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ence-but I will tell you not a word more, unless I see you begin to pack."

"Before I know whether I can avail myself of this passport, or how it was obtained?"

of tartan, as the bull is said to do at scarlet. You and Mac-Ivor have some points not much unlike, so far as national prejudice is concerned."

The latter part of this discourse took place in the street. They passed the Chief, the Colonel and he sternly and punctiliously greeting each other, like two duellists before they take their ground. It was evident the dislike was mutual. I never see that surly fellow that dogs his heels," said the Colonel, after he had mounted his horse, but he reminds me of lines I have somewhere heard-upon the stage, I

'Close behind him

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Stalks sullen Bertram, like a sorcerer's fiend,
Pressing to be employed.'"

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"Ô, you can take out the things again, you know. -Now I see you busy, I will go on. When I first mentioned your name, his eyes sparkled almost as bright as yours did two minutes since. 'Had you,' he earnestly asked, 'shown any sentiments favourable to his cause?' 'Not in the least, nor was there any hope you would do so.' His countenance fell. I requested your freedom. 'Impossible,' he said; think: your importance, as a friend and confident of such and such personages, made my request altogether extravagant. I told him my own story and yours; and asked him to judge what my feelings must be by "I assure you, Colonel," said Waverley, that his own. He has a heart, and a kind one, Colonel you judge too harshly of the Highlanders." Talbot, you may say what you please. He took a "Not a whit, not a whit; I cannot spare them a sheet of paper, and wrote the pass with his own jot; I cannot bate them an ace. Let them stay in hand. I will not trust myself with my council,' he their own barren mountains, and puff and swell, and said; 'they will argue me out of what is right. I hang their bonnets on the horns of the moon, if they will not endure that a friend, valued as I value you, have a mind; but what business have they to come should be loaded with the painful reflections which where people wear breeches, and speak an intelligible must afflict you in case of further misfortune in Co-language? I mean intelligible in comparison to their lonel Talbot's family; nor will I keep a brave enemy gibberish, for even the Lowlanders talk a kind of a prisoner under such circumstances. Besides,' said English little better than the Negroes in Jamaica. I he, 'I think I can justify myself to my prudent advi- could pity the Pr- I mean the Chevalier himsers, by pleading the good effect such lenity will pro- self, for having so many desperadoes about him. And duce on the minds of the great English families with they learn their trade so early. There is a kind of whom Colonel Talbot is connected.' subaltern imp, for example, a sort of sucking devil, whom your friend Glena-Glenamuck there, has sometimes in his train. To look at him, he is about fifteen years; but he is a century old in mischief and villany. He was playing at quoits the other day in the court; a gentleman, a decent-looking person enough, came past, and as a quoit hit his shin, he lifted his cane: But my young Bravo whips out his pistol, like Beau Clincher in the Trip to the Jubilee, and had not a scream of Gardez l'eau, from an upper window, set all parties a scampering for fear of the inevitable consequences, the poor gentleman would have lost his life by the hands of that little cockatrice."

"There the politician peeped out," said the Colonel.

Well, at least he concluded like a king's son: Take the passport; I have added a condition for form's sake; but if the Colonel objects to it, let him depart without giving any parole whatever. I come here to war with men, but not to distress or endanger women.'

"Weil, I never thought to have been so much indebted to the Pretend- 39

"To the Prince," said Waverley, smiling. "To the Chevalier," said the Colonel; "it is a good travelling name, and which we may both freely use. Did he say any thing more?"

"Only asked if there was any thing else he could oblige me in; and when I replied in the negative, he shook me by the hand, and wished all his followers were as considerate, since some friends of mine not only asked all he had to bestow, but many things which were entirely out of his power, or that of the greatest sovereign upon earth. Indeed, he said, no prince seemed, in the eyes of his followers, so like the Deity as himself, if you were to judge from the extravagant requests which they daily preferred to him." "Poor young gentleman," said the Colonel, "I suppose he begins to feel the difficulties of his situation. Well, dear Waverley, this is more than kind, and shall not be forgotten while Philip Talbot can remember any thing. My life-pshaw-let Emily thank you for that-this is a favour worth fifty lives. I cannot hesitate on giving my parole in the circumstances: there it is-(he wrote it out in form)-And now, how am I to get off?"


A fine character you'll give of Scotland upon your return, Colonel Talbot."

"O, Justice Shallow," said the Colonel, "will save me the trouble- Barren, barren, beggars all, beggars all. Marry, good air,'-and that only when you are fairly out of Edinburgh, and not yet come to Leith as is our case at present.'

