Sefarad, Volumen11,Tema 11951 |
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Página 95
... Pinsker . But there is no doubt about it at all . Pinsker wrote his full name שמחה פעסקער at the beginning of the work ; and on page 26 he signed a note by his surname only . It is unbe- lievable that Pinsker copied this work twice . 1 ...
... Pinsker . But there is no doubt about it at all . Pinsker wrote his full name שמחה פעסקער at the beginning of the work ; and on page 26 he signed a note by his surname only . It is unbe- lievable that Pinsker copied this work twice . 1 ...
Página 96
... Pinsker . We muy trus Pinsker as a correct copyist , but with the reservation that no man can escape from errors . It is unbelievable that Pinsker found in the MS . the word 73 ) מבטא b . ) with an ' Ayin ' twice , and without marking ...
... Pinsker . We muy trus Pinsker as a correct copyist , but with the reservation that no man can escape from errors . It is unbelievable that Pinsker found in the MS . the word 73 ) מבטא b . ) with an ' Ayin ' twice , and without marking ...
Página 97
... Pinsker collated with his copy extant , which provides the marginal glosses on his copy . This MS . had the same opening lines and colophon as MS . Oxford . But MS . Oxford was not the MS . that Pinsker used , as is apparent from a ...
... Pinsker collated with his copy extant , which provides the marginal glosses on his copy . This MS . had the same opening lines and colophon as MS . Oxford . But MS . Oxford was not the MS . that Pinsker used , as is apparent from a ...
ΑΝΟ ΧΙ 1951 Fasc | 1 |
Ante una vieja polémica que renace Los siclos | 37 |
Estudio tipológico de los restos humanos hallados | 75 |
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Abraham acadio acuñar Ain Feška Akkad Albright alfabeto antigua árabe Aram arameos Arqueológico Asiria autor Babilonia BASOR bíblicos Birnbaum caracteres caraita Castro ción cita cueva datación datos dice dinastía documentos ejemplo época escrito escritura Esenios Ešnunna español estudio excavaciones Ezra Fasc fecha fenicios fragmentos del Levítico Francisco Pérez Bayer gěnizá griego hallados Hammurabi hebraica hebreas hebreos historia hurritas inscripciones Israel israelita Jerusalem judaica judía judíos Kahle Klausner lengua libro literatura Lugalzaggisi Macabeos manuscritos Mar Muerto Marduk medieval Mesopotamia Millás monedas MOSCATI mundo Nash nombre novela núm número Numis obra oriental pág págs palabras paleo-hebrea paleografía Palestina papiro parece PAUL KAHLE Pérez Bayer pergamino Pinsker poetas Prof proverbios publicado rollo de Isaías samaritanos Sargón Scrolls secta SEFARAD Séfer semitas siclos siglo Simón Sión Sukenik sumeria Talmud Tetragrammaton texto ThLZ traducción trata Trever Tychsen ugarítico Vaux versículo verso Yesod Zeitlin