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tion, the local board shall mail a Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100) to each registrant to whom it has not previously mailed such questionnaire in strict accordance with the dates of birth of the registrants of the local board, in chronological order, commencing with the registrant having the earliest date of birth. When a late registrant registers after his date of birth has been reached in the mailing of Classification Questionnaires (SSS Form No. 100), or when the Registration Card (SSS Form No. 1) of a registrant is received late and after such date has been so reached, a Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100) shall be mailed immediately to such registrant and he shall thereafter be considered in the sequence of liability in which he would have been considered had he registered, or his Registration Card (SSS Form No. 1) been received, on time. Classification Questionnaires (SSS Form No. 100) shall be mailed as rapidly as possible, consistent with the ability of the local board to give them prompt consideration upon their return.

(b) Before a Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100) is mailed, it shall be prepared by filling in all blanks on page 1.

(c) The date upon which the Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100) is mailed shall be entered on the Cover Sheet (SSS Form No. 101) and on the Classification Record (SSS Form No. 102).

(d) If the local board determines from information available to it and to its full and complete satisfaction that a registrant may be classified properly without such form, the local board need not mail a Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100) to a registrant who registers after a separation from active service in the armed forces of the United States, but in each such case the local board shall place in the registrant's Cover Sheet (SSS Form No. 101) a memorandum of the information upon which the determination was based.

(e) The local board shall not mail a Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100) to a registrant who has not attained the age of nineteen years.

(f) The local board shall mail a Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100) to a registrant as soon as he reaches the nineteenth anniversary of the day of his birth if his date of birth has been

reached by the local board in the mailing of such form.

§ 621.10 Time allowed to return questionnaire. (a) Unless the local board grants an extension of time as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the registrant shall complete and return his Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100) within 10 days after the date on which it is mailed to him.

(b) If the registrant has a valid reason, the local board may grant him an extension of time for returning the Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100).

§ 621.11 Special form for conscientious objector. A registrant who claims to be a conscientious objector shall offer information in substantiation of his claim on a Special Form for Conscientious Objector (SSS Form No. 150) which, when filed, shall become a part of his Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100). The local board, upon request, shall furnish to any person claiming to be a conscientious objector a copy of such Special Form for Conscientious Objector (SSS Form No. 150).

§ 621.12 Claims for, or information relating to, deferment. (a) The registrant shall be entitled to present all written information which he believes to be necessary to assist the local board in determining his proper classification. Such information should be included in or attached to the Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100) and may include any documents, affidavits, or depositions. The affidavits and depositions shall be as concise and brief as possible.

(b) Any person other than the registrant may request the deferment of a registrant by filing such request in writing with the local board together with any information in support of his request. Such information may include any documents, affidavits, or depositions supporting the request. The affidavits and depositions shall be as concise and brief as possible.

§ 621.13 Inadequate questionnaire. When a registrant's Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100) omits needed information, contains material errors, or shows that the registrant failed to understand the questions, the local board may return the Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100) to the registrant for correction and com 1948 provides that every male citizen of the United States, and every other male person residing in the United States, who is between the ages of 19 and 26, shall be liable for training and service in the armed forces of the United States. Certain exemptions and deferments are specifically provided; others are authorized to be provided by regulations promulgated by the President.

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§ 621.15 Subpena power of local board. To the extent necessary for carrying out its functions, the local board shall have authority (a) to subpena any person to appear before it, (b) to direct such person to produce such papers and records as may be deemed necessary, and (c) to require him to testify, under oath, in regard to any pertinent matter within his knowledge. It shall be the duty of any person subpenaed to appear, to produce the papers and records described in the subpena, and to testify. The local board shall use for the purpose a Subpena to Witness to Appear Before Local Board (SSS Form No. 161). The original of such a subpena shall be served upon the individual who is required to appear as a witness. Such service may be made by any person who is 21 years of age or over, and it shall be made in the manner provided by the law of the State in which the subpena is served. Any person subpenaed may be compelled to appear and testify before the local board in the same manner as persons subpenaed by a court of the United States may be compelled to appear and testify in proceedings before such court. The local board may apply to a court of the United States for summary aid to compel a person within its jurisdiction who has failed or refused to testify to appear before such local board, to produce such papers and records as may be deemed necessary, or to testify.


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General principles of classification.


622.2 The five classes.



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Class 1

Class I-A: Available for military service.

Class I-A-O: Conscientious objector available for noncombatant military service.

Class I-C: Member of the armed forces of the United States, the Coast Guard, the Coast and Geodetic Survey or the Public Health Service, and certain registrants separated therefrom.

Class I-D: Member of reserve component or student taking military training.

Class II

Class II-A: Registrant deferred because of civilian occupation (except agriculture).

Necessary employment defined. Length of deferments in Class II-A. General rules for classification in Class II-A.

Class II-C: Registrant deferred because of agricultural occupation. Length of deferments in Class II-C.

