Imágenes de páginas

Les Missions Catholiques. (Continued).

160.- Mort d'un jeune séminariste de Nagasaki, pp. 182—184.—La province de Tchicougo, p. 318.-L'archipèl et la mission d'Amacousa, p. 397. Vol. XV (1883): L'orphelinat de Kobé, p. 78.. Arrivée à Nagasaki des restes de Mgr. Daveluy et de ses compagnons, p. 149.-Ordination des trois premiers prêtres indigènes, p. 170.- Sacre de Mgr. Blanc à Nagasaki, p. 477.

Vol. XVI (1884): Oeuvres des religieuses de Saint Maur à Yokohama et à Tokio, p. 388.-Mort de Mgr. Petitjean, vicaire apostolique, p. 496. Vol. XVII (1885): Ferrié, l'infanticide au Japon, p. 8.— Mort de Mgr. Laucaigne, évêque auxiliaire, p. 59.—Nomination de Mgr. Cousin, nouveau vicaire apostolique, pp. 292 and 376. — L'apostolat au Japon, p. 535. - Nécrologues de N. N. S. S. Laucaigne, p. 59 and 82; Petitjean, p. 82; Bourelle, p. 324.

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Vol. XVIII (1886): Etat actuel du vicariat; immenses progrès réalisés, p. 45. Mort et solonelles funérailles d'une religieuse de Nagasaki; projet d'un monument sur la tombe de Mgr. Petitjean, p. 196.- Une mission dans l'île Sikokf; Comachi et Togawa; le diner japonais, p. 568. Vol. XIX (1887): Rapport annuel du vicaire apostolique, p. 161. Décadence du bouddhisme, p. 101.—La mission du Boungo, p. 101.— La mission d'Osaka, p. 112.

Vol. XX (1888): Partage de ce vicariat, pp. 113 and 123.- Une mission à Yamagoutchi, p. 86.-Vexations et tracasseries des autorités, p. 476. Visite à Saijo, pp. 558 and 570.

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Vol. XXI (1889): Progrès de la foi dans ce vicariat apostolique, p. 256.- Projet de construction d'une église sur la Sainte Montagne de Nagasaki; bénédiction de l'église de Takadjima, p. 4.— Glorieux souvenirs de la mission de Nagasaki, p. 256. — La première religieuse du Japon, p. 302 and 525.- Les séminaires et le clergé indigène, p. 385. — Terrible inondation au Higo et au Chicougo, p. 483.

Vol. XXII (1890): Mort à Nagasaki d'un séminariste japonais, p. 82. - Progrès de la foi dans la province de Satsuma, p. 87.- Le synode japonais, p. 122. -Adresses au St. Père, p. 122. — -Adresse aux directeurs de la propagation de la foi, p. 315.-Besoins de la chrétienté de l'île de Hirard, p. 158.

Vol. XXIII (1891): Erection en diocèse de ce 542. La mission de Kumamoto p. 40 and 532.

vicariat apostolique, p. Beaux traits de dévoue

ments des séminaristes de Nagasaki pendant le choléra, p. 52.- Les vierges de Motobari, p. 65.-L'église d'Okino-shima, p. 519.

"Les Missions Catholiques" are likewise published in the following languages, viz.:

in Dutch: De Katholieke Missien geïllustreed. Maandschrift pub. in Bois-le-Duc since 1874.

in English: Catholic Missions; a monthly illustrated Record, 4to, London, vol. I (1886) and foll.

in German: Die Katholischen Missionen, published in Freiburg in Baden since 1873.

in Hungarian: A Kath. hitterjesztés Lapjai (monthly) Grosswardein. in Italian: Le Missioni Cattoliche published in Milan since 1872. in Polish: Missye Kattolickie. Czasopismo ilustrowane Miesieczne (monthly) Krakow.

in Spanish: La Misiones católicas published in Barcelona. Stopped in 1892, but will probably be continued shortly under new editorship. Manuel des associés pour la conversion du Japon, Paris, 1864. Notice sur les solennités de Rome à l'occasion de la canonisation des martyrs japonais, Marseilles, 1862.

Roman Catholic Mission in Japan (Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal, vol. XVIII p. 268 and XIX p. 414) 8vo, Shanghai, 1887-88. Roman Catholicism in Japan (Month, vol. 55 p. 457 and foll.) London. Wilberforce, B. A. H. A sketch of the lives of the Dominican missionaries in Japan with a preface by the Archbishop of Westminster, 8vo, London, 1870 (25).


