Imágenes de páginas


mountains, 254. Defeats the imperial
general in the Punjab, 256. Defends
Mánkote, but surrenders, 256, Retires
into Bengal, 256
Ahmed Nizam Shah, King of Ahmed-
nugger, relieved by Mahomed Bégurra,
King of Guzerat, 137. Reduces the
Konkan, 207. Defeats the Bahmuny
generals, 207. Founds the city of
Ahmednugger, 208. Besieges Dowlut-
abad, but raises the siege, 208. The
fort given up to him, 208. His death,

Ahmed Nizam Shah, placed on the throne

of Ahmednugger, 313. The succession
disputed, 313. Provided with an
estate, 314. Resigns all pretensions to
the kingdom, 314

Ahmed Shah, succeeds to the throne of
Guzerat, 294. Killed, 294

Ahmed Shah Abdally, King of Afghanis-
tan, 385. Advances into the Punjab,
385. Gains possession of Lahore and
Mooltan, 385. Defeated by Prince
Ahmed, 385. Returns to Afghanistan,
but exacts a promise of tribute from
the Punjab, 385. His second invasion,
420. Obtains the cession of the Punjab,
420. Resents an attack of the vizier on
the Punjab, 421: Attacks and plunders
Dehly, 421, 426. His plunder and
massacre of Muttra, 421. Resisted by
the viceroy of Oudh and the Jats, 421.
Appoints Nujeeb-ood-Dowlah to the
command of the imperial army, 422.
Enters the Punjab, and defeats the
Mahrattas, 448. Defeats them totally
at the battle of Paniput, 449, 450.
Holds the Afghan territory of Dehly,
451. His dominions, 451, Returns
from India, 455

Ahmed Shah Bahmuny, King of the
Deccan, defeated by Zuffur Khan of
Gnzerat, 136. Again defeated in
Khandesh, 136. Defeats Hooshung
Ghoory, King of Malwah, 141
Ahmed Shah Bahmuny II., placed on the
throne of the Deccan, 183. Marries
the sister of the King of Beejapoor,
202. His death, 183
Ahmed Shah Wully Bahmuny, King of
the Deccan. See Khan Khanan Bah-

Ahmed Ghoory, Prince of Malwah, set
aside by the vizier, 142
Ahmedabad founded, 135. The archi-
tecture of, 135. Besieged by rebels,
264. Who are defeated by the Emperor
Akbur, 265. Mozuffer Shah defeated
and driven from, 266. Taken by as-
sault by General Goddard, 493
Ahmednugger, at war with Berar, 193.
Which is defeated, 193. And annexed
to Ahmednugger, 193. At war with
Beejapoor, 205. The Nizam Shahy
dynasty of, 207-211. Foundation of
the city of, 208. Confusion in the
kingdom of, 270. The fort invested


by the Moghuls, and defended by
Chánd Beebee, widow of Ally Adil
Shah, 270. Besieged again and cap-
tured, 271. The territory of, invaded
by the King of Beejapoor, 298. The
fort of, besieged, but the siege raised,
298, 307. Berar annexed to, 309. Dis-
puted succession to the throne, 313.
The various claimants, 313. The fort
besieged by Prince Moorád Mirza, 314.
Captured by the Moghuls, 271, 316.
Recaptured by Mullik Umber, 320.
Who is compelled to relinquish it, 322.
Part of the dominions of, given to
Mahomed Adil Shah of Beejapoor, 329.
Attacked by Sivajee, 337. Retreat of
the Emperor Aurungzebe upon, where
he proposes to establish his principal
camp, 356. Fort of, surrendered to the
Mahrattas, 446. Captured by General
Wellesley, 555. Insurrection of the
Ramoosees in the province of, 616
Ajeet Singh, Rana of Jondhpoor, seizes
Ajmere, and allowed to keep it, 372.
Made governor of Agra, 372

