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"And what may your name be, sir?" quoth Muck-man fell; and while Edward, thrilled with a natural lewrath. horror at the incident, neither had presence of mind "It is of no consequence to you, my friend, provi- to unsheathe his sword, nor to draw his remaining ded I pay your labour." pistol, the populace threw themselves upon him, dis"But it may be of consequence to the state, sir," armed him, and were about to use him with great replied an old farmer, smelling strongly of whisky violence, when the appearance of a venerable clergyand peat-smoke; "and I doubt we maun delay your man, the pastor of the parish, put a curb on their fury. journey till you have seen the Laird." This worthy man (none of the Goukthrapples or "You certainly," said Waverley, haughtily, "will Rentowels) maintained his character with the comfind it both difficult and dangerous to detain me, un-mon people, although he preached the practical fruits less you can produce some proper authority." of Christain faith, as well as its abstract tenets, and There was a pause and a whisper among the crowd was respected by the higher orders, notwithstanding "Secretary Murray;" "Lord Lewis Gordon ;" he declined soothing their speculative errors by con"Maybe the Chevalier himsell!" Such were the verting the pulpit of the gospel into a school of heasurmises that passed hurriedly among them, and there then morality. Perhaps it is owing to this mixture was obviously an increased disposition to resist Wa- of faith and practice in his doctrine, that, although verley's departure. He attempted to argue mildly his memory has formed a sort of era in the annals of with them, but his voluntary ally, Mrs. Mucklewrath, Cairnvreckan, so that the parishioners, to denote broke in upon and drowned his expostulations, taking what befell Sixty Years since, still say it happened his part with an abusive violence, which was all set" in good Mr. Morton's time," I have never been able down to Edward's account by those on whom it was to discover which he belonged to, the evangelical, or bestowed. "Ye'll stop ony gentleman that's the the moderate party in the kirk. Nor do I hold the Prince's freend?" for she too, though with other feel- circumstance of much moment, since, in my own reings, had adopted the general opinion respecting Wa-membrance, the one was headed by an Erskine, the verley. "I daur ye to touch him," spreading abroad other by a Robertson.*

"O gin ye were dead, gudeman,

her long and muscular fingers, garnished with claws Mr. Morton had been alarmed by the discharge of which a vulture might have envied. "I'll set my ten the pistol, and the increasing hubbub around the commandments in the face o' the first loon that lays smithy. His first attention, after he had directed the a finger on him." bystanders to detain Waverley, but to abstain from Gae hame, gudewife," quoth the farmer afore-injuring him, was turned to the body of Mucklesaid; "it wad better set you to be nursing the gude- wrath, over which his wife, in a revulsion of feeling, man's bairns than to be deaving us here." was weeping, howling, and tearing her elf-locks, in a "His bairns?" retorted the Amazon, regarding her state little short of distraction. On raising up the husband with a grin of ineffable contempt-"His smith, the first discovery was, that he was alive; and bairns! the next, that he was likely to live as long as if he had never heard the report of a pistol in his life. He had made a narrow escape, however; the bullet had grazed his head, and stunned him for a moment or two, which trance terror and confusion of spirit had This canticle, which excited a suppressed titter prolonged somewhat longer. He now arose to deamong the younger part of the audience, totally over-mand vengeance on the person of Waverley, and with came the patience of the taunted man of the anvil. difficulty acquiesced in the proposal of Mr. Morton, "Deil be in me but I'll put this het gad down her that he should be carried before the Laird, as a justice throat!" cried he, in an ecstacy of wrath, snatching of peace, and placed at his disposal. The rest of the a bar from the forge; and he might have executed his assistants unanimously agreed to the measure rethreat, had he not been withheld by a part of the mob, commended; even Mrs. Mucklewrath, who had bewhile the rest endeavoured to force the termagant out gun to recover from her hysterics, whimpered forth, of his presence. "She wadna say naething against what the minister

And a green turf on your head, gudeman!
Then I wad ware my widowhood
Upon a ranting Highlandman."