In a short time they arrived at the seaport.

"The boat rock'd at the pier of Leith,

Full loud the wind blew down the ferry; The ship rode at the Berwick Law""Farewell, Colonel; may you find all as you would wish it! Perhaps we may meet sooner than you expect: they talk of an immediate route to England. "Tell me nothing of that," said Talbot; "I wish to carry no news of your motions."

'Simply, then, adieu. Say, with a thousand kind greetings, all that is dutiful and affectionate to Sir Everard and Aunt Rachel-Think of me as kindly as you can-speak of me as indulgently as your conscience will permit, and once more adieu."

"All that is settled: your baggage is packed, my horses wait, and a boat has been engaged, by the "And adieu, my dear Waverley; many, many thanks Prince's permission, to put you on board the Fox for your kindness. Unplaid yourself on the first opfrigate. I sent a messenger down to Leith on pur-portunity. I shall ever think on you with gratitude, pose." and the worst of my censure shall be, Que diable alloit il faire dans cette galere?"


"That will do excellently well. Captain Beaver is my particular friend: he will put me ashore at And thus they parted, Colonel Talbot going on Berwick or Shields, from whence I can ride post to board of the boat, and Waverley returning to EdinLondon ;--and you must intrust me with the packet burgh. of papers which you recovered by means of your Miss Bean Lean. I may have an opportunity of using them to your advantage.-But I see your Highland friend, Glen what do you call his barbarous name? and his orderly with him-I must not call him his orderly cut-throat any more, I suppose. "It is not our purpose to intrude upon the province how he walks as if the world were his own, with the of history. We shall therefore only remind our readers, bonnet on one side of his head, and his plaid puffed that about the beginning of November the Young out across his breast! I should like now to meet that Chevalier, at the head of about six thousand men at youth where my hands were not tied: I would tame the utmost, resolved to peril his cause on an attempt his pride, or he should tame mine." to penetrate into the centre of England, although



"For shame, Colonel Talbot! you swell at sight aware of the mighty preparations which were made



ficient at least to secure her against being treated with any thing approaching to levity."