Ajeet Singh, murders Shére Singh, 668.
Seized and put to death, 668
Ajmere, taken by the Mahomedans, and
plundered, 92. Settled by Kootub-ood-
deen, 92, 93. Taken by Sooltan Mah-
mood Khiljy, 143. Seized by Ajeet
Singh, 372
Ajunta, cave temples at, 59
Akbur, Prince, afterwards Emperor of
India, his birth and birthplace, 238.
Defeats Sikunder Shah Soor, King of
Dehly, 248. Marries his cousin, Ru-
zeca Sooltana, 250. Joins his father
Hoomayoon at Peshawur, 251. And in
defeating the Patán army, 251. Suc-
ceeds his father in the empire, 253.
Condition of his dominions at this time,
253. Makes his friend Beiram Khan
prime minister, 254. Pursues and de-
feats Sikunder Shah at Umballa, 254.
Loses Agra and Dehly, 254. Marches
against the Patáns, 255. Whom he
defeats at Paniput, 255. His general
Khizr Khan defeated by Sikunder Shah
Soor, 256. Who is driven into Bengal,
256. Becomes undisputed master of
North-Western India, 256. Dismisses
his minister Beiram Khan, 257, 258.
Determines to rule alone, 258, 259.
State of the empire at this time, 259.
Instances of his princely conduct, 260.
Marries a Hindoo princess of Sumbhul,
261. His treatment of the Hindoos,
261. Defeats the confederate Uzbek
chiefs, 261, 262. His ability and firm-
ness, 262. Returns to Agra, 262.
Makes a tour of the provinces, 262.
Changes the governor of Malwah,
262. Besieges Chittore, which he cap-
tures, 263. Takes Runtunbhore, 263.
Birth of his sons Selim and Moorád,
263. Marries the daughter of the Ra-
jah Kullian Mul, of Bhikanere, 263.



Founds the city of Futtehpoor Sikry,
264. Birth of his third son, Daniel,
Makes a campaign into Guzerat,
264. The king of which submits, 264.
Reduces his cousins, 264. Instance of
his personal bravery, 264.
in Guzerat, 264. The rebels defeated
by the emperor at Ahmedabad, 265.
Annexes Bengal and Behar, 265. His
mosque and buildings at Agra and
Futtehpoor, 266. The Punjab invaded
by his brother Mahomed Hakeem Mirza,
266. Whom he compels to retreat to
Kabool, 266. Sends his son Moorád to
pursue him, 266. The King of Guze-
rat defeated by Mirza Khan, 266.
Akbur drawn into disputes in the Dec-
can, 267. Marriage of his eldest son
Selim, 267. Sends expeditions into
Kashmere and against the Afghans of
Swat and Bijour, 267. Annexes Kash-
mere, 268. Visits Kashmere and Ka-
bool, 268. Resides at Lahore, 268.
Joonagurh captured by his general,
Mirza Azeez, 268. Appoints his son
Moorád governor of Malwah, 269.
Refusal of the kings of the Deccan to
acknowledge his supremacy, 269. Kan-
dahar and its dependencies made over
to him, 269. Extent of his empire at
this time, 269. Terms made by Ahmed-
Jugger, 270. Berar ceded, 270. The
battle of Soopa, 270, 271. Recalls Khan
Loses his
Khanan from Berar, 271.
son Moorád, 271. Proceeds himself to
the Deccan, leaving his son Selim in
charge, 271, 311. Besieges and cap-
tures Ahmednugger, 271, 316.
fines the royal family of Ahmednugger
in Gwalior, 316. And Assegurh, 272.
Annexes Khandésh finally, 272. Death
of his son Daniel, 272, 273. Rebellion
of his son Selim, 272. The emperor
returns to Agra, 272. His friend and
minister, Abool Fuzl, murdered, 272.
His reconciliation and forgiveness of
his son, 273. His illness, 273.
death, 274. His mausoleum at Agra,
274. Review of his character and
administration, 274-281. His revenue
and population of his empire at the
time of his death, 279, 280. His per-
sonal appearance, 280, 281. Forbids the
annexation of Berar to Ahmednugger,
309. Which is nevertheless done, 309
of the Emperor
Akbur, Prince, son
Aurungzebe, accepts the throne of
Retreats to the
Rajpootana, 344.
Deccan, 344. Takes refuge with
Sumbhajee, 348

