Imágenes de páginas




Archbishop of Westminster.


Member of the Roman Academy of Letters.

With portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, $6.00.



By W. R. W. STEPHENS, B.D., Dean of Winchester, author of "The Life and Letters of Dean Hook," etc. With portraits, etc. 2 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, $7.00.

In the Press.

LIFE, LETTERS, AND WORKS OF LOUIS AGASSIZ. By JULES MARCOU. With illustrations. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, $4.00.


THE LETTERS OF MATTHEW ARNOLD. 1848-1888. Collected and arranged by GEORGE W. E. Russell. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, $3.00. (Uniform with Matthew Arnold's Complete Works.)

Second Edition.

Second Edition.


By GRACE KING, author of "Monsieur Motte," "Jean
Baptiste Le Moyne," etc. Profusely illustrated by
Frances E. Jones. Crown 8vo, cloth, $2.50.

ART. Considerations on Painting. Lectures given at the Metropolitan Museum of New York. By JOHN LA FARGE. Sq. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, $1.25.

A Sportsman and Naturalist in South Africa. A Sumptuously Illustrated D. ok.


By JOHN GUILLE MILLAIS, F.Z.S., author of "Game Birds and Shooting Sketches." Illustrated with 13 superb electro etchings, 12 full-page engravings, and upward of one hundred engravings in the text. Imp. 4to, bound in buckram, $25.00, net.

[blocks in formation]

MACMILLAN & CO., 66 Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK.

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Books for Sale......

Books Wanted











Business for Sale........

De Witt Publishing House..


Dillingham (Charles T.) & Co...



Dick & Fitzgerald.....

Fenno (R. F.) & Co....

Francis (D. G.) & Co....

Harison (W. B.)..

Help Wanted.....

Hessling (Bruno)..

Hollings (Frank).........

Jenkins (Wm. R.).....

Kay Printing House

Kellogg (A. H.)...

Lemcke & Buechner....
Lippincott (J. B.) Co.
Macmillan & Co.......

ROBERTS BROTHERS will publish on the 20th inst. a new edition of Renan's "Life of Jesus," for which the translation has been newly revised from the 23d and final edition; "Dante Gabriel Rossetti-his family letters," with a memoir by William Michael Rossetti, in two volumes, with ten portraits by D. G. Rossetti of himself and other members of his family; "The Entail, or, the Lairds of Grippy," by John Galt; "Cavalry in the Waterloo Campaign," by Lieutenant-General Sir Evelyn Wood, which forms the third volume in the Pall Mall Magazine Library; and "The Religion of Hope,' by Philip S. Moxom, author of "The Aim of Life."


HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & Co. have just ready in their Riverside Paper Series Mrs. Deland's novel, "Philip and His Wife." With this volume the series appears in an entirely new and attractive cover, the paper of which is a very tasteful and agreeable yellow, and the lettering is distinct and artistically simple. They announce that the third large edition of Browning's complete works will be ready at once. The demand for this remarkable work exhausted two editions very quickly; then the necessity of procuring from England a supply of the special paper on which this book is printed, and the great care required to bring out an edition in perfect form, prevented the appearance of the third edition in time for the large holiday demand.


MACMILLAN & Co. will publish shortly "The Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century," by Philip A. Bruce, corresponding secretary of the Virginia Historical Society and editor of the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography; the first part of a Handbook of Greek Sculpture," by Ernest 67 Gardner, formerly director of the British 64 School at Athens, which will form the first of a series of Handbooks of Archeology and An67 tiquities; and a work on Experimental Mor67 phology," by Charles B. Davenport, Instructor in Zoology at Harvard, which is intended to serve as an introduction and guide to the study 66 and development of the individual regarded as a complex of processes rather than a mere succession of different forms.





