Imágenes de páginas

court and ecclesiastical chancery and all and singular honors, rights, privileges, and prerogatives which the other episcopal sees in Mexican territory use and enjoy.

3. We moreover perpetually erect and institute by our order the principal church in the aforesaid territory of St. Didacus to the honor and dignity of a cathedral church, and we place there the seat and pontifical throne of one who is henceforth to be called the bishop of California, who shall in the future preside over the said church, episcopal city, and diocese, its clergy and people, shall call together his synod, and shall have and exercise all and singular rights, offices, and privileges of a bishop, having his chapter, seal, episcopal chest, board, after the manner hereinafter laid down, and all those other titles, rights, honors, precedents, graces, favors, indulgences, jurisdictions, prerogatives, etc., which appertain to cathedrals and episcopal sees, such, in a word, as the other episcopal sees of Mexico and their incumbents enjoy, always excepting any special and individual privilege which may be attributed to them.

4. To the cathedral church of California thus created we adjudicate and assign all that old and new California which as above was cut off and disjoined from the diocese of Sonora in order that for the future it may be regarded as a separate diocese. This province of California which we have thus attributed and assigned to the new diocese, as well as the parishes now existing or to exist within it, its churches, convents, monasteries, secular and regular benefices, its persons of either sex, and inhabitants, both clerk and lay (not, however, those specially exempt), of whatever order, we also subject and attribute to the new bishop of the church of California, who is so named pro tempore, to his jurisdiction, governance, power, and supremacy, as over the see, territory and diocese, clergy and people.

5. In order, moreover, that the bishop of California (existing for the moment) may for the future be able to preserve his dignity and make decent provision for his vicar-general and episcopal court, we ascribe and attribute to the maintenance of the aforesaid that suitable fund invested in safe goods which the Mexican Government may appoint as it has promised."

6. As for what regards the fabric of the new cathedral church of California, we similarly ascribe and adjudicate perpetually that fund for its maintenance which the said Government has promised to give, and we wish that in the first place there should be assigned and attributed suitable accommodation for the residence of the future bishop and his episcopal court of proper size and of convenient situation as near as may be to the cathedral church; if there is no such edifice, and if it is necessary to erect one, we decree that a portion of the revenue should be spent on such erection.

7. As for what regards the erection of a chapter for the cathedral church and its similar endowment in stable investments, as also the erection and endowment of a seminary for the clergy, a Government order which will be given when the localities and dates are fixed upon will suffice for these, and will afford them whatever it is customary in the case of the other cathedral churches and ecclesiastical seminaries under the Mexican Government.

8. We order that the aforesaid church of California, constituted in the above manner, shall be subjected to the metropolitan jurisdiction of the archbishop of Mexico, and shall enjoy all those faculties, exemp

tions, and rights which pertain to the other suffragan sees of that province.

9. We order that the fruits of this same new see of California should be taxed as the custom is, of 33 out 1/3rd golden florins for the apostolic treasury, and we have ordered this tax to be inscribed upon the books of the apostolic treasury of the Sacred College.

10. Now, in order that all the matters which we have arranged above may be brought into effect, do we chose and depute as the executor of these our letters, our venerable brother, Emanuel Posada y Carduno, the archbishop of the Metropolitan Church of Mexico, and we attribute to him all the necessary faculties whereby he may give full effect to the above, so that either he himself, or another acting for him in that ecclesiastical dignity and capacity, and delegated by him, may lay down all matters and decide upon them, and also by the same faculties of executor, he may himself, or through his delegate, definitely, freely, and lawfully pronounce upon any opposition which he may meet in the active execution of these things, however such opposition may arise. We lay upon him further the obligation of delimiting the exact frontiers of New California in this executive decree of ours, and of sending to the Holy See within six months of the complete fulfilment of these our apostolic directions (letters) an exemplar in certified form, showing that all the decrees whose execution has been ordered in these presents have been carried out, and such an exemplar is to be filed, as the custom is, in the records of the congregation to which is intrusted our consistory affairs.

11. Now these present letters and whatsoever things are contained in them it shall not be possible to impugn, nor to call in question, even by those who have, or who may maintain that they have, some interest in these matters, and who have not hitherto been called or heard upon them, or have not consented to the above, for from the plenitude of our apostolical power we ourselves will supply that consent, inasmuch as it may be necessary; moreover, these presents can not be attacked at any time upon a plea that they are imperfect by addition or subtraction, or nullity, or by a plea of our intention, or of any other substantial defect. They shall stand and be ever and perpetually valid and efficacious, and shall have their full and integral effect, and shall be inviolably observed by all those whom it may regard, for such is our will and decree.

