Imágenes de páginas


Ranoory, battle of, 209
Ras-el-Khyma, pirate stronghold, at-
tacked and captured by the British,


Rastia, Mahratta leader, marches against
Hyder Ally, 474

Rastia, family of, confirmed in their es-
tates by the British, 599
Rátgurh, fort of, taken by Sir Hugh Rose,

Ratta dynasty of Southern India, 72.
Account of them, 72. Their dominions,

Raváná, King of Kashmere, his cave
temples at Ajunta, 59

Rawlinson, Major, at Kandahar, 656
Rayacotta, taken by Lord Cornwallis,


Raymond, M., his discipline of the Nizam's
army, 531. At the battle of Khuralah,
531. Takes Ally Jáh, who poisons him-
self, 532. His forces at Hyderabad, 539.
His death, 540

Raynor, Lieutenant, assists in holding
the arsenal of Dehly, 721

Reade, Mr., acts for Colonel Fraser at
Agra, 743

Readings and recitations of the Hindoos,

[blocks in formation]

Renaud, Major, joins Havelock in his
march on Cawnpoor, 736. Killed at
Pandoo Nuddee, 736
Rendoolla Khan, of Beejapoor, harasses
the Moghul besiegers of the city, 329
Rennie, Commodore, his expedition up the
Karoon, 714

Revenue of the Hindoo and Mahomedan
governments, 228. The Emperor Ak-
bur's assessment of the land revenue
of the empire, 276. Amount of his
annual revenue, 279. Of the empire
under Shah Jehán, 336. And expendi-
ture of British India, 799
Rewah, political condition of, in 1761,
452. Operations of Lieutenant Osborne
in, 748. Order restored in, by Colonel
Hinde and Captain Osborne, 751
Rhotas, fort of, obtained by Shere Khan

Soor, 242. Who rebuilds it, 242
Rice, cultivation of, 5. Considered as
food, 6, 11

Richards, Colonel, occupies Assam, 606
Ricketts, Mr., checks the Sepoy muti-
neers, 730

Rivers of India, 2, 7
Roads, formed in India in ancient times,


Roberts, General, his operations against
the rebels in Malwah, 751. His opera-
tions in Rajpootana, 759
Robertson, Captain H. D., appointed to


the government of the city and district
of Poona, 598

Rodamow, attack on the rebel fort of,


Roe, Sir Thomas, arrives in India as
English ambassador, 322. His narra-
tive of a residence at the Emperor
Jehángeer's court, 322, 387
Rohilkhund, geographical position of, 451.
Independence of, 451. Överrun by the
Mahrattas, 476. Transactions of the
vizier with Mr. Hastings for possession
of, 483. Treaty concluded between
them, 483. Invaded, 484. The war
concluded, 484. Mutiny of the Sepoy
troops in, 725. Who are routed by Sir
Hope Grant, 749. Operations against
the rebels in, 753. Irrigation works in,


Rohillas, rebellion of, near Dehly, sup
pressed, 420. Their origin, 451. Their
independence under Nujeeb-ood-Dow
lah, 451. Their territory and capital
city, 451. Plundered by the Mahrattas,
476. Convention made with them, 477.
Again defeated by the Mahrattas, 477.
Defeated by the vizier and the English,
484. End of the war, 484
Rokh Mirza, Shah, imperial general, sent
on an expedition to Kashmere, 268.
Fails, 268
Rookn-ood-deen Feroze, succeeds as King
of Dehly, and confined, 97. Deposed
by his sister Ruzeca Sultana, 97
Rookn Rhan, ascends the throne of
Dehly, 106. Captured and beheaded by
Alla-ood-deen, 107
Roorkhee, college for civil engineers

founded at, 779

Roostum Mirza, Prince, makes over Kan
dahar and its dependencies to the
Emperor Akbur, 269. Created a noble
of the empire, and made governor of
Mooltan, 269