Waverley meditated a retreat in the confusion, but proposed; he was e'en ower gude for his trade, and his horse was nowhere to be seen. At length he ob- she hoped to see him wi' a dainty decent bishop's served, at some distance, his faithful attendant, Ebe- gown on his back; a comelier sight than your Geneva nezer, who, as soon as he had perceived the turn mat-cloaks and bands, I wis."



ters were likely to take, had withdrawn both horses All controversy being thus laid aside, Waverley, from the press, and, mounted on the one, and holding escorted by the whole inhabitants of the village who the other, answered the loud and repeated calls of were not bed-ridden, was conducted to the house of Waverley for his horse, "Na, na! if ye are nae friend Cairnvreckan, which was about half a mile distant. to kirk and the king, and are detained as siccan a person, ye maun answer to honest men of the country for breach of contract; and I maun keep the naig and the walise for damage and expense, in respect my horse and mysell will lose to-morrow's day's wark, besides. the afternoon preaching." MAJOR MELVILLE of Cairnvreckan, an elderly genEdward, out of patience, hemmed in and hustled tleman, who had spent his youth in the military serby the rabble on every side, and every moment ex- vice, received Mr. Morton with great kindness, and pecting personal violence, resolved to try measures our hero with civility, which the equivocal circumof intimidation, and at length drew a pocket-pistol, stances wherein Edward was placed rendered conthreatening, on the one hand, to shoot whomsoever strained and distant. should dare to stop him, and, on the other, menacing The nature of the smith's hurt was inquired into, Ebenezer with a similar doom, if he stirred a foot and as the actual injury was likely to prove trifling, with the horses. The sapient Partridge says, that and the circumstances in which it was received renone man with a pistol, is equal to a hundred unarmed, dered the infliction, on Edward's part, a natural act because, though he can shoot but one of the multi- of self-defence, the Major conceived he might dismiss tude, yet no one knows but that he himself may be that luckless individual. The lery en masse of Cairnvreckan would therefore probably have given way, nor would Ebenezer, whose natural paleness had waxen three shades more cadaverous, have ventured to dispute a mandate so enforced, had not the Vulcan of the village, eager to discharge upon some more worthy object the fury which his helpmate had provoked, and not ill satisfied to find such an object in Waverley, rushed at him with the red-hot bar of iron, with such determination, as made the discharge of nis pistol an act of self-defence. The unfortunate

that matter, on Waverley's depositing in his hands a small sum for the benefit of the wounded person.

"I could wish, sir," continued the Major, that my duty terminated here; but it is necessary that we should have some further inquiry into the cause of

and a most excellent man, headed the Evangelical party in the *The Rev. John Erskine, D. D., an eminent Scottish divine, Church of Scotland at the time when the celebrated Dr. Robertson, the historian, was the leader of the Moderate party. These two distinguished persons were colleagues in the Old Gray church politics, preserved the most perfect harmony as private Friars' Church, Edinburgh; and, however much they differed in friends, and as clergymen serving the same cure.

your journey through the country at this unfortunate The astonishment which Waverley expressed at and distracted time." this communication was imputed by Major Melville Mr. Ebenezer Cruickshanks now stood forth, and to conscious guilt, while Mr. Morton was rather discommunicated to the magistrate all he knew or sus-posed to construe it into the surprise of innocence pected, from the reserve of Waverley, and the eva-unjustly suspected. There was something true in both sions of Callum Beg. The horse upon which Ed-conjectures; for although Edward's mind acquitted ward rode, he said, he knew to belong to Vich Ian him of the crime with which he was charged, yet a Vohr, though he dared not tax Edward's former at- hasty review of his own conduct convinced him he tendant with the fact, lest he should have his house might have great difficulty in establishing his innoand stables burnt over his head some night by that cence to the satisfaction of others. godless gang, the Mac-Ivors. He concluded by ex- "It is a very painful part of this painful business," aggerating his own services to kirk and state, as hav- said Major Melville, after a pause, "that, under so ing been the means, under God, (as he modestly qua- grave a charge, I must necessarily request to see such lified the assertion,) of attaching this suspicious and papers as you have on your person." formidable delinquent. He intimated hopes of future "You shall, sir, without reserve," said Edward, reward, and of instant reimbursement for loss of throwing his pocket-book and memorandums upon time, and even of character, by travelling on the state the table; "there is but one with which I could wish business on the fast-day. you would dispense."