[ocr errors]



[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS will publish on 64 the 25th Eugene Field's last volume, "The 67 Love-Affairs of a Bibliomaniac," with an in67 troduction by Roswell Martin Field which con67 tains some interesting facts regarding the poet's last days. We have the highest author65ity for saying that the book is largely autobio






graphic, many of the passages being pages out 63 of the author's personal experiences. The narrative is in the form of an autobiography, supposedly by one whose adventures and observations during a lifetime devoted to the pursuit of rare books are set forth with a delightful play of fancy and a flow of genial humor very characteristic of the author. A uniform subscription edition of the works of the late Eugene Field, in prose and verse, will be at once undertaken by the Messrs. Scribner in a truly elegant manner, even to such a refinement as using a "superior deckle-edged paper, containing in a water-mark Mr. Field's initials on every page." Each of the ten volumes will have a photogravure frontispiece on Japan paper. One hundred numbered sets will be printed on Japan paper.

[merged small][ocr errors]


The abbreviations are usually self-explanatory. c. after the date indicates that the book is copyrighted; if the copyright date differs from the imprint date, the year of copyright is added. Books of foreign origin of which the edition (annotated, illustrated, etc.) is entered as copyright, are marked c. ed.; translations, c. tr. n. p. in place of price, indicates that the publisher makes no prices, either net or retail, and quotes prices to the trade only upon application.

A colon after initiai designates the most usual given name, as: A: Augustus; B: Benjamin; C: Charles: D: David: E: Edward; F: Frederic; G: George; H: Henry: I: Isaac: J: John; L: Louis; N: Nicholas; P: Peter; R: Richard; S: Samuel; T: Thomas; W: William.

Sons, 1896. 2 v., 10+314; 20+332 p. 8°, net, $10.


cl.. [87 Brown, Rev. W: Montgomery. The church for Americans. N. Y., T: Whittaker, 1896. c. '95. 11+440 p. 1 il. D. cl., $1.25. Seven lectures, entitled: Church membership; Čur controversy with Romanists; Our controversy with denominationalists: The mother church of England ; The American church; Objections to the Episcopal church; Why Americans should be Episcopalians; Appendices and introduction. Author is Archdeaco of Ohio and Lecturer at Bexley Hall, the Theological Seminary of Kenyon College.

Sizes are designated as follows: F. (folio: over 30 centimeters high): (Q. 4to: under 30 cm.): O. (8vo: 25 cm.): D. (12m0: 20 cm.); S. (16m0: 17%1⁄2 cm.); T. (24m0: 15 cm.): Tt. (32m0: 121⁄2 cr.); Fe. (48m0: 10 cm.). Sq., obl.: mar., designate square, oblong, narrow books of these heights. Althaus, Julius, M.D. The value of electrical treatment. [New 3d ed.] N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1895. 4+99 p. il. O. cl., 75 c. [80 *American and English decisions in equity, being select cases decided in the Am. and Eng. courts, with notes. Annual, v. 1, 1st ser.; notes by H: Budd. Phil., M. Murphy, 1895. C. 10+810 p. O.; shp., net, $4.75. [81 *American and English encyclopædia of law, compiled under the editorial supervision of C: F: Williams, assisted by D: S. Garland. V. 29, [Waterworks to youth.] Northport, N. Y., E: Thompson Co., 1895. C. 7+ 1002 p. O. shp., $6.50. [82 Andersen, Hans. The nightingale: being a story for children and a parable for men and women; tr. by H. W. Dulcken, and il. by May J. Newill. Bost., Berkeley Updike, [The Merrymount Press,] 1896. c. '95. 4+ 17 p. sq. O. pap., $1.25. [83 Bain, R. Nisbet. Charles XII. and the collapse of the Swedish Empire, 1682-1719. N. Y., G: P. Putnam's Sons, 1895. 18+320 p. pors. i. maps, D. (Heroes of the nations ser., no. 15.) cl., $1.50; hf. mor., $1.75.


[81 "The present work has no pretension to be anything like an exhaustive biography of Charles XII.-a perfectly adequate treatment of so large and complex a subject would demand many volumes. But it does claim to at least suggest the lines on which such a biography should be written, it professes to present the leading facts of the heroic monarch's career in the light of the latest investigations, and it endeavors to dissipate the many erroneous notions concerning the "Lion of the North" for which Voltaire's Histoire de Charles XII. is mainly responsible."-Preface.

Beman, Wooster Woodruff, and Smith, D:
Eugene. Plane and solid geometry. Bost.,
Ginn & Co., 1895. c. 9+320 p. D. hf.
leath., $1.35.