Akbur Khan, son of Dost Mahomed, de-
feats the Sikhs in Péshawur, 637.
Heads the insurgent Afghan chiefs,
649. Shoots Sir W. Macnaghten, 650.
Arrives before Jellalabad, 654. Routed
by the garrison, 655
kram Khan, son of Dost Mahomed, joins
the Sikhs at Goojerát, 685


Akulkote, Rajah of, gives in his allegiance
to the British, and secured in his pos
sessions, 599
Albuquerque, Alonzo, conducts an expe
dition to India, 220. Obtains permis-
sion to settle at Quilon, 220. Returns
to Europe, 220. Conducts another fert
Attacks Ca-
to India as viceroy, 222.
licut, 223. Wounded, and withdraws,
His other
223. Captures Goa, 223.
victories, 223. Superseded, and dies of
grief, 223. His policy and character, 223
Aldercron, Colonel, attacks Wandiwasb,
but raises the siege, 433
Alexander the Great, his victory st
the Granicus, 46. His first expedition
to India, 46. Reaches the Punjab, 46.
Sails down the Indus, 46. Wounded,
47. His death, 47
Alfred, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh, his
visit to India, 791

Ali Beg Moghul, penetrates Rajpootana,
107. Defeated, 107

Ali Sheer Jám, King of Sinde, 157. His
benevolence, 157. His death, 157
Aligurh, mutiny of Sepoys at, 724
Aliverdy Khan, defeats Meer Habeeb,
382. Defeated by Bhaskur Punt, $82.
Attacks the Mahrattas, 382. Joins the
Péshwah, and defeats Rughoojee Bhós-
lay, 383. Appointed viceroy of Bengal,
398. Defeats Serefraz Khan, who is
slain, 398. His vigorons government,
398. Admits the demands of the Msh-
rattas, 398. His death, 422
Aliwal, battle of, 673

Allahabad, Bullabhi inscription at. 62.
The treasury of, seized by Prince Selim,
272. The fortress seized by the Nawab
of Oudh, 439. Reserved for the cm-
peror, 463. Ceded to the Mahrattas,
477. The cession not permitted by the
English, 483. But confirmed by the
Council, 485. Ceded to the Eng ish,
534. Mutiny of the Sepoys at, 727.
Saved by Captain Brasyer, 727.
vested by the mutineers, 735.
by cholera, 736
Alla-ood-deen, King of Bengal. See Mul-
lik Aly Moobaruk


Alla-ood-deen, King of Kashmere.
Ally Sheer
Alla-cod-deen, Prince of Ghoor, defests
Sooltan Béhrám of Ghuzay, 89.
the city up to pillage, 89. His death, 90
Alla-ood-deen Hussun Gungoo Bahmury,
Zuffur Khan takes the title of, 117, 159.
His career, 159. Crowned king of the
Deccan, 159.
Makes Goolburgah ha
Makes his old master
capital, 159.
Gungoo his treasurer, 159. Marches
towards Guzerat, 160. Extent of his
dominions, 169. His death, 160
Alla-ood-deen Imád Shah succeeds to the
throne of Berar, 192. His capital city.
Gawilgurh, 192. Endeavours to replace
Mahmood Shah at Beeder, 193. Retakes
Mahore from Ameer Beered, 193. Ai


