Imágenes de páginas


Kámbuksh, Prince, besieges Wakingérah,
but repulsed, 352. Sent to the siege of
Gingee, which is raised, 353. Retires
to Wandiwash, 353. Invites Pám Naik
to court, 355. Takes Wakingérah by
storm, 356. Golcondah and Beejapoor
left by will to him, 357. Sent to Beeja-
poor, 358. Resists Bahadur Shah, and
is killed in action, 359
Kamil Khan, Regent of Beejapoor, re-
moved by the Queen Dowager, 301.
Flies, 301

Kamrán, Kandahar taken by his brother
the Emperor Hoomayoon, 249. Loses
Kabool, and escapes towards Sinde,
249. Returns and surprises Kabool,
249. But driven out, 249. Wanders
among the wild Afghans, 249. Blinded,
250. His death, 250

Kamrán, son of the Emperor Babur, ap-
pointed governor of Kabool and Kan-
dahar, 234. Afghanistan and the
Punjab made over to him, 234. Cedes
the Punjab to Shere Khan, and retires
to Kabool, 237

Kamran of Herat, his intrigue with
Persia and Russia, 644
Kandahar, subdued and annexed by
Subooktugeen of Ghuzny, 78. Ceded
by the Emperor Hoomayoon to the
King of Persia, 248. Taken by Hoo-
mayoon, 249. Made over, with its
dependencies, to the Emperor Akbur,
269. Invaded and taken by the Persians,
323. Prince Shahriar sent to recover
it, 323. Regained by the Moghuls, 330.
Again taken by the Persians, 330. And
besieged unsuccessfully by Prince
Aurungzebe, 330. Prince Dara Shekoh
allowed to recommence the siege, but
also fails, 330, 331. Taken by Nadir
Shah, 379. Held by Ahmed Shah Ab-
dally, 451. Defeat of the Afghan in-
surgents by General Nott at, 651
Kanhojee Angria, Mahratta chief, his
piracies, 396. Attacked by the English
and Portuguese, who fail, 397. His
death, 397
Kanishka, third prince of the Kashmere
dynasty, 59

Kanoud, fort of, taken by Brigadier
Showers, 743
Kanouj, dynasty of, 54. City of, sub-
mits to Mahmood of Ghuzny, 83. Taken
by the Rajah of Kalinga, 83. Captured
by the Mahomedans, 92. Occupied by
Mahmood Toghluk, 152. Recovered by
Ibrahim Shah Shurky, 153. The Em-
peror Hoomayoon defeated near, 237
Kans, Rajah, usurps the throne of

Bengal, 151

Kanwa dynasty founded, 55
Karlee, cave temple at, 54
Karnee, cave temple at, 61
Karrack, expedition from Bombay to, 640
Kashmere, Tartar dynasties of, 58, 59.

Historical records of, 129. Mahomedan
kings of, 129. Expedition sent by the


Emperor Akbur into, 267. Annexed
to the Empire, 268. Insurrection in,
369. Bought by Gólab Singh, 675
Kassim, conquers Sinde, 76, 156
Kassim Bereed, minister of Mahmood
Shah II. of the Deccan, 182. His
intrigues against Yoosuf Adil Shah,
195. Whom he asks for aid against
Dustoor Deenar the Abyssinian, 196.
Dismissed from office. 197. And de-
feated near Allund, 197. His death,
182, 197

Kassim Khan, Aurungzebe's general,
sent to Gingee, 353. Attacked by
Suntajee Gorepuray, and his men
stripped of their arms and clothes, 353.
Poisons himself, 353
Kattiawar, peninsula of, 60. The Sahs
in, 60, 61. Reduced by King Ahmed of
Guzerat, 135. Residence of Mozuffer
Shah, King of Guzerat, at, 268. Failure
of an attempt of Mirza Azeez Khan to
take it, 268
Kavanagh, Mr., his daring feat, 745
Kawur Sein, a Brahmin, becomes Péshwa
to King Boorhan Shah of Ahmed-
nugger, 209. His bravery and skill,
209. Reduces the Mahratta chiefs, 210
Keane, Sir John, commands a Bombay
force sent against Afghanistan, 642.
His march through Sinde, 642. Raised
to the peerage, 644

Keating, Colonel, marches to Guzerat, 488.
Defeats the Mahrattas, 489
Kehrla, war of the Deccan with, 166.
Taken by Nizam-ool-Moolk, 174. Ceded
to the Deccan, 174, 194
Kei-kobád succeeds to the throne of
Dehly, 101. His profligacy, 101. Puts
his Moghul officers to death, 101.
Paralyzed 102. Murdered, 102
Keigwin, Captain, commandant of Bom-
bay garrison, imprisons the governor,
392. Surrenders the island to Sir T.
Grantham, 392

