Imágenes de páginas


Prescription requirements; exemption from, for certain preparations:

Habit-forming drugs, 21 § 1.108

New drugs, 21 Part 130

Salicylates, preparations containing; labeling, 21 § 3.43

Salt substitutes considered "new drugs", 21 §§ 3.9, 3.20

Sterilization of drugs by irradiation, 21 § 3.45

Supplying pharmacists with indications and dosage for drugs, 21 § 3.13
Undeliverable mail containing; disposal of, 39 § 48.2 (i)

Veterinary preparations:

Antibiotics, preparations containing, 21 §§ 3.8, 3.25, 146.25-146.28
New drugs; certain preparations for increasing milk or egg production, or

for fattening purposes, 21 § 3.7

Virgin Islands, application of marihuana tax to, 48 Part 10

Wintergreen oil; label statement of drug preparations containing, 21 § 3.35

Drums (containers). See Containers.

Drydocking of various vessels, 46 §§ 3.10-20, 71.50, 91.40

Migratory bird hunting stamp, 39 § 62.2; 50 § 46.145
Poultry. See Poultry.

Wild. See Wildlife.

Dues and initiation fees, for membership in social, athletic and sporting clubs; excise tax regulations, 22 §§ 101.22-101.44

Dumping ground areas in navigable waters; regulations respecting various bays and

harbors. See Engineers, Corps of.

Dumping of imported merchandise:

Customs regulations respecting, 19 §§ 14.6-14.13, 16.21, 16.22, 17.9 Injury to domestic industry; investigation by Tariff Commission, 19 Part 208 Dumping of perishable agricultural commodities; regulations for marketing to prevent dumping, 7 Part 48

Dunnage; export control, 15 § 371.12

Dust collectors for use in connection with rock drilling in coal mines; tests, etc.,

30 Part 33

Duties, customs. See Customs duties.

Dye, hair; coal-tar dye, defined, 21 § 1.200

Dye, household fabric, industry; trade practice conference rules, 16 Part 171

Dyeing, printing, and finishing (silk and rayon) industry; trade practice conference rules, 16 Part 155


Eagles, bald, taking of, etc., 50 §§ 7.1-7.5, 46.67

Earned surplus accounts; uniform system of accounts for various companies. See


Earphones, calibration of; test fee schedules, 15 § 206.101

Economic and commercial functions of Foreign Service officers; reports, etc., 22

Part 106

Economic Cooperation Act of 1948; informational media guaranties under, 22 Part 501

Economic Cooperation Administration, successor to. See International Cooperation Administration.

Economic disaster loans, to farmers and ranchers in designated areas, 6 Parts 381,

384, 385, 388, 389, 473, 475, 476

Economic poisons. See Poisons.

Economic regulations for air carriers. See Civil Aeronautics Board.

Economic surveys and reports; powers and functions of Federal Trade Commission

respecting, 16 §§ 1.71, 1.72

Economy Act, procurement under, from or through another Federal agency; armed services procurement regulations, 32 §§ 5.700-5.702

Education, Office of:

Administrative procedure. See Grants to land-grant colleges and universities. Areas affected by Federal activities:

Construction of schools in. See Construction of minimum school facilities.

Education, Office of-Continued

Areas affected by Federal activities-Continued

Financial assistance for current expenditures for local educational agencies in, and arrangements for free public education of certain children residing on Federal property, 45 Part 105

Hearings, 45 Part 106

Hearings in connection with school construction and financial assistance in

Federally impacted areas, 45 Part 106

Construction of minimum school facilities in areas affected by Federal activities: Federal assistance in, under Title III, with respect to applications filed after

July 15, 1955, 45 Part 110

Hearings, 45 Part 106

Federal assistance under Title IV, since July 1, 1955, 45 Part 109

Hearings, 45 Part 106

Hearings in connection with school construction and financial assistance

in Federally impacted areas, 45 Part 106

Grants to land-grant colleges and universities, 45 Part 101

Forms for reports from land-grant colleges and universities, 45 § 101.3
Manner in which funds are channeled to States, 45 § 101.2

Purposes for which grants are made, 45 § 101.1

Withholding of grants, 45 § 101.4

Vocational education; policies applying to use of Federal funds, 45 Part 102 Administrative relationships under Federal Vocational Education Acts:

Administration of vocational education, 45 §§ 102.25-102.30


Matching purposes, 45 § 102.29

Prorating of funds, 45 § 102.30

State-wide basis for matching, 45 § 102.28

Reimbursement for salary and travel expenses, 45 § 102.27
State administrative staff, 45 § 102.26