war with Ahmednugger, 193, 209. Loses
great part of his dominions, 193. Holds
Berar for the King of Guzerat, 193.
Joins Khandesh and Guzerat, and de-
feats the King of Ahmednugger, 209.
His death, 193
Alla-ood-deen Khiljy, nephew of King
Julal-ood-deen of Dehly, 103. Reduces
the Hindoos of Bhilsa, 103. Becomes
governor of Oudh, 103. His expedition
to the Deccan, 103. Defeats the Hin-
doos near Elichpoor, 104. Obtains
immense plunder at Déogurh, 104. Re-
turns to Kurra, 105. Conspires against
his uncle, whom he causes to be mur-
dered, 105. Marches upon Dehly, and
crowned king, 105. Sends an expedi
tion to Moultan, 105. Puts the late
king's sons to death. 106. His govern-
ment, 106. Marries the queen of Guze-
rat, 106. Drives the Moghuls out of
India, 106. Wounded at Runtunbhore,
106. Puts his uncle, Rookn Khan, to
death, 107. Takes Ruutunbhore, 107.
His civil administration, 107. Sends
an expedition to Wurungul, 107. Re-
duces Chittore, 107. Sends an expedi-
tion under the slave Mullik Kafoor to
Déogurh, 108. And to Wurungul, 109.
Increase of his wealth and magnificence
of his capital Dehly, 110. His vexa-
tions, 111. His death, 111.
Alla-ood-deen Khiljy, conspires against
his brother, and imprisoned, 144
Alla-ood deen Eody, sends an expedition
against Dehly, which is defeated by the
Emperor Hoomayoon, 235
Alla-ood-deen Musaood, succeeds to the
throne of Dehly, 9S. His profligacy, 98.
Deposed and put to death, 98
Alla-ood-deen Shah II. Balmuny, suc-
ceeds to the throne of the Deccan, 168.
His kindness to his brother Mahomed,
168. Who conspires against him, 169.
Defeats Mahomed, whom he pardons
and gives the estate of Raichore, 169.
Invades and reduces the Konkan, 169.
At war with Khandesh and Guzerat,
169. And with Beejanugger, 170.
Peace concluded, 171. His govern-
ment, 171. Send's an expedition to the
Konkan, 171. Massacres the foreign
troops in the fort of Chakun, 171.
Leads an army against the King of
Guzerat, 171. His death, 171
Alla-ood-deen Shah Bahmuny II., suc-

ceeds to the throne of the Deccan, 183.
Deposed and put to death, 183
Alla-ood-deen, Syed, succeeds to the
government of Dehly, 125. Abdicates,
125. Adopts Bheilole Lody as his
successor, 125

Ally Adil Shah succeeds to the throne of
Becjapoor, 297. Restores the Sheea
faith in his dominions, 297. Enters
into an alliance with Ramraj of Beeja-
nugger, and invades Ahnednugger,
298, 307. The fort of which is besieged,


but the siege raised, 298, 307. Renews
the fortifications of Nuldroog, 29.
Forms a combination against the
Rajah of Beejanugger, 298, 306. Mar-
ries Chánd Beebee of Ahmednugger,
and obtains the fort of Sholapoor as
her dowry, 298. Gives his sister in
marriage to Hoosein Nizam Shah of
Ahmednugger, 298. At the defeat of
the Rajah of Beejanugger at Talikote,
299, 300. Besieges Goa, but repulsed
with severe loss, 300. Makes a desultory
campaign in Ahmednugger, 300, 309.
Captures Bunkapoor and Dharwar,
300. His later operations, 301. Assas-
sinated, 301. His public works at
Beejapoor, 301

Ally Adil Shah II., succeeds to the
throne of Beejapoor, 334. War de-
clared against him by Aurungzebe,
334. Becjapoor besieged, but a hasty
peace concluded, 335. Sends a force
against Sivajee, who destroys it, 337,
338. Takes the field, and recovers lost
territory, 338. His death, 344
Ally Bereed Shah, of Beeder, joins a
Mahomedan coalition against Beeja-
nugger, 298. At the great battle of
Talikote, 299
Allygurh, fort of, captured by General
Lake, 556

Ally Hussein, adopted by and appointed
to succeed as Nawab of the Carnatic,
548. Set aside by Lord Wellesley,