12. (And it shall be so) notwithstanding appeals as of right upon matters committed to parties called "quorum interest," and notwithstanding our other rules and synodal regulations and those of our apostolic chancery, and notwithstanding the provincial and general councils, special decrees, general constitutions, apostolical ordinations, and whatever other things the Roman pontiffs, our predecessors, were wont to use; notwithstanding, indeed, all other contrary matters whatsoever.

13. We desire, moreover, that the transactions of these letters be printed, and also be subscribed by the hand of a notary public, and furnished with the seal of some person clothed with the necessary ecclesiastical dignity, so that they may have in the future the same credence as matters duly exhibited and published.

14. Therefore let no man be permitted to infringe this page in which we decree the aforesaid dismemberment (of the old bishopric), segregation, separation, erection, institution, assignation, attribution,

subjection, concession, indulgence, decree, derogation, and in which we have expressed our will; nor let any man dare to act contrary to it. If, however, anyone should so dare, may he discover that the anger of the Omnipotent God and of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul has fallen upon him.

Given at Rome at St. Peter's, in the year of the incarnation of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty, on the fifth day before the kalends of May (27th April, 1840), in the tenth year of our pontificate.


Ad futuram rei memoriam.

1. Ad animarum regimen et salutem curandam necesse intelligimus dioeceses partiri, quae nimis amplis finibus contineri videantur.

2. Jamvero, quamquam pars illa dioecesis Montereyensis, quae ad Rempublicam Mexicanam pertinet, sejuncta nuperrime fuerit et Archiepiscopo Mexicano titulo administrationis apostolicae regenda commisa sit, illa tamen adhuc latissime patere noscitur sic, ut hodiernus Episcopus Montereyensis atque una simul Archiepiscopi et Episcopi foederatorum Statuum Americae Septemtrionalis ex Baltimorensi Concilio petendum a nobis curarunt ut ex dioecesi Montereyensi ea pars secernatur quae definitur ad Orientem flumine Colorado, ad Septemtrionem 42 latitudinis gradu, ad Occidentem Mari Pacifico, ad Meridiem parallelo Meridionali, paroecia vici vulgo Pueblo S. Joseph, ex eaque regione sic vivisa nova per nos erigatur dioecesis, cujus sedes constitute sit in a civitate S. Francisci. Cum vero aliae sedes archiepiscopales plurimum distent, ac perutile videatur novam in Superiori California constituere ecclesiasticam provinciam, idcirco praefati Antistites nobis postulaverunt ut novam S. Francisci ecclesiam metropolitanam declaramus, (sic) utpote quae pluribus ex capitibus opportunior sit, eidemque metropolitanae ecclesiae suffraganeam adsignemus episcopalem ecclesiam Montereyensem.

3. Nos igitur prius de hac re cum venn. fratribus nostris S. R. E. Cardinalibus Propagandae Fidei praepositis deliberavimus, ac singulis accurate perpensis, proterea quod ex hac archiepiscopalis ecclesiae erectione non mediocris videatur utilitas obventura spirituali Christifidelium regimini, dictorum Antistitum votis aequo animo ac libenter annuimus. Quapropter certa scientia ac matura deliberatione nostra deque apostolicae potestatis plenitudine partem illam superius memoratam dioecesis Montereyensis juxta descriptos limites a dioecesi praedieta dividimas ac saparamus, ex eaque regione peculiarem ac proprie dictam archiepiscopalem ecclesiam erigmus ejusque sedem in civitate S. Francisci figimus ac constituimus.

4. Porro eidem ecclesiae ejusque Antistitibus omnia et singula privilegia, honores, officia volumus attributa, quae ex jure vel consuetudine episcopalium sedium et episcoporum propria sunt.

5. Non obstante nostra et cancellariae apostolicae, etc.

Datum Romae, apud S. Mariam Majorem sub annulo Piscatoris, die XXIX. Julii MDCCCLIII, pontificatus nostri anno VIII.

Extractum Collectionis Juris Pontificii de Propaganda Fide, Partis I, Vol. VI, Romae ex Typographia Polyglotta, 1894, pag. 187.

[Translation of foregoing.]


That the memory of the thing may be in the future preserved.

1. We believe it to be necessary for the governance of souls and for the care of their salvation that those dioceses which may appear to reach to too extended limit should be divided.