4: Missions of the Greek Orthodox (Russian) Church.

Greek Church in Japan, various articles (Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal, vol. IV p. 191; XVIII p. 486 and XIX p. 414) 8vo, Shanghai. Hale, C. Missions of the Russian Church in China and Japan (American Church Review 1878, October p. 11.)

Russian Missions in Japan (Orthodox Catholic Review vol. IX pt. 1.) 1883. Statistics of the Greck Church Mission in Japan (Proceedings of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of Japan held at Osaka in April 1883, 8vo, Yokohama, 1883).


VI. - PHILOLOGY: The Japanese Language.

Dictionaries, Grammars, Phrasebooks, Manuals and Chrestomathies.―b.—Papers on Comparative Philology, Etymology, Dialects etc. C.- - Romanisation. — d.— Shorthand.- -e.- - Scientific Nomenclature.

a.- Dictionaries, Grammars, Phrasebooks, Manuals and Chrestomathies. Alcock, Sir. R. Elements of Japanese Grammar, for the Use of Beginners, with 2 large plates, 67 pp. royal 8vo, Shanghai, 1861.

The Japanese words are printed in Roman characters.

Alcock, Sir. R. Familiar Japanese Dialogues in Katagana and Roman characters, with French and English translation, VII and 40 pp. 8vo, printed in Paris, but published in London, 1863.

Arrivet, A. Dictionnaire français-japonais des mots usuels de la langue française, revu avec soins par S. Oyamada; 324 pp., 12mo, Tokyo, 1887. ($ 1.—). The Japanese words are printed in Chinese characters with Roman transliteration.

Aston, W. G. Grammar of the Japanese written language with a short Chrestomathy.

1st edition, 115 pp., roy 8vo, Yokohama, 1872.

2nd edition, XII + 212 + LX + VIII pp., royal 8vo, Yokohama, 1877, ($ 5.-). Aston, W. G. Grammar of the Japanese spoken language 4th edition, revised, 212 pp., 8vo, Tokio, 1888. ($ 2.50c).

The first three editions were published under the title "Short grammar of the Jap. spoken language" 12mo, Belfast, 1871-73.

Aston, W. G. Grammaire abrégée de la langue parlée japonaise avec un vocabulaire, translated from the English into French by E. Kraetzer, 83 pp., 8vo, Yokohama, 1873.

Baba, Tatui. Elementary Grammar of the Japanese Language, with easy Progressive Exercises, (in Roman characters only) 2nd edition, enlarged. 8vo, pp. 120. London, 1888. ($ 1.-).

The best elementary Japanese Grammar in the English language. The first edition was published in 1873.

Bellows, J. English outline vocabulary for the use of students of the Chinese, Japanese or other languages, with notes on the writing of Chinese with Roman letters by Prof. Summers, VI, 368 pp., crown 8vo, London, 1867, (65). Bibliotheca Japonica, sive selecta quaedam opera Sinico-Japonica in usum eorum, qui literis Japonicis vacant, in lapide exarata a sinensi Ko Tsching Dschang, et edita curantibus Ph. Fr. de Siebold et J. Hoffmann, 6 vols, Lugundi Batavorum, folio, 1833-41.

Contents: Liber I: Sin zoo zi lin gjok ben. Novus et auctus literarum ideographicarum thesaurus sive collectio omnium literarum sinensium secundum radices disposita, pronunciatione Japonica adscripta. Opus japonicum in lapide exaratum a sinensi Ko-Tsching Dschang, et redditum cur. Ph. Fr. de Siebold. XIV. 165 pp. lithogr. de texte japon. 1834. (flor. 65.-).

Liber II: Wa Kan won seki sjo gen zi ko. Thesaurus linguae japonicae; sive illustratio omnium, quae libris recepta sunt, verborum ac dictionum loquelae tam japonicae quam sinensis. Opus japonicum in lapide exara

Bibliotheca Japonica (continued).

tum a sinensi Ko-Tsching Dschang ed. cur. Ph. Fr. de Siebold. 228 pp. lithogr. and 4 plates. 1835. Printed in 100 copies, (florins 125.-). Liber III: Tsiän dsu wên, sive mille literae ideographicae; opus sinicum origine cum interpretatione Kooraiana, in peninsula Koorai impressum. Annexo systemate scripturae Kooraianae. - Buch von 1000 Wörtern, aus dem Schinesischen, mit Berücksichtigung der Koraischen u. Japan. Uebersetzung, ins Deutsche übertragen v. J. Hoffmann, 18 lithograph. pages and I plate. 1840. (flor. 18.-). Also published in Ph. F. von Siebold's Nippon [for which see p. 61 of this Bibliography].

