Allgemeine bibliographie: Monatliches verzeichnis der wichtigern neuen erscheinungen der deutschen und ausländischen literatur, Volúmenes5-6F. A. Brockhaus., 1860 |
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Página 41 - History of the Articles of Religion ; to which is added a Series of Documents from AD 1536 to AD 1615. Ed. by Rev. F. Proctor. NS HENRY'S (Matthew) Exposition of the Book of Psalms. Numerous Woodcuts. PEARSON (John, DD) Exposition of the Creed.
Página 150 - Description des machines et procédés consignés dans les brevets d'invention, de perfectionnement et d'importation dont la durée est expirée, et dans ceux dont la déchéance a été prononcée; publiée par les ordres de M.
Página 39 - Journal et mémoires du marquis d'Argenson, publiés pour la première fois d'après les manuscrits autographes de la bibliothèque du Louvre, pour la Société de l'histoire de France; par E.-J.-B. Rathery.
Página 104 - Plates. 8vo. cloth, 12s. 6d. LECTURES ON THE GERMS AND VESTIGES OF DISEASE, and on the Prevention of the Invasion and Fatality of Disease by Periodical Examinations. 8vo.
Página 81 - A System of Surgery, Theoretical and Practical, in Treatises by Various Authors.
Página 109 - Walford's County Families of the United Kingdom. A Royal Manual of the Titled and Untitled Aristocracy of Great Britain and Ireland. By EDWARD WALFORD, MA, late Scholar of Balliol College, Oxford. Containing Notices of the Descent, Birth, Marriage, Education, &c., of more than...
Página 39 - A Commentary on the Psalms, from the Primitive and Mediaeval Writers; and from the various Office- Books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Gallican, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, and Syriac Rites.
Página 93 - Ferrers. — AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON TRILINEAR CO-ORDINATES, the Method of Reciprocal Polars, and the Theory of Projectors. By the Rev. NM FERRERS, MA, Fellow and Tutor of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.
Página 24 - A Lexicon English and Turkish, showing in Turkish the Literal, Incidental, Figurative, Colloquial, and Technical Significations of the English Terms, indicating their pronunciation in a new and systematic manner, and preceded by a Sketch of English Etymology to facilitate to Turkish Students the acquisition of the English Language. By JW REDHOUSE, MRAS Second edition, pp. xvii. and 827. 15s. Redhouse. — A VINDICATION OF THE OTTOMAN SULTAN'S TITLE TO "CALIPH," showing its Antiquity, Validity, and...
Página 141 - SCORESBY-JACKSON, MD, FRSE MEDICAL CLIMATOLOGY; or, a .Topographical and Meteorological Description of the Localities resorted to in Winter and Summer by Invalids of various classes both at Home and Abroad. With an Isothermal Chart Post 8vo.