Class III

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(b) Classification is the key to selection and it must be accomplished in the spirit of the Selective Service Act of 1948 in which the Congress has declared "that in a free society the obligations and privileges of serving in the armed forces and the reserve components thereof should be shared generally, in accordance with a system of selection which is fair and just, and which is consistent with the maintenance of an effective national economy."

(c) It is the local board's responsibility to decide, subject to appeal, the class in which each registrant shall be placed. Each registrant between the ages of 19 and 26 will be considered as available for military service until his status in a deferred or exempt classification is clearly established to the satisfaction of the local board. The local board will receive and consider all information, pertinent to the classification of a registrant, presented to it. The mailing by the local board of a Classification Questionnaire (SSS Form No. 100) to the latest address furnished by a registrant shall be notice to the registrant that unless information is presented to the local board, within the time specified for the return of the questionnaire, which will justify a deferred classification the registrant will be classified in Class I-A.

(d) In classifying a registrant there shall be no discrimination for or against him because of his race, creed, or color, or because of his membership or activity in any labor, political, religious, or other organization. Each such registrant shall receive equal justice.

§622.2 The five classes. Each registrant shall be classified in one of five main classes as follows:

Class I: Available for military service. Members of the armed forces, the Coast Guard, the Coast and Geodetic Survey or the Public Health Service. Members of reserve components or students taking military training.

Class II: Deferred because of occupational status.

Class III: Deferred because of dependency.

Class IV: Deferred specifically by law or because unfit for military service.

Class V: Over the age of liability for military service.

§622.3 Subclasses. The five main classes are further divided into subclasses as follows:

Class I

Class I-A: Available for military service. Class I-A-O: Conscientious objector avail

able for noncombatant service only.

Class I-C: Member of the armed forces of the United States, the Coast Guard, the Coast and Geodetic Survey or the Public Health Service.

Class I-D: Member of reserve component or student taking military training.

Class II

Class II-A: Deferred because of civilian employment (except agriculture).

Class II-C: Deferred because of employment in agriculture.

Class III

Class III-A: Deferred because of dependents.

Class IV

Class IV-A: Registrant who has completed service; sole surviving son. Class IV-B: Official deferred by law.

Class IV-D: Minister of religion or divinity student.

Class IV-E: Conscientious objector opposed to both combatant and noncombatant military service.

Class IV-F: Physically, mentally or morally unfit.

Class V

Class V-A: Registrant over the age of liability for military service.

Class I

§ 622.5 Class I-A: Available for military service. (a) In Class I-A shall be placed every registrant who is not eligible for classification in Class I-C and has failed to establish to the satisfaction of the local board, subject to appeal hereinafter provided, that he is eligible for classification in another class.

(b) Any registrant who has been classified in Class I-A, whose induction has been postponed for any reason, shall be identified in all records by following his classification with the abbreviation "P" in the manner provided in § 622.25.

§ 622.6 Class I-A-O: Conscientious objector available for noncombatant military service. (a) In Class I-A-O shall be placed every registrant who would have been classified in Class I-A but for the fact that he has been found, by reason of religious training and belief, to be conscientiously opposed to combatant training and service in the armed forces.

(b) Section 6 (j) of title I of the Selective Service Act of 1948 provides in part as follows: "Religious training and belief in this connection means an individual's belief in a relation to a Supreme Being involving duties superior to those arising from any human relation, but does not include essentially political, sociological, or philosophical views or a merely personal moral code."

(c) Any registrant who has been classified in Class I-A-O, whose induction has been postponed for any reason, shall be identified in all records by following his classification with the abbreviation "P" in the manner provided in § 622.25.

§622.7 Class I-C: Member of the armed forces of the United States, the Coast Guard, the Coast and Geodetic Survey or the Public Health Service, and certain registrants separated therefrom. In Class I-C shall be placed:

(a) Every registrant who is, or who by enlistment, or appointment becomes a commissioned officer, a warrant officer, a pay clerk, an enlisted man or an aviation cadet of the Regular Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the Coast and Geodetic Survey or the Public Health Service.

(b) Every registrant who is a cadet, United States Military Academy; or a midshipman, United States Navy; or a cadet, United States Coast Guard Academy.

(c) Every registrant who by induction becomes a member of the Army of the United States, the United States Navy, the United States Marine Corps, or the Air Force of the United States.

(d) Every registrant who is a member of a reserve component of the armed forces, the Coast Guard, or the Public Health Service, and who is on active duty (exclusive of periods for training only).

(e) Every registrant who has been inducted into the armed forces under the provisions of the Selective Service Act of 1948 and who has been separated therefrom by honorable discharge or discharge under honorable conditions, or by an equivalent type of release from service, or who has been transferred to a reserve component of the armed forces. Each such registrant who has been transferred to a reserve component of the

armed forces shall be identified with the abbreviation "Res." in the manner provided in § 622.28, and every other such registrant shall be identified with the abbreviation "Disc." in the manner provided in § 622.27, and upon attaining an age beyond the maximum age of liability for military service under the provisions of the selective service law, all such registrants shall be reclassified in Class V-A.

