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Automobile of the U. S. Army Inspector, pas sing the Post-office at San Francisco.

distance. The regular water supply of the city having been broken off, the salt water from the bay was available for the waterfront and vicinity, provided engines, fire tugs and other pumps were available. But the extent of the use of salt water was limited by the amount of hose available. Early in the fight with the fire along the water-front, Lieutenant F. N. Freeman, of the navy, who was sent to the city from Mare Island by RearAdmiral B. H. McCalla to lend the navy's aid, saw the possibilities of additional lengths of hose. Hose was sent for. It was brought at top speed by automobiles, and to this speed, not otherwise obtainable, was due the salvation of many a structure within reach of the water from the bay.

Automobiles of every description, delivery, touring, runabout and all, were pressed into service for transporting relief supplies, particularly medicines, food and other emergency goods. They were kept at this, night and day, for several days. Inspecting officers of the army and marine corps for the marines played an important part in guarding the cityused automobiles for inspecting their various stations and posts. Mayor Schmitz, Generals Greely and Funston, and the many relief committeemen, all had their special machines always at hand, and hard service they gave them, too. The officials of the steam and the street railways were also tireless users of automobiles, none working harder than they in steps to restore transportation for the benefit of the afflicted city. As for the newspapers, they used automobiles where they formerly used telephones and street cars. Reporters sent on distant details had automobiles in waiting for them, to remain under their orders until their return to the office with the "story" they were after.

It was a characteristic sight when handsome big machines, which before the fire bore happy, fashionable parties to Burlingame and San Mateo, or on long tours about the State, were seen, grimy with dirt and dust, careering through the streets with with soldiers or hospital nurses, or filled with supplies for the relief stations. The fashionable world lent its cherished automobiles as it did its mansions and its personal services to the

work of relief, cheerfully and gladly, for all San Franciscans were brothers and sisters in those days.

Much more could be said of the wide field of activity of the automobile during the fire the automobile, so widely misunderstood to be but the toy of the rich and the luxurious. It has demonstrated most forcibly that it is an agent of humanity and of civilization generally, to be regarded as such in future along with the telegraph, the telephone-even the steamship and the railroad.

Of special interest, however, were the difficulties under which the machine had to perform these multitudinous duties. It was no pleasure jaunt, no touring over country roads and along smooth boulevards. It needs but slight knowledge of the conditions under which the machines were operated to appreciate the severity of the test to which they and their occupants were subjected.

Few streets in the city were in their normal state. Most of those in the burned area were filled for days-some for weeks with debris of various kinds and degrees. Many streets, both in and out of the burned district, were distorted more or less by the earthquake. In Valencia street there was a subsidence of six feet, making a bad gully. Subsidences of less depth existed in many other places. There were corresponding upheavals here, there and everywhere. Broad Van Ness avenue, sharing with Market street the largest amount of travel, was for a long time a succession of little hills and valleys, clefts and mounds. During the first few days it was hazardous in the extreme to traverse these and many other thoroughfares. At night it was highly dangerous, for lights were not permitted for some time. Going at high speed, even the smallest irregularity might cause a serious accident, possibly fatal disaster. When obstructions a foot or more high-or deep-were to be encountered every block or so, coolness and caution of the highest order were demanded. They are yet, and will be for some time, until the streets shall have been restored to their former smooth


So much for the strain and danger to the human occupants of the machines. As for the machines themselves, it may


This White automobile, used by the military, was in constant service day and night for over two weeks, without overhauling extent, in spite of the hard tasks it was subjected to over the rough streets and debris.

to any

readily be seen that the rough roads over which they had to travel were hard trials upon their mechanism. Jumping and jolting, stopping suddenly, turning sharply, crashing into unexpected obobstructions, dodging others, all of these experiences were of hourly, in fact, constant occurrence. Every part of the machine, however large or small, was called upon to respond to extreme strain.

And the way they responded to the demands made upon them is a source of wonderment and pride to all American manufacturers as well as owners of automobiles, for there were few of foreign make in San Francisco.

The various

the high value of the automobile demonstrated by its performances during and after the San Francisco earthquake and fire has not been lacking. It has come from no less a source than the United States Government, whose officers tested it so thoroughly and profited by it so highlv. The United States Government is proverbially conservative in its adoption of innovations-far too much so at times. The army has experimented to some extent during the past few years with automobiles, for use in its Sign-l Corps, Hospital Corps and Quartermaster's department. A few automobiles have been purchased for army use, and


Garage of the Auto Livery Company, and temporary office of the Middleton rotor Car Company on N. W. corner of Golden Gate and Van Ness avenues.

machines of American make have over and over again shown their speed. They have also shown other fine qualities, but this time they exhibited an endurance

which is long to be remembered. The repairs made necessary by the experiences of the machine have been remarkably few and of remarkably small extent. Of course, there were a few break-downs under violent conditions, but that they were not worse and more numerous is astonishing. They were barely appreciable in the sum total of performances.

It is notable that official recognition of

they have given satisfaction, but unti now the tests were never thought suffi ciently conclusive to justify general adoption wherever vehicles may be used. Now it is different. It is unofficially stated that lengthy reports, praising automobiles in the highest terms, have been forwarded to the War Department in Washington, as a result of the experience that the army officers had with them during San Francisco's days of misfortune. It is further stated that the War Department has been so impressed by these reports, together with others it has received from other

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A San Francisco "bread line." The officials in the automobiles are inspectors, whose duty it was to see system maintained and abuses rectified.

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