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concluded and signed at London, on the 2d of April, 1824 1824:

His Britannic Majesty engages to extend to the subjects and shipping of the Kingdom of Hanover, all the benefits secured by the said Convention to the shipping and commerce of Prussia, upon the principle of reciprocity which forms the basis of the said Convention.

In witness whereof, they have signed the present Declaration, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done at London, the 12th day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1824.

(L.S.) GEORGge Canning.

(L.S.) MUNSTER. (A Counter Declaration to the same effect was signed on the

same day.)


Ordre du Conseil de S.M. Britannique pour régler les droits à percevoir des bâtimens Hambourgeois et de leurs cargaisons dans les ports de la GrandeBretagne. En date du 30. Juin 1824.

Whereas satisfactory proof has been laid before His Majesty and His Privy Council, that goods, wares, and merchandise, imported into or exported from the territories of the Free Hanseatic Republic of Hamburgh, are charged with the same duties, and are allowed the same drawbacks, bounties, or allowances, when imported or exported in British vessels, as are levied or allowed on similar goods, wares, and merchandise, when imported or exported from Hamburgh, in Hamburgh vessels; and that British vessels are charged with no other or higher tonnage duties on their entrance into the territories of Hamburgh, than are levied on Hamburgh vessels; His Majesty, by virtue of the powers vested in him by the Acts above recited, and by and with the advice of his Privy Council, is pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that, from and after the first day of July next, Ham


1824 burgh vessels entering the ports of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in ballast or laden departing from the ports of the said United Kingdom, together with the cargoes on board the same, such cargoes consisting of articles which may be legally imported or exported, shall not be subject to any other or higher duties or charges whatever, than are or shall be levied on British vessels entering or departing from such ports, or on similar articles when imported into, or exported from, such ports in British vessels; and also that such articles, when exported from the said ports in Hamburgh vessels, shall be entitled to the same bounties, drawbacks, and allowances that are granted on similar articles when exported in British vessels:

And the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury are to give the necessary directions herein accordingly.



Ordre du Conseil de S. M. Britannique, pour régler les droits à percevoir des bâtimens de Brème et de leurs cargaisons dans les ports de la GrandeBretagne. En date du 14. Août 1824.

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Whereas satisfactory proof has been laid before His Majesty and His Privy Council, that goods, wares, and merchandise imported into or exported from the territories of the Free Hanseatic Republic of Bremen, are charged with the same duties, and are allowed the same drawbacks, bounties, or allowances, when imported or exported in British vessels, as are levied or allowed on similar goods, wares, and merchandise, when imported or exported from Bremen in Bremen vessels, and that British vessels are charged with no other or higher tonnage duties on their entrance into the territories of Bremen, than are levied on Bremen vessels; His Majesty, by virtue of the powers vested in Him by the Acts above recited, and by and

with the advice of His Privy Council, is pleased to 1824 Order, and it is hereby ordered, that, from and after the 10th day of July last, Bremen vessels entering the ports of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in ballast or laden, or departing from the ports of the said United Kingdom, together with the cargoes on board the same, such cargoes consisting of articles which may be legally imported or exported, shall not be subject to any other or higher duties or charges whatever, than are or shall be levied on British vessels entering or departing from such ports, or on similar articles when imported into or exported from such ports in British vessels; and also that such articles, when exported from the said ports in Bremen vessels, shall be entitled to the same bounties, drawbacks, and allowances that are granted on similar articles when exported in British vessels.


Ordre du Conseil de S. M. Britannique, pour régler les droits à percevoir des bâtimens de Lubeck et de leurs cargaisons dans les ports de la Grande-Bretagne. En ́date du

14. Août 1824.

Whereas satisfactory proof has been laid before His Majesty and His Privy Council, that goods, wares, and merchandise imported into or exported from the territories of the Free Hanseatic Republic of Lubeck, are charged with the same duties, and are allowed the same drawbacks, bounties, or allowances, when imported or exported in British vessels, as are levied or allowed on similar goods, wares, and merchandise when imported or exported from Lubeck in Lubeck vessels; and that British vessels are charged with no other or higher tonnage duties on their entrance into the territories of Lubeck, than are levied on Lubeck vessels; His Majesty, by virtue of the powers vested in him, and by and with the advice of His Privy

1824 Council, is pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that from and after the 1st day of this instant, August, Lubeck vessels entering the ports of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in ballast or laden, or departing from the ports of the said United Kingdom, together with the cargoes on board the same, such cargoes consisting of articles which may be legally imported or exported, shall not be subject to any other or higher duties or charges whatever, than are or shall be levied on British vessels entering or departing from such ports, or on similar articles when imported into or exported from such ports in British vessels; and also that such articles, when exported from the said ports in Lubeck vessels, shall be entitled to the same bounties, drawbacks, and allowances, that are granted on similar articles when exported in British vessels:

And the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury are to give the necessary directions herein accordingly. C. C. GREVILLE.


Traité de paix, d'amitié, de navigation et de commerce entre les Etatsunis de l'Amérique septentrionale et la république de Colombie, signé à Bogota, le 3. Octobre 1824*).

(Traduction française. authentique.)

Art. 1er. Il y aura paix parfaite, constante et inviolable, amitié sincère entre la République de Colombie et les Etats-Unis d'Amérique, dans toute l'étendue de leurs possessions et territoires, et entre les deux Nations et les citoyens réciproquement, sans distinction des personnes ni des rangs.

2. La République de Colombie et les Etats-Unis d'Amérique, desirant vivre en paix avec toutes les au

*) Voy. ce Recueil Supplém. T. X. (Nouv. Rec. T. VI.) p. 984.

tres Nations de la terrre, en suivant une politique 1824 franche et également amie de toutes, s'engagent réciproquement à n'accorder aux autres Nations aucune faveur sans qu'elle soit immédiatement partagée par l'autre Partie contractante, qui en jouira librement, si la concession est libre: on allouera les mêmes compensations, si la concession est conditionnelle.

3. Les citoyens de la République de Colombie pourront fréquenter toutes les côtes et toutes les contrées appartenant aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique, y résider et y trafiquer avec toutes sortes de produits, manufacturés et autres, sans payer des droits, suppor ter des charges ou des impositions autres ou plus fortes, que les Nations les plus favorisées sont, ou seront obligées à payer; ils jouiront dans le commerce et la navigation, de tous les droits, privilèges et exemptions dont jouissent, ou dont jouiront les citoyens de la Nation la plus favorisée, en se soumettant cependant aux lois, décrets et usages auxquels sont