Keir, General, hunts the Pindháree free-

booter Cheetoo through Guzerat, 594
Kelloojee, Mahratta chieftain, becomes a

noble of the empire, and serves under
Shah Jehán, 327

Kennaway, Captain, sent to demand the
surrender of the Guntoor Sircar, 521
Kerowly taken by Sooltan Mahmood
Khiljy, 143. Case of, 689

Kerr, General, commands the forces of
Guzerat, 586

Khan Bahadoor Khan, rising of the
Mahomedans at Bareilly under, 725
Khan Khanan, eldest son of King Julal-
ood-deen of Dehly, put to death, 103
Khan Khanan Bahmuny, retrieves King
Feroze Shah's defeat in Beejanugger,
167. Ascends the throne of the Deccan
under the title of Ahmed Shah Wully,
167. Declares war against Beejanugger,
168. His massacre of Hindoos, 168.
Makes war against Wurungul, 168.
Which he finally reduces, 211. Com-

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pletes the fortifications of Gawilgurh,
168. Defeats Sooltan Hooshung of
Malwah, 168. Founds the city of
Beeder, 168. His death, 168
Khan Khanan, Mirza Khan receives the
title of, 271 (see also Mirza Khan).
Commands the Moghul army at Soopa,
271, 315. Recalled by the Emperor
Akbur, 271. Commands an army in
the Deccan, 271. Defeated by Mullik
Umber, general and minister of Ah-
mednugger, 320. His command trans-
ferred to Shah Jehán, 320
Khan Mirza, Prince, attacked at Moham-

rah by Sir J. Outram, 714. Retreats, 714
Khan Singh, appointed Sikh Dewan of
Mooltan, 679. Accompanied by Mr.
Vans Agnew and Lieutenant Anderson,
who are murdered, 679, 680
Khandesh becomes independent of Dehly,
121. Situation and boundaries of, 146.
Its great fertility, 146. Mahomedan
kings of, 146. Its capital city, 146.
End of the Farooky dynasty, 149.
Disputed succession to the throne, 149.
Defeat of the Deccan king in, 136.
Submits to the Emperor Akbur, 270.
Finally annexed to the empire, 272.
Plundered by the Mahrattas, 345, 349,
354, 355. Held by them, 452. Its
cultivation under its Mahomedan
kings, 615. Its condition after the
Mahratta war, 615. Its desolation
increased by the Bheels, 615
Kharizm, King of, defeats Mahomed
Ghoory, 93

Khassee Ráo put to death by his brother
Holkar, 565

Khatmandoo, Goorkha capital, advance
of the British on, 577, 578
Khelát, captured by the British under
General Willshire, 644. But retaken
by the Beloochees, 644. And again by
General Nott, 646

Khiljy dynasty of Dehly established, 102
Kbiljy dynasty of Malwah, 142-145
Khiva, Russian expedition to, 645
Khizr Khan, son of the King of Dehly,
married to Déwul Dévy, 109. Confined
by Mullik Khafoor, 111

Khizr Khan, Syed, viceroy of Lahore,
appointed deputy of Teimoor in India,
123. Takes Dehly, 124
Khizr Khan, viceroy of Bengal, his rebel-
lion suppressed by Shere Khan, 242
Khizr Khan, governor of the Punjab, de-

feated by Sikunder Shah Soor, 256
Khodawund Khan, governor of Mahore

and Ramgeer, 193. Declares his inde-
pendence, 193. Mahore taken by Ameer
Bereed, and Khodawund killed, 193
Khodeija Sooltana, of Beejapoor, be-
trothed to the son of the King of Ah-
mednugger, 303

Khójuk pass, the, 642
Khônds, aboriginal tribe of, 36. Their
dwelling-place, 633. Their human sac-
rifices, 633. Efforts of Captain Camp-


bell and Major Macpherson to suppress
the practice, 633. Insurrection of the
people, 633. Which is suppressed, and
the people civilised, 634
Khooloom, Wullee of, protects Dost Ma-
homed, 646

Khoonza Sooltana, Queen Dowager of
Ahmednugger, becomes Regent, 308.
Takes the field against the King of
Beejapoor, 309

Khoord Kabool pass, march of the En-
glish army through the, 650
Khoosroo, becomes Sooltan at Lahore, 89.
His death, 89