"I am afraid, Mr. Waverley, I can indulge you with no reservation."

"You shall see it then, sir; and as it can be of no service, I beg it may be returned."

To this Major Melville answered, with great composure, that so far from claiming any merit in this affair, Mr. Cruickshanks ought to deprecate the imposition of a very heavy fine for neglecting to lodge, in terms of the recent proclamation, an account with| He took from his bosom the lines he had that the nearest magistrate of any stranger who came to morning received, and presented them with the envehis inn; that, as Mr. Cruickshanks boasted so much lope. The Major perused them in silence, and directed of religion and loyalty, he should not impute this his clerk to make a copy of them. He then wrapped conduct to disaffection, but only suppose that his zeal the copy in the envelope, and placing it on the table for kirk and state had been lulled asleep by the op- before him, returned the original to Waverley, with an portunity of charging a stranger with double horse-air of melancholy gravity. hire; that, however, feeling himself incompetent to: After indulging the prisoner, for such our hero must decide singly upon the conduct of a person of such now be considered, with what he thought a reasonable importance, he should reserve it for consideration of time for reflection, Major Melville resumed his exthe next quarter-sessions. Now our history for the amination, premising, that as Mr. Waverley seemed present saith no more of him of the Candlestick, who to object to general questions, his interrogatories wended dolorous and malcontent back to his own should be as specific as his information permitted. dwelling. He then proceeded in his investigation, dictating, as he went on, the import of the questions and answers to the amanuensis, by whom it was written down. "Did Mr. Waverley know one Humphry Houghton, a non-commissioned officer in Gardiner's dragoons?"

Major Melville then commanded the villagers to return to their homes, excepting two, who officiated as constables, and whom he directed to wait below. The apartment was thus cleared of every person but Mr. Morton, whom the Major invited to remain; a sort of factor, who acted as clerk; and Waverley himself. There ensued a painful and embarrassed pause, till Major Melville, looking upon Waverley with much compassion, and often consulting a paper or memorandum which he held in his hand, requested to know his name." Edward Waverley." "I thought so; late of the

'Certainly; he was sergeant of my troop, and son of a tenant of my uncle."

"Exactly-and had a considerable share of your confidence, and an influence among his comrades?" "I had never occasion to repose confidence in a person of his description," answered Waverley. "I dragoons, and ne-favoured Sergeant Houghton as a clever, active young phew of Sir Everard Waverley of Waverley-Ho- fellow, and I believe his fellow-soldiers respected him nour?"

"The same."

"Young gentleman, I am extremely sorry that this painful duty has fallen to my lot."

"Duty, Major Melville, renders apologies superfluous."

True, sir; permit me, therefore, to ask you how your time has been disposed of since you obtained leave of absence from your regiment, several weeks ago, until the present moment???


But you used through this man," answered Major Melville, "to communicate with such of your troop as were recruited upon Waverley-Honour?" "Certainly; the poor fellows, finding themselves in a regiment chiefly composed of Scotch or Irish, looked up to me in any of their little distresses, and naturally made their countryman, and sergeant, their spokesman on such occasions.'

'Sergeant Houghton's influence," continued the Major, "extended, then, particularly over those soldiers who followed you to the regiment from your uncle's estate?"

My reply," said Waverley, "to so general a tion must be guided by the nature of the charge quesrenders it necessary. I request to know what that charge is, and upon what authority I am forcibly de- Surely; but what is that to the present pur. tained to reply to it?"



"The charge, Mr. Waverley, I grieve to say, is of a "To that I am just coming, and I beseech your very high nature, and affects your character both as candid reply. Have you, since leaving the regiment, a soldier and a subject. In the former capacity, you held any correspondence, direct or indirect, with this are charged with spreading mutiny and rebellion Sergeant Houghton?" among the men you commanded, and setting them the example of desertion, by prolonging your own absence from the regiment, contrary to the express orders of your commanding officer. The civil crime of which you stand accused is that of high treason, You remind me of a trifling commission," said and levying war against the king, the highest delin-Waverley, "which I gave Sergeant Houghton, bequency of which a subject can be guilty."