Ally Jáh rebels against his father, 532.
Made prisoner, and poisons himself,


Ally Johur. Prince Royal of Dehly, es-
capes to Nujeeb-ood-Dowlahs and takes
the field, 438. Forms a league for the
invasion of Bengal, 438. Advances into
Behar, 438. Invests Patna, 438. But
raises the siege, 439. Murder of his
father the emperor, 448. His son
Juwán Bukht raised to the throne, 449.
Ally Johur ascends the throne as Shalı
Allum, 451

Ally Khan, Rajah of Khandesh, submits
to the Emperor Akbur, 270. Joins the
Moghuls at the battle of Soopa, 271.
Killed, 271

Ally Merdan Khan, Persian governor of
Kandahar, 330. Gives up Kandahar
to the Emperor Shah Jehán, 350.
Invades Balkh in conjunction with
Rajah Jugut Singh, 330. Succeeds,


Ally Morád, Ameer of Sinde, his con-
duct to his kinsmen, 661. Found
guilty of forgery, and his lands re-
sumed, 698

Ally, Nizam. See Nizam Ally
Ally, Shah, sor. of Boorhan Nizam
Shah I., a competitor for the throne
of Ahmednugger, 313. Supported by
Nehung Khan, 313. Cut off, and
perishes, 313


Ally Sheer, his contest with his brother
Jumsheed, 130. Ascends the throne
of Kashmere, under the title of Alla-
ood-deen, 130. His death, 130
Ally Tebár found unhurt on the battle-
field, and adopted by his uncle, the
Emperor Bahadur Shah, 358
Almanacs, Hindoo, their prophecies,


Almeida, Don Francis, defeats the King
of Guzerat in a naval action, 138.
Arrives in India with the title of
Viceroy, 222. Defeats of his fleet, 222.
Receives reinforcements, and captures
the Mahomedan positions, 222. De-
stroys Dahul, 222. Destroys the Maho-
medan fleets at Diu, 222. His cruelty,
222. Resigns his authority, 222.
Killed by Kaffirs, 222
Almeida, Lorenzo, his death at the
battle of Choule, 222

Almorah occupied by Colonel Gardner,
579. Possession of, completed by
Colonel Nicoll, 579. Mutiny of Sepoys
at, 725

Alp Khan, ascends the throne of Malwah
under the title of Hooshung Ghoory,
140. Besieged in Dhar, and deprived
of his authority, 149. Recovers his
dominions, 141. Defeated at the battle
of Kalliada, 141. His death, 141. His
buildings at Mandoo, 142
Alpturgeen, becomes King of Ghuzny, 77
Altmish. See Shumsh-ood-deen
Aluf Khan, brother of the King of Dehly,
besieges and takes Mooltan, 105, 106.
Takes the sons of the late king, 106.
Captures Anhulwara, and obtains im-
mense booty, 106. Captures Déwul
Devy, and carries her to Dehly, 109
Aluf Khan Toghluk, compels Déogurh to
submit, 113. Besieges Wurungul, 113.
Which submits, 114. His enthusiastic
reception at Dehly, 114. Ascends the
throne at the death of his father, 114.
His character, 114. Takes the title of
Mahomed Toghluk, 114. His immense
largesses, 114. Induces the Moghuls
to retire on payment of a ransom. 115.
Subjugates the Deccan and aunexes
Lukhnow and Chittagong, 115. Sends
an expedition to China, 115. Flays
Baha-ood-deen alive, 115. Changes his
capital from Dehly to Déogurh, 115.
His inhumanity, 116. Subdues a rebel-
lion in Mooltan, 116. Massacres the
inhabitants of the Dooáb, 116. Marches
against Bengal and Malabar, 116.
Burial of his tooth at Bheer, 116. Puts
down various rebellions and insurrec-
tions, 117. His death, 117. His unquiet
reign, 117

Alum Ally, imperial general, slain in
action, 370

Alumgeer II., succeeds to the throne of
Falls under his vizier's
control, 447. Murdered, 448
Amboor, battle of, 405

Delly, 421.