Roostum, Meer, induced by Ally Morad
to resign his turban.' 661. Protests
against Ally Morad's treachery, 661
Rose, Sir Hugh, his operations against
the rebel Sepoys, 748. Takes Batgură,
750. His campaign in Central India,
750, 751, 754. Defeats the rebels st
Gurra Kóta and Muddunpoor, 751. His
difficulties, 755. Relieves Sangor, 755,
Invests Jhansy, 755. Defeats Tantia
Topee at the Betwah, 753. Takes
Jhansy by storm, 755. Defeats the re
bels again at Koonch, 756. Attacked
by sunstroke, 756. Assaults and cap-
tures Kalpy, 756. His general order,
756. Marches on Gwalior, 758. Which
he storms and captures, 758. Resigns
his command, 759. Becomes comman
der-in-chief, and renews the Umbeya
campaign, 774

Roshun Akhter, grandson of the Emperor
Bahadur Shah, succeeds to the throne
of Dehly as Mahomed Shah, which see


Rowcroft, Colonel, defeats the rebel Sepoys
at Majowlee, 747. And again in the
Górukpoor district, 754

Royal, Captain, defeats Holkar's infantry,


Rózah, climate and situation of, 208.
Mausoleums and colleges of, 208
Rudra, Damán, King, his bridge and in-
scription, 61

Ruffat Khan, Golcondah commander, an-
nexes Rajahmundry, 317
Enfy-ood-Derját placed on the throne of
Dehly, 368. Abolishes the poll-tax, 368.
Dies, 368
Rufy-ood-Dowlah, succeeds his brother
as Emperor of Dehly, 368. His death,


in the Regency, 491. Joins the English,
491. Gives himself up to Sindia, 491.
Escapes and throws himself under
British protection, 493. Rejected as
regent, and allowed a pension, 496
Rumbold, Mr. (afterwards Sir Thomas),
appointed governor of Madras, 497.
Reduces Mahé, 498. His treaty with
Basalut Jung, 498. Dismissed, 499.
His alleged corrupt practices, 516
Runjeet Singh, ruler of the Sikhs, attempt
of Holkar to excite him against the
British, 563. Consolidates the power
of the Sikhs, 567. Makes a treaty with
the British at Amritsur, 568. His
fidelity to the treaty, 568. Moves with
an army to the Sutlej, 579.
interview with Lord William Bentinck,
631, 632. At war with the Afghans,
637. And threatens Sinde, 637. Ocen-
pies Peshawur, where he is defeated by
Akbur Khan, 637. His death, 645. His
character and career, 645. His army
under MM. Ventura and Allard, 645
Runjoor Singh, Sirdar, recrosses


Sutlej and threatens Loodhiana, 673
Runjorn, Rajah of Kashmere, 129
Runtunbhore taken and its defenders put
to death, 107. Taken by Sooltan Mah-
mood Khiljy, 143. And by Shere Khan,
242. Where he establishes his son Adil
Khan, 243. Captured by the Emperor
Akbur, 263

Rufy-ool-Kudr, youngest son of the Em-
peror Bahadur Shah, rebels, 361. At-
tacked and killed, 361
Rufy-ool-Kudr, grandson of Bahadur
Shah, placed on the throne of Dehly,
371. Takes the field with the vizier,
371. Marches with Syed Abdoolla
against the Emperor Mahomed Shah's
camp, 371. Defeated, 372
Rnghoba. See Rughoonath Ráo
Rughoojee Bhóslay, Mahratta governor of
Berar, his demands, 381. Undertakes
an expedition to the Carnatic, 381. Be-
sieges and takes Trinchinopoly, 382.
Attacks Bengal and Bahar, 382. De-
feated by the Péshwah and Aliverdy
Khan, 383. Obtains the right of chouth
in Bengal, 383. Sends Bhaskur Punt |
again to Bengal, where he is murdered,
384, 385. Invades Bengal himself, 385.
Defeated by Aliverdy Khan, 385. Be-
sieges and takes Trinchinopoly, 399.
Invades Western Berar, 413. Joins
Sindia at Assaye, and defeated, 555.
Escapes from the field, 555. Defeated
at Argaom by General Wellesley, 557.
Concludes a treaty with the English,
558. His widow allowed to adopt a boy,
who is proclaimed rajah, 597. His
death, 700
Rughoojee Gaikwar, Mahratta officer,
escapes being murdered, 385. Leads his
men back to Berar, 385