Khoosroo, Ameer, the poet, patronised
by King Julal-ood-deen Khiljy, 102.
His poem on the marriage of Khizr
Khan with the Princess Déwul Devy,

Khoosroo, Prince, son of the Emperor
Jehangeer, his quarrels with his brother
Khurram, 273. Rebels against bis
father, but defeated and captured, 319.
Taken in chains to the emperor, 820.
Conspiracy to assassinate the emperor
and elevate Khoosroo discovered and
defeated, 320. The emperor's cruelty
to him, 320. Imprisoned in chains,
320. Released, but dies, 323
Khoosroo Mullik, succeeds his father

Khoosroo of Ghuzny, 89. Defeated by
Mahomed Ghoory, and confined, 90, 91
Khorassán, under Haroun al-Rasheed, 77.
Rebels, 77

Khowas Khan, Shere Khan's general, sp
pointed viceroy of the Punjab, 242.
Marches upon Agra, but defeated by
the emperor, 245. And again at Uni-
balla, 245. Wanders from place to
place, 245. Put to death, 245. His
tomb at Dehly, 245
Khowas Khan appointed regent of Beeja-
poor, 344. Assassinated, 345
Khujista Akhir, son of the Emperor
Bahadur Shah, killed in the contest for
the throne, 361

Khundy Rao put to death by his uncle
Holkar, 565

Khurósa, cave temples of, 69
Khurram, Prince, son of the Emperor
Jehangeer, his quarrels with his brother
Khoosroo, 273. His successful cam
paign in Oodypoor, 321. Receives the
title of Shah Jehán, 322. See Jehar,
Shah. Emperor
Khurruk Bahádoor, takes the fort of
Berozepoor by storm, 750. And routs
Mahomed Hussein Nazim's army, 750
Khwaja Jehan, governor of Guzerat, de-

feats Baha-ood-deen, 115

Khyber Pass, the Afghans defeated by
the imperial general Man Singh at the,
268. Mutiny of native troops at the.
653. Forced by General Pollock, 64
Kilpatrick, Captain, joins Clive with a
reinforcement, 409

Kimedy plundered by the Pindharees,



Kineyree, defeat of Moolráj at, 681
Kings, list of, according to Arrian and
Pliny, 41

Kinleside, Colonel, defeats the rebel
Nawab of Futtegurh, 747
Kirjean, M., French commander, defeated
and taken prisoner, 411

Kirkee, city of, its name changed to
Aurangabad, 333

Kirkpatrick, Major William, joins Lord
Mornington at the Cape, and supplies
him with information, 538
Kirkpatrick, Captain Achilles, concludes
a treaty with the Nizam, 540
Kishen Das, protected by the English at
Calcutta, 422. Suráj-ood-Dowlah's
demands, 422. Who receives Kishen
Das with courtesy, 423
Kishkinda, kingdom of, founded by
Ráma, 64

Kishwur Khan, becomes regent of Beeja-
poor, 301. Assassinates Moostafa Khan,
301. Imprisons the Queen Dowager,
Chánd Beebee, in Sattura, 301. Fury
of the people at his violence, 302.
Escapes, 302. Killed at Golcondah,


Kites, and kite-flying, in India, 14, 15
Kiveloor, Hindoo temple of, plundered
by the Count de Lally, 434
Knox, Captain, his exploit at Patna, 456
Koer Singh, the Zemindar, rebels. 738.
Operations of Sir E. Lugard against
him, 753. Defeats Captain Le Grand,
754. The only Zemindar who rebelled,


Kolapoor, capital of the Silhárá princes,
71. Piracies of, 416. Which are sup-
pressed in, 570. War of the Rajah of,
with the Mahrattas, 546. Gives in his
allegiance to the British, and secured
in his possessions, 599. Mutiny of
Sepoys at, 759. Who are pursued by
Captain Kerr, and slain, 759, 760
Kolees, aboriginal tribe of, 37
Koles, Lurka, tribe of, 36, 37
Koles, the, 623. Their insurrection, and

its causes, 623. Placed under special
jurisdiction, 623. Their advancement in
civilisation and prosperity, 623. Con-
version of thousands of them to Chris-

tianity, 623. Those of Singhbhoom
join the rebel Sepoys, 754
Kolhar ceded to the Mahrattas, 475
Koncan, part of the, given to the King of

