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In computing the maximum amount of forfeiture in dollars and cents (see forms of sentences, App. 9) the base pay of the soldier (of the reduced grade if the sentence carries a reduction) plus pay for length of service (and overseas pay if no confinement is adjudged) will be taken as the basis. The term "base pay" comprehends no element of pay other than the minimum base pay of the grade or class within grade as fixed by statute and does not include extra pay for any special qualifications or for special duties performed, such as flying pay or pay incident to qualification as a combat infantryman. Unless dishonorable or bad conduct discharge is adjudged the monthly contribution of a soldier to family allowance will be excluded in computing the amount of pay subject to forfeiture. In computing time of absence without leave any one continuous period of absence found that totals not more than 24 hours is counted as a day; any such period found that totals more than 24 hours and not more than 48 hours is counted as two days, and so on. The hours of departure and return on different dates are assumed to be the same if both are not found.

In determining the maximum punishment for two or more separate and distinct, but like, offenses against property, values as found in different specifications can not be aggregated.

Bad conduct discharge may be adjudged upon conviction of any offense for which dishonorable discharge is authorized in the table.

Immediately upon a declaration of war subsequent to the effective date of this manual the prescribed limitations on punishment for violations of Articles of War 58, 59, 61, 64 and 86 will be automatically suspended and will not apply until the formal termination of such war or until restored by Executive order prior to such formal termination.1

1 NOTE: The limitations upon punishments for violations of Articles of War 58, 59 and 86 were suspended until further orders, as to offenses committed after February 3, 1942, by Executive Order No. 9048, February 3, 1942. The limitations upon punishments for absence without leave from command, guard, quarters, station, or camp in violation of Article of War 61 were suspended until further order, as to offenses committed after December 1, 1942, by Executive Order No. 9267, November 9, 1942. Executive Order No. 9683, January 19, 1946, terminated the suspensions of limitations upon punishments for violations of Articles of War 58, 59, 61 and 86 as to offenses committed after January 19, 1946, except offenses committed in occupied enemy territory. Executive Order No. 9772, August 24, 1946, terminated the suspensions of limitations upon punishments for offenses committed after August 24, 1946 in occupied enemy territory. Nothing contained in this manual or the order of its promulgation is to be construed as altering the effect of the foregoing Executive orders.

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60 days.....

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83 Suffering, through neglect, military
property to be damaged, lost,
spoiled, or wrongfully disposed of:
Of a value of $20 or less...

Of a value of $50 or less and more

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84 Injuring or losing, through neglect,
horse, arms, ammunition, accouter-
ments, equipment, clothing, or
other property issued for use in the
military service, or items belonging
to two or more of said classes:

Of a value of $20 or less...

Of a value of $50 or less and more
than $20......

Of a value of more than $50...
Injuring or losing, willfully, horse,
arms, ammunition, accouterments,
equipment, clothing, or other
property issued for use in the mili-
tary service, or items belonging to
two or more of said classes:

Of a value of $20 or less..

Of a value of $50 or less and more
than $20...

Of a value of more than $50......
Selling or otherwise wrongfully dis-
posing of horse, arms, ammunition,
accouterments, equipment, cloth-
ing, or other property issued for
use in the military service, or items
belonging to two or more of said

Of a value of $20 or less....
Of a value of $50 or less and more

than $20-----

Of a value of more than $50.

85 Found drunk:

At formation for, or on a duty other
than those specified below..

86 Found sleeping or drunk on post,

Leaving post before regularly relieved from, sentinel..

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62 Using contemptuous or disrespectful words against the President, Vice President, etc....

63 Behaving with disrespect toward his
superior officer...

64 Willful disobedience of the lawful
order of a commissioned officer in
the execution of his office...
Striking, drawing, or lifting up any
weapon or offering any violence to a
superior officer in the execution
of his office....

65 Attempting to strike or attempting
otherwise to assault a warrant offi-
cer or a noncommissioned officer in
the execution of his office...

Behaving in an insubordinate or dis-
respectful manner toward a war-
rant officer or a noncommissioned
officer in the execution of his office.
Willful disobedience of the lawful or-
der of a warrant officer or a non-
commissioned officer in the execu
tion of his office...

Striking or otherwise assaulting a
warrant officer or a noncommis-
sioned officer in the execution of his

Threatening to strike or otherwise as-
sault, or using other threatening
language toward a warrant officer
or a noncommissioned officer in the
execution of his office....

65 Using insulting language toward a
warrant officer or a noncommis-
sioned officer in the execution of
his office..

58 Drawing a weapon upon a warrant
officer or noncommissioned officer
quelling a quarrel, fray, or disorder.
Refusing to obey a warrant officer or
noncommissioned officer quelling a
quarrel, fray, or disorder

Threatening a warrant officer or non-
commissioned officer quelling a
quarrel, fray, or disorder

Escaping from confinement..
73 Releasing, without proper authority,
a prisoner committed to his charge.
Suffering a prisoner committed to his
charge to escape:

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69 Breach of arrest...

Through design..

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96 Assault, aggravated-Continued
Upon a commissioned officer,
knowing him to be such, not
in the execution of his office:
a commissioned officer of a
friendly foreign power, know-
ing him to be such, a commis-
sioned officer of the Air Force,
Coast Guard, or Navy, know-
ing him to be such...


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96 Drunk and disorderly under such
circumstances as to bring discredit
upon the military service....
Drunk in command, quarters, sta-
tion, or camp-----

Drunk under such circumstances as
to bring discredit upon the mili-
tary service....

Drunk, prisoner found..
Failing to obey a lawful order:
Of a superior officer
Of a noncommissioned officer.
Failing to pay a just debt under such
circumstances as to bring discredit
upon the military service..

False imprisonment.

False official report or statement
knowingly made:

By a noncommissioned officer....
By any other soldier....

False or unauthorized naval, military
or official pass, furlough, or dis-
charge certificate, making, alter-
ing, possessing, selling, or other-
wise disposing of.......

False swearing...
Fleeing from the scene of an accident.

By a noncommissioned officer
with a person of lower military
rank or grade...

In command, quarters, station,
or camp in violation of orders..
Impersonating an officer, noncom-
missioned officer, or agent of super-
ior authority:

Attempting to escape from confine

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Breach of restriction, punitive or ad

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Discharging a firearm, wrongfully
and willfully, under such circum-
stances as to endanger life......

Discharging, through carelessness,
a firearm..

Disorderly in command, quarters,
station, or camp

Disorderly under such circumstances
as to bring discredit upon the mili-
tary service......

Drinking liquor with prisoner....... Drunk and disorderly in command, quarters, station, or camp

Wrongful possession of marihu-
ana or such drug..
Introducing intoxicating liquor into
command, quarters, station, or
camp for sale in violation of orders.
Loaning money, either as principal
or agent, at a usurious rate of in-
terest to another in the military

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