for his reception. They set forward on this crusade" both directly, and by all the usual means by which in weather which would have rendered any other ladies repress undesired attentions." troops incapable of marching, but which in reality "I have no idea," answered the Chieftain, "of a gave these active mountaineers advantages over a lady dismissing or a gentleman withdrawing his suit, less hardy enemy. In defiance of a superior army after it has been approved of by her legal guardian, lying upon the Borders, under Field-Marshal Wade, without giving him an opportunity of talking the they besieged and took Carlisle, and soon afterwards matter over with the lady. You did not, I suppose, prosecuted their daring march to the southward. expect my sister to drop into your mouth like a ripe As Colonel Mac-Ivor's regiment marched in the plum, the first moment you chose to open it?" van of the clans, he and Waverley, who now equalled As to the lady's title to dismiss her lover, Coloany Highlander in the endurance of fatigue, and was nel," replied Edward, "it is a point which you must become somewhat acquainted with their language, argue with her, as I am ignorant of the customs of were perpetually at its head. They marked the pro- the Highlands in that particular. But as to my title gress of the army, however, with very different eyes. to acquiesce in a rejection from her without an appeal Fergus, all air and fire, and confident against the to your interest, I will tell you plainly, without meanworld in arms, measured nothing but that every step ing to undervalue Miss Mac-Ivor's admitted beauty was a yard nearer London. He neither asked, expect- and accomplishments, that I would not take the ed, nor desired any aid, except that of the clans, to hand of an angel, with an empire for her dowry, if place the Stewarts once more on the throne; and when her consent were extorted by the importunity of by chance a few adherents joined the standard, he friends and guardians, and did not flow from her own always considered them in the light of new claimants free inclination." upon the favours of the future monarch, who, he con- An angel, with the dowry of an empire," repeated cluded, must therefore subtract for their gratifica- Fergus, in a tone of bitter irony, "is not very likely tion so much of the bounty which ought to be shared to be pressed upon a -shire squire. But, sir, among his Highland followers. changing his tone, "if Flora Mac-Ivor have not the Edward's views were very different. He could not dowry of an empire, she is my sister; and that is sufbut observe, that in those towns in which they proclaimed James the Third, "no man cried, God bless him." The mob stared and listened, heartless, stu- "She is Flora Mac-Ivor, sir," said Waverley, with pified, and dull, but gave few signs even of that bois- firmness, "which to me, were I capable of treating terous spirit, which induces them to shout upon all any woman with levity, would be a more effectual occasions, for the mere exercise of their most sweet protection." voices. The Jacobites had been taught to believe The brow of the Chieftain was now fully clouded, that the north-western counties abounded with but Edward felt too indignant at the unreasonable wealthy squires and hardy yeomen, devoted to the tone which he had adopted, to avert the storm by the cause of the White Rose. But of the wealthier Tories least concession. They both stood still while this they saw little. Some fled from their houses, some short dialogue passed, and Fergus seemed half disfeigned themselves sick, some surrendered themselves posed to say something more violent, but, by a strong to the government as suspected persons. Of such as effort, suppressed his passion, and, turning his face remained, the ignorant gazed with astonishment, forward, walked sullenly on. As they had always mixed with horror and aversion, at the wild appear- hitherto walked together, and almost constantly side ance, unknown language, and singular garb, of the by side, Waverley pursued his course silently in the Scottish clans. And to the more prudent, their scan- same direction, determined to let the Chief take his ty numbers, apparent deficiency in discipline, and own time in recovering the good-humour which he poverty of equipment, seemed certain tokens of the had so unreasonably discarded, and firm in his resocalamitous termination of their rash undertaking. lution not to bate him an inch of dignity. Thus the few who joined them were such as bigotry After they had marched on in this sullen manner of political principle blinded to consequences, or about a mile, Fergus resumed the discourse in a difwhose broken fortunes induced to hazard all on a ferent tone. "I believe I was warm, my dear Edward, risk so desperate. but you provoke me with your want of knowledge of The Baron of Bradwardine being asked what he the world. You have taken pet at some of Flora's thought of these recruits, took a long pinch of snuff, prudery, or high-flying notions of loyalty, and now, and answered drily," that he could not but have an like a child, you quarrel with the plaything you have excellent opinion of them, since they resembled pre- been crying for, and beat me, your faithful keeper, cisely the followers who attached themselves to the because my arm cannot reach to Edinburgh to hand good King David at the cave of Adullam; videlicet, it to you. I am sure, if I was passionate, the mortievery one that was in distress, and every one that fication of losing the alliance of such a friend, after was in debt, and every one that was discontented, your arrangement had been the talk of both Highwhich the vulgate renders bitter of soul; and doubt- lands and Lowlands, and that without so much as less," he said, "they will prove mighty men of their knowing why or wherefore, might well provoke calmhands, and there is much need that they should, for er blood than mine. I shall write to Edinburgh, I have seen many a sour look cast upon us.' and put all to rights; that is, if you desire I should do so; as indeed I cannot suppose that your good opinion of Flora, it being such as you have often expressed to me, can be at once laid aside.".

But none of these considerations moved Fergus. He admired the luxuriant beauty of the country, and the situation of many of the seats which they passed. Is Waverley-Honour like that house, Edward ?" "It is one half larger."

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'Is your uncle's park as fine a one as that?"

"Colonel Mac-Ivor," said Edward, who had no mind to be hurried farther or faster than he chose, in a matter which he had already considered as broken

"It is three times as extensive, and rather resem-off, "I am fully sensible of the value of your good

bles a forest than a mere park."

"Flora will be a happy woman."

"I hope Miss Mac-Ivor will have much reason for happiness, unconnected with Waverley-Honour." I hope so too; but, to be mistress of such a place, will be a pretty addition to the sum total." "An addition, the want of which, I trust, will be amply supplied by some other means."

"How," said Fergus, stopping short, and turning upon Waverley-"How am I to understand that, Mr. Waverley?-Had I the pleasure to hear you aright?" "Perfectly right, Fergus."

"And I am to understand that you no longer desire my alliance, and my sister's hand?"

Your sister has refused mine," said Waverley,

offices; and certainly, by your zeal on my behalf in such an affair, you do me no small honour. But as Miss Mac-Ivor has made her election freely and voluntarily, and as all my attentions in Edinburgh were received with more than coldness, I cannot, in justice either to her or myself, consent that she should again be harassed upon this topic. I would have mentioned this to you some time since, but you saw the footing upon which we stood together, and must have understood it. Had I thought otherwise, I would have earlier spoken; but I had a natural reluctance to enter upon a subject so painful to us both."


'O, very well, Mr. Waverley," said Fergus, haughtily, "the thing is at an end. I have no occasion to press my sister upon any man."