Rughoonath Rao, second son of the Pesh- SAAD ULLAH KHAN, the Emperor
Shah Jehan's minister, his death,

wah Bajee Ráo, 381. Goes to assist
Shaháb-ood-deen before Dehly, 447.
Joins Adina Beg, 447. And enters
Lahore a conqueror, 447. Returns to
Poonah, 448, Resigns his command,
448. Imprisoned but released, and
made Péshwah, 487. Marches against
Nizam Ally, 487. His power weakened
with his countrymen, 487. Superseded
by a posthumous son of the preceding
Péshwah, 487. Makes overtures to the
Council of Bombay, 488. Cedes Sal-
sette and Bassein, 488. Defeated in
Guzerat, 488. Cedes Ansóte and Amód,
489. His treaty disapproved of by the
Bengal Council, 489. Determination
of the Bombay government to seat him

Saadut Ally, becomes Nawab Vizier of
Oudh, 534. Concludes a treaty with the
English, 534. Adjustment of the af-
fairs of Oudh with, 549. Executes a new
treaty with the English, 551
Saadut Khan, Viceroy of Oudh, attacks
Holkar, whom he forces to retreat, 378.
Effects a junction with Khan Dowran's
army, 378. His jealousy of Nizam-ool-
Moolk, and its consequences, 380, 381.
His death, 381

Rushair, fort of, captured by the British
forces, 713

Russian influence, morbid dread of, in
India, 638. Mission of Captain Vicovich
to Kabool, 638. Complicity of the
Russians at the siege of Herát, 639.
Their expedition to Khiva, 645
Ruzeea Sooltana, deposes her brother
Rookn-ood-deen of Dehly, 97.
character, 97. Defeats the viceroy of
Lahore, 97. Marches against Mullik
Altoonia, whom she marries, 98.
Deposed by Beiram, and put to death,


Ryotwary settlement of land, 613

Saadut Oolla, left as Dȧood Khan's
deputy in the Carnatic, 399
Sacrifices, human, among the Khonds,


Sáh dynasty founded, 55. Their origin, |
60, 61. Their coins, 60. Their great
works, 61

Saharunpoor, mutiny of Sepoys at, 725
Sahib Khan, minister of Ahmednugger,
his licentiousness, 310. Flies from the
anger of the nobles, 310
Sakya Muni, or Gautama, 44. Founds
Booddhism, 44, 50

Salabut Jung, proclaimed Soobahdar of
the Deccan, 408. Joined by M. Bussy,
412. Their proceedings, 412. At war
with the Peshwah, 413. An armistice
concluded, 413. Becomes Viceroy of the
Deccan, 414. Confirms the grants to
the Peshwah, 414. Visits the Carnatic,
415. Joins the Péshwah in the siege of
Savanoor, 417. Dismisses Bussy, 417.
Whom he follows and invests in Hydera-
bad, 418. Submits to Bussy, 419. The
whole power of the state usurped by his
brothers, 435. A plot laid for his assassi-
nation, but defeated, 435. Advances to
assist the French, 436. But makes a
treaty with the English commander,
436. His contest with his brother
Nizam Ally, 445. Settlement of their
disputes, 446. Declares war against the
Peshwah, 446. Marches with his brother
to meet him, 446. Defeated, and makes
peace, 447. His territories and position
in 1761, 453. Acknowledged by French
and English as Soobahdar of the Dec-
can, 466. Joins his brother, and in-
vades the Mahratta dominions, 464.
Dethroned by his brother, who puts
him to death, 464
Salabut Khan.minister of Ahmednugger,

his administration, 310. Defeated by
Jumál Khan, 311. His death and
mausoleum, 311