The present work covers the elements of plane and solid geometry as offered in the best American high schools; it does not contain any discussion of conics, nor does it introduce the distinctive features of modern geometry. It does aim, however, to invest the ancient geometry with something of the spirit of modern mathematics.

Brown, Anna Robeson. The black lamb.
Phil., J. B. Lippincott Co., 1896.
c. '95.
2-322 p. D. cl., $1.25.
Although the hero of this melodramatic story is
Nöél Conway, a young mystic, inheriting Buddhistic
tendencies, The black lamb" is Andrew Le Breton,
alias Musgrave, a clever English adventurer, who is a
party to a scheme to sink an ocean steamer and thus
gain a part of her insurance money. The interest is

divided in the outcome of this almost impossible plot,
and the self-sacrificing action of Nöél Conway. The
scenes are in New York and London.

*Brown, J: Original memoirs of the sover. eigns of Sweden and Denmark from 1766 to 1818. N. Y., imported by C: Scribner's

Burton, Rob. The anatomy of melancholy: what it is, with the kinds, causes, symptoms, prognostics, and several cures of it. New ed. N. Y., F: Warne & Co., 1896. 748+20 p. 8°, cl., $2.75.

[89 Cary, Gillie. Uncle Jerry's platform, and other Christmas stories. Bost., Arena Pub. Co., 1895. c. 56 p. il. O. hf. cl., 75 c.


Contents: Uncle Jerry's platform; Pops; A daugh-
ter of the Revolution.
Clifford, Mrs. Lucy Lane, [Mrs. W. K. Clif-
ford.] The last touches, and other stories.
N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1896. c. '92. 3+
269 p. D. (Macmillan's novelists' lib., v. 1,
no. 10.) pap., 50 c.
See notice, "Weekly Record," P. W., December 10,
1892, [1089.]

Colquhoun, Archibald Ross.
Pacific: the Nicaragua Canal.
mans, Green & Co., 1895.
folding map, O. cl., $7.

The key of the

N. Y., Long17+443 p. il. [92

[blocks in formation]


*Defoe, Dan. Romances and narratives: ed. by G. A. Aitken; il. by J. B. Yeats. In 16 V. 15, Due preparations for the plague as well for soul as body. V. 16. The King of Pirates: being an account of the famous enterprises of Captain Avery; with lives of other pirates and robbers. N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1896. il. pl. 8°, cl., ea., $2; limited ed., ea., $1.75.

[94 Dickinson, G. Lowes. The development of Parliament during the nineteenth century. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1895. 8+ 183 p. O. cl., $2.50. [95 Ducrest, Mme. Georgette. Memoirs of the Empress Josephine; with anecdotes of the courts of Navarre and Malmaison. N. Y., imported by C: Scribner's Sons, 1896. 2 v., 1+428; 2+419 p. 8°, cl., net, $10. Eastwick, Ja. The new Centurion: a tale


* In this list, the titles generally are verbatim transcriptions (according to the rule of the American Library Association) from books received. Books Not received are indicated by a prefixed asterisk and this office cannot be held roni însible for the correctness of their record.

[blocks in formation]


The author through a naval story illustrates his views about fighting with automatic guns; he takes the old English Centurion and refits her according to his plan, and tests her in battles with other ships. The plan is not a visionary one, but is offered for the serious consideration of naval architects.

*Euripides. The Heracleida; with introd., analysis, critical and explanatory notes by E: Anthony Beck and Clinton E. S. Headlam. N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1896. 127 p. 16°, cl., net, 50 c. [98 Ferruggia, Gemma. Caterina Soave; from the Italian. N. Y., G: W. Dillingham, 1896. c. '95. 237 p. D. (Dillingham's globe lib., no. 9.) pap., 50 c.


An Italian story of crime and tropical love. Flint, Rev. Jos. F. His perpetual adoration; or, the captain's old diary. Bost., Arena Pub. Co., 1895. c. 2-228 p. D. cl., $1.25; pap., 50 c.


A realistic war-story told in the form of a diary left at his death by a veteran who had been a captain with Grant at Vicksburg and with Sherman on his march to the sea; two or three of the great events of the war are told in stirring fashion; but the narrative deals mainly with the inside life of the soldier in war-time and its physical and moral difficulties. *Garnett, R. The age of Dryden. N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1895. 292 p. 16°, cl., $1.