"Nor have I any occasion to court repeated rejec-| had quarrels with the tribes in the vicinity, and all of tion from the same young lady," answered Edward, them looked with a jealous eye on the Highlanders' in the same tone. avowed pretensions to superior valour, and utility in

"I shall make due inquiry, however," said the Chief- the Prince's service. tain, without noticing the interruption, "and learn what my sister thinks of all this: we will then see whether it is to end here."

Respecting such inquiries, you will of course be guided by your own judgment," said Waverley. "It is, I am aware, impossible Miss Mac-Ivor can change her mind; and were such an unsupposable case to happen, it is certain I will not change mine. I only mention this to prevent any possibility of future misconstruction."


THE CONFUSION OF KING AGRAMANT'S CAMP. IT was Waverley's custom sometimes to ride a little apart from the main body, to look at any object of curiosity which occurred on the march. They were now in Lancashire, when, attracted by a castellated old hall, he left the squadron for half an hour, Gladly at this moment would Mac-Ivor have put to take a survey and slight sketch of it. As he retheir quarrel to a personal arbitrement; his eye flashed turned down the avenue, he was met by Ensign fire, and he measured Edward as if to choose where Maccombich. This man had contracted a sort of rehe might best plant a mortal wound. But although gard for Edward since the day of his first seeing him at we do not now quarrel according to the modes and Tully-Veolan, and introducing him to the Highlands. figures of Caranza or Vincent Saviola, no one knew He seemed to loiter, as if on purpose to meet with our better than Fergus that there must be some decent hero. Yet, as he passed him, he only approached his pretext for a mortal duel. For instance, you may stirrup, and pronounced the single word, "Beware!" challenge a man for treading on your corn in a crowd, and then walked swiftly on, shunning all further or for pushing you up to the wall, or for taking your communication. seat in the theatre; but the modern code of honour will not permit you to found a quarrel upon your right of compelling a man to continue addresses to a female relative, which the fair lady has already refused. So that Fergus was compelled to stomach this supposed affront, until the whirligig of time, whose motion he promised himself he would watch most sedulously, should bring about an opportunity of revenge. Waverley's servant always led a saddle-horse for him in the rear of the battalion to which he was attached, though his master seldom rode. But now, incensed at the domineering and unreasonable conduct of his late friend, he fell behind the column, and mounted his horse, resolving to seek the Baron of Bradwardine, and request permission to volunteer in his troop, instead of the Mac-Ivor regiment.

Edward, somewhat surprised at this hint, followed with his eyes the course of Evan, who speedily disappeared among the trees. His servant, Alick Polwarth, who was in attendance, also looked after the Highlander, and then riding up close to his master, said, "The ne'er be in me, sir, if I think you're safe amang thae Highland rinthereouts."

"What do you mean, Alick?" said Waverley. "The Mac-Ivors, sir, hae gotten it into their heads that ye hae affronted their young leddy, Miss Flora; and I hae heard mae than ane say, they wadna tak muckle to mak a black-cock o' ye: and ye ken weel eneugh there's mony o' them wadna mind a bawbee the weising a ball through the Prince himsell, an the Chief gae them the wink-or whether he did or no, if they thought it a thing that would please him when it was dune."

A happy time of it I should have had, thought he, after he was mounted, to have been so closely allied to this superb specimen of pride and self-opinion and Waverley, though confident that Fergus Mac-Ivor passion. A colonel! why, he should have been a was incapable of such treachery, was by no means generalissimo. A petty chief of three or four hundred equally sure of the forbearance of his followers. He men! his pride might suffice for the Cham of Tar- knew, that where the honour of the Chief or his tary-the Grand Seignior-the Great Mogul! I am family was supposed to be touched, the happiest man well free of him. Were Flora an angel, she would would be he that could first avenge the stigma; and he bring with her a second Lucifer of ambition and had often heard them quote a proverb, “That the best wrath for a brother-in-law.revenge was the most speedy and most safe." CoupThe Baron, whose learning (like Sancho's jests ling this with the hint of Évan, he judged it most while in the Sierra Morena) seemed to grow mouldy prudent to set spurs to his horse, and ride briskly for want of exercise, joyfully embraced the opportu- back to the squadron. Ere he reached the end of the nity of Waverley's offering his service in his regiment, long avenue, however, a ball wistled past him, and to bring it into some exertion. The good-natured old the report of a pistol was heard. gentleman, however, laboured to effect a reconcilia- "It was that deevil's buckie, Callum Beg," said tion between the two quondam friends. Fergus turn- Alick;," I saw him whisk away through amang the ed a cold ear to his remonstrances, though he gave reises.' them a respectful hearing; and as for Waverley, he Edward, justly incensed at this act of treachery, saw no reason why he should be the first in courting galloped out of the avenue, and observed the bata renewal of the intimacy which the Chieftain had talion of Mac-Ivor at some distance moving along so unreasonably disturbed. The Baron then men- the common, in which it terminated. He also saw tioned the matter to the Prince, who, anxious to pre- an individual running very fast to join the party : vent quarrels in his little army, declared, he would this, he concluded was the intended assassin, who, himself remonstrate with Colonel Mac-Ivor on the by leaping an enclosure, might easily make a much unreasonableness of his conduct. But, in the hurry shorter path to the main body than he could find of their march, it was a day or two before he had an on horseback. Unable to contain himself, he comopportunity to exert his influence in the manner pro-manded Alick to go to the Baron of Bradwardine, posed. who was at the head of his regiment about half a