Salar Jung, Sir, appointed prime minister
to the Nizam, 697. His loyal conduct
during the mutiny, 760. Created a
knight of the star of India, 771
Salbye, effects of the treaty of, 518
Saldanha, Antonio, accompanies Albu-
querque to India, 220

Sale, Colonel (afterwards Sir Robert),
commands a column in the Burmese
war, 607. Wounded at Ghuzny, 643.
His personal combat there, 643. Defents
Dost Mahomed at Purwándurrah, 646.
Retires into Jellalabad for winter quar-
ters, 648. His defence of Jellalabad,
651, 654. Relieved by General Pollock,
654. Killed at Moodkee, 670
Salkeld, Lieutenant, at the Kashmere gate
of Dehly, 740

Salsette, town of, made tributary to the
Portuguese, 281

Salsette, island of, attacked by the Pésh-
wah, 397. And the Portuguese ex-
pelled, 397. Ceded to the English, 488.
Retained by them, 496

Salt, duties on, assigned in lieu of civil
salaries, 463

Salunki dynasty of Guzerat, 133

[blocks in formation]

Sátpoora mountains, 3
Sattara, taken by Aurungzebe, 354. Re-
volution at, in favour of Rám Raja,
413. Occupied by the British, 590,
Rajah of, released, 590. Territory set
apart for him, 591. Wives and families
of the Rajah of, found in Wasota, and
released, 598. The rajah placed on the
throne with great pomp. 598. Case of
the Rajah of, 636. Who is deposed, and
sent to Benares, 636, 637. Case of the
state of, 688. Final annexation of,
689. Merits of the question, 659
Saugor, the faithful Sepoy regiments of,
748. The relief of, by Sir H. Rose,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Seif-nod-deen, Prince of Ghoor, takes
Ghuzny, 89. Put to death, 89, 90
Seif-ood-deen Ghory, becomes minister of
Sooltan Mahmood Shah Bahmuny, 164.
His great age, and death, 165
Selim, Prince (afterwards Emperor Je-
hangeer), his birth, 263. Marries
the daughter of Rajah Bhug wundas,
267. Left by his father in charge of
the government, 271. Rebels, 272.
Seizes the treasury at Allahabad, and
proclaims himself king, 272. For-
given by his father, 273. His drunk-
enness and cruelties, 273. Quarrels
between his sons, 273. See Jehängeer,

Seljuk Tartars, at war with Sooltan
Musaood of Ghuzny, 86. Whom they
defeat, 87. Commence hostilities
against Sooltan Modood. 87. Defeat
Arslan of Ghuzny, and put him to
death, 88

Séna Déo, Rajah of Kashmere, 129
Séna dynasty of Bengal, 58
Seoraj seized by the Nipalese, 577
Sepehr Shekoh, son of Prince Shujah
Shekoh, his fate, 339

Sepoys, mutiny of, in 1843, 662. Their
disaffection in 1850, 690, 691. Mis-
conduct of Bengal regiments, 691.
Compelled to take a general service
oath, 712. Their great mutiny of 1857,
716. Events leading to it, 716-719.
The greased cartridges, 719. Mutiny
and disbandment of the 19th regiment,
719. Mungul Pandy hanged, 719.
Fires in the large stations, 720. Out-
break at Meerut, 720. The massacre
at Dehly, 721. Where the mutineers
salute the king, 721. Events at various
stations, 722, 723. A simultaneous
rising prevented, 723. Strength of the
rebel position at Dehly, 724. Strong
forces of them defeated by Brigadier
Wilson, 724. Progress of the mutiny
at various places, 725-732. Siege of
Dehly, 731-733. The rebels defeated at
Pandoo Nuddee, 736. Pursued from
Dehly, 742. Defeated at Agra, 743.
And at other places, 743, 744. Driven