"I-I hold correspondence with a man of his rank and situation !-How, or for what purpose?" "That you are to explain;-but did you not, for example, send to him for some books?"

cause my servant could not read. I do recollect I "And by what authority am I detained to reply to bade him, by letter, select some books, of which I such heinous calumnies?"

sent him a list, and send them to me at Tully-Veo

By one which you must not dispute, nor I dis-lan?" obey."

He handed to Waverley a warrant from the Supreme Criminal Court of Scotland, in full form, for apprehending and securing the person of Edward Waverley, Esq. suspected of treasonable practices, and other high crimes and misdemeanours."

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And of what description were those books?" "They related almost entirely to elegant literature; they were designed for a lady's perusal."

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Were there not, Mr. Waverley, treasonable tracts and pamphlets among them?"

"There were some political treatises, into which I

hardly looked. They had been sent to me by the the Stewart cause, was held to contain the open officiousness of a kind friend, whose heart is more to avowal of what the others only ventured to inbe esteemed than his prudence or political sagacity: sinuate. they seemed to be dull compositions." "Permit me another question, Mr. Waverley," said "That friend," continued the persevering inquirer, Major Melville,-"Did you not receive repeated letters 'was a Mr. Pembroke, a nonjuring clergyman, the from your commanding-officer, warning, you and author of two treasonable works, of which the manu- commanding you to return to your post, and acquaintscripts were found among your baggage?" ing you with the use made of your name to spread

"But of which, I give you my honour as a gentle-discontent among your soldiers?" man," replied Waverley, "I never read six pages." "I never did, Major Melville. One letter, indeed, I "I am not your judge, Mr. Waverley; your exami- received from him, containing a civil intimation of nation will be transmitted elsewhere. And now to his wish that I would employ my leave of absence proceed-Do you know a person that passes by the otherwise than in constant residence at Bradwardine, name of Wily Will, or Will Ruthven ?" as to which, I own, I thought he was not called on

"I never heard of such a name till this moment." to interfere; and, finally, I received, on the same day "Did you never through such a person, or any on which I observed myself superseded in the Gaother person, communicate with Sergeant Humphry zette, a second letter from Colonel Gardiner, comHoughton, instigating him to desert, with as many manding me to join the regiment, an order which, of his comrades as he could seduce to join him, owing to my absence, already mentioned and acand unite with the Highlanders and other rebels counted for, I received too late to be obeyed. If there now in arms under the command of the young Pre- were any intermediate letters, and certainly from the tender ?" Colonel's high character I think it probable that there were, they have never reached me.'

"I assure you I am not only entirely guiltless of the plot you have laid to my charge, but I detest it "I have omitted, Mr. Waverley," continued Major from the very bottom of my soul, nor would I be Melville, "to inquire after a matter of less conseguilty of such treachery to gain a throne, either for quence, but which has nevertheless been publicly myself or any other man alive." talked of to your disadvantage. It is said, that a trea

Yet when I consider this envelope in the hand-sonable toast having been proposed in your hearing writing of one of those misguided gentlemen who are and presence, you, holding his majesty's commission, now in arms against their country, and the verses suffered the task of resenting it to devolve upon anwhich it enclosed, I cannot but find some analogy other gentleman of the company. This, sir, cannot between the enterprise I have mentioned and the ex-be charged against you in a court of justice; but if, ploit of Wogan, which the writer seems to expect as I am informed, the officers of your regiment reyou should imitate." quested an explanation of such a rumour, as a gentleman and soldier, I cannot but be surprised that you did not afford it to them."

Waverley was struck with the coincidence, but denied that the wishes or expectations of the letterwriter were to be regarded as proofs of a charge otherwise chimerical.

