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Examination for reappointment. Physical examination for reappointment.




Reappointment of officers who are or have been in a retired status.

21.126 Establishment of promotion regis

21.127 Recommendation for promotion. 21.128 Graded positions.

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General Provisions


Orders of superior officers.
Officer in charge; designation.
Officer in temporary charge; desig-

Officer in temporary charge; author-

21.266 Official correspondence.

21.267 Furnishing information.

21.268 Letters of recommendation.

21.269 Outside employment.

21.270 Reporting when detailed. 21.271


21.272 Summary punishment. 21.273

Leave of absence during pendency of charges.

21.184 Retirement of officers in the senior


21.185 Retirement boards; appointment of. 21.186 Referral of records to retirement


21.187 Powers and duties of retirement


21.188 Subsequent review of record.
21.189 Prescription of numbers for retire-

21.190 Action by the Surgeon General and
the Administrator.

21.274 Grievances.

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§ 21.1 Meaning of terms. As used in this part, the term:

(a) "Act" means the Public Health Service Act, 58 Stat. 682, as now or hereafter amended.

(b) "Administrator" means the Federal Security Administrator.

(c) "Agency" means the Federal Security Agency.

(d) "Service" means the Public Health Service.

(e) "Surgeon General" means the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service or such other officer of the Service to whom the Surgeon General delegates any of the authority conferred herein.

(f) "Commissioned officer" or "officer", unless otherwise indicated, means

both an officer of the Regular Corps and an officer of the Reserve Corps. (Sec. 215, 58 Stat. 690; 42 U. S. C. 216)


AUTHORITY: §§ 21.11 to 21.13, inclusive, issued under sec. 215, 58 Stat. 690; 42 U. S. C. 216. Additional authority is noted in parenthesis following sections affected.

§ 21.11 Oficers other than medical oficers. The titles of officers, other than medical officers, in the junior assistant, assistant, senior assistant, full, and senior grades shall be "dental surgeon", "sanitary engineer", "pharmacist", "nurse officer", "scientist", "dietitian", "therapist", "sanitarian", "veterinarian", or a similar term descriptive of the specialty of such class of officers. The titles of officers, other than medical officers, in the director grade shall be the term "director" preceded by the term "dental", "sanitary engineer", "pharmacist", "nurse", "scientist", "dietitian", "therapist", "sanitarian", "veterinarian", or a simliar descriptive term. The titles of officers, other than medical officers, in the grade of Assistant Surgeon General shall be "Assistant Surgeon General", except that following such title there shall be added a parenthetical identification, such as "dental" or "sanitary engineer". (Sec. 206 (b), 58 Stat. 685; 42 U. S. C. 207 (b))

§ 21.12 Designation of specialties. Scientist officers and other officers having generally descriptive titles, in using their titles in correspondence outside the Agency and in the programs of scientific meetings, may designate their specialties in parentheses following their names and titles, as, for example, Richard Roe, Senior Scientist (Entomologist). (Sec. 206 (b), 58 Stat. 685; 42 U. S. C. 207 (b))

§ 21.13 Military titles. An officer in uniform may use, for purposes of identification and address, the military or naval title of rank corresponding to the grade markings worn. An officer detailed for duty with the Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, or Coast and Geodetic Survey may use in official correspondence the title of military or naval rank corresponding to the grade markings worn, as, for example, Richard Roe, Major, U. S. P. H. S., or Richard Roe, Lieutenant Commander, U. S. P. H. S.


AUTHORITY: §§ 21.21 to 21.59, inclusive, issued under sec. 215, 58 Stat. 690, sec. 208, 58 Stat. 685, as amended by sec. 5, Pub. Law 425, 80th Cong., 62 Stat. 40; 42 U. S. C. 216, 209.

Provisions Applicable Both to Regular and Reserve Corps


§21.21 Meaning of terms. The term "approved" as used in this subpart in connection with "school", "college", "postgraduate school", "training course" means, except as otherwise provided by law, a school, college, postgraduate school, or training course which has been accredited or approved by a professional body or bodies acceptable to the Surgeon General for such purpose, or which, in the absence of such a body, meets generally accepted professional standards as determined by the Surgeon General.

§ 21.22 Submission of application and evidence of qualifications-(a) Application form. Every candidate for examination for appointment as an officer shall submit a written application on such form as may be prescribed by the Surgeon General.

(b) Documentary evidence and photograph. The application shall be accompanied by: (1) Documentary evidence of (i) date and place of birth (birth certificate if obtainable); (ii) completion of educational and professional training; (iii) United States citizenship in the case of an applicant of foreign birth; and (iv) current registration as a graduate nurse under a nurse practice act of a State, Territory, or the District of Columbia in the case of a nurse; (2) such other documentary evidence as may be required by the Surgeon General, and (3) a recent photograph.

§21.23 False statements as disqualification. Willfully false statements shall be cause for rejection of the application or, as provided in Subpart N, for dismissal.