from Cawnpoor, 747. Sir Colin Camp-
bell's campaign against them in Oudh
and Rohilkhund, 747, 749. Partial
mutiny of Madras troops at Nagpoor,
750. Defented in Central India and in
Oudh, 750-753. Unite under Khan
Bahadoor Khan, 753. Routed in Ro-
hilkhund, 753. Defeated in Central
India, 755. Lord Clyde's last campaign
against them, 765. Their last effort, 766
Séra becomes independent under Mukh-
doom Sahib, 472. Recovered by Hyder
Ally, 472. Ceded to the Mahrattas, 475
Serái Ghát, combat of, 747
Serampoor, the missionaries of, publish
the first native newspaper, 599
Serefraz Khan becomes viceroy of Bengal,
398. Defeated and slain by Aliverdy
Khan, 398. His wealth confiscated, 398
Seringapatam cannonaded by the Pesh-
wah, 446. Besieged by the Mahrattas,
Movement of Lord Cornwallis
on, 523, 524. Siege of the fort of, 524.
March of the English against, 541.
Taken by storm, 542. Mutiny of the
European officers at, 572
Seringham, surrender of the French in,


Serónje, convention of, 379

Sett, the bankers, cast into the Ganges,459
Sett, Juggut, associated with Mahomed
Reza Khan, 463

Severndroog attacked and captured by
Commodore James, 416. Made over to
the Peshwah, 416

Sewnee, the Péshwah's forces routed at,


Sewukpál, defeated and imprisoned for
life, 81

Shady Khan, Prince seizes the throne of
Kashmere, 131. Takes the title of
Zein-ool-abid-deen, 131. His character
and acts. 131. His death, 131
Shah Allum,Ally Johur ascends the throne
of Dehly under the title of, 451. De-
termines to recover Bengal, 456.
Marches into Bahar, and joined by the
viceroy of Oudh, 456. Defeats Rám
Narráin near Patna, 456. Flies into
Bengal, 456. Defeated there by Calliaud,
456. Besieges Patna, 456. But com-
pletely defeated, 456. His position
after his defeat, 458. Defeated by Major
Carnac, whom he joins, 458. And ac-
companies him into Bengal, 458. Offers
the dewany of Bengal to the English,
458. Voluntarily joins the English after
the battle of Buxar, 461. Joins in the
English negotiations, 461. Cedes the
dewany of Bengal to the English, 463.
Joins the Mahrattas, and crowned, 476.
His intolerable condition, 476. Attacks
the Mahrattas, but defeated, 477.
Transactions of his vizier with Mr.
Hastings, 483. Blinded by Gholam
Khadir, 509, 510. Reseated on his
throne, 510. Under British protection,


Shah Beg Arghoon, account of, 158.
Seizes Sinde, and annexes it to Mooltan,
158. His death, 158

Shah Meer becomes minister to Anund
Déo of Kashmere, 129. Defeats the
Queen Kowla Dévy, and marries her,
130. Declares himself king, under the
title of Shumsh-ood-deen, 130. Events
of his reign, 130. Abdicates and dies,

Shahab-ood-deen, King of Kashmere. See
Siah Mookh
Shahab-ood-deen, or Mabomed Ghoory,
defeats Khoosroo Mullik of Lahore,
whom he confines, 90. Invades India
on behalf of his brother, 90, 91. De-
feated by the Hindoos at Narrain, 91.
His fourth campaign and great victory
over the Hindoos, 92. His fifth cam-
paign, 92. Takes Kanouj and Benares,
92. And Byana, 93. Becomes Sultan
of Ghoor, 93. Defeated by the King of
Kharizm, 93. Punishes rebels in Mool-
tan, 93.
Reduces the Gukkurs in the
Punjab, 93. Murdered, 93. His cha-
racter, 93, 94
Shahab-ood-deen Khiljy revolts and fries
to Dehly, 144. His struggle with his
brother Sooltan Mahmood, 144
Shahab-ood-deen, son of the viceroy of
the Deccan, becomes vizier and com-
mander of the imperial forces, 420.
His campaign against the Játs, 421.
Deposes and blinds the Emperor Ahmed
Shah, 421. Creates Alumgeer II. em-
peror, 421. Attempts to regain Oudh
and the Punjab, 421. Surprises Lahore,


