BY WHICH THESE DIFFICULT SATIRISTS ARE RENDERED AT MR. LEWIS's, N° 157, SWALLOW STEELT, NEAR PICCADILLY. M.DCC.LXXXIX. PRE FAC E то JUVENAL. DE ECIMUS Junius Juvenal was born at Aqui num, a town of the Volfci, a people of Latium: bence, from the place of his birth, he was called Aquinas. It is not certain whether he was the fon, or fofter-child, of a rich freedman. He had a learned education, and, in the time of Claudius Nero, pleaded caufes with great reputation. About his middle age be applied himself to the study of Poetry; and, as he faw a daily increase of vice and folly, he addicted himSelf to writing Satire: but, having faid fomething (Sat. vii. 1. 88-92.) which was deemed a reflection on Paris the actor, a minion of Domitian's, he was banished into Ægypt, at * eighty years of age, under pretence of fending him as captain of a company of foldiers. This was looked upon as a fort of humorous punishment for what he had faid, in making Paris the beftower of posts in the army. However, Domitian dying very foon after, Juvenal returned to Rome, and is faid to have lived there to * Quanquam Octogenarius.-MARSHALL, in Vit. Juv. VOL. I. a the |