State program of administration, 45 § 102.25

Basic provisions and policies, 45 §§ 102.1-102.5

Application of vocational education terminology to vocational

guidance, 45 § 102.5

Education of less than college grade, 45 § 102.3

Further development of vocational education, 45 § 102.2

Public supervision or control, 45 § 102.4

Purpose of vocational education, 45 § 102.1

Federal funds, use of, 45 §§ 102.31-102.48

For travel, 45 §§ 102.31-102.44

College teachers of technical subject matter, 45 § 102.41

Consultants, 45 § 102.40

Executive officer, 45 § 102.33

Local directors, 45 § 102.36

Local supervisors and teacher trainers, 45 § 102.38

Members of representative State advisory committees, 45

§ 102.35

Responsibility, 45 § 102.31

State board, members of, 45 § 102.32

State director and other members of administrative staff, 45

§ 102.34

State supervisors, State teacher trainers, and other members,

of their staffs, 45 § 102.37

Student teachers, 45 § 102.44

Teachers attending State conferences, 45 § 102.43
Teachers of short, intensive, technical courses, 45 § 102.39
Vocational teachers and counselors, 45 § 102.42
Professional courses for administrators, 45 § 102.48

Conditions necessary for, 45 § 102.45
Other considerations for, 45 § 102.46

Research, studies, and investigations, 45 § 102.47

Education, Office of-Continued

Vocational education, 45 Part 102-Continued

Administrative relationships under Federal Vocational Education Acts


State and Federal relationships, 45 §§ 102.10-102.19


See also Federal funds, use of, above.

Custody and use of Federal funds, responsibility for, 45 § 102.14
Discrimination, Federally aided programs to be administered

without, 45 § 102.18

Fiscal procedures, 45 § 102.15

Matching funds, determining source of, 45 § 102.19

State reports, 45 § 102.16

Workers, vocational education, in States not Federal em

ployees, 45 § 102.17

Responsibility under vocational education acts:

Federal Government, 45 § 102.11

State, 45 § 102.12

State plan; agreement between State board for vocational educa

tion and Office of Education, 45 § 102.10

Working relationship between Office of Education and State board

for vocational education, 45 § 102.13

Supervision of vocational education, 45 §§ 102.55-102.60

Local program of supervision, 45 § 102.57
Nonreimbursable instruction, supervision of, 45 § 102.59
Qualifications of supervisors, 45 § 102.58
State program of supervision, 45 § 102.55

State supervisory staff, 45 § 102.56

Studies and research by supervisory staff, 45 § 102.60

Teacher training, 45 §§ 102.65-102.77

Apprentice teachers, 45 § 102.77

Complete program for training vocational teachers, 45 § 102.66
Director of teacher-training, 45 § 102.75

Funds, teacher-training, use of, for payments to graduate students,

45 § 102.72

Improvement of teachers, 45 § 102.74

Qualifications of teacher-trainers, 45 § 102.73

Reimbursable teacher-training courses, 45 § 102.69

Reimbursement of salaries of teacher trainers, basis of, 45 § 102.71

State program of teacher training, 45 § 102.67

Supervising teacher's salary, reimbursement for, 45 § 102.76

Teacher-training institutions or agencies, designation of, 45

§ 102.70

Teacher-training staff, 45 § 102.68

Travel, use of Federal funds for. See Federal funds.
Vocational instruction, 45 §§ 102.85-102.97

Composition of classes, 45 § 102.90

Definition, 45 § 102.86

Eleemosynary institutions, vocational instruction conducted by,

45 § 102.94

Equipment and supplies for, 45 § 102.93

Nonvocational instruction, responsibility for, 45 § 102.88
Organizations of vocational students, 45 § 102.96

Penal and correctional institutions, vocational instruction con

ducted by, 45 § 102.95

Persons for whom vocational education is intended, 45 § 102.85
Plant, equipment, and maintenance, standards for, 45 § 102.91
Privately owned plant and equipment, utilization of, 45 § 102.92
Safety instruction, 45 § 102.87

Schools or classes defined, 45 § 102.89

Training and work-experience training for out-of-school youths,

45 § 102.97

Education, Office of-Continued

Vocational education, 45 Part 102-Continued

Agricultural education; purpose of vocational education in agriculture, 45

§§ 102.105-102.116


Adult farmer, 45 § 102.112

All-day, 45 § 102.109

Day-unit, 45 § 102.110

Young farmer, 45 § 102.111

Complete program of vocational education in agriculture, 45 § 102.107

Directed or supervised practice, 45 § 102.113

Employment of teachers, 45 § 102.114

Purpose, 45 § 102.105

Requirements for instruction, 45 § 102.108
Short, intensive technical courses, 45 § 102.115
Teacher-training institutions, designation of, 45 § 102.116
Vocational instruction in agriculture, 45 § 102.106

Distributive occupations education, 45 §§ 102.125-102.133
Classes, distributive occupations, 45 §§ 102.129-102.133

Evening classes, 45 § 102.129

Instruction and composition of classes, nature of, 45 § 102.131
Part-time classes, 45 § 102.130