Beejapoor, 329

Konkan, invaded and reduced by Alla-
ood-deen Shah II., of the Deccan, 169.
Expedition sent into, by the King of
the Deccan, 171. To which it is an-
nexed, 174. Reduced by Ahmed Nizam
Shah, 207. The Northern Konkan
gained by the Portuguese for Prince
Chand, 281

Kookies, tribe of, 36
Koolly Kootub Shah, appointed governor

of, 212. His origin and services, 212.
Becomes independent as Sooltan of


Golcondah, 212. Extends his power
to the sea, 212. Captures Dewarkónda,
212. Assists Ameer Bereed, 213. His
town of Kovilcóndah besieged in con-
sequence, 213. Wounded in the face,
213. Assassinated, 213
Koonch, defeat of the rebel Sepoys at,

Kootloogh Khan, the Moghul, invades
India, 106. Defeated by Alla-ood-deen
of Dehly, 106. Evacuates India, 106.
Raises an insurrection, which is sup-
pressed, 269

Kootub Khan, cousin of the King of
Dehly, imprisoned and murdered, 153
Kootub minar at Dehly, 95

Kootub Shah succeeds to the throne of
Guzerat, 137. His character, 187. His
death, 137

Kootub Shahy dynasty of Golcondah,

Kootub Shahy dynasty of Golcondah,
316-319. End of the, 351
Kootub-ood-deen, King of Kashmere. See
Kootub-ood-deen Eibuk, takes Dehly, 92.
Defeats the Rajah of Kanouj, and takes
the Rajah's treasure, 92. Made viceroy,
92, 94. Settles Ajmere, 92, 93. Takes
Anhulwara and its dependencies, 93.
Captures Gwalior, 95. Crowned King
of India at Lahore, 94. His birth and
career, 94. His Indian campaigns, 95.
Takes Dehly, 95. His other conquests,
95. Takes Ghuzny, where he is
crowned, 95. His death, 95. His
minaret and mosque at Dehly, 95
Kootub-ood-deen Lunga, becomes King of
Mooltan, 154, 155. His death 155
Kootub-ood-deen, Mysore commander,
his operations, 523

Kootub-ool-Moolk, governor of Telingana,
declares himself independent, 182
Koowur Rái, Rajah of Kanouj, submits
to Mahmood of Ghuzny, 83. A con-
federation of Hindoo sovereigns formed
against him, 83. Attacked by the
Rajah of Kalinga, 83
Kopuldroog ineffectually besieged by the
Nizam, 523

Korash, Prince Mirza, his claim to the
succession of the throne of Dehly, 690.
Recognised as heir apparent by the
governor-general in Council, 712
Kórewahs, aboriginal tribe of, 36
Korygaom, memorable defence of, 589.
Monument erected at, 590
Kovilcondah besieged by the King of
Beejapoor, 213

Kowla Dévy, wife of the Rajah of Gu-
zerat, captured by the Mahomedans,
106. Married to King Alla-ood-deen,


Kowlá Dévy, Queen of Kashmere, defeated
by, and married to, Shah Meer, 130
Kowlas taken by Prince Aluf Khan, 114.

Attempt of Vináik Déo to take, 160
Krishn Naik, Rajah of Beejanugger, joins


other Hindoos, and drives out the Ma-
homedans, 116

Krishn Rai, Rajah of Beejanugger, re-
fuses the demands of Mujahid Shah,
163. His kingdom invaded by Mujahid,
163. Eminence and extent of his king-
dom, 191

Krishna river, 3

Krishna, King of Saurashtra, 60. Wor-
shipped by the majority of the Hindoos,

Kshéttryas, or military class, in ancient
times, 21

Kudr Khan, son of the King of Dehly,
blinded and put to death, 106
Kulleem Oolla Shah Bahmuny, succeeds
to the throne of the Deccan, 183. His
adventures, 183

Kulliada, battle of, 135, 141
Kallian Mul, Rajah of Bhikanere, his
daughter married to the Emperor
Akbur, 263

Kulyan, now Kulliany, city of, 69.
Chalukya dynasty of, 68. Kala Bhurya
dynasty of, 69. Conquered and an-
nexed by the Yádávás of Déoghur, 70.
United with Guzerat, 133. Given up
by Ahmednugger to Ally Adil Shah of
Beejapoor, 307. Attempt of Hoosein
Nizam Shah to recover it, 308
Kumal Khan, appointed Regent of Beeja-
poor, 199. Restores the public pro-
fession of faith, 199. His intrigues
with Ameer Bereed, 199. Purposes to
usurp the throne, 200. The Queen Dow-
ager's counter plot, 200. Loses Goa, 223.
Assassinated, 200
Kumaon, mountain province of, acquired
by the British, 580
Kummur-ood-deen Khan, imperialist ge-
neral, marches against the Peshwah,