Amboyna, the Dutch expelled from, 283,
Execution of twelve Englishmen at,
387. Captured by the British, 573
Ameer Bereed, becomes prime minister
of the Deccan, 182. Makes the King
Mahmood Shah II. prisoner, 182, 193,
Deposes his son, Alla-ood-deen Shah II.,
183. Marries the queen, 183. Takes
Mahore, which is recaptured by the
King of Berar, 193, Succeeds his
father Kassim at Beeder, 197. Or-
ganises a confederacy against the King
of Beejapoor, 198. Who defeats him,
198. His intrigues with the Regent of
Beejanugger, 199, 200. Invests Gool-
burgah, 200. But raises the siege, 201.
Forms a league against Beejanugger,
202. Joins Boorhan Nizam Shah
against Ismail Adil Shah, who defeats
them, 203. His intrigues with the
commander of the Beejapoor forces,
203. His territory invaded by Ismal
Adil Shah, who completely defeats him,
203. Retires to Oodgheer, 204. Cap-
tured in his bed, and taken to King
Ismail, 204. Renews his intrigues,
205. Joins the King of Ahmednugger,
and defeats the King of Beejapoor, 296,
His death, 296

Ameer Khan, Prince, becomes King of
Kashmere under the title of Ally Shah,
130. Loses his throne, 131. Recog
nised as the head of the Patáns, 569.
His predatory movements, 569. His
Pindhárees, 570. Attacks the Rajah
of Nagpoor, 570. Checked by British
forces, but not suppressed, 570. Jcins
a league of native states against the
British, 579. Ravages Rajpootana, 579.
His army, 586. Offer of the Marquis
of Hastings to him, 586. Settles with
the British government, 594
Ameer Singh, his succession as Rajah of

Tanjore confirmed by the Board of
Directors, 548. But set aside, 5.
Surrenders the fort of Malown, 570.
Induces the Goorkhas to renew the
war with the British, 580
Amerkote, the Emperor Hoomayoon's

reception at, 238

Améthee, Rajah of, submits to the British
government, 765. But escapes, 765
Amherst, Lord, reaches India as gover.
nor-general, 604. Declares war against
Burmah, 605. Dissatisfaction of the
Court of Directors at its cost, 600.
Orders Sir D. Ochterlony to withdraw
his proclamation and troops, 609, his
dismay at the result, 610. Orders the
siege of Bhurtpoor, 610. Created an
earl, 611. Makes Simlah a vice-regal
sanatorium, 611. Effects of his tour
in the north-west provinces, 611.
Resigns and leaves India, 612
Amjnd-ool-Moolk appointed prime min-
ister at Hyderabad, 696

Amót ceded to the East India Company,



Amravati, Boodhist temple of, 52, 59
Amrut Ráo, the Péshwah's illegitimate
brother, proposes the assassination of
Sindia, 537. Attacked by Sindia, 537.
His intrigues, 553. Plunders the coun-
try towards Nassuk, 554. Retires on a
pension, 554

Amusements of the people of India, 14,
17, 18

Amyatt, Mr., sent to the Nawab, 459.
Killed, 459
Anchidéva visited by the Portuguese, 218.
Their fort built at, 221
Anderson, Lieutenant,

Khan Singh to Mooltan, 679. Where
he is wounded, 680. Murdered, 680
Andhra dynasty, 54, 58, 73
Andrada, Fernando Perez de, reaches
Canton, 224

Andrada, Dom Luis de, Portuguese com-
mander, repulses the Ahmednugger
forces before Choule, 300

Andrews, Mr., sent to negotiate with
Hyder Ally, 473

Angria, Toolajee, his piracies, 416. His
fort of Severndroog captured, 416.
His fleet burned, and Gheriah taken,

Anhulwara, capital of Guzerat, taken by
Sooltan Mahmood, 84. Captured by the
Mahomedans, 106. Taken by Mozuffer
Khan, 134

