Memorials of the Abbey of St. Mary of Fountains, Volumen67Society, 1878 |
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Página vi
... monks had laid blame on him , for he is not inserted in the Catalogue of the Abbots , neither is his suc- cessor ... monk . 1307. Chancellor Hamelton died here . Note from Fine Roll about clerks of Edward I. Still farming kept up ...
... monks had laid blame on him , for he is not inserted in the Catalogue of the Abbots , neither is his suc- cessor ... monk . 1307. Chancellor Hamelton died here . Note from Fine Roll about clerks of Edward I. Still farming kept up ...
Página vii
... Monks would celebrate nevertheless . 1311. The Templars afflicted . ( Wilkins ' Conc . II . ) Brethren of the Cist ... monk from leaving the king- dom ( Swinton ) . 1454. A trial at Lent assizes , York , and PREFACE . vii.
... Monks would celebrate nevertheless . 1311. The Templars afflicted . ( Wilkins ' Conc . II . ) Brethren of the Cist ... monk from leaving the king- dom ( Swinton ) . 1454. A trial at Lent assizes , York , and PREFACE . vii.
Página viii
... Monks were at York assizes in this year . Monks at Knaresbrough court . 1457-8 . A privy seal brought by king's messenger . Banks ' affairs in court in London . 1458-9 . Litigation continued . 1468. Servants maltreated at Galphay ...
... Monks were at York assizes in this year . Monks at Knaresbrough court . 1457-8 . A privy seal brought by king's messenger . Banks ' affairs in court in London . 1458-9 . Litigation continued . 1468. Servants maltreated at Galphay ...
Página x
... Monks to be closely confined to their abbeys . Cleop . E. iv . , fol . 182 . Printed in West , 173 . Discourse on the destruction of abbeys , Cleop . E. IV . , fol . 172. See also Addit . MS . , 5813 . Value of church property generally ...
... Monks to be closely confined to their abbeys . Cleop . E. iv . , fol . 182 . Printed in West , 173 . Discourse on the destruction of abbeys , Cleop . E. IV . , fol . 172. See also Addit . MS . , 5813 . Value of church property generally ...
Página xiii
... of monasticism . 66 the Monks of the West . " To Walbran the same ruins were familiar objects from his childhood , and he soon learned the lesson which it was their mission to deliver . It was to his influence PREFACE . xiii.
... of monasticism . 66 the Monks of the West . " To Walbran the same ruins were familiar objects from his childhood , and he soon learned the lesson which it was their mission to deliver . It was to his influence PREFACE . xiii.
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Términos y frases comunes
abbas abbati et monachis abbey abbot Aislabie aisle aliis anno regni apud autem Azerley buried Byland carta cartæ chapel charter Chartulary chescun choir church Cistercian Cisterciensis Cistercii court cujus daughter dicti ditz domini Early English period Ebor ecclesiæ Edward eisdem ejusdem elemosinam eorum episcopus estates etiam faciunt feodum fecit Fountains Fountains Abbey George Mallory Grangiam granted gratia hæc verba heir Henricus Henry Hutton Conyers Inspeximus inter Johannis John Mallory King lands Lord manor married monastery monks nave nobis nostris nuper omnia omnibus Ordinis Perpendicular period perpetuam pertinentiis prædicti præsentes President Book Procter quæ quam quas quod regis rex Angliæ Ricardi Richard Ripon Roger de Mowbray Rotul salutem sanctæ Mariæ Sciatis seal seid sicut side Sir John Sir John Mallory Studley super supra tenementa terræ terras Thomas transept vestri Walbran wall Wapentakes wife William Aislabie William Mallory window York Yorkshire
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Página 153 - ambition, how much art thou shrunk "When that this body did contain a spirit, A kingdom for it was too small a bound ; But now, two paces of the vilest earth Is room enough : — Adieu, and take thy praise with thee to heaven! Thy ignominy sleep with
Página 83 - se divino judicio existere de perpetrata iniquitate cognoscat, et a sacratissimo corpore ac sanguine Dei, et Domini Redemptoris nostri Jesu Christi aliena fiat, atque in extremo examine districta? ultioni subjaceat. Cunctis autem eidem loco sua jura servantibus sit pax Domini nostri,
Página 70 - commonita, si non satisfactione congrua emendaverit, potestatis honorisque sui dignitate careat ; reamque se Divino judicio existere de perpetrata iniquitate cognoscat ; et a sacratissimo corpore et sanguine Dei et Domini Redemptoris nostri, Jesu Christi, aliena fiat; atque in extremo examine
Página 81 - in prassentiarum juste et canonice possidet, aut, in futurum, concessione pontificum, largitione regum vel principum, oblatione fidelium, seu aliis justis modis, prestante Domino, poterit adipisci, firma vobis vestrisque successoribus et illibata permaneant. In quibus hœc propriis duximus exprimenda vocabulis. Ecclesiam
Página 84 - bona, idem monasterium in prsesentiarum juste et canonice possidet, aut in futurum, concessione pontificum, largitione regum vel principum, oblatione fidelium, seu aliis justis modis, Deo propitio, poterit adipisci firma vobis vestrisque successoribus, et illibata permaneant. In quibus hsec propriis duximus exprimenda vocabulis.
Página 202 - Is it the hand of Clare," he said, "Or injured Constance, bathes my head ? " Then, as remembrance rose,— " Speak not to me of shrift or prayer ! I must redress her woes. Short space, few words, are mine to spare ; Forgive and listen, gentle Clare ! "—
Página 181 - have been told by one born near Kirkham, and much more able to have addressed you on the subject than myself, that when peasants— " In winter's tedious nights sit by the fire With good old folks"— and
Página 70 - persona, hanc nostra? constitutionis paginam sciens, contra earn temere venire temptaverit, secundo, tertiove commonita, si non satisfactione congrua emendaverit, potestatis honorisque sui dignitate careat ; reamque se Divino judicio existere de perpetrata iniquitate cognoscat ; et a sacratissimo corpore et sanguine Dei et Domini Redemptoris nostri, Jesu Christi,
Página 69 - monasterium in prœsentiarum juste et canonice possidet, aut in futurum, concessione pontificum, largitione regum, vel principum, oblatione fidelium, seu aliis justis modis, Deo propitio, poterit adipisci,
Página 84 - dinoscitur, animo nos decet libenti concedere, et petentium desideriis congruum impartiri sufFragium. Ea propter, dilecti in Domino filii, vestris justis postulationibus clementer annuimus, et prsefatum monasterium, in quo divino mancipati estis obsequio, sub beati Pétri et nostra protectione suscipimus, et prœsentis scripti privilegio