In the meanwhile, Waverley turned the instruc-mile in front, and acquaint him with what had haptions he had received while in Gardiner's dragoons pened. He himself immediately rode up to Fergus's to some account, and assisted the Baron in his com- regiment. The Chief himself was in the act of joinmand as a sort of adjutant. "Parmi les aveugles ing them. He was on horseback, having returned un borgne est roi," says the French proverb; and from waiting on the Prince. On perceiving Edward the cavalry, which consisted chiefly of Lowland approaching, he put his horse in motion towards him. gentlemen, their tenants and servants, formed a Colonel Mac-Ivor," said Waverley, without any high opinion of Waverley's skill, and a great attach- farther salutation, "I have to inform you that one of ment to his person. This was indeed partly owing to your people has this instant fired at me from a lurkthe satisfaction which they felt at the distinguished ing-place." English volunteer's leaving the Highlanders to rank As that," answered Mac-Ivor, "excepting the among them; for there was a latent grudge between circumstance of a lurking-place, is a pleasure which the horse and foot, not only owing to the difference I presently propose to myself, I should be glad to of the services, but because most of the gentlemen, know which of my clansmen dared to anticipate me.' living near the Highlands, had at one time or other I shall certainly be at your command whenever


you please the gentleman who took your office once. The Baron lectured, the Chieftain stormed, upon himself is your page there, Callum Beg.". "Stand forth from the ranks, Callum! Did you fire at Mr. Waverley?"

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No," answered the unblushing Callum. "You did," said Alick Polwarth, who was already returned, having met a trooper by whom he dispatched an account of what was going forward to the Baron of Bradwardine, while he himself returned to his master at full gallop, neither sparing the rowels of his spurs, nor the sides of his horse. "You did; I saw you as plainly as I ever saw the auld kirk at Condingham.'

"You lie," replied Callum, with his usual impenetrable obstinacy. The combat between the knights would certainly, as in the days of chivalry, have been preceded by an encounter between the squires, (for Alick was a stout-hearted Merseman, and feared the bow of Cupid far more than a Highlander's dirk or claymore,) but Fergus, with his usual tone of decision, demanded Callum's pistol. The cock was down, the pan and muzzle were black with the smoke; it had been that instant fired.

the Highlanders screamed in Gaelic, the horsemen cursed and swore in Lowland Scotch. At length matters came to such a pass, that the Baron threatened to charge the Mac-Ivors unless they resumed their ranks, and many of them, in return, presented their fire-arms at him and the other troopers. The confusion was privately fostered by old Ballenkeiroch, who made no doubt that his own day of vengeance was arrived, when, behold! a cry arose of Room! make way! place à Monseigneur! place à Monseigneur!" This announced the approach of the Prince, who came up with a party of Fitz-James' foreign dragoons that acted as his body guard. His arrival produced some degree of order. The Highlanders re-assumed their ranks, the cavalry fell in and formed squadron, and the Baron and Chieftain were silent.

