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The death of Henry Harrisse, May 13, at the age of about eighty, is reported from Paris, where he had lived for many years, occupied with studies in the history of the discovery and the early exploration of America. The name of his publications in this period is legion, and they have been of exceptional influence. The most important of them. were, aside from those strictly bibliographical in character, his Christophe Colomb (1884-1885), his Discovery of North America (1892), and his John and Sebastian Cabot (1896). His fame was deserved by exactness of scholarship and unusual range in the search for materials, but was perhaps heightened by controversies to which his outspokenness and pungency of expression gave frequent rise, and in which he took evident delight.

John Austin Stevens, who died on June 16, aged eighty-three, was the editor of the Colonial Records of the New York Chamber of Commerce, and the author of books on the Burgoyne campaign, on the expedition of Lafayette against Arnold, and on the French in Rhode Island, but is chiefly deserving of commemoration in this journal as the founder and for many years the editor of the Magazine of American History, which, established in 1876, was throughout the period of his editorship a worthy representative of American historical studies, especially in respect to the period of the Revolution.

Professor George P. Garrison of the University of Texas died in Austin on July 3, at the age of fifty-six. After studying at the universities of Edinburgh and Chicago, he began in 1888 at the University of Texas a period of teaching and of editorial work in connection with the Texas State Historical Association of which it is not too much to say that he exerted more influence than all preceding students had ever exerted for the advancement and improvement of studies respecting the history of that state. This was done through his university teaching, through the editing of the Quarterly of the association named, through guidance of its general activities, through his book on Texas in the American Commonwealth series (1903), through his volume entitled Westward Extension, in Professor Hart's series (1906), and through the editing of the Diplomatic Correspondence of the Republic of Texas, published by the American Historical Association, of which he had partly seen a second and concluding volume through the press at the time of his decease. Besides his usefulness to history, he will be remembered as a man of exceptionally solid and winning character.

Miss Gertrude Selwyn Kimball of Providence died in that city on June 20. She was the editor of a volume entitled Pictures of Rhode Island in the Past (1899), of two volumes of the Colonial Correspondence of the Governors of Rhode Island (1902, 1903), of the Correspondence of William Pitt, when Secretary of State, with Colonial Governors, etc. (1906), and left nearly completed a skilfully written history of

Providence. She was a woman of remarkable intelligence, wit, and social charm.

Cyrus Thomas, noted as an archaeologist, died on June 26, aged nearly eighty-five. He had been connected with the United States Bureau of Ethnology as archaeologist since 1882, and was the author of various works on the Cherokees and Shawnees, on the Indians of North America in general, and especially on Maya and Mexican manuscripts and archaeology.

Professor Paul S. Reinsch of the University of Wisconsin is to be the Theodore Roosevelt professor of American history and institutions in the University of Berlin for the year 1911-1912. He will lecture upon the subject of the Expansion of the United States. Meanwhile Professor Ernst Daenell will be Kaiser Wilhelm professor at Columbia University.

Professor Frank G. Bates of the University of Kansas has accepted the position of librarian of the Rhode Island Historical Society, and is also to give courses in Brown University during the coming year.

Mr. J. Nelson Norwood has been elected associate professor of history and political science at Alfred University, and begins work there this autumn.

Assistant Professor Robert M. McElroy of Princeton University has been made professor of American history.

Professor William R. Manning of George Washington University will hereafter be associate professor of history in the University of Texas.

Dr. Edgar H. McNeal of the Ohio State University has leave of absence for the academic year 1910-1911.


The Berlin Historical Society has just brought out the thirty-first issue of the Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissenschaft (Berlin, Weidmann, 1910, pp. 259, 483, 427, 300), being the volume for 1908, edited by Dr. Georg Schuster. The portions of history which have their turn for bibliographical treatment in this volume are the histories of Egypt, Persia, Greece, and Rome, Germany under the Carolingians, the Ottos and the Salian emperors, and in 1648-1740 and 1815-1908, several German states, Austria, Hungary, Venetia, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, the Byzantine Empire, the Crusades, China, Japan, Canada, medieval France, and medieval Denmark and Norway. General Kulturgeschichte and early and medieval church history are also dealt with. United States history, together with that of most of the other countries not named above, remains over for later volumes.