Shahab-cod-deen, sometimes called Gha-
zee-ood-deen, 447. Calls in the aid of
the Mahrattas against Nujeeb.ood-
Dowlah, 447. Who is besieged in
Dehly, but escapes, 447. Sends the
Mahrattas to the Punjab, 447. Mur-
ders the emperor, 448. Places himself
under the protection of the Rajah of
the Játs, 448
Shabjee Bhoslay, Mahratta chieftain,
joins the Emperor Shah Jehan, 327.
And becomes a noble of the empire,
327. Makes overtures to Becjapoor,
329. Compelled by the Moghuls to
make terms, 329, 330. Pardoned, 330,
Employed by Beejapoor, 331. His
second marriage, and sons, 331, 332.
Conduct of his son Sivajee, 332, 333.
Imprisoned in consequence, 333. But
released by the Emperor Shah Jehán,
333. His death, 339
Shahjehánpoor, mutiny of Sepoys at, 725
Shahpooree, island of, captured by the
Burmese, but recovered, 605
Shahriar, Prince, son of the Emperor
Jehangeer, married to the empress's
daughter, 323. The empress's intrigues
in his favour, 323. Sent to recover
Kandahar, 323. His infant daughter

[blocks in formation]

Shere Afghan Khan, marries Noor Jehin,
321. Murders the viceroy of Bengal,
and himself killed, 321

Shére Ally Khan, becomes Ameer of
Afghanistan, but dethroned, 786. Be-
gains his throne, 786. Visits Lord
Mayo, 790. Results of his visit, 720
Shere Khan, holds Chunar, 234. Com-
pelled by the Emperor Hoomayoon to
submit, 234. Loses Chunar, 236, 242.
But defeats the emperor, 236, 242. Es-
tablishes the Soor dynasty, 239. And
succeeds Hoomayoon with the title of
Shere Shah Soor, 239. His early life
and adventures as Fureed Soor, 239, 240
Settles his Bengal affairs, 240. Tixits
the camp of the Emperor Babar,
240. Protected by the Sooltan Mah-
med Shah Lohany, 240. Becomes
minister, and subsequently regent, 241.
Defeats the King of Bengal's army. 241.
Marries Ladoo Mullika, widow of Taj
Khan, and obtains the fort of Chuna".
241. Reduces the whole of Bahar and
Bengal, 242. Obtains the fort of Rhoras
by a trick, and turns out its chiertain,
242. Assumes the title of King of
Bengal, 242. Appoints his general
Khowas Khan as viceroy of the Punjab
242. Suppresses a rebellion in Bengal.
which he divides into provinces, 242
Styled Emperor, 242. His campain i
Central India, 242. His civil adm.zis-
tration of the kingdom, 242. MER-STS
the Hindoos of Raiseen, 248. ILVES
Marwar, where he defeats the Raj-
poots, 243. Takes Chittore, 243. And Ka-
linjer, where he is killed, 243. Review
of his reign and character, 243, 244. His
tomb at Sasseram, 244

Shere Shah II., King of Bengal, defeated
by Zuman Khan, 260

Shère Singh, reputed son of Runject
Singh, shot, 668

Shere Singh, Sirdar, commands & Sh
force before Mooltan, 681. Joins the
enemy, 682. Goes to Peshawur, ani
joins his father, 683. His position at
Ramnugger, 683. Retires to Chillian-

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