[101 *Georgia. Supreme ct. Reports of cases at the Oct. term, 1894, and Mar. term, 1895. V. 95. Peeples and Stevens, reps. Atlanta, G: W. Harrison, st. pr., 1895. c. 16+867 p. O. shp., $5. [102 Granville, Margaret. Dainty Iniquity: a novel. N. Y., G: W. Dillingham, 1896. '95. 6-221 p. il. D. (Dillingham's metropolitan lib., no. 10.) pap., 50 c. [103 The book gains its title from the heroine, whom the clubmen named "Dainty Iniquity." Her life is first wrecked by a false marriage; her experience after this is neither instructive nor entertaining. Grove, Mrs. Lilly, [and others.] Dancing. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1895. 16+ 454 p. il. D. (Badminton lib.) cl., $3.50. [104 Gunsaulus, Frank W. Songs of night and day. Chic., A. C. McClurg & Co., 1896. c. '95. 4-144 p. sq. D. cl., $1.50. [105 Forty-eight short poems. Hamilton, M. A self-denying ordinance. N. Y., Appleton, 1895. C. 2+294 p. D. (Appleton's town and country lib., no. 183.) cl., $1; pap., 50 c.


A story of Ireland and English fashionable life; the chief subject is the love of a young girl for a worthless man; while engaged to her he elopes with a married woman and lives with her a year; even after this episode Joanna, the heroine, receives him again, feels it her duty to try to reform him, and marries him and comes out to America.


*Harris, J. Rendel. Fragments of the commentary of Ephrem Syrus upon the diatesseron. N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1895. 101 p. 8°, cl., net, 75 c. Henderson, J: Elementary physics. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1895. 13+132 p. D. (Physical and electrical engineering, laboratory manuals, no. 1.) cl., 75 c. [108 Higgins, Godfrey. Apology for the life and character of the celebrated prophet of Arabia called Mahomet the Illustrious. N. Y., P: Eckler, 1896. 6-118 p. il. D. (Library of liberal classics, v. 1, no. 5.) cl., 50 c.; pap., 25 c. [109

Hill, Rev. T: G. F., and Mrs. Grace Livingston. The Christian Endeavor hour; with light for the leader; an introd. by Mrs. G. R. Alden ("Pansy "). Pt. 1, Jan.-June, 1896. N. Y. and Chic., Fleming H. Revell Co., [1895.] c. 3-63 p. D. pap., 15 c. [110 Practical hints for leaders of Christian Endeavor Society meetings, Bible verses and hymns for each topic, and an original story designed to impress the truth presented.

Hoyles, Euretta A. Lessing: a brief account of his life and writings; with representative selections including "Nathan the wise" with notes; an introd. by W: Bernhardt. Bost., Silver, Burdett & Co., 1895. C. 10+213 p. por. D. (Studies in English classics and German literature.) cl., 48 c. [111 *Illinois. The revised statutes of the state, 1895; comprising the "revised statutes of 1874," and all amendments thereto, together with the general acts of 1875-1895, being all the general statutes of the state in force on the 1st day of Dec., 1895; comp. and ed. by Harvey B. Hurd. Chic., Chicago Legal News Co., 1895. C. 1 por. 16+ 1766 p. O. shp., $3.25. [112 *Illinois. The rules of court as established by the several state courts, embracing the supreme and appellate courts, and the circuit, superior, criminal, county, and probate courts of Cook Co., comp. and annot. by Robert L. Elliott. 2d ed. Chic., G. I. Jones, 1895. 159 p. O. cl., $1.50. [113 *Johnson, Elias F. Illustrative cases upon the law of bills and notes, sel. and annot. (with appendix by Prof. Beaumont.) St. Paul, West Pub. Co., 1895. C. 15+254 p. O. shp., net, $2.50; pap., net, $2. *Jones, H: Browning as a philosophical and religious teacher. Ñ. Y., Macmillan & Co.,