A new treatise on historical method appears from the house of Weidmann in Berlin-Gustaf Wolf's Einführung in das Studium der neueren

Geschichte (1910, pp. xxvi, 793). As the title indicates, the author, in view of the special reference of the older books to the problems of medieval research, aims to deal especially with those pertaining to modern history. M. Paul Darmstaedtèr (Revue Historique, July-August), while speaking in the highest terms of the work, calls attention to the singular fact that practically no attention is given to American history or American historical labor. After an introduction dealing mainly with the modern development of historical study, the author treats his material in two books under the titles Die Tradition and Die Überreste. The former has the following subdivisions: "Die technischen Voraussetzungen für die Entwickelung der neuzeitlichen Geschichtschreibung " (Postwesen, Buchdruckerkunst, Buchhandel, Bibliothekswesen); "Geschichtsschreiber als Geschichtsquelle"; "Das Zeitungswesen"; "Die Memoiren"; "Enzyklopedien", etc. The latter book is divided into "Arten der Akten"; "Geschichte eines einzelnen Aktenstuckes" (here archives are dealt with); "Aktenpublikationen ". It is evident that if the work is well done this treatise will be of great usefulness.

In the History Teachers' Magazine for September the most important article is one on the preparation of the teacher of history in high schools, by Mr. Haven W. Edwards, of the high school of Oakland, California.

Band XIII., heft 1, of the Quellen und Forschungen aus Italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken of the Royal Prussian Historical Institute in Rome has been issued. The Jahresbericht of the society bears witness to much activity and the volume contains some solid studies, particularly that by Philip Hiltebrandt, " Die Römische Kurie und die Protestanten in der Pfalz, in Schlesien, Polen und Salzburg". The Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique gives in its April issue, pp. 427-429, detailed information. concerning the activities of the various foreign schools of historical research at Rome.

Father H. Holzapfel's Manuale Historiae Ordinis Fratrum Minorum (Freiburg i. B., Herder, 1909, pp. xxii, 662), a work prepared at the instance of the minister general of the Franciscans, is recommended by the highest scholarly Franciscan authority as a standard general manual of the history of the order. We have already mentioned (XV. 202) the German version.

The representatives of Kulturgeschichte in Germany are at present suffering from an unusually acute attack of internal dissension as to the nature and scope of their work. While W. Goetz and G. Steinhausen have been engaging in sharp but polite discussion, both seem ready to join with Lamprecht's older enemies in less politely assailing him and his "Leipziger Institut "; they are ready to charge him apparently not only with views so erroneous as to be dangerous to society, but with serious pedagogical delinquencies. The views of Professor Goetz will be found in the Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, VIII. 1, and a reply from Lamprecht, with a rejoinder by Goetz, ibid., VIII. 2.

Before the end of the year 1909 two new journals for the study of prehistoric man began publication simultaneously in Germany. One, the Prähistorische Zeitschrift, is the organ of the Berlin and the German societies for anthropology, ethnology, and Urgeschichte, of the administration of the royal museums, etc. It is edited by C. Schuchardt of Berlin, K. Schumacher of Mainz, and H. Seger of Breslau, and is published in Berlin. The other is entitled Mannus (Würzburg, Curt Kabitzsch), is edited by Professor Gustaf Kossinna of Berlin, and is the organ of him and his followers of the Gesellschaft für Vorgeschichte. It opens with an able but acrimonious article by him on the "Indogermanic question" considered from the point of view of archaeology. It appears that the "Indogermans" set out from western Europe, that all the dicta of comparative philologians upon the question hitherto have been worthless (hinfälliges Kartenhaus), and that the kleine Schreiergruppe der Nichtethnologen are actuated either by ignorance or by obstinate unwillingness to learn. Professor Oscar Montelius follows with an article on the cross as a pre-Christian emblem, M. Devoir with one on prehistoric astronomy in western Europe and calculations of the antiquity of certain monuments through reasonings based on the precession of the equinoxes.