§ 21.24 Physical examinations. Every candidate for appointment as an officer shall undergo such physical examination as the Surgeon General may direct, and no candidate who is not found to be physically qualified shall be appointed as an officer.

§21.25 Eligibility; junior assistant grade-(a) Requirements; all candidates. Except as provided in § 21.54 and as otherwise provided in this section, every candidate for examination for appointment in the grade of junior assistant:

(1) Shall be a citizen of the United States;

(2) Shall be at least 18 years of age;



(3) Shall have been granted academic or professional degree from an approved school, college, or postgraduate school, and, unless the required professional training has been otherwise obtained from an approved school, college, or postgraduate school, shall have majored in the profession in which the examination is being held.

(b) Additional requirement; nurse officers. Every candidate for examination for appointment as a nurse officer shall be currently registered as a graduate nurse under a nurse practice act of a State, Territory, or the District of Columbia.

(c) Special requirement; therapists. Every candidate for examination for appointment as a therapist shall have received a certificate from an approved school of physical therapy or an approved school of occupational therapy.

(d) Temporary substitute for academic or professional degree; nurse officers and therapists. Every candidate who applies for examination for appointment as a nurse officer or therapist in the junior assistant grade prior to January 1, 1949 and who has received subsequent to July 1, 1943, a certificate in his profession from an approved school, may substitute such certificate for the requirement of an academic or professional degree. In the case of a candidate for examination for appointment as a nurse officer, the certificate which may be substituted for the requirement of an academic or professional degree shall have been granted by a State-accredited school of nursing connected with a hospital having a daily census of not less than 50, and offering adequate nursing experience in medicine, surgery, pediatrics, and obstetrics at the time of graduation of the candidate.

§ 21.26 Eligibility; assistant grade(a) Requirements; all candidates. Except as otherwise provided in this section, every candidate for examination for appointment in the grade of assistant:

(1) Shall meet the requirements for eligibility for examination for appointment in the grade of junior assistant;

(2) Shall be at least 21 years of age; and

(3) Shall have had at least 7 years of educational and professional training or

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(c) Temporary substitute for academic degree; nurse officers and therapists. Every candidate who has received subsequent to July 1, 1943, a certificate in his profession from an approved school, who applies for examination for appointment as a nurse officer or therapist in the assistant grade prior to January 1, 1953, and who has had, during the five years immediately prior to the date of such application, 4 years or more of experience as a nurse, physical therapist, or occupational therapist in the Army, Navy, or Public Health Service with a satisfactory record of active service, may substitute such certificate and experience for the requirement of an academic degree.

(d) Temporary substitute for dietetic internship; dietitians. Every candidate who applies for examination for appointment as a dietitian in the assistant grade prior to January 1, 1949, who has had, prior to such date, 3 years or more of experience as a dietitian and who has received an academic degree from an approved college with a major in foods and nutrition or institutional management in the field of dietetics, may substitute such education and experience for the requirement of successful completion of an approved training course for dietetic interns.

§ 21.27 Eligibility; senior assistant grade. Every candidate for examination for appointment in the grade of senior assistant shall meet the requirements for eligibility for examination for appointment in the grade of assistant and shall have completed at least 10 years of educational and professional training or experience subsequent to high school.

§ 21.28 Eligibility; grades above senior assistant grade. Every candidate for examination for appointment in grades above that of senior assistant shall meet the requirements for eligibility for ex

amination for appointment in the grade of senior assistant. Candidates for examination for appointment in the full, senior, or director grade shall have completed at least 7, 14, or 15 additional years, respectively, of postgraduate professional training or experience. When officers of the Service are unavailable for the performance of duties requiring highly specialized training and experience in special fields related to public health, the Surgeon General may specify that a candidate for appointment to the Regular Corps with such highly specialized training and experience shall be examined for appointment in the full or senior grade upon completion of at least 5 or 12 additional years, respectively, of postgraduate professional training or experience, except that the total number of such appointments during a fiscal year shall not exceed three.

§ 21.29 Eligibility; all grades; асаdemic and professional education and professional training and experience. The Surgeon General is authorized, subject to the other provisions of this subpart, to adopt additional standards by which the education, training, and experience required under this subpart, and evidence thereof, shall be of such specific kind and quality, pertinent to the particular profession concerned, as in his judgment are necessary to limit the examination to qualified candidates.

§ 21.30 Boards; appointment of; powers and duties. The Surgeon General shall from time to time appoint boards and subboards of officers to consider the qualifications of candidates for appointment as officers, and shall refer to such boards the applications of those candidates who are eligible for examination for appointment. Such boards and subboards shall consist of three or more officers, the majority of whom, so far as practicable, shall be of the same profession as the candidate. The Surgeon General shall prescribe the duties of boards and subboards in relation to the examination process not otherwise prescribed in this subpart.

§ 21.31 General service. Officers shall be appointed only to general service and shall be subject to change of station.

§21.32 Certification by candidate; requirement of new physical examination. If a candidate for appointment in the Regular Corps or an officer of the Reserve Corps on inactive service has

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