Liber IV: Lui ho, sive vocabularium sinense in Kôraïanum conversum, opus sinicum origine in peninsula Kôraï impressum, Annexa appendice vocabulorum Kôraïanorum, Japonicorum et Sinensium comparativa nec non interpretatione Germanica, 38 pp. lithographed, (only 100 copies printed). 1838. (flor. 10.80).

Liber V: Insularum Japonicarum tabulae geographicae secundum opus Nippon jo tsi roo tei sen tsu. pp., with 4 lithographed plates. (flor. 18.—). Liber VI: Wa nen kei, sive suscincti annales japonici auctore Asija Famabito cum interpretatione Germanica. Cur. Ph. Fr. de Siebold. 25 lithogr. pages and 5 plates 1834. (flor. 18.—).

See also "Pagès Bibliographie japonaise No 540-541".

Brown, S. R. Colloquial Japanese, or conversational sentences and dialogues in English and Japanese, with an English-Japanese vocabulary, and an introduction to the grammatical structure of the language, LXII, 243 and II pp., 8vo, Shanghai, Mission-Press., 1863.

Caron, P. Benkyôka no tomo. Vademecum de l'étudiant ou compilation de textes [in Roman characters only] avec notes explicatives pour servir à l'étude de la langue japonaise parlée, 236 pp. post. 8vo, Hongkong, 1892 ($ 1.25). Chamberlain, B. H. Romanized Japanese Reader, consisting of Japanese Anecdotes, Maxims, etc., in easy Written Style, with an English Translation and Notes. 3 parts in one vol. pp. vi. 106, 135, 103, and XIII, 12mo, London, 1886. (6s.).

Contents: I. Japanese text, II. English translation, III. notes. Chamberlain, B. H. Simplified Grammar of the Japanese Language (Modern Written Style). Cr. 8vo, pp. VIII and 106. London, 1886 (5s).

Trübner and Co.'s Series of Simplified Grammars, vol. XV. Chamberlain, B. H. Handbook of Colloquial Japanese. 2nd edition, revised 535 pp. 8vo, Shanghai, 1888. ($ 3.50c).

Chamberlain, B. H. and M. Ueda, A vocabulary of the most ancient words of the Japanese language (Transactions Asiatic Society Japan vol. XVI [pt. III] pp. 225-285), 8vo, Yokohama, 1888.

Curtius, J. H. D. Proeve eener japansche spraakkunst; toegelicht, verbeterd en met uitgebreide bijvoegselen vermeerd. door J. Hoffmann. XXII, 231 pp. Large 8vo, Leide, 1857. (91⁄2 flor.).

Curtius, J. H. D. Essai de grammaire japonaise enrichi d'additions nombreuses par Hoffmann. Translated from the Dutch into French with extracts from the grammars by P. P. Rodriguez and Collado, by L. Pagès. 8vo, pp. 281, Paris, 1861 (fr. 20.-).

Dictionnaire universel français-japonais (en caractères chinois), 1422 pp. royal, 8vo, Tokio, 1877.

The titlepage is written in Japanese only; the work is compiled by a Japanese. Eastlake F. W. Easy Conversations in English, German, and Japanesc (first series, all published). Second, carefully revised edition. Oblong, 8vo, pp. 77, Tokyo, 1866.

Easy Conversation of English and Japanese (in Roman characters).

1st edition 305 pp. 12mo, Tokei, 1872.

2nd edition 353 pp. 12mo, Tokei, 1873.

Edkins, J. A Chinese and Japanese vocabulary [containing 359 words] of the XVth Century, [facsimile reproduction of the little work] with notes, chiefly on pronunciation (Transactions Asiatic Society Japan, vol. X [pt. I] 8vo, Yokohama, 1882.

Evrard, F. Cours de langue japonaise en 60 leçons. Ist Part VIII+179+17 pp. and table, 8vo, Yokohama, 1874.

Familiar phrases of the English and Japanese languages: general use for the merchant of both countries, part I oblong post 8vo, Nagasaki, 1859. Farsari, A. Pocket-Book of Japanese Words and Phrases. 6th edition, revised and enlarged. pp. vi. 49 and 18, interleaved. 16mo, limp cloth, Yokohama, 1891 ($-.75).

