OF SCOTLAND, FROM THE ACCESSION OF MALCOLM III. To' THE ACCESSION OF THE HOUSE oF STEWART. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, SEVERAL VALUABLE TRACTS RELATIVE TO THE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF BY THE LATE ȘIR DAVID DALRYMPLE, Page. APPENDIX FIRST. No. II. A Commentary on the 22d Stat. of William the Lion No. VIII. Of the Origin of the House of STEWART 35 42 45 48 53 No. XII. List of the Scottish Army at the Battle of Ha- No. X. Journal of the Campaign of Edward III. 1327 No. XIV. Lift of Perfons of Diftinction in the Scottish Army, Killed or made Prisoners at the battle of Durham No. XV. Tables, fhewing the Succeffion of the Kings of Scotland, from Malcolm III. to the Acceffion of the House of Stewart; their Marriages, Children, and the time of their Death; and alfo, the Kings of England, |