Reimbursement for coordinating activities from George-Barden

funds, 45 § 103.133

Stores, classes conducted in, 45 § 102.132

Definitions; employment, subjects, entrance into classes, etc., 45

§§ 102.125-102.128

Home economics education, 45 §§ 102.134-102.139

Homemaking education programs, essential characteristics of, 45

§ 102.135

In-school and out-of-school groups, 45 § 102.137

Institutions designated to prepare teachers, 45 § 102.139

Organization of local programs, 45 § 102.136

Out-of-school and in-school groups, 45 § 102.137

Reimbursable activities for homemaking teachers, 45 § 102.138

Vocational education in home economics, purpose of, 45 § 102.134

Industrial education. See Trade and industrial education.
Trade and industrial education, 45 §§ 102.155-102.207
All-day trade courses, 45 §§ 102.182-102.189
Characteristics, essential, 45 § 102.184

Coordination, plan for, 45 § 102.189

Definition, 45 § 102.182

Industrial course, general, 45 § 102.187

Practical work on useful or productive basis defined, 45 § 102.188
Related subjects reimbursed in all-day trade classes, 45 § 102.185

Types of all-day trade training, 45 § 102.183

Unit trade course, 45 § 102.186

Description, 45 §§ 102.155-102.165

Apprentices, training for, 45 § 102.165

Foreman and supervisory training, 45 § 102.164

Groups served, 45 § 102.162

Plant and equipment, 45 § 102.161

Purposes of education for trades and industry, 45 § 102.155
Representative advisory committees, 45 § 102.158

Supervision, local, 45 § 102.159

Supervisory and foreman training, 45 § 102.164

Teachers, 45 § 102.160

Trade and industrial pursuits, 45 § 102.156
Trade and industrial subjects, 45 § 102.157

Training for service occupations, 45 § 102.163

Evening classes, 45 § 102.170-102.173

Age of admission, 45 § 102.171

Definition, 45 § 102.170

Instruction supplemental to employment, 45 § 102.172

Education, Office of-Continued

Vocational education, 45 Part 102-Continued

Trade and industrial education, 45 §§ 102.155-102.207-Continued

Evening classes, 45 § 102.170-102.173-Continued

Reimbursement of evening classes from part-time funds, 45

§ 102.173

Industrial-plant training, standards and safeguards for, 45 §§ 102.205102.207

Explanation, 45 § 102.205

When use of Federal funds is justified, 45 § 102.206

When use of Federal funds is not justified, 45 § 102.207

Part-time classes, 45 §§ 102.174-102.181

Age of admission, 45 § 102.180

Exemption certificates and standards, 45 § 102.179

Explanation, 45 § 102.174

General continuation classes, part-time, 45 § 102.177
General continuation school programs, 45 § 102.178
Smith-Hughes part-time classes, time requirements for, 45 § 102.181
Trade extension classes, part-time, 45 § 102.175

Trade preparatory classes, part-time, 45 § 102.176

Vocational guidance, 45 §§ 102.215-102.219

Duties and qualifications of vocational guidance personnel, 45 § 102.219
Essential vocational guidance services, 45 § 102.218

Explanation, 45 § 102.215

George-Barden funds, use of, for vocational guidance, 45 § 102.217
Personnel, vocational guidance, duties and qualifications of, 45 § 102.219
Purpose of vocational guidance, 45 § 102.216

Qualifications and duties of vocational guidance personnel, 45 § 102.219

Education Appeals Board, Veterans'. See Veterans' Education Appeals Board. Education and training:

See also Educational institutions.


Admission to United States; reading test for, 8 § 235.13
Industrial training, admission of aliens as nonimmigrants for, 8 Parts 206,


Classes of instruction and training in citizenship responsibilities, 8 Part 332b

Educational requirements for, 8 Parts 312, 332b

Students, admission to United States; immigration regulations, 8 Part 214f Apprentices, in training programs; deferment under Selective Service regulations, 32 § 1622.23a

Chinese and Korean students, teachers, etc.; emergency aid for, 22 Part 67 Defense manpower policy respecting training, 32A Chapter I, DMP 5, DMP 8 Educational cooperation programs between United States and foreign countries

22 Parts 65, 66, 67, 68

Exchange-Visitor Program of State Department; applications, etc., 22 Part 68 Federal employees; formal educational requirements for appointment to certain scientific, technical, and professional positions, list of positions, 5 Part 24 Fellowships, training grants, etc., in various fields, to students and trainees citizens of other American Republics. See Fellowships and training grants.

Heart disease, training and traineeships in, 42 Parts 63, 64
Indians; education of. See Indian Affairs Bureau.

Military education and training, in various academies, schools or colleges, etc.:

Air Force Department regulations:

Aviation cadets, 32 Part 874

Aviation instruction at non-Federal establishments, 32 Part 845

Reserve Officers' Training Corps, 32 Part 862

Army Department regulations:

Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Army, 32 Part 562

Rifle practice, promotion of, 32 Part 543

Schools and colleges, military instruction and training in, 32 Part 542
United States Military Academy (West Point); admission to, etc.,

32 Part 575

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