Fukumi, H. and K. Ogurusu. Vollstaendiges deutsch-japanesisches Woerterbuch, einschliesslich der im Deutschen gebraeuchlichen Fremdwoerter, nebst einem Anhang enhaltend Tabellen der unregelmaessigen Zeitwoerter der deutschen geographischen und christlichen Namen, der Muenzen, Gewichte und Masse, corrected by D. Watanabe, P. Funabashi, R. Hirata und B. Koyedii with 682 illustrations, 4to Tokio, 1885.

Gattinoni, G. Grammatica giapponese della lingua parlata, corredata d'un dialogario etc. pp. VIII, 118 and 60 plates, 8vo, Venezia, 1890 (8 liras). Gaugengigl, Prof. J. Pasigraphisch japanesisches Woerterbuch nach Bachmaier's System, 10 pp., Muenchen, 1864. [Quoted from the Catalogue of the Library of the late Prince Lucien Bonaparte].

Griffis, W. E. The new Japan Primer No I, 8vo, (10 cents).

Griffis, W. E. The new Japan pictorial Primer, introductory to the "New Japan Readers" 8vo, San Francisco, 1872 (10 cents).

Griffis, W. E. The new Japan spellingbook, post-8vo, (25 cents). Gring, A. B. Eclectic Chinese-Japanese-English Dictionary of eight thousand selected Chinese Characters, including an introduction to the study of these characters as used in Japan, and an appendix of useful tables. pp. clxvii. and 650 8vo, Yokohama, 1884. (Out of print).

Gubbins, J. H. Dictionary of Chinese-Japanese Words in the Japanese Language. Part I. (A-J) pp. 1-325. Part II. (K-R) pp. 326-683. Part. III. (S to end, with index) pp. 684-1198. Post-8vo. Tokio 1889-92 (price of parts I and II $ 2.50 each, part III $3.50).

It is limited to all "Kan-go" words, including all newly coined, alphabetically arranged like Williams' Syllabic Dictionary, and accompanied by an Index of Chinese characters grouped according to the Radicals. Hepburn, J. C. Japanese and English Dictionary

1st edition with an English and Japanese Index, XII, 560 and 132 pp. small-4to Shanghai 1867 (£ 5 5s).

2nd edition Japanese-English and English-Japanese Dictionary, two parts in I vol. XXXI, 632 and 210 pp. royal-8vo, Shanghai, 1872 (£ 8 8s, reduced to 18s).

3rd edition Jap.-Engl. and Engl.-Japan. XXXIII and 962 pp. royal-8vo Tokyo, 1886.

4th edition Jap.-Engl. and Engl.-Japanese, XXXII, 962 pp., royal-8vo Tokyo, 1888 ($7.50 cents). It is arranged phonetically according to the Roman alphabet; for every word is given its Chinese sign, Katakana, transliteration in English characters and its meaning in English.For index of Chinese characters see under "Whitney". Hepburn, J. C. Japanese-English and English-Japanese Pocketdictionary, abridged by the author, in Roman characters only.

1st edition VI, 330 and 206 pp., square 8vo, Shanghai, 1873.

American reprint VI, 330 and 206 pp. square 8vo, New York, 1873. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, VIII and 1033 pp., 16mo, Tokyo, 1887 ($ 2.-) (In English characters only).

Hibiya und Satow, Japanesisch-deutsches Woerterbuch, corrigirt von Lehmann, Tokio, 1877.

Hoffmann, J. J. Japansche spraakleer, uitgegeven op last van den Minister van Kolonien, 352 pp. 8vo, Leide, 1868 (flor. 5.50 cents).

Hoffmann, J. J. Japanese Grammar, translated from the Dutch, Second edition. Roy. 8vo pp. viii. and 368, with two plates. 1876. Leide, (flor. 12.—) (The 1st edition X, 350 pp. was published in Leiden in 1868 in 4to in 500 copies).

Describes the Written Language with the Author's own Observations on the domain of the Spoken.

Hoffmann, J. J. Japanische Sprachlehre. Translation of the Dutch. Roy.-8vo. Pp. 371, with 2 plates. 1877. Leide, (flor. 11.—).

Hoffmann, J. J. Japanische Studien, being the first supplement to the preceding work, VII + 64 pp. Roy. 8vo. Leide, 1878 (flor. 2,40).