1896. 349 p. 12°, cl., $2.25. [115 Kant, Immanuel. Fundamental principles of the metaphysic of ethics; tr. by T: Kingsmill Abbott: extracted from Kant's "Critique of practical reason and other works on the theory of ethics." N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1895. 2+102 p. D. cl., $1. [116 *Keane, A. H. Ethnology. In 2 pts. Pt. 1, Fundamental ethnical problems. Pt. 2, The primary ethnical groups. N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1896. 442 p. 12°, (Cambridge geographical ser.) cl., net, $2.60. *Kingsley, C: Works. New pocket ed. 11 v. V. 7, Water babies: a fairy-tale for a land baby. N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1895. 202 p. 8°, buckram, 75 c. Lears, Lorenzo. The history of oratory from the age of Pericles to the present time. Chic., S. C. Griggs & Co., 1896. c. '95. 2+440 p. D. cl., $1.50.

[117 In



Contents: Traces of oratory in early literature; Forensic oratory in Sicily; Professional speech-writers; Attic orators; Political orators; Aristotle, the rhetorician; Early Roman orators; Cicero and his successors; Greek and Latin patristic oratory; Mediæval preachers; Preachers of the Crusades; Eccentric eloquence; Savonarola; Oratory of the Reformation; Three French orators in reign of Louis XIV.; Oratory of the French Revolution; Orators of the Restoration; British Parliamentary oratory; Mansfield-Burke; sheridan-Fox; Daniel Webster; Charles Sumner; Wendell Phillips.

*Lee, Sidney, ed. Dictionary of national biography. V. 45, Pereira-Pockrich. N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1896. 454 p. 8°, cl., $3.75.


Lodge, Alfred. Mensuration for senior students. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co., 1895. 13+274 p. D. cl., $1.50. [121 *Luce, Morton. A handbook to the works of Alfred Lord Tennyson. N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1896. 454 p. 12°, cl., $1.75. [122 Lutaud, A: Aux États-Unis. New 2d ed. N. Y., Brentano's, 1896. 300 p. D. pap., 88 c. [123

Describes with enthusiasm the sights of the United States as seen by an educated and fair-minded Frenchman. Railroads, buildings, natural scenery, large cities, systems of government, and religious communities (Quakers, Shakers, Mormons, the Oneida settlement, etc.) are critically pictured.

McLaughlin, M. Louise. The second Madame: a memoir of Elizabeth Charlotte, Duchesse d'Orleans. N. Y., G: P. Putnam's Sons, [1895.] c. 4+172 p. D. cl., $1.25.


The second Madame " was the daughter of Charles, the Elector Palatine, and was brought to France in 1671, to become the second wife of Philippe Duc d'Orleans, or, Monsieur as he was called-the brother of Louis XIV. Madame had a long and romantic career at the French court, and was often very unhappy; she was a voluminous correspondent, and it is from her letters, covering a period of over fifty years, and describing the most minute incidents of her life, that this little book is made up.

*Macmillan's geography readers: Book 7, The United States ocean currents and sides. N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1896. 240 p. 12°, cl., net, 40 c. [125 *Marryat, F: Peter Simple; il. by J. Ayton Symington; with an introd. by D: Hannay. N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1895. 493 p. 12°, (Macmillan's illustrated standard novels.) cl., $1.25. [126Mercer, H: C. The hill-caves of Yucatan: a search for evidence of man's antiquity in the caverns of Central America. Phil., J. B. Lippincott Co., 1896. c. '95. 4-183 p. O. cl., $2. [127 An account of the Corwith Expedition of the department of archæology and paleontology of the University of Pennsylvania. This expedition was equipped by J. White Corwith, of Chicago, because of interest felt in similar explorations made in Port Kennedy, Montgomery Co., Pennsylvania.

Meredith, Rob. Around the world on sixty dollars. Chic., Laird & Lee, [1895.] c. 4-371 p. por. il. D. cl., 75 c.; (Pastime ser., no. 21.) pap., 25 c. [128

It cost the writer really $225 to travel around the world-$60 of this he had with him when he started, the rest he earned on the way; he travelled in the humblest manner and endured many privations, but he saw the world; his journey occupied a year and six days. His observations about the poor of great cities are quite interesting.

*Moore, B. T. An elementary treatise on mensuration. New 2d ed. rev. and enl.

