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have been established over 55 years. By our system of payments every family of moderate circumstances can own a VOSE Piano. We take old instruments in exchange and deliver the new piano in your home free of expense. Write for Catalogue D and explanation.


December 1906 15 Cent

A Remedy for


For Over
Fifty Years

Beecham's Pills have unfailingly carried the message of health and good cheer to the homes of the people. They are the best family medicine ever compounded. Wherever health is valued, Beecham's Pills are held in the highest esteem by men and women. Compounded from purely vegetable ingredients, these pills possess properties which make them invaluable to the sailor, the soldier, the man of business and the captain of industry. Women find Beecham's Pills an aid to beauty, a harbinger of health and of special assistance in ailments that are peculiarly feminine.


have never been exploited by sensational advertising, yet their sales have steadily increased in every quarter of the globe. Personal letters endorsing Beecham's Pills are received by the thousands, but it is never necessary to publish them. The pills recommend themselves.

For the everyday ills of life, there is no other remedy so prompt, so safe, so thorough, so highly prized by old and young, as Beecham's Pills. As a stomach corrective they have no superior; for the liver, kidneys and bowels they accomplish everything for which they are recommended. Indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, constipation and their attendant ills cannot exist when Beecham's Pills are used as directed. They regulate, tone and strengthen all the bodily functions-not generally, but always. That Beecham's Pills keep faith with the people is amply attested by the enormous

Annual Sales Over

6,000,000 Boxes




In boxes with full directions

10c. and 25c.

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New model, open-face watches, in 18-karat-gold
cases, adapted for young men - $60, $95, $100, upward
Open-face, 18-karat-gold minute repeaters, $135 and $240

Ladies' Diamond Rings

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Upon advice as to requirements and limit of price, Tiffany & Co. will send photographs, cuts or careful descriptions of what their stock affords

Five-stone half-hoop diamond rings


Best French eight-day movements, in gilt bronze

and glass cases, Traveling Clocks $12, $14, $20, $28 Mantel Clocks striking hours and half-hours on Cathedral gong

$20, $35 and $55

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Goods Sent on

to any part of the
United States, to
persons known to
the house or who
will make them-
selves known by
reference from
any National Bank
or responsible
business house

Tiffany & Co. are strictly retailers. They do not employ agents or sell their wares through other dealers

Overland Monthly

An Illustrated Magazine of the West.

December, 1906

Cover Design (Madrone Berries).

Santa Claus, 30 to 1 (Ill.)....

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Frontispiece-Quotation from Robert Louis Stevenson (Insert)

Frontispiece-Winter Scene in Yosemite Valley

San Francisco as a Cynosure of the Eyes of America and the World (Ill.).

Christmas Sports in California (Ill.)... Arthur Inkersley

Socialism, Evolved and Ideal

Captives, The (Poem)

.Solon Orr

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Arthur J. Ryan

Julian Josephson





Arthur Powell

Charitable Organizations (Ill.). .

Country Life in North Carolina (Ill.).. Mary Hanford Ford

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To an Oregon Raft Log, Cast Ashore (Poem).. Charles S. Ross
Christmas Vision, A (Poem. Ill.)..... Helen Fitzgerald Sanders
Christmas in the Hills (Illustrated by Eloise J. Roorbach)

Virginia Garland

Yule Tide in Merrie England (Ill.) .Katherine Elwes Thomas
Illustration (Izeita Jewel)

Sonnet for Christmas Eve (Poem)..... Charlton Lawrence Edholm
Illustration ("The Drive to the Great House.")

In the Lair of the Bear

Christmas in California

In the Realm of Bookland
Pousse Cafe

.Frances La Place.

Henry Meade Bland

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All communications in relation to manuscripts intended for publication, business connected with the magazine, and drafts, should be addressed to the OVERLAND MONTHLY CO.and not to individuals on the staff.

THE OVERLAND MONTHLY, an Illustrated Magazine of the West. Entered as second class matter June 25, 1906, at the Post-office at Alameda, California, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.

We have established Northwestern offices for the OVERLAND MONTHLY at 33-34 Silver
Bow Block, Butte, Montana, under the management of Mrs. Helen Fitzgerald Sanders.
New subscriptions may commence at any time during the year.

Discontinuances.-Remember that the publishers must be notified by letter when a subscriber wishes his magazine stopped. All arrearage must be paid. Always give the name of the Post-office to which your magazine is sent. cannot be found on our books unless this is done.

Your name

Contributors are requested to write name and address on first page or MSS., and on the back of each photograph or illustration submitted. It is also necessary that in writing te the magazine concerning contributions, the name of the article should be mentioned. OVERLAND MONTHLY COMPANY,

905 Lincoln Avenue, Alameda Cal. 721 Market street, San Francisco;

Copyrighted, 1906, by the Overland Monthly Co.

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