"But, if I am rightly informed, your time was spent, during your absence from the regiment, between the house of this Highland Chieftain, and that of Mr. Bradwardine, of Bradwardine, also in arms for this unfortunate cause?"

"I do not mean to disguise it; but I do deny, most resolutely, being privy to any of their designs against the government.'

This was too much. Beset and pressed on every hand by accusations, in which gross falsehoods were blended with such circumstances of truth as could not fail to procure them credit,-alone, unfriended, and in a strange land, Waverley almost gave up his life and honour for lost, and, leaning his head upon his hand, resolutely refused to answer any further questions, since the fair and candid statement he had already made had only served to furnish arms against him.

"You do not, however, I presume, intend to deny, Without expressing either surprise or displeasure at that you attended your host Glennaquoich to a ren- the change in Waverley's manner, Major Melville dezvous, where, under a pretence of a general hunt-proceeded composedly to put several other queries to ing match, most of the accomplices of his treason him. "What does it avail me to answer you?" said were assembled to concert measures for taking Edward, sullenly. "You appear convinced of my arms?"

"I acknowledge having been at such a meeting," said Waverley; "but I neither heard nor saw any thing which could give it the character you affix to it."

"From thence you proceeded," continued the magistrate, "with Glennaquoich and a part of his clan, to join the army of the young Pretender, and returned, after having paid your homage to him, to discipline and arm the remainder, and unite them to his bands on their way southward?"

"I never went with Glennaquoich on such an errand. I never so much as heard that the person whom you mention was in the country."

guilt, and wrest every reply I have made to support your own preconceived opinion. Enjoy your supposed triumph, then, and torment me no further. If I am capable of the cowardice and treachery your charge burdens me with, I am not worthy to be believed in any reply I can make to you. If I am not deserving of your suspicion-and God and my own conscience bear evidence with me that it is so-then I do not see why I should, by my candour, lend my accusers arms against my innocence. There is no reason I should answer a word more, and I am determined to abide by this resolution." And again he resumed his posture of sullen and determined silence.


Allow me," "said the magistrate, "to remind you He then detailed the history of his misfortune at of one reason that may suggest the propriety of a canthe hunting match, and added, that on his return he did and open confession. The inexperience of youth, found himself suddenly deprived of his commission, Mr. Waverley, lays it open to the plans of the more and did not deny that he then, for the first time, ob- designing and artful; and one of your friends at least served symptoms which indicated a disposition in-I mean Mac-Ivor of Glennaquoich-ranks high in the Highlanders to take arms; but added, that the latter class, as, from your apparent ingenuousness, having no inclination to join their cause, and no youth, and unacquaintance with the manners of the longer any reason for remaining in Scotland, he was Highlands, I should be disposed to place you among now on his return to his native country, to which he the former. In such a case, a false step, or error like had been summoned by those who had a right to yours, which I shall be happy to consider as involundirect his motions, as Major Melville would perceive tary, may be atoned for, and I would willingly act as from the letters on the table. intercessor. But as you must necessarily be acquaintMajor Melville accordingly perused the letters of ed with the strength of the individuals in this country Richard Waverley, of Sir Everard, and Aunt who have assumed arms, with their means, and with Rachel; but the inferences he drew from them were their plans, I must expect you will merit this mediadifferent from what Waverley expected. They held tion on my part by a frank and candid avowal of all the language of discontent with government, threw that has come to your knowledge upon these heads. out no obscure hints of revenge, and that of poor In which case, I think I can venture to promise that Aunt Rachel which plainly asserted the justice of a very short personal restraint will be the only ill