N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1896. 306 p. 12°, (Cambridge mathematical ser.) cl., net, 80 c. [129 *Most delectable history of Reynard the fox; ed. with introd. and notes by Jos. Jacobs; done into pictures by W. Frank Calderon. N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1895. 260 p. 12°, (Cranford ser.) cl., $2. [130 *Murché, Vincent T. Object lessons for infants V. 1. N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1896. 176 p. 12°, cl., net, 60 c. *Nepos, Cornelius. Hannibal, M. Porcius, Cato, Atticus; with notes and vocabulary for beginners by E. S. Shuckburgh. N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1896. 115 p. 16°, (Pitt Press ser.) cl., net, 40 c.

*New York. Civil procedure reports.


[132 A

consolidated index, v. 1 to 22, inclusive, showing the development of the practice under the code from 1881 to 1893, with a table of sections of the code construed. N. Y., S. S. Peloubet, 1895. c. 19+378 p. O. shp., $3.50. [133 *New York. Code of civil procedure, as amended to, and including, 1895. 23 chapters complete in 1 v. 11th ed. With references to code decisions to Jan., 1895, by C. D. Rust. N. Y., S. S. Peloubet, 1895. c. 69+8+78+656+105 p. S. flexible skiver, [134


The first 69 p. which precede the title contain sections of the code which were amended in 1895, to take effect on Jan. 1, 1896.


*New York. Courts of record. The miscellaneous reports, other than the court of appeals and the general term of the supreme court, including the superior court in the city of N. Y., court of common pleas for the city and county of N. Y., superior court of Buffalo, city court of Brooklyn, city court of N. Y., surrogates courts, etc., in pursuance of laws of 1892, chapter 598. F. B. Delehanty, rep. V. 12, 13. Alb., Ja. B. Lyon, 1895. 37+694; 42+822 p. O. shp., ea., $2. [135 *New York state reporter, cont. all the current decisions of the courts of record of N. Y. state [etc.]; ed. by C: H. Mills. V. 68, with index and table of cases reported and cited in this v. Alb., W. C. Little & Co., 1895. C. 7+36+937 p. O. shp., $3.50. [136 *Northwestern_reporter, v. 64. Permanent Aug. 3-Dec. 7, 1895. St. Paul, West Pub. Co., 1895. c. 16+1214 p. O. (National reporter system, state ser.) shp., $3.50.



Contains the decisions of the supreme courts of Minn., Wis., Iowa, Mich., Neb., No. Dak., So. Dak. With tables of northwestern cases published in v. 102, Mich. reports; 57 and 58, Minn. reports; 43, Neb. reports; 4, So. Dak. reports; 89, Wis. reports. A table of statutes construed is given in the index.

Payne, W: Morton, ed. English in American

universities. Bost., D. C. Heath & Co., 1895. c. 2+182 p. D. (Heath's pedagogical lib.) cl., $1.


With the exception of the articles upon Johns Hopkins University and the University of Minnesota the papers are reprinted, with revisions, from The Dial, for which they were originally written; they consist mainly of a series of eighteen articles upon the teaching of English in as many American colleges and universities, prepared in each case by one of the leading department professors of the institution in question, and of an appendix which includes a few communications and discussions germane to the subject. The institutions represented are: Yale, Columbia, Harvard, Stanford, Cornell, Virginia, Illinois, Lafayette, Iowa, Chicago, Indiana, California, Amherst, Michigan, Nebras ka, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Wellesley.

*Pennsylvania. Procedure in Pa., under the act of 1887, (and other acts in nature supplementary thereto.) By Albert D. Wilson. Phil., Rees Welsh & Co., 1895. C. 14+19+51 p. O. hf. shp., $1. [139 *Phillips, Mary E. A handbook of German literature; rev. with an introd. by A. Weiss. N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1896. 157 p. 12°, cl., $1. [140 Porter, Linn Boyd, ["Albert Ross," pseud.] Young Fawcett's Mabel. N. Y., G: W. Dillingham, 1896. c. '95. 312 p. D. (Dillingham's Amer. authors' lib., no. 10.) pap., 50 c. [141

This novel relates to the experience of a young

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