(f) Every registrant who has enlisted in the armed forces under the provisions of section 4 (c) or section 4 (g) of the Selective Service Act of 1948 and (1) who has been separated therefrom by honorable discharge or discharge under honorable conditions or by an equivalent type of release from service, or (2) who has been so separated and transferred to a reserve component of the armed forces, or (3) who has been transferred to a reserve component of the armed forces. Each such registrant who has been transferred to a reserve component of the armed forces shall be identified with the abbreviation "Res." in the manner provided in § 622.28, and every other such registrant shall be identified with the abbreviation "Disc." in the manner provided in § 622.27, and upon attaining an age beyond the maximum age of liability for military service under the provisions of the selective service law, all such registrants shall be reclassified in Class V-A.

§622.8 Class I-D: Member of reserve component or student taking military training. (a) In Class I-D shall be placed any registrant who served honorably on active duty between September 16, 1940, and June 24, 1948, for a period of 90 days or more but less than 12 months in the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the Public Health Service, or the armed forces of any country allied with the United States in World War II prior to September 2, 1945, when such period of active duty does not include a period in excess of 90 days between December 7, 1941, and September 2, 1945, if

(1) The local board determines that he is regularly enlisted or commissioned in any organized unit of a reserve component of the armed force (or the Coast Guard) in which he served, provided such unit is reasonably accessible to such person without unduly interrupting his normal pursuits and activities (including attendance at a college or university in which he is regularly enrolled), or in a reserve component (other than in an organized unit) of such armed force or the Coast Guard in any case in which enlistment or commission in an organized unit of a reserve component of such armed force or the Coast Guard is not available to him; or

(2) The local board determines that enlistment or commission in a reserve component of such armed force or the Coast Guard is not available to him or that he has voluntarily enlisted or accepted appointment in an organized unit of a reserve component of an armed force other than the armed force in which he served or in the Coast Guard.

(b) For the purposes of computation of the periods of active duty referred to in paragraph (a) of this section, no credit shall be allowed for

(1) Periods of active duty training performed as a member of a reserve component pursuant to an order or call to active duty solely for training purposes;

(2) Periods of active duty in which the service consisted solely of training under the Army specialized training program, the Army Air Force college training program, or any similar program under the jurisdiction of the Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard;

(3) Periods of active duty as a cadet at the United States Military Academy or United States Coast Guard Academy, or as a midshipman at the United States Naval Academy, or in a preparatory school after nomination as a principal, alternate, or candidate for admission to any such academies; or

(4) Periods of active duty in any of the armed forces while being processed for entry into or separation from any educational program or institution referred to in subparagraphs (2) or (3) of this paragraph.

(c) In Class I-D shall be placed any registrant who on June 24, 1948, was a member of an organized unit of the federally recognized National Guard, the federally recognized Air National Guard, the Officers' Reserve Corps, the Regular Army Reserve, the Air Force Reserve, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, the Naval Reserve, the Marine Corps Reserve, the Coast Guard Reserve, or the Public Health Service Reserve, so long as he continues to be such member and satisfactorily participates in scheduled drills and training periods as prescribed by the Secretary of Defense.

(d) In Class I-D shall be placed any registrant who prior to attaining the age of 18 years and 6 months enlisted or accepted appointment in any organized unit of the National Guard in any case in which the Governor of the State has determined and has issued a proclamation to the effect that the organized strength of such organized unit of the National Guard of his State cannot be maintained by enlistment or appointment of persons referred to in paragraph (a) of this section, or persons who are not liable for training and service under the Selective Service Act of 1948. Such registrant shall be retained in Class I-D so long as he continues to serve satisfactorily as a member of such organized unit.

(e) In Class I-D shall be placed any registrant who on June 24, 1948, was enrolled in the advanced course, senior division, Reserve Officers' Training Corps, or the Air Reserve Officers' Training Corps, or was a member of the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps entered upon the junior or senior year, or was a midshipman, United States Naval Reserve. Such registrant shall be retained in Class I-D until the completion or termination of the course of instruction and so long as he continues in a regular or reserve status upon being commissioned.

(f) In Class I-D shall be placed any registrant who on or after June 24, 1948, has been selected for enrollment or continuance in the senior division, Reserve Officers' Training Corps, or the Air Reserve Officers' Training Corps, or the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps, or who, on or after June 24, 1948, was appointed a midshipman United States Naval Reserve, and who has agreed, in writing, to accept a commission if tendered and to serve, subject to call by the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Air Force, or the Secretary of the Navy, respectively, not less than two years on active duty after receipt of a commission. Such registrant shall be retained in Class I-D until after completion or termination of the course of instruction and so long as he continues in a regular or reserve status upon being commissioned.

(g) In Class I-D shall be placed any registrant who is a fully qualified and accepted aviation cadet applicant of the Army, Navy, or Air Force, who has signed an agreement of service and is within such numbers as have been designated by

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