Hoffmann, J. J. Shopping Dialogues in English-Dutch-Japanese. Square 8vo. pp. xiii. and 44. The Hague 1861.

The same work with Dutch title "Winkelgesprekken". 's Gravenhage, 1861, (flor. 1.75 cents).

Hoffmann, J. J. Firagana or Japanese running handwriting, 2nd edition, improved and augmented according to the advice of Mats Moto of Jedo and W. J. C. Jhr. Huyssen Van Kattendyke, 8vo, Leyden, 1861.

The first edition was published in 1857.

Hoffmann, J. J. Japansch-Nederlandsch woordenboek. Naar zijne aanteekeningen op last van Z. Exc. den Minister van Koloniën aangevuld.... door L. Serrurier. Vol. I (A-Aziyara) pp. XI. 185, vol. II (O-Oxusi) pp. IV. 77, and vol. III (Ba-Bazu-tsuki) pp. VI. 128, (the pages in this vol. are not numbered), roy. 8vo, Leide 1881-92. (flor. 8.55).

Hoffmann, J. J. Japanese-English Dictionary, by order of the Dutch Government elaborated and edited by L. Serrurier. Vols. I. (Aa-Az) pp. X, 180 and vol. II, Part. I (Oa-Oy) pp. IV, 76, roy. 8vo. Leide, 1881.

Vol. III (Ba-Bu) Leide, 1891, (the pages in this vol. are not numbered). Horikosi Kamenoskay, Pocketdictionary of the English and Japanese language, 2nd revised edition pp. II, 998, oblong-8vo, Yedo, 1866.

(1st ed. [953 pp., oblong-8vo, Yedo, 1862] was published by Hori Tatsnoskay and others).

Imbrie, (W.) Kōeki Mondō, Yokohama, 1881. (50 cents).

"The first [and last??] of a series designed to assist new students of the 'Japanese language by putting into their hands clearly printed texts in "the original Kana or Chinese character."

Inouye, T. The modern linguist, or conversations in English, French, German and Japanese, 165 pp. oblong 8vo, Tokio, 1886.

Japanese words and phrases for the use of strangers, 5th edition, revised, Yokohama, 189[3] ($.75 cents).

Kaneko, N. Deutsches und japanisches Woerterbuch. 8vo. Tokio 1885. Kasamatsuri und Wada, Deutsches und japan. Handwoerterbuch, Tokio, 1884. Kasamazuri, S. Handwoerterbuch der deutschen und japanischen Sprache nebst den im Deutschen gebraeuchlichen Fremdwoertern mit Anhang, 3rd edition, 632 + 32 + 4 pp., 8vo, Tokio, 1887.

Contents of Supplement: Deutch-japanisches Verzeichniss mathematischer Woerter, Erklaerungen und Abkuerzungen.

Kawa kami, Eine Sammlung deutsch-japanischer Gespraeche nach den Werken von L. Pylodet, T. Ahn, Gratama und andern, 173 pp. 12mo, Tokio, 1872. Kempermann, P. Die Kami yo no modji oder Goetterschrift with 4 plates. (Mittheilungen d. deutschen Gesellschaft f. Natur- and Voelkerkunde Ostasiens vol. II [pt. 13] pp. 85-93) 4to, Yokohama 1877.

Kure, English, Chinese and Japanese Conversation, Tokio (75 cents). Kwankoza, Handwörterbuch der deutschen Sprache für Japaner, 1080 pp., Tokei, 1873.

Lange, R. Lehrbuch der japanischen Umgangssprache. Large 8vo, pp. 30 and 512. Berlin, 1890. (Mk 24.—).

Manual used in the "Seminar fuer orientalische Sprachen in Berlin". Lexicon latino-japonicum, depromptum ex opere, cui titulus: Dictionarum latino-lusitanicum ac japonicum in Amacusa 1595. Nunc denuo emend. et auctum a Vicario Apostolico Japoniae (B. Petitjean) 749 pp. in double columns, 4to, Roma, 1870. (liras 30.-).

Liggins, Rev. J. One thousand familiar phrases in English and Japanese [in Roman characters], 2nd edition, 60 pp., 8vo, New York, 1867. ($ 1.—). Lloyd, Rev. A. Japanese colloquial texts with translations and notes, Jap. text in Chinese and Roman characters and English translation, 95 PP., 8vo, Yokohama, 1890.

Contents: Summer evening walks - Chiriyuku Hana Kodoma no Hôkô― Jusha no Hanashi.

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