to perform the duties of a licensed sampler. § 61.37 License may be suspended. The Director MAY, WIŁort & Marin suspend or revoke the loeng kuwi ka boensed sampler upon written recoSST and a satisfactory statement of resens therefor submitted by such lensed sampler. Pending final sction by cy Secretary, the Director man, elereret be deems such sotion necessary, Superd the license of any licensed sampler by giving notice of such suspension to the licensee, accompanied by a statement of the reasons therefor. Within 10 dars after the receipt of the aforesaid nVÁY and statement of reasons by such Kcensee, he may fle an appeal, in writing. with the Secretary, supported by any argument or evidence that he may wish to offer as to why his license should not be suspended or revoked. After the expiration of the aforesaid 10-day period and consideration of such argument and evidence, the Secretary will take such action as he deems appropriate with respect to such suspension or revocation. When no appeal is filed within the pre scribed 10 days, the license shall be automatically revoked. § 61.38 Suspended license to be rereturned to Division. In case a license issued to a sampler is suspended or revoked such license shall be returned to the Division. At the expiration of any period of suspension of such license, unless in the meantime it be revoked, the dates of beginning and termination of such suspension shall be endorsed thereon, it shall be returned to the person to whom it was originally issued, and it shall be posted as prescribed in § 61.31. § 61.39 Duplicte license. Upon satisfactory proof of the loss or destruction of a license issued to a sampler hereunder, a new license may be issued under the same or a new number. |