consequence that can arise from your accession to therefore, though himself an upright magistrate and these unhappy intrigues." an honourable man, his opinions of others were alWaverley listened with great composure until the ways strict, and sometimes unjustly severe. Mr. end of this exhortation, when, springing from his Morton, on the contrary, had passed from the liteseat, with an energy he had not yet displayed, he re-rary pursuits of a college, where he was beloved by plied, "Major Melville, since that is your name, I have his companions, and respected by his teachers, to the hitherto answered your questions with candour, or ease and simplicity of his present charge, where his declined them with temper, because their import con- opportunities of witnessing evil were few, and never cerned myself alone; but as you presume to esteem dwelt upon, but in order to encourage repentance and me mean enough to commence informer against amendment; and where the love and respect of his others, who received me, whatever may be their pub- parishioners repaid his affectionate zeal in their belie misconduct, as a guest and friend,-I declare to half, by endeavouring to disguise from him what they you that I consider your questions as an insult infi- knew would give him the most acute pain, namely, nitely more offensive than your calumnious suspi- their own occasional transgressions of the duties cions; and that, since my hard fortune permits me which it was the business of his life to recommend. no other mode of resenting them than by verbal defi- Thus it was a common saying in the neighbourhood, ance, you should sooner have my heart out of my (though both were popular characters,) that the laird bosom, than a single syllable of information on sub- knew only the ill in the parish, and the minister only jects which I could only become acquainted with in the good. the full confidence of unsuspecting hospitality."

A love of letters, though kept in subordination to Mr. Morton and the Major looked at each other; his clerical studies and duties, also distinguished the and the former, who, in the course of the examina- Pastor of Cairnvreckan, and had tinged his mind in ton, had been repeatedly troubled with a sorry rheum, earlier days with a slight feeling of romance, which had recourse to his snuff-box and his handkerchief. no after incidents of real life had entirely dissipated. "Mr. Waverley," said the Major, "my present situ- The early loss of an amiable young woman, whom ation prohibits me alike from giving or receiving of- he had married for love, and who was quickly folfence, and I will not protract a discussion which lowed to the grave by an only child, had also served, approaches to either. I am afraid I must sign a war- even after the lapse of many years, to soften a dispo rant for detaining you in custody, but this house shall sition naturally mild and contemplative. His feelfor the present be your prison. I fear I cannot per- ings on the present occasion were therefore likely to suade you to accept a share of our supper?-(Edward differ from those of the severe disciplinarian, strict shook his head)-but I will order refreshments in magistrate, and distrustful man of the world. your apartment." When the servants had withdrawn, the silence of

Our hero bowed and withdrew, under guard of the both parties continued, until Major Melville, filling officers of justice, to a small but handsome room, his glass, and pushing the bottle to Mr. Morton, comwhere, declining all offers of food or wine, he flung menced. himself on the bed, and, stupified by the harassing "A distressing affair this, Mr. Morton. I fear this events and mental fatigue of this miserable day, he youngster has brought himself within the compass sunk into a deep and heavy slumber. This was more of a halter." than he himself could have expected; but it is men- "God forbid !" answered the clergyman. tioned of the North-American Indians, when at the Marry, and amen," said the temporal magistrate; stake of torture, that on the least intermission of "but I think even your merciful logic will hardly agony, they will sleep until the fire is applied to awa- deny the conclusion.' ken them.



"Surely, Major," answered the clergyman, "I should hope it might be averted, for aught we have heard to-night?"

"Indeed!" replied Melville. "But, my good parson, you are one of those who would communicate to every criminal the benefit of clergy."

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"Unquestionably I would: Mercy and long-suffering are the grounds of the doctrine I am called to teach."

"True, religiously speaking; but mercy to a criminal may be gross injustice to the community. I don't speak of this young fellow in particular, who I heartily wish may be able to clear himself, for I like both his modesty and his spirit. But I fear he has rushed upon his fate."

A CONFERENCE, AND THE CONSEQUENCE. MAJOR MELVILLE had detained Mr. Morton during his examination of Waverley, both because he thought he might derive assistance from his practical good sense and approved loyalty, and also because it was agreeable to have a witness of unimpeached candour and veracity to proceedings which touched the honour and safety of a young Englishman of high rank and family, and the expectant heir of a large fortune. Every step he knew would be rigorously canvassed, and it was his business to place the justice and integ- And why? Hundreds of misguided gentlemen are rity of his own conduct beyond the limits of question. now in arms against the government, many, doubt When Waverley retired, the laird and clergyman of less, upon principles which education and early preCairnvreckan sat down in silence to their evening judice have gilded with the names of patriotism and meal. While the servants were in attendance, nei-heroism;-Justice, when she selects her victims from ther chose to say any thing on the circumstances such a multitude, (for surely all will not be destroyed,) which occupied their minds, and neither felt it easy must regard the moral motive. He whom ambition, to speak upon any other. The youth and apparent or hope of personal advantage, has led to disturb the frankness of Waverley stood in strong contrast to the peace of a well-ordered government, let him fall a shades of suspicion which darkened around him, and victim to the laws; but surely youth, misled by the he had a sort of naiveté and openness of demeanour, wild visions of chivalry and imaginary loyalty, may that seemed to belong to one unhackneyed in the plead for pardon.". ways of intrigue, and which pleaded highly in his favour.