The Mittheilungen des Instituts für Oesterreichische Geschichtsforschung, band XXXI., heft 2, is accompanied as Beiblatt by no. 3 of the Kunstgeschichtliche Anzeigen, devoted to reviews of important publications of 1909 in the field of the history of art.

In Organismic Theories of the State (Columbia University Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law, vol. XXXVIII., no. 2, pp. 209) Dr. F. W. Croker considers in the order of their development those interpretations of the state as organism or as person which have been published during the nineteenth century.

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: C. G. Picavet, Commentateurs et Adversaires du Matérialisme Historique (Revue de Synthèse Historique, April); G. Caro, Zur Quellenkunde der Wirtschaftsgeschichte (Deutsche Geschichtsblätter, XI. 5); P. Lacombe, L'Appropriation Privée du Sol (Revue de Synthèse Historique, April).


Greek Archaeology, by Professors Harold N. Fowler and James R. Wheeler (New York, American Book Company, 1909, pp. 559, 412 figures), is a comprehensive survey of the whole subject, recommended as a standard general introduction.

Mr. Richard B. Seager's Excavations on the Island of Pseira (Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, 1910, pp. 38, with plates and a folding map) describes the results of excavations carried through upon an island two miles off the coast of Crete, on which the ruins of a Minoan town were discovered.

The Bulletin of the Archaeological Institute of America for May (I. 3) announces the grant to the institute of a firman for excavation in Cyrene. This undertaking is due to the initiative of the late Professor Charles Eliot Norton; fifteen thousand dollars a year for three years is now provided for it, and the work is placed under the direction of A. V. Armour, A. Fairbanks, and D. G. Hogarth. This Bulletin reprints. the presidential address delivered at the first general meeting of the institute, in December, 1899, by its founder Professor Norton.

In the Revue Archéologique, January-February, 1910, G. Ferrero and C. Jullian present opposing views of the date of the annexation of Gaul, the former pronouncing for 57-56 B. C., and the latter defending the older date 51-50.

The Macmillan Company will issue this autumn The Influence of Wealth in Imperial Rome, by Professor William S. Davis.

Messrs. Weidmann of Berlin have issued a new edition of Ammianus Marcellinus, by Professor Charles U. Clark of Yale University, prepared under the direction of the Prussian Academy. The first volume gives the text; the second, which is promised shortly, will contain an elaborate index and a full discussion of the manuscripts.

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: W. Manilius, Das stehende Heer der Assyrerkönige und seine Organisation (Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, IV. 1, 2); F. Delitzsch, Ashurbanipal und die Assyrische Kultur seiner Zeit (Altes Orient, XI. 1); Alfred Loisy, La Notion du Sacrifice dans l'Antiquité Israélite (Revue d'Histoire et de Littérature Religieuses, 1910, 1); G. W. Botsford, Constitution and. Politics of the Boeotian League (Political Science Quarterly, June); K. Witte, Über die Form der Darstellung in Livius Geschichtswerk (Rheinisches Museum, LXV. 2); J. Declareuil, Quelques Problèmes d'Histoire des Institutions Municipales au Temps de l'Empire Romain, VII. (Nouvelle Revue Historique de Droit Français et Étranger, XXXIV. 2); Franz Cumont, La Propagation du Manichéisme dans l'Empire Romain (Revue d'Histoire et de Littérature Religieuses, 1910, 1).


In its Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum the Vienna Academy has issued as volume LIV. (pp. vi, 708) the first part of the Epistles of St. Jerome, clearly edited by Dr. Isidor Hilberg and including epistles 1-70. The second volume, epp. 70-120, is promised for next year. The index and prolegomena, completing the work, will follow two years later.

Tom. XXIX., fasc. 1, 2, of the Analecta Bollandiana gives a summary (pp. 1-116) of "Le Légendier de Pierre Calo", with an historical introduction and an index. The introduction explains that the légendier is the more elaborate of the two sorts of medieval hagiographical collections, the other being the martyrology, and that this latter (in

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