Imágenes de páginas

Apartment houses:

See also Housing.
Cooperative apartment houses; exemption of certain securities under Securities

Exchange Act of 1934, 17 § 240.15a-2

Mail; apartment house mail regulations, 39 Part 97

Apparel. See Clothing; and Clothing industries.
Appeals from various regulations and decisions, etc.:

See also Boards of appeal, review, etc.
Air safety proceedings, 14 §§ 301.30-301.37

Customs duties, etc., appeals and protests with respect to, 19 §§ 17.1–17.5,

17.7, 17.11

Employees' Compensation Bureau, appeals from decisions of. See Employees'

Compensation Appeals Board.

Executive clemency, petitions for, 28 Part 1

Federal employees, appeals of. See Civil Service Commission.
Immigration matters, appellate jurisdiction in, etc. See Immigration and

Naturalization Service.

Old Age and Survivors Insurance Bureau, appeals from determinations of, 20 $ 422.6

Railroad employees; appeals with respect to decisions under Railroad Retirement Act or Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, 20 §§ 200.1, 260.2, 260.3, 319.20, 319.35, 319.65, 319.70, 319.96

Selective Service appeals, regulations respecting, 32 Parts 1626, 1627

United States Court of Military Appeals, rules of practice and procedure, 32

Part 1800

Veterans Administration contracts, appeals from decisions of contracting officers

respecting, 38 §§ 1.750-1.755, 1.760-1.765

Apples. See Fruits and berries.
Appliances, electric, gas and oil:

See also Electrical appliances.

Excise tax on manufacturers' sales, 26 §§ 316.110, 316.111

Sales by public utility holding companies; regulations under Public Utility

Holding Company Act of 1935, 17 § 250.48

Appomattox Court House National Historical Park, McLean House; admission fees, 36 §§ 13.1, 13.13 (b)

Apportionment of civil service appointments among States on basis of population, 5 §§ 02.3, 2.103

Appraisement of imported merchandise; customs regulations. See Customs Bureau. Apprentice training programs; acceptance for deferment purposes under Selective

Service regulations, 32 § 1622.23a

Apprentices; employment of, at below minimum wages, 29 Part 521
Apricots. See Fruits and berries.

Aptitude testing, in connection with placement of workers; policies of United States
Employment Service respecting, 20 §§ 602.4, 604.10, 604.18

Aquarium equipment; British Token Import Plan, export to United Kingdom under, 15 § 361.13

Arbitrage transactions, regulations under section 16 of Securities Exchange Act

of 1934, 17 § 240.16d-1

Arbitrators, in labor disputes, appointment of, 29 § 1202.9
Archeological exhibits, customs entry; invoices, exception, 19 § 8.15 (c) (21)
Archeological sites and excavations:

In national forests, parks, monuments, etc.; excavation permits, etc., 36 §§ 1.16, 251.1

On Indian lands owned or controlled by United States, 25 Part 11
On public lands; permits, etc., 43 Part 3

Archives and records management. See General Services Administration.
Arizona lands:

Carey Act grants for irrigation and reclamation purposes, 43 Part 272
Exchanges of lands for benefit of States, 43 §§ 152.13-152.17
Prescott Watershed; mining, 43 § 185.34

Arkansas lands:

Drainage area, subject to special laws; entries, charges, etc., 43 Part 117 Erroneously meandered lands, sale to holders of color of title or riparian claims,

43 §§ 141.9-141.14

Swamp lands, grants to States; selection, patenting, etc., 43 Part 271

Arlington National Cemetery:

Confederate veterans, evidence of right to burial, 36 § 5.7

Lee Mansion, admission fee, 36 § 3.44 (a)

Regulations respecting interment, headstones, etc., 36 Part 5

Armed forces of foreign countries:

Agents; regulations under Foreign Agents Registration Act, 28 § 5.51

Allied armed forces; veterans' educational benefits for United States citizen

members of, 38 §§ 21.20-21.25

Former United States citizens who lost citizenship through service with, during

World War I or II; naturalization of, 8 Parts 327, 343

Armed forces of United States:

See also Air Force Department; Army Department; Defense Department; and
Navy Department.