2. Now, although that part of the diocese of Monterey which belongs to the Republic of Mexico was lately cut off and put under the archbishop of Mexico, to be ruled by his apostolic administation, yet the said diocese is recognized to have so wide an area that the present bishop of Monterey, together with the archbishops and bishops of the United States of North America, have had a care to petition us from their council in Baltimore that there should be (further) divided from the (said) diocese of Monterey that part which is bounded (as follows): To the east by the river Colorado; to the north by the 42d degree of latitude; to the west by the Pacific Ocean, and to the south by the southern parallel passing through the town commonly known as Pueblo San Joseph, and they pray that we may erect a diocese out of the region so divided, and that its seat shall be placed in the city of San Francisco. Moreover, since the other archiepiscopal sees are very distant, and it would seem of the greatest advantage to create a new ecclesiastical province in Upper California, therefore the aforesaid prelates have begged us to declare metropolitan this new church of San Francisco (since this one is the more convenient under many heads), and (they beg) that we should assign the episcopal church of Monterey as suffragan to such a metropolitan see.

3. We therefore, having first deliberated with our venerable brothers their eminences the cardinals entrusted with the propagation of the faith, and having accurately weighed each matter, seeing that by the erection of this archiepiscopal see no small advantage that would seem to fall to the spiritual governance of Christians, we freely and cheerfully agree to the petition of the aforesaid prelates. Wherefore with full knowledge, and after mature consideration and on the fulness of our apostolic power, we divide and separate that upper part of the diocese of Monterey which is described above, according to the limits there set down, from the aforesaid diocese, and we erect that region into a separate and specially named archiepiscopal see, and we place its seat in the city of San Francisco.

4. Moreover we desire that there should be attributed to the said see and to its prelates all and singular, of those privileges, honours, and offices which by right or custom belong to bishops and episcopal


5. Notwithstanding anything that our apostolic chancery and we ourselves may, etc.

Given at Rome at St. Mary Majors under the seal of the fisherman, on the 29th day of July, 1853, in the eighth year of our pontificate. Extract taken from the Collection of Pontifical Jurisprudence on the Propagation of the Faith, Part I, vol. 6. Printed by the Typographia Polyglotta at Rome, 1894 (page 187).




Nómina de las misiones fundadas por los padres expulsos, con la expresion del año y de sus bienhechores.

1. Nra. Sra. de Loreto fundada por D. Juan Caballero y Osio

2. San Francisco Xavier, por el mismo

3. Santa Rosalía Molexé, por Don Nicolas de Arteaga.

4. Los Dolores, por su Congregacion de México

5. S. Josef Comundú, por el Marques de Villapuente

6. Nra. Sra. de Guadalupe, por el mismo

7. La Purísima, por el mismo

8. San Luis, por D. Luis Velasco

9. Santiago, por el mismo...

10. S. Ignacio, por el Padre Juan Luyando.

11. S. Josef del Cabo, por el Marques de Villapuente

12. S. Rosa, por Doña Rosa de la Peña............

13. S. Francisco de Borja, por la Duquesa de Gandia.















NOTA. Quedaron suprimidas S. Luis y Santa Rosa; pero esta se trasladó á Todos Santos: asimismo se suprimió la de los Dolores, y el principal de la San Josef del Cabo sirvió para la de Santa Gertrudis en el año 1746, y hoy exîste. (Carta Segunda, pp. 48–49.)



D. Carlos III por pragmática-sancion de 2 de Abril de 1767. Extrañamiento de los Regulares de la Compañía de Jesús de todos los dominios de España é Indias; y ocupacion de sus temporalidades. Habiéndome conformado con el parecer de los de mi Consejo Real, en el extraordinario que se celebró con motivo de las resultas de las ocurrencias pasadas en consulta de 29 de Enero de 1767, y de lo que sobre ella, conviniendo en el mismo dictámen, me han exquesto personas del mas elevado carácter y acreditada experiencia; estimulado de gravísimas causas, relativas à la obligacion en que me hallo constituido de mantener en subordinacion, tranquilidad y justica mis pueblos, y otras urgentes, justas y necesarias, que reservo en mi Real ánimo; usando de la suprema autoridad económica que el Todo poderoso ha depositado en mis manos para la proteccion de mis vasallos, y respeto de mi Corona, he venido en mandar extrañar de todos mis dominios de España é Indias, é islas Filipinas y demas adyacentes, á los Regulares de la Compañía, así Sacerdotes como Coadjutores, ó Legos que hayan hecho la primera profesion, y á los Novicios que quisieren seguirles: y que se ocupen todas las temporalidades de la Compañía en mis dominios: y para la execucion uniforme en todos ellos he dado plena y privativa comision y autoridad por otro mi Real decreto de 27 de Febrero al Presidente del mi Consejo, con facultad de proceder desde luego á tomar las providencias correspondientes.

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5. Declaro, que en la ocupacion de temporalidades de la Compañía se comprehenden sus bienes y efectos, así muebles como raices, ó rentas

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