"If visionary chivalry and imaginary loyalty come within the predicament of high treason," replied the magistrate, "I know no court in Christendom, my dear Mr. Morton, where they can sue out their Habeas Corpus."

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Each mused over the particulars of the examination, and each viewed it through the medium of his own feelings. Both were men of ready and acute talent, and both were equally competent to combine various "But I cannot see that this youth's guilt is at all parts of evidence, and to deduce from them the neces- established to my satisfaction," said the clergyman. sary conclusions. But the wide difference of their "Because your good nature blinds your good sense, habits and education often occasioned a great discre- replied Major Melville. "Observe now: This young pancy in their respective deductions from admitted man, descended of a family of hereditary Jacobites, premises. his uncle the leader of the Tory interest in the county Major Melville had been versed in camps and cities; of his father a disobliged and discontented he was vigilant by profession, and cautious from ex-courtier, his tutor a non-juror, and the author of two perience; had met with much evil in the world, and treasonable volumes-this youth, I say, enters into

Gardiner's dragoons, bringing with him a body of continued Major Melville, warming in the detail of young fellows from his uncle's estate, who have not his arguments, "where do we find this second edition stickled at avowing, in their way, the high-church of Cavalier Wogan? Why, truly, in the very track principles they learned at Waverley-Honour, in their most proper for execution of his design, and pistoldisputes with their comrades. To these young men ling the first of the king's subjects who ventures to Waverley is unusually attentive; they are supplied question his intentions."

with money beyond a soldier's wants, and inconsist- Mr. Morton prudently abstained from argument, ent with his discipline; and are under the manage- which he perceived would only harden the magistrate ment of a favourite sergeant, through whom they hold in his opinion, and merely asked how he intended to an unusually close communication with their captain, dispose of the prisoner? and affect to consider themselves as independent of It is a question of some difficulty, considering the the other officers, and superior to their comrades." state of the country," said Major Melville. "All this, my dear Major, is the natural consequence "Could you not detain him (being such a gentleof their attachment to their young landlord, and of man-like young man) here in your own house, out of their finding themselves in a regiment levied chiefly harm's way, till this storm blow over?" in the north of Ireland and the west of Scotland, and "My good friend," said Major Melville, "neither of course among comrades disposed to quarrel with your house nor mine will be long out of harm's way, them, both as Englishmen, and as members of the even were it legal to confine him here. I have just Church of England." learned that the commander-in-chief, who marched "Well said, parson!" replied the magistrate.--"I into the Highlands to seek out and disperse the insurwould some of your synod heard you-But let me go gents, has declined giving them battle at Corryerick, on. This young man obtains leave of absence, goes and marched on northward with all the disposable to Tully-Veolan the principles of the Baron of Brad- force of government to Inverness, John-o'-Groat's wardine are pretty well known, not to mention that House, or the devil, for what I know, leaving the this lad's uncle brought him off in the year fifteen; road to the Low Country open and undefended to the he engages there in a brawl, in which he is said to Highland army."