The Prince called them and Waverley before him. Having heard the original cause of the quarrel through the villany of Callum Beg, he ordered him into custody of the provost-marshal for immediate execution, in the event of his surviving the chastisement inflict"Take that," said Fergus, striking the boy upon ed by his Chieftain. Fergus, however, in a tone bethe head with the heavy pistol-but with his whole twixt claiming a right and asking a favour, requested force,-"take that for acting without orders, and ly- he might be left to his disposal, and promised his ing to disguise it." Callum received the blow with- punishment should be exemplary. To deny this out appearing to flinch from it, and fell without sign might have seemed to encroach on the patriarchal of life. Stand still, upon your lives!" said Fergus authority of the Chieftains, of which they were very to the rest of the clan; "I blow out the brains of the jealous, and they were not persons to be disobliged. first man who interferes between Mr. Waverley and Callum was therefore left to the justice of his own me." They stood motionless; Evan Dhu alone tribe.

showed symptoms of vexation and anxiety. Callum The Prince next demanded to know the new cause lay on the ground bleeding copiously, but no one of quarrel between Colonel Mac-Ivor and Waverley. ventured to give him any assistance. It seemed as There was a pause. Both gentlemen found the preif he had gotten his death-blow. sence of the Baron of Bradwardine (for by this time "And now for you, Mr. Waverley; please to turn all three had approached the Chevalier by his comyour horse twenty yards with me upon the common." mand) an insurmountable barrier against entering Waverley complied; and Fergus, confronting him upon a subject where the name of his daughter must when they were a little way from the line of march, unavoidably be mentioned. They turned their eyes said, with great affected coolness, "I could not but on the ground, with looks in which shame and emwonder, sir, at the fickleness of taste which you were barrassment were mingled with displeasure. The pleased to express the other day. But it was not an Prince, who had been educated amongst the disconangel, as you justly observed, who had charms for tented and mutinous spirits of the court of St. Geryou, unless she brought an empire for her fortune. I mains, where feuds of every kind were the daily subhave now an excellent commentary upon that ob- ject of solicitude to the dethroned sovereign, had scure text." served his apprenticeship, as old Frederick of Prussia would have said, to the trade of royalty. To promote or restore concord among his followers was indispensable. Accordingly he took his measures. Monsieur de Beaujeu !"

"I am at a loss even to guess at your meaning, Colonel Mac-Ivor, unless it seems plain that you intend to fasten a quarrel upon me."

"Your affected ignorance shall not serve you, sir. The Prince, the Prince himself, has acquainted me

"Monseigneur!" said a very handsome French cawith your manœuvres. I little thought that your en-valry officer, who was in attendance.

gagements with Miss Bradwardine were the reason Ayez la bonté d'alligner ces montagnards là, ainsi of your breaking off your intended match with my que la cavalerie, s'il vous plait, et de les remettre à la sister. I suppose the information that the Baron had marche. Vous parlez si bien l'Anglois, cela ne vous altered the destination of his estate, was quite a suffi- donneroit pas beaucoup de peine." cient reason for slighting your friend's sister, and carrying off your friend's mistress."

"Did the Prince tell you I was engaged to Miss Bradwardine?" said Waverley. "Impossible." "He did, sir," answered Mac-Ivor; "so either draw and defend yourself, or resign your pretensions to the lady."

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"This is absolute madness," exclaimed Waverley, or some strange mistake!"

"O! no evasion! draw your sword!" said the infuriated Chieftain,-his own already unsheathed. Must I fight in a madman's quarrel?"


"Then give up now, and for ever, all pretensions to Miss Bradwardine's hand."

"Ah! pas de tout, Monseigneur," replied Mons. le Compte de Beaujeu, his head bending down to the neck of his little prancing highly managed charger. Accordingly he piaffed away, in high spirits and confidence, to the head of Fergus's regiment, although understanding not a word of Gaelic, and very little English.

"Messieurs les sauvages Ecossois-dat is-gentilmans savages, have the goodness d'arranger vous.

The clan, comprehending the order more from the gesture than the words, and seeing the Prince himself present, hastened to dress their ranks.

"Ah! ver well! dat is fort bien!" said the Count de Beaujeu. "Gentilmans sauvages-mais, très bien"What title have you," cried Waverley, utterly Eh bien !-Qu'est ce que vous appellez visage, Monlosing command of himself,-" what title have you, or sieur?" (to a lounging trooper who stood by him) any man living, to dictate such terms to me?" And "Ah, oui! face--Je vous remercie, Monsieur.-Genhe also drew his sword. tilshommes, have de goodness to make de face to de At this moment, the Baron of Bradwardine, fol- right par file, dat is, by files.-Marsh!-Mais, très lowed by several of his troop, came up on the spur, bien-encore, Messieurs; il faut vous mettre à la some from curiosity, others to take part in the quar- marche. Marchez donc, au nom de Dieu, parcerel, which they indistinctly understood had broken que j'ai oublié le mot Anglois-mais vous étes des out between the Mac-Ivors and their corps. The braves gens, et me comprenez très bien." clan, seeing them approach, put themselves in mo- The Count next hastened to put the cavalry in motion to support their Chieftain, and a scene of con- tion. "Gentilmans cavalry, you must fall in-Ah! fusion commenced, which seemed likely to terminate par ma foi, I did not say fall off! I am a fear de little in bloodshed. A hundred tongues were in motion at gross fat gentilman is moche hurt. Ah, mon Dieu!

