§ 61.43 Fee for sampler's license. For the examination of an applicant for a license to sample and certificate official samples of cottonseed the fee shall be $10, but no additional charge shall be made for the issuance of a license. For each renewal of a sampler's license the fee shall be $7.50. [35 FR. 8532, June 6, 1970] § 61.44 Fee for chemist's license. For the examination of an applicant for a license as a chemist to analyze and certificate the grade of cottonseed the fee shall be $150, but no additional charge shall be made for the issuance of a license. For each renewal of a chemist's license the fee shall be $50. [35 F.R. 8532, June 8, 1970] § 61.45 Fee for certificates to be paid by licensee to Service. To cover in part the cost of administering the regulations in this part each licensed cottonseed chemist shall pay to the Service 50 cents for each certificate of the grade of cottonseed issued by him. Upon receipt of a statement from the Service each month showing the number of certificates issued by the licensee, such licensee will forward the appropriate remittance in the form of a check, draft, or money order payable to the "Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA." [34 F.R. 12162, July 23, 1969] § 61.46 Fees for review of grading of cottonseed. For the review of the grading of any lot of cottonseed, the fee shall be $20. Remittance to cover such fee, in the form of a check, draft, or money order payable to the "Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA," shall accompany each application for review. Of each such fee collected, $6 shall be covered into the Treasury and $7 disbursed to each of the two licensed chemists designated to make reanalyses of such seed. [35 FR. 8532, June 6, 1970] Subpart B-Standards for Grades of Cottonseed Sold or Offered for Sale for Crushing Purposes Within the United States AUTHORITY: The provisions of this Subpart B issued under secs. 203, 205, 60 Stat. 1087, 1090, as amended; 7 U.S.C. 1622, 1824. § 61.101 Determination of grade. The grade of cottonseed shall be determined from the analysis of samples, and it shall be the result, stated in the nearest whole or half numbers, obtained by multiplying a quantity index by a quality index and dividing the result by 100. The quantity index and the quality index shall be determined as hereinafter provided. (a) The basis grade of cottonseed shall be grade 100. (b) High grades of cottonseed shall be those grades above 100. (c) Low grades of cottonseed shall be those grades below 100. (d) Grades for American Pima cottonseed shall be suffixed by the designation "American Pima" or by the symbol "AP." [22 F.R. 10948, Dec. 28, 1957, as amended at 37 F.R. 20157, Sept. 27, 1972] § 61.102 index. Determination of quantity The quantity index of cottonseed shall be determined as follows: (a) For upland cottonseed the quantity index shall equal four times per centage of oil plus six times percentage of ammonia, plus 5. (b) For American Pima cottonseed the quantity index shall equal four times percentage of oil, plus six times percentage of ammonia, minus 10. [37 FR 20157, Sept. 27, 1972] § 61.103 Determination of quality index. The quality index of cottonseed shall be an index of purity and soundness, and shall be determined as follows: (a) Prime quality cottonseed. Cottonseed that by analysis contains not more than 1.0 percent of foreign matter, not more than 12.0 percent of moisture, and not more than 1.8 percent of free fatty acids in the oil in the seed, shall be known as prime quality cottonseed and shall have a quality index of 100. (b) Below prime quality cottonseed. The quality index of cottonseed that, by analysis, contain foreign matter, moisture, or free fatty acids in the oil in the seed, in excess of the percentages prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section shall be found by reducing the quality index of prime quality cottonseed as follows: (1) Four-tenths of a unit for each 0.1 percent of free fatty acids in the oil in the seed in excess of 1.8 percent. (2) One-tenth of a unit for each 0.1 percent of foreign matter in excess of 1.0 percent. (3) One-tenth of a unit for each 0.1 percent of moisture in excess of 12.0 percent. (c) of quality cottonseed. Cottonseed that has been treated by either mechanical or chemical process other than the usual cleaning, drying, and ginning (except sterilization required by the United States Department of Agriculture for quarantine purposes) or that are fermented or hot, or that upon analysis are found to contain 12.5 percent or more of free fatty acids in the oil in the seed, or more than 10.0 percent of foreign matter, or more than 20.0 percent of moisture, or more than 25.0 percent of moisture and foreign matter combined, shall be designated as "off quality cottonseed." (d) Below grade cottonseed. Cottonseed the grade of which when calculated according to § 61.101 is below grade 40.0 shall be designated as "below grade cot with respect to the inspection, sampling, class, grade, quality, quantity, or condition of products (including the compliance of products with applicable specifications). (b) "Official memorandum” means any initial record of findings made by an authorized person in the process of grading, inspecting, or sampling, pursuant to this part, any processing or plant-operation report made by an authorized person in connection with grading, inspecting, or sampling under this part, and any report made by an authorized person of services performed pursuant to this part. (c) "Official mark" means the grade mark, inspection mark, and any other mark, approved by the Administrator and authorized to be affixed to any product, or affixed to or printed on the packaging material of any product, stating that the product was graded or inspected or both, or indicating the appropriate U.S. grade or condition of the product, or for the purpose or maintaining the identity of products graded or inspected or both under this part. (d) "Official identification" means any United States (U. S.) standard designation of class, grade, quality, quantity, or condition specified in this part, or any symbol, stamp, label, or seal indicating that the product has been officially graded or inspected and/or indicating the class, grade, quality, quantity, or condition of the product, approved by the Administrator and authorized to be affixed to any product, or affixed to or printed on the packaging material of any product. (e) "Official device" means a stamping appliance, branding device, stencil, printed label, or any other mechanically or manually operated tool that is approved by the Administrator for the purpose of applying any official mark or other identification to any product or the packaging material thereof. § 61.4 Supervisor of cottonseed inspection. The Director, whenever he deems necessary, may designate an officer of the Division as supervisor of cottonseed inspection who shall supervise the inspection and sampling of cottonseed and perform such other duties as may be required of him in administering the act and the regulations. § 61.5 Regulations to govern. The inspection, sampling, analyzing, and grading of cottonseed in the United States pursuant to the act shall be performed as prescribed in methods approved from time to time by the Director. § 61.6 Denial of further services. Any person, partnership, or corporation that shall have undertaken to utilize the services of licensed cottonseed samplers and licensed cottonseed chemists under these regulations who shall not make available for official sampling and analysis each lot of cottonseed purchased or sold on grade and received by such person or partnership or corporation, may be denied further services under the act and these regulations: Provided, That in cases of persons, partnerships, or corporations operating two or more cottonseed crushing units under separate local managements, such penalty shall apply only to the offending unit, unless it shall be shown that the actions of such unit were at the direction or with the knowledge, approval, or acquiescence of the general management. § 61.7 Misrepresentation. Any willful misrepresentation or any deceptive or fradulent practice made or committed by an applicant for a cottonseed sampler's certificate or for a cottonseed chemist's certificate or for an appeal grade certificate in connection with the sampling or grading of cottonseed by persons licensed under the act and the regulations or the issuance or use of a certificate not issued by a person licensed under the regulations in imitation of or that might mislead anyone to believe that such certificate was in fact issued by a person licensed under the act, or that might be otherwise false, misleading, or deceptive, may be deemed sufficient cause for debarring such applicant from any further benefits of the act. |