Anjedéva, loss of English on the island of,


Ankoos Khan, Beejapoor general, keeps
the besiegers of the city in check, 302
Anson, General, commander-in-chief,
takes the field against the Sepoy rebels,
723, 724. Advances on Dehly, but dies
of cholera, 724

Anund Deo, Rajah of Kashmere, 129.
His death. 130

Anund Rao, adopted as Máhárajah of
Jhansy, 702. But the adoption not
allowed, 703
Anundpal becomes Rajah of the Punjab,
80. Defeated by Mahmood of Ghuzny,
81, 82. Admitted to terms by Mahmood,
82. Who sacks Lahore, 83. And com-
pels Anundpal to fly to Ajmere, 83
Anundráj, Rajah of Vizagapatam, his in-
surrection against the French, 435.
Assisted by Clive, 435. Joins Colonel
Forde, and marches with him against
M. Conflans, 436
Anwur-ood-deen becomes governor of

Arcot, 384

Anwur-ood-deen, or Anwur Sahib, made
Nawab of the Carnatic, 400. Sends
troops against Dupleix, who defeats
them, 402. Abandons the English,
402. Defeated and slain at Amboor,

Appa Bulwunt, Mahratta general, over-
runs Mysore, 474, 475

Appa Desaye Nepankur gives in his alle
giance to the British, and confirmed in
his possessions, 599


Appa Sahib, regent of Nagpoor, makes a
treaty with the British, 585. Causes
the idiot rajah to be strangled, and
himself to be proclaimed, 590. Attacks
the British troops with his whole army,
but repulsed, 591. Surrenders himself
to the Resident, 591. Who keeps him
prisoner, 595. Ordered to be confined
in Allahabad, but escapes on the way,
596, 597. Receives assistance from
Cheetoo Pindharee, 597. Receives pro-
tection from the Rajah of Joudhpoor,


Arabs, surrender of, in Malligaom, 597
Arám, succeeds Kootub-ood-deen as king

of India, 95. Deficient in vigour and
resolution. 95. Deposed by Shumsh-
ood-deen Altmish, 95

Aravulli mountains, 3
Architecture, commencement of, in India,
51. That of the Chola dynasty. the
Dravidian, 67. Development of, in the
southern mediæval kingdoms, 67. The
buildings of the Chalukya dynasty, 71.
The Mahomedan works in Ahmedabad,
135. Buildings of the Deccan during
the Bahmuny dynasty, 184. Character
of Mahomedan architecture in India,
228, 229. Of the time of Ibrahim Adil
Shah II., 305

Arcot, Anwur-ood-deen becomes governor
of, 384. Taken by Nasir Jung, 404.
Lieut. Clive's expedition to, 409. Be-
sieged by Chunda Sahib's troops, who
are driven back, 409. A mock capitu-
lation of, to Lally, 441. Attacked by
Coote, and surrenders, 443. Invested
by Hyder Ally, 500. Capitulates, 501
Arghoon dynasty of Sinde, 158
Argoam, battle of, 557
Arikéra, battle of, 524

Arkully Khan, governor of Mooltan, 105.
Refuses the throne of Dehly, 105. De -
feated by Aluf Khan, and blinded and
put to death, 105, 106
Armegoor, English factory established at,
387. The first place fortified by the
English in India, 388

Army, Lord Clive's difficulties with the,
464. Mutiny of the Europeans checked
by the native regiments, 464. Corporal
punishment re-established in the, 667.
Revolt of the native troops (see Sepoys).
Number of troops in British India in
1868-9, 799

Arnee, Rajah Sahib and the French de-
feated by Clive at, 409

Arracan, its fertility, 608

Arrah, attack of the rebel Sepoys at, 738.
Mr. Boyle's defence, 738
Arrian, his list of Indian kings, 41
Arslán deposes Musaood III. of Ghuzny,
and usurps the throne, 88. Defeated
by the Seljuks, and flies to India, 88.
Put to death, 88

Artillery first mentioned in Indian wars,


Aryans, their conquest of India, 38.

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