c'est le Commissaire qui nous a apporté les premières it is well, or becoming, to give our enemies the adnouvelles de cet maudit fracas. Je suis trop faché, vantage, and our friends the scandal, of showing Monsieur!" that, few as we are, we are not united. And forgive But poor Macwheeble, who, with a sword stuck me if I add, that the names of the ladies who have across him, and a white cockade as large as a pan- been mentioned, crave more respect from us all than cake, now figured in the character of a commissary, to be made themes of discord.' being overturned in the bustle occasioned by the troopers hastening to get themselves in order in the Prince's presence, before he could rally his galloway, slunk to the rear amid the unrestrained laughter of the spectators.

"Eh bien, Messieurs, wheel to de right-Ah! dat is it!-Eh, Monsieur de Bradwardine, ayez la bonté de vous mettre à la tête de votre régiment, car, par Dieu, je n'en puis plus!"

The Baron of Bradwardine was obliged to go to the assistance of Monsieur de Beaujeu, after he had fairly expended his few English military phrases. One purpose of the Chevalier was thus answered. The other he proposed was, that in the eagerness to hear and comprehend commands issued through such an indistinct medium in his own presence, the thoughts of the soldiers in both corps might get a current different from the angry channel in which they were flowing at the time.

He took Fergus a little apart, and spoke to him very earnestly for two or three minutes, and then returning to Waverley, said, "I believe I have satisfied Colonel Mac-Ivor, that his resentment was founded upon a misconception, to which, indeed, I myself gave rise; and I trust Mr. Waverley is too generous to harbour any recollection of what is past, when I assure him that such is the case. You must state this matter properly to your clan, Vich Ian Vohr, to prevent a recurrence of their precipitate violence." Fergus bowed. "And now, gentlemen, let me have the pleasure to see you shake hands."

They advanced coldly, and with measured steps, each apparently reluctant to appear most forward in concession. They did, however, shake hands, and parted, taking a respectful leave of the Chevalier.

Charles Edward then rode to the head of the *The Author of Waverley has been charged with painting the young Adventurer in colours more amiable than his character Charles Edward was no sooner left with the Chief-deserved. But having known many individuals who were near tain and Waverley, the rest of his attendants being his person, he has been described according to the light in which at some distance, than he said, "If I owed less to those eye-witnesses saw his temper and qualifications. Someyour disinterested friendship, I could be most seriously those who remembered him as the bold and adventurous Prince, thing must be allowed, no doubt, to the natural exaggerations of angry with both of you for this very extraordinary in whose cause they had braved death and ruin; but is their eviand causeless broil, at a moment when my father's dence to give place entirely to that of a single malcontent? service so decidedly demands the most perfect una- lier Johnstone on the Prince's courage. But some part at least I have already noticed the imputations thrown by the Chevanimity. But the worst of my situation is, that my of that gentleman's tale is purely romantic. It would not, for very best friends hold they have liberty to ruin them- instance, be supposed, that at the time he is favouring us with selves, as well as the cause they are engaged in, upon the slightest caprice."

the highly wrought account of his amour with the adorable Peggie, the Chevalier Johnstone was a married man, whose grandchild is now alive, or that the whole circumstantial story Both the young men protested their resolution to concerning the outrageous vengeance taken by Gordon of Abbasubmit every difference to his arbitration. "Indeed," chie on a Presbyterian clergyman, is entirely apocryphal. At said Edward, "I hardly know of what I am accused. the same time it may be admitted, that the Prince, like others I sought Colonel Mac-Ivor merely to mention to him herents so highly as he ought. Educated in high ideas of his of his family, did not esteem the services done him by his adthat I had narrowly escaped assassination at the hereditary right, he has been supposed to have held every exerhand of his immediate dependant, a dastardly re- tion and sacrifice made in his cause as too much the duty of the venge, which I knew him to be incapable of autho-person making it, to merit extravagant gratitude on his part. Dr. King's evidence (which his leaving the Jacobite interest renrizing. As to the cause for which he is disposed to ders somewhat doubtful) goes to strengthen this opinion. fasten a quarrel upon me, I am ignorant of it, unless The ingenious editor of Johnstone's Memoirs has quoted a it be that he accuses me, most unjustly, of having engaged the affections of a young lady in prejudice of his pretensions."