Canal Zone, military and naval reservations in. See Panama Canal.
Family of American soldier, sailor, or marine buried abroad, exemption from

payment of passport fees, etc., 22 §§ 51.49, 51.50 Induction into; regulations respecting. See Selective Service System. Korean conflict; naturalization of veterans or members of armed forces who served after June 24, 1950, and before July 1, 1955, 8 Parts 410, 411 Members of armed forces:

Alien who is lawful permanent resident of United States; permit to depart in wartime, 22 § 53.24

Arms for individual use of members of; State Department regulations, 22
§ 75.82

Coast Guard and Navy personnel in foreign ports; relief and other services
performed for, by Foreign Service officers, 22 Part 111
Compensation for injuries or death, in time of peace, for members of

Reserves, 20 §§ 02.1, 1.20

Exportations to; general license for, 15 § 371.14

Farm ownership, etc., loans; servicing of loans of borrowers entering armed

forces, 6 §§ 361.81-361.83

Free mailing privileges for members of, 39 §§ 21.5, 27.6, 27.7
Housing for military personnel; mortgage insurance. See Federal Housing


Importations by; customs entry, 19 §§ 9.6, 10.25, 10.26, 54.2, 54.3
Income tax regulations affecting members of military and naval forces of

United States, and veterans. See Internal Revenue Service.
Postponement by reason of war of time for performing acts affecting
Federal tax liabilities, 26 §§ 472.201-472.203, 472.301, 472.401-472.405

Public lands, rights to. See Land Management Bureau.
Regulations respecting induction, discharge, retirement, etc. See Air Force
Department; Army Department; Defense Department; Navy Depart-
ment; and Public Health Service.

Telephone calls from members in combat zones; exemption from excise
tax, 26 § 130.46

Vocational assistance to men being released from armed forces, manpower policy respecting, 32A Chapter I, DMP 11

Naturalization of aliens serving in; nationality regulations. See Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Navigation aids, air and marine; establishment and operation by Coast Guard

to serve needs of armed forces, 33 § 62.01-5

Public Health Service commissioned officers. See Public Health Service. Tobacco and products for use of armed forces in Territories of United States;

excise tax regulations, 26 Part 144

Vessels owned or controlled by, arriving from foreign port without commercial

cargo; report of arrival, manifest, etc., 19 §§ 4.5, 10.2

Veterans of service with. See Veterans.

Armed Forces Leave Bonds:

Assignment of, for payments on National Service life insurance and United States Government life insurance, 31 § 324.6; 38 §§ 6.156, 8.104 Regulations of Public Debt Bureau respecting, 31 Parts 322, 324, 325 Arming of United States merchant cargo vessels, 46 §§ 147.06-1-147.06-5 Arms, ammunition, implements of war, etc.:

Canal Zone; discharge of firearms in; regulations respecting, 35 § 4.9 Contraband; seizure of vessels, vehicles or aircraft transporting, 26 Parts 466, 468 Arms, ammunition, implements of war, etc. - Continued

Customs regulations:

Importations by mail, 19 § 9.12 (a)

Violations; seizure and detention in case of, 19 § 23.31

Excise tax on firearms (pistols, revolvers, machine guns, rifles), ammunition,

etc. See Internal Revenue Service.

Indians, sale or trade of arms and ammunition to, 25 § 276.8
International traffic in:

Export control, 15 §§ 370.4 (a), 399.1 (group 8), 399.2, Interpretation 12

Helium, 22 Part 76

Licenses, registration, penalties, etc., 22 Part 75

Military secrets, commodities involving, 22 Part 78

United States Munitions List; components, parts, accessories and related

items, 22 Part 75

Mailing of, 39 §§ 14.2, 15.2 (e) (2), 15.5, 113.1 (d), 132.1 (c)

Exportation, 39 Part 173

Importation, 19 § 9.12 (a)

National parks, reservoir areas, etc., carrying or possession of firearms in:

National parks, monuments, etc., 36 § 1.11

National recreation areas, 36 $2.8

National Zoological Park, 36 § 501.1 (b) (12)

Recreational demonstration areas, 36 § 6.8

Reservoir areas, 36 § 311.11

Wildlife conservation areas, 50 § 18.14

Transportation of. See Explosives and other dangerous articles.