have disgraced the commission he bore; Colonel "Good God!" said the clergyman. "Is the man a Gardiner writes to him, first mildly, then more sharp-coward, a traitor, or an idiot?" ly-I think you will not doubt his having done so, "None of the three, I believe," answered Melville. since he says so; the mess invite him to explain the "Sir John has the common-place courage of a comquarrel, in which he is said to have been involved: mon soldier, is honest enough, does what he is comhe neither replies to his commander nor his comrades. manded, and understands what is told him, but is as In the meanwhile, his soldiers become mutinous and fit to act for himself in circumstances of importance, disorderly, and at length, when the rumour of this as I, my dear parson, to occupy your pulpit." unhappy rebellion becomes general, his favourite Ser- This important public intelligence naturally diverted geant Houghton, and another fellow, are detected in the discourse from Waverley for some time; at length correspondence with a French emissary, accredited, however, the subject was resumed. as he says, by Captain Waverley, who urges him, "I believe," said Major Melville, "that I must give according to the men's confession, to desert with the this young man in charge to some of the detached troop and join their captain, who was with Prince parties of armed volunteers, who were lately sent out Charles. In the meanwhile this trusty captain is, by to overawe the disaffected districts. They are now his own admission, residing at Glennaquoich with recalled towards Stirling, and a small body comes the most active, subtle, and desperate Jacobite in Scotland; he goes with him at least as far as their famous hunting rendezvous, and I fear a little farther. Meanwhile two other summonses are sent him; one warning him of the disturbances in his troop, another peremptorily ordering him to repair to the regiment, which, indeed, common sense might have dictated, when he observed rebellion thickening all round him. He returns an absolute refusal, and throws up his commission."

"He had been already deprived of it," said Mr. Morton.

this way to-morrow or next day, commanded by the westland man--what's his name?-You saw him, and said he was the very model of one of Cromwell's military saints."

"Gilfillan, the Cameronian," answered Mr. Morton. "I wish the young gentleman may be safe with him. Strange things are done in the heat and hurry of minds in so agitating a crisis, and I fear Gilfillan is of a sect which has suffered persecution without learning mercy."

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He has only to lodge Mr. Waverley in Stirling Castle," said the Major: "I will give strict injune"But he regrets," replied Melville, "that the mea- tions to treat him well. I really cannot devise any sure had anticipated his resignation. His baggage is better mode for securing him, and I fancy you would seized at his quarters, and at Tully-Veolan, and is hardly advise me to encounter the responsibility of found to contain a stock of pestilent jacobitical pam-setting him at liberty." phlets, enough to poison a whole country, besides the unprinted lucubrations of his worthy friend and tutor Mr. Pembroke."

"He says he never read them," answered the minister.

"But you will have no objection to my seeing him to-morrow in private?" said the minister. "None, certainly; your loyalty and character are my warrant. But with what view do you make the request?"


"In an ordinary case I should believe him," replied "Simply," replied Mr. Morton, "to make the expethe magistrate, "for they are as stupid and pedantic riment whether he may not be brought to communiin composition as mischievous in their tenets. But cate to me some circumstances which may hereafter can you suppose any thing but value for the principles be useful to alleviate, if not to exculpate his conduct." they maintain, would induce a young man of his age The friends now parted and retired to rest, each to lug such trash about with him? Then, when news filled with the most anxious reflections on the state arrive of the approach of the rebels, he sets out in a of the country. sort of disguise, refusing to tell his name; and, if yon old fanatic tell truth, attended by a very suspicious character, and mounted on a horse known to have belonged to Glennaquoich, and bearing on his person letters from his family expressing high rancour against the house of Brunswick, and a copy of WAVERLEY awoke in the morning, from troubled verses in praise of one Wogan, who abjured the ser-dreams and unrefreshing slumbers, to a full convice of the Parliament to join the Highland insurgents, sciousness of the horrors of his situation. How it when in arms to restore the house of Stewart, with might terminate he knew not. He might be delivered a body of English cavalry--the very counterpart of up to military law, which, in the midst of civil war, his own plot-and summed up with a 'Go thou and was not likely to be scrupulous in the choice of its do likewise,' from that loyal subject, and most safe victims, or the quality of the evidence. Nor did he and peaceable character, Fergus Mac-Ivor of Glen- feel much more comfortable at the thoughts of a trial naquoich, Vich Ian Vohr, and so forth. And, lastly," before a Scottish court of justice, where he knew the


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