'If there is an error," said the Chieftain, "it arises from a conversation which I held this morning with his Royal Highness himself."

"With me?" said the Chevalier; "how can Colonel Mac-Ivor have so far misunderstood me?"

story said to be told by Helvetius, stating that Prince Charles tion, was literally bound hand and foot, and to which he seems

Edward, far from voluntarily embarking on his daring expedidisposed to yield credit. Now, it being a fact as well known as any in his history, and, so far as I know, entirely undisputed, that the Prince's personal entreaties and urgency positively forced Boisdale and Lochiel into insurrection, when they were earnestly desirous that he would put off his attempt until he could obtain a sufficient force from France, it will be very difficult to reconcile his alleged reluctance to undertake the expeHe then led Fergus aside, and, after five minutes' effect, against the advice and entreaty of his most powerful and dition, with his desperately insisting on carrying the rising into earnest conversation, spurred his horse towards Ed- most sage partizans. Surely a man who had been carried bound ward. "Is it possible-nay, ride up, Colonel, for I on board the vessel which brought him to so desperate an endesire no secrets-Is it possible, Mr. Waverley, that I terprise, would have taken the opportunity afforded by the reluctance of his partizans, to return to France in safety. am mistaken in supposing that you are an accepted It is averred in Johnstone's Memoirs, that Charles Edward lover of Miss Bradwardine? a fact of which I was left the field of Culloden without doing the utmost to dispute by circumstances, though not by communication the victory; and, to give the evidence on both sides, there is in from you, so absolutely convinced, that I alleged it to states, that he himself earnestly exhorted the Prince to charge existence the more trust-worthy testimony of Lord Elcho, who Vich fan Vohr this morning as a reason why, without at the head of the left wing, which was entire, and retrieve the offence to him, you might not continue to be ambi- day or die with honour. And on his counsel being declined, tious of an alliance, which to an unengaged person, he would never look on his face again, and kept his word. Lord Elcho took leave of him with a bitter execration, swearing even though once repulsed, holds out too many charms On the other hand, it seems to have been the opinion of alto be lightly laid aside." most all the other officers, that the day was irretrievably lost, "Your Royal Highness," said Waverley, "must one wing of the Highlanders being entirely routed, the rest of have founded on circumstances altogether unknown the army out numbered, out-flanked, and in a condition totally hopeless. In this situation of things, the Irish officers who surto me, when you did me the distinguished honour of rounded Charles's person interfered to force him off the field. supposing me an accepted lover of Miss Bradwardine. A cornet who was close to the Prince, left a strong attestation, I feel the distinction implied in the supposition, but that he had seen Sir Thomas Sheridan seize the bridle of his I have no title to it. For the rest, my confidence in dence; but the opinion of Lord Elcho, a man of fiery temper, horse, and turn him round. There is some discrepancy of evimy own merit is too justly slight to admit of my and desperate at the ruin which he beheld impending, cannot hoping for success iu any quarter after positive rejec- fairly be taken, in prejudice of a character for courage which is tion." intimated by the nature of the enterprise itself, by the Prince's The Chevalier was silent for a moment, looking vance from Derby to London, and by the presence of mind which eagerness to fight on all occasions, by his determination to adsteadily at them both, and then said, "Upon my word, he manifested during the romantic perils of his escape. The Mr. Waverley, you are a less happy man than I con-author is far from claiming for this unfortunate person the praise ceived I had very good reason to believe you. But at the period of his enterprise, he had a mind capable of facing due to splendid talents; but he continues to be of opinion, that now, gentlemen, allow me to be umpire in this mat- danger and aspiring to fame. ter, not as Prince Regent, but as Charles Stewart, a That Charles Edward had the advantages of a graceful prebrother adventurer with you in the same gallant cause. sence, courtesy, and an address and manner becoming his sta Lay my pretensions to be obeyed by you entirely out his person, nor does he conceive that these qualities are overtion, the author never heard disputed by any who approached of view, and consider your own honour, and how far charged in the present attempt to sketch his portrait. The fol

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