Wages, for small arms, ammunition, explosives and related products industry;

minimum wage determinations, 41 § 202.34

Army Department:

See Engineers, Corps of.

Panama Canal.

Academy, Military, at West Point. See United States Military Academy.
Accidents; public disclosures of, 32 § 504.3 (e)

Accounts and bills, payment of. See Payment of bills and accounts.
Advertising, formal, military procurement by, 32 Part 591

Aircraft, limitation on purchase and maintenance of, 32 § 590.352

Aliens, employment of, on military procurement contracts; restrictions for

security purposes, 32 §601.950

Allotments of pay, for dependents and for various purposes (insurance payments,

bond purchases, bank deposits, etc.), 32 Part 538

Animals (horses, dogs, mules, etc.), procurement of, 32 Part 610

For clemency. See Clemency.

Review boards. See Review boards.

Appointment of officers. See Officers.

Arrest and confinement of persons not subject to military law, 32 § 503.1 Article 139, Uniform Code of Military Justice (property damage by military

personnel); claims against United States under, 32 § 536.25

Automobiles and other motor vehicles. See Motor vehicles.
Badges, for marksmanship, 32 §§ 578.60, 578.61
Bands, civilian; competition with, 32 Part 508

Bids, in connection with procurement, 32 Part 591

Bidders; debarred, ineligible, or suspended, 32 §§ 590.600-50-590.650

Bills and accounts, payment of. See Payment of bills and accounts.
Boards of review. See Review boards.

Bonds of disbursing officers, 32 §§ 531.1, 531.2

Bonds and insurance, in connection with procurement, 32 Part 599
Burials of deceased personnel. See Deceased personnel.

Buy American Act and other statutory prohibitions on foreign purchases, 32

§§ 595.103-595.108

Cadets, United States Military Academy. See United States Military Academy.
Canadian purchases; procurement regulations, 32 § 595.201
Cemeteries, national, administration, control, and supervision; interments,

headstones and monuments, etc., 32 Part 553

Army Department-Continued

Ceremonies, exhibitions, parades, etc., civilian; Army participation in, 32 Part




In Army Reserve, 32 § 561.16

In Regular Army; general eligibility requirements, 32 § 573.10

Ceremonials (private ministrations, etc.), 32 § 510.1

Civil authorities, employment of troops in aid of, 32 Part 501
Civilian activities, Army participation in, 32 Part 517

Civilian enterprises, competition with, prohibited, 32 § 552.18 (d)

Civilian mess personnel; employment on certain overseas installations, 32

§ 552.18 (1)


Against United States, 32 Part 536

Article 139, Uniform Code of Military Justice (property damage by military personnel), claims under, 32 § 536.25

Burial expenses, 32 §§ 536.50-536.55

Damage to or loss or destruction of property, or personal injury or
death, incident to noncombat activities of Department or of Army;
claims, 32 §§ 536.12-536.29

Deserters, enlisted men absent without leave, and escaped military
prisoners; payment for apprehension of, etc., 32 §§ 536.30-536.40
Foreign countries, claims arising in, 32 §§ 536.16, 536.26
General provisions, 32 §§ 536.1-536.8

Lands acquired by Department, claims for reimbursement to owners
and tenants for expenses of moving, etc., 32 §§ 536.90-536.107

Marine casualties and maritime claims, 32 §§ 536.44, 536.45
Military payment certificates, 32 §§ 536.79-536.84
Mustering-out payments, 32 §§ 536.75-536.77
Texas City disaster claims, 32 §§ 536.110-536.129

Tort claims, 32 § 536.29

On behalf of United States, 32 Part 537

Marine casualties and maritime claims, 32 §§ 537.6, 537.7

Property lost, damaged, or destroyed, reimbursement for, 32 § 537.1
Property unlawfully detained by civilians, recovery of, 32 § 537.2

Clemency, petitions for:

Persons convicted by military courts of offenses against United States; petitions to be sent to Secretary of Army, 28 § 1.4

Prisoners; application for clemency, 32 § 512.1

Colleges, military training and instruction in; establishment, inspection, etc.,

of military units, 32 Part 542

Commissioned officers. See Officers.

Community relations, 32 § 504.4

Construction, procurement of, 32 §§ 606.501-606.504

Contingent fees, in connection with procurement, 32 §§ 590.502-590.550
Contractors with Government:

Military procurement contractors:

Control of Government property in possession of, 32 §§ 602.1700602.1711-1

Selection of, 32 § 590.357

Safeguarding security information in possession of, 32 §§ 505.8-505.10
Surgeons, contracts for service with Army Department, 32 §§ 572.1-572.5

Contracts, procurement. See Procurement regulations.
Convict labor. See Prison-made products.

Cooperatives which compete with civilian enterprise, prohibition against use of military personnel or civilian employees of Army in conducting, 32 § 552.18 (d)

Copeland ("Anti-Kickback") Act; investigation of violations, in connection with procurement, 32 § 601.404-7 (b) (4)

Copyrights and patents; procurement regulations, 32 Part 598 Correction of Military Records, Army Board on; authority, recommendations, etc., 42 § 581.3

Cotton, items containing, procurement of, 32 §§ 606.901-606.907

Army Department-Continued

Courts, military:

Fees for reporters, witnesses, and interpreters, subpoenas, depositions,

records, etc., 32 Part 534

Petitions for Executive clemency by persons convicted by, to be sent to
Secretary of Army, 28 § 1.4

Creditors of military personnel, assistance to; policy, 32 § 513.1
Customs duties on foreign purchases, 32 § 595.502

Damage to or loss or destruction of property, incident to noncombat activities of
Department or of Army; claims in connection with, 32 §§ 536.12-536.29
Davis-Bacon Act; investigations of violations in connection with procurement,

32 § 601.404-7 (b) (2)

Deceased personnel:

Assistance to relatives and others in connection with, 32 Part 511
Correspondence, sympathy letters, 32 § 511.2

Notification in case of death, 32 § 511.1

Personal effects of deceased military or civilian personnel, 32 §§ 511.4,



Claims against United States for burial expenses, 32 §§ 536.50-536.55
Flag, interment, 32 § 536.52 (a) (5)

In national cemeteries; eligibility for, 32 § 553.5

Claims in connection with death incident to noncombat activities, 32
§§ 536.12-536.29

Gratuity to beneficiary upon death of service member, 32 Part 533
Transportation of remains, 32 § 633.6

Decorations, medals, ribbons and similar devices:

Badges, for marksmanship, 32 §§ 578.60, 578.61
Decorations for individuals, 32 §§ 578.1-578.25a

Appurtenances to military decorations, 32 § 578.24
Awards, presentation, exhibition, etc., 32 §§ 578.1-578.10
Foreign decorations, 32 § 578.25

Supply of decorations and appurtenances, 32 § 578.25a
Various decorations; standards for awards, description, etc.:

Air Medal, 32 § 578.19

Bronze Star Medal, 32 § 578.18
Commendation Ribbon with Metal Pendant, 32 § 578.20

Distinguished-Flying Cross, 32 § 578.16
Distinguished-Service Cross, 32 § 578.12

Distinguished-Service Medal, 32 § 578.13

Gold Star Lapel Button, 32 § 578.23a

Legion of Merit, 32 § 578.15

Medal of Freedom, 32 § 578.23

Medal of Honor, 32 § 578.11
Purple Heart, 32 § 578.21
Silver Star, 32 § 578.14
Soldier's Medal, 32 § 578.17

Manufacture of, 31 Part 507

Possession and securing of, 32 § 507.7
Service medals, 32 §§ 578.26-578.56

Appurtenances, miniatures, ribbons, etc., 32 §§ 578.49-578.53
Lapel buttons, 32 § 578.54

Manufacture, sale, and illegal possession, 32 § 578.56
Supply of medals and appurtenances, 32 § 578.55
Various medals; standards, description, etc.:
American Campaign Medal, 32 § 578.44
American Defense Service Medal, 32 § 578.42
Armed Forces Reserve Medal, 32 § 578.48c
Army of Occupation Medals:

World War I (Germany), 32 § 578.41

World War II (Austria, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea), 32

§ 578.48

Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, 32 § 578.45
China Campaign Medal, 32 § 578.36

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