Kuna, Pandyan King, his conversion to
Jainism, 67

Kunchy, or Conjeveram, capital of the
Cholas, 66. Burnt, 69
Kupoorthala, Sikh Rajah of, checks the
mutineers at Jullunder, 729
Kureem Khan, Patán chief, his depreda-

tions, 574. Imprisoned by Sindia, but
released, 574. Joins Cheetoo, and
again confined, 574. His forces routed
by Colonel Adams, 594. Surrenders to
Sir J. Malcolm, and given an estate in
Gorukpoor, 594
Kurky, capital of the Pandyans, 67
Kurnool, Nawab of, shoots Nasir Jung,
407. Kills Mozuffer Jung, 408. Killed,

Kurpa, independence of the Patán Na-
wab of, 453. Annexed by Hyder Ally,

Kurra Khan, confined in his government
by King Ghazy Beg Toghluk, 114
Kurrachee, mutiny of Sepoys at, 760.
Who are disarmed, 760
Kurruk Singh, succeeds his father Run-
jeet Singh at Lahore, 645. His incapa-

[blocks in formation]


A TOUCHE, Captain, killed, 785
Labourdonnais, M., sent to India,
400. His instructions, 400. EngagES
the English fleet, which retreats, 40).
Besieges Madras, which surrenders,
401. Dupleix refuses to sanction his
terms of surrender, 401. Superseded.
401. Returns home, imprisoned, and
tried but acquitted, 401. His death,
Lahar, fort of, taken by Captain Popham,
Lahore, sacked by Sooltan Mahmood of
Ghuzny, 83. Besieged by the Hindoos,
87. But the siege raised, 87. Becomes
the capital of the Ghuzny dynasty, 88.
Besieged and taken by Mahomed
Ghoory, 89. Captured by the Gukkurs.
93. Seized by the Moghuls, who leave
it, 98. Taken by Teimoor, 123. En-
tered by the Emperor Hoomayoon,
251. Invaded by Mahomed Hakeeni
Mirza, 266. The Emperor Akbur re-
sides at, 268, Occupied by the Afghan
King, Ahmed Shah, 385. Surprised by
the vizier Shahab-ood-deen, 421. Taken
by the Mahrattas, 447. Occupied by
the Afghans under Zemán Shah, 540,
Occupied by the British troops, 675.
Mutiny of the Sepoys at, 723, 730. Who
are disarmed, 723. Murder of Major
Spencer, 730. Provincial high court
established at, 781

Laing, Mr., his financial measures, 770
Lake, General (afterwards Lord), his

forces in Hindostan, 555. His first
campaign, 556. Captures Allygur,
556. Defeats the Mahrattas at Dehly,
Agra, and Laswaree, 556. Concindes
treaties with several native states, 559,
Ordered to march against Holkar, 560.
Defeats Holkar's horse near Furruka-
bad, 561. Besieges and captures the
fort of Deeg, 561. Besieges Bhartpore,
561. And compels the rajah to sue for
peace, 562. Defeats Holkar, 562. Ad-
vances against Sindia and Holkar, 562.
Negotiates with Sindia, 563. His re-

monstrance to Lord Cornwallis, 563,
Pursues Holkar into the Puujab, 563.
Advances to Amritsur, 564. His treaty
of peace with Holkar, 564. Resigns
his political functions, 565
Lake, Lieutenant, commands the Bahá-


wulpoor contingent before Mooltan,


Lall Koor, mistress of the Emperor Je-
handar Shah, 362. Her brothers, 362.
With the emperor when defeated, 363
Lall Singh, paramour of the Ranee Chánd
Koowur, 668. Becomes her executive
minister, 669. At the battle of Moodkee,
670. His entrenched camp at Feroze
Sheher, 670. Defeated there, 672. De-
posed from office, 674. But confirmed
as executive minister, 677. His charac-
ter, 677. Tried, and banished, 677
Lallcheen, a Turkish slave, blinds and
imprisons Sooltan Gheias-ood-deen of
the Deccan, 165. Becomes prime
minister, 165. Places Shumsh-ood-deen
on the throne, 165. Confined, 165
Lally, Count de, arrives in India, 434.
Besieges and takes Fort St. David, 434.
His efforts to obtain money, 434. Be-
sieges Tanjore, but compelled to raise
the siege, 434. His violence and
cruelty, 434. Recalls M. Bussy, 434.
And M. Moraçin, 436. His position
weakened, 441. Receives a mock
capitulation of Arcot, 441. Besieges
Madras, 441. But retires to Arcot, 412.
Which is taken by Coote, 443. Pondi-
cherry the only possession remaining to
the French, 443. He applies to Hyder
Ally for assistance, 443. Besieged by
the English in Pondicherry, 443. Ex-
pels the natives from the fort, 444.
Compelled to surrender, 444. Goes to
Madras, 444. His fate, 445
Lancaster, Captain, his voyages to India,
286, 287. Failure of his first expedition,
286. Opens trade at Acheen, establishes
a factory at Bantam, 287
Land tenure and revenue in India, 526.
A land settlement recommended by the
Court of Directors, 527. Lord Corn-
wallis's measures, 527. A permanent
settlement opposed by Mr. Shore, but
carried, 527. Settlements of Sir T.
Munro in Madras, 612. Native system,
613. Settlements with the Zemindars,
which fail, 613. Operation of the
Ryotwary settlement, 613, 614. The
Bombay system, 615. Resumption of
rent-free tenures in Bengal, 618. Land
settlement of the north-west provinces,
627. And of the central provinces, 780.
Acts relating to protection of heredi-
tary occupants, and security of their
tenure, 787, 788. Regulations of Feroze
Toghluk regarding the demand on
cultivators, 797

Lane, Colonel, at the battle of Soobráon,


Languages of the ancient inhabitants of
India, 35. Connection between Dra-
vidian and Scythian languages, 40.
Of the south of India, 65
Laswarce, defeat of the Mahrattas by
Lord Lake at, 556

Law, M., surrenders to Major Lawrence,


410. His efforts to assist Bussy, 418.
Marches on Hyderabad, 419. Takes up
a position in the fort of Mulkapoor,
419. Reinforced by Bussy, 419. Coote's
pursuit of him, 432. With the Soo-
bahdar of Oudh, 437. Assists the
Emperor Shah Allum in the siege of
Patna, 456. Taken prisoner by Major
Carnac, 458

Lawrence, Major Stringer, arrives at
Fort St. David as commander-in-chief,
403. Takes command of a force to
assist Sanhojee, 404. Takes Dévicotta,
404. Joins Nasir Jung with a detach-
ment, 406. Returns to Madras, 406.
Returns from England and takes the
command, 409. Advances to the relief
of Trinchinopoly, 410. Compels the
French to surrender in Seringham, 410.
Defeats them at Bahoor, 410, 411
Lawrence, Captain, taken prisoner by
the Afghans, 650. Demanded as a
hostage by Akbur Khan, 650
Lawrence, Major (afterwards Sir Henry),
left in charge at Lahore, 676. Sup-
presses a rebellion in Kashmere, 677.
Returns to England, 679. Appointed
commissioner in Oudh, 722. His pro-
visions against the revolted Sepoys,
726. Besieged by the mutineers in
Lukhnow, 728. His death, 729
Lawrence, Major (afterwards Sir George),
in charge of Pesháwur, 683. Attacked
in the Residency, and confined by
Chutter Singh, 683. Joins Shere Singh,

Lawrence, Mr. John (afterwards Lord),
has charge of affairs at Lahore, 679.
Retains the Jullunder Dooáb, and
prevents local disaffection, 687. His
friendly negotiations with Dost Ma-
homed, 714. His assistance in the cap-
ture of Dehly, 741. Appointed to the
government of the north-west pro-
vinces, 749. His opinion of the mutiny
767. Retires for health to England, 769
Appointed Viceroy of India, 773. Ar.
rives in Calcutta, 775. Goes to Lahore,
776. His address to the Sikhs, 776. His
measures for the improvement of
English soldiers, 776. War with Bhótan,
777. His policy in the contest in Af-
ghanistan, 786. Legislative measures
of his incumbency, 787. End of his term
of office, 788. Review of his viceroyalty,
789. His foreign policy, 789, 790
Laws, code of, of the Emperor Akbur,
279. Sir E. Impey's, 528. Mr. Ma-
caulay's, 712

Le Grand. Captain, defeated by Koër
Singh, 754

Lepchas, tribe of, 36

Leslie, Colonel, assembles a force at Kalpy,
491. Reaches Khundulla, 491. Joined
by Rughoba, 491. Recalled, 492. His
death, 492
Levant Company formed and chartered,

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