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1810 to remove, the term of twelve months shall be allowed them for that purpose, in order that they may retire with their effects and property, whether entrusted to individuals, or to the State..

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At the same time it is to be understood that this favour is not to be extended to those who shall act in any manner contrary to the established laws. XXXII. It is agreed and stipulated by the High Contracting Parties, that the Present Treaty → shall be unlimited in point of duration, that the obligations and conditions expressed or implied in it shall be perpetual and immutable; and they shall not be changed or affected in any manner in case His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, His Heirs or Successors, should again establish the seat of the Portugueze Monarchy within the European Dominions of that Crown.

XXXIII. But the two High Contracting Parties do reserve to themselves the right of jointly examining and revising the several Articles of this Treaty at the expiration of fifteen years, counted in the first instance from the date of the exchange of the ratifications thereof *), and of then proposing, discussing, and making such amendments or additions, as the real interests of their respective subjects may seem to require. It being understood that any stipulation which at the period of revision of the Treaty shall be objected to by either of the High Contracting Parties, shall be considered as suspended in its operation until the discussion concerning that stipulation shall be ́ terminated, due notice being previously given to the other Contracting Party of the intended suspension of such stipulation, for the purpose of avoiding mutual inconvenience.

XXXIV. The several stipulations and conditions of the present Treaty shall begin to have effect from the date of His Britannic Majesty's ratification thereof and the mutual exhange of ratifications shall take place in the City of London, within the space of four months, or sooner,

*) Les dites Ratifications ont été échangées à Londres le 19 Juin 1810.

possão retirar com os seus effeitos, e propriedade, 1810 quer estejão confiados a individuos particulares, quer ao Estado.

Deve pore mentender se que este favor se não extende áquelles que tiverem de algum modo procedido contra as leys estabelecidas.

XXXII. Concordouse e foi estipulado pelas Altas Partes Contractantes, que o presente Tratado será illimitado emquanto à sua duração que as obrigações, e condições expressadas, e conteudas nelle serão perpetuas e immutaveis; e que não serão mudadas, ou alteradas de modo algum no caso que Sua Alteza Real O Principe Regente de Portugal, Seus Herdeiros, ou Successores, tornem a estabelecer a sede da Monarchia Portugueza nos Dominios Europeos desta.

XXXIII. Porem as duas Altas Partes Contractantes se reservão o direito de juntamente examinarem, e reverem os differentes Artigos deste Tratado no fim do termo de quinze annos contados da data da troca das ratificações do mesmo, e de então proporem discutirem, e fazerem aquellas emendas, où addições que os verdadeiros interesses dos seus respectivos vassallos possão parecer requerer.

Fica porem entendido que qualquer estipulação, que no periodo da rivisão do Tratado for objectada por qualquer das Altas Partes Contractantes será considerada como suspendida no seu effeito, até que a discussão relativa á esta estipulação, seja terminada; fazendose previamente saber á outra alta Parte Contractante a intentada suspensão da tal estipulação, afim de evitar a mutua disconveniencia.

XXXIV. As differentes estipulações, e condições do presente Tratado principiaráo a ter effeito desde a data da sua ratificação por Sua Magestade Britannica, e a mutua troca das ratificações se fará na Cidade de Londres dentro do espaço de quatro mezes, ou mais breve se for possivel, contados do dia da assignatura do presente Tratado.

1810 if possible to be computed from the day of the signature of the present Treaty.

In witness whereof, we, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries of His Britannic Majesty and of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, in virtue of our respective full powers, have signed the present Treaty with our hands, and have caused the seals of our arms to be set thereto. Done in the City of Rio de Janeiro, on the 19th day of February, in the year of our Lord.

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The undersigned, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, at the moment of exchanging with the Chevalier de Souza Couttinho, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, the ratifications of the Treaty of Commerce signed at Rio de Janeiro on the 19th of February, 1810, by Lord Viscount Strangford, on the part of His Majesty, and by the Conde de Linhares, on the part of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, has been commanded by His Majesty, in order to avoid any misunderstanding which might possibly arise in the execution of that part of the fifth Article of the said Treaty, wherein it is defined what ships shall be considered as entitled to the privileges of British ships, to declare to the Chevalier de Souza Couttinho, that in addition to the qualifications therein expressed, such other ships will likewise be entitled to be considered as British ships which shall have been captured from the enemy by His Majesty's ships of war, or by subjects of His Majesty furnished with letters of marque by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, and regularly condemned in one of His Majesty's Prize Courts as a lawful prize, in the same manner as ships captured from the enemy by the ships of Portugal, and condemned under similar circumstances, are, by the subsequent paragraph of the aforementioned Article

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Em testemunho do que nos abaixo-assignados 1810 Plenipotenciarios de Sua Magestade Britannica, e de Sua Alteza Real O Principe Regente de Portugal, em virtude dos nossos respectivos plenos Poderes, assignamos o presente Tratado com os nossos punhos, e lhe fizemos pôr os sellos das nossas armas.

Feito na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, aos 19 de Fevereio, do anno de nosso Senhor Jesus Christo de 1810.


(L. S.)
(L. S.)


Conde le Linhares.

of the said Treaty, to be considered as Portugueze ships.

The undersigned requests the Chevalier de Souza Couttinho to accept the assurances of his high consideration.

London. Foreign Office, 17th June, 1810.


The Chevalier de Souza Couttinho,

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Acte du Parlament d'Angleterre pour mettre à exécution les dispositions du Traité d'amitié, de commerce et de navigation entre Sa Majesté Britannique et le Prince-Régent de Portugal. (51′ année de Georges III chap. 47.). En date du 31. Mai 1811.

Attendu que par un acte passé la 12me année du règne de Sa Majesté Charles 11. intitulé acte pour augmenter et encourager le commerce et la navigation, comme aussi par d'autres status il est établi que nul objet ou matière quelconque produit de cru ou des manufactures d'Amérique ne peut étre importé dans ce Royaume ou dans les îles de Jersey et Guernesey sur d'autres vaisseaux que ceux de construction anglaise appartenant à des sujets anglais et montés par un patron anglais et un équipage aux trois quarts composé de nationaux, sous peine de confiscation de la cargaison et du vaisseau ou bâtiment sur lequel elle se trouvera ;

Attendu que les objets et articles qui suivent, savoir: les mats, les bois de charpente (ou merrains), les planches, le sel, la poix, le goudron, la résine, le chanvre, le lin, les raisins, les figues, les prunes, l'huile d'olive, les grains ou graines, le sucre, la potasse, le vin, le vinaigre, l'eau-de-vie de grain ou autre du cru, produit ou fabrication d'Europe doivent selon ledit acte précité et les subséquens, étre importés en Angleterre sur des navires ou vaisseaux qui, avant le premier jour de mai 1786 appartinssent véritablement, entièrement et sans fraude aucune aux Etats de Sa Majesté, y ayant été construits et enregistrés conformément à la loi, ou sur des vaisseaux construits dans les pays et lieux d'Europe possédés et gouvernés par le souverain ou Etat européen dont les objets et articles ci-dessus décrits et énumérés sont le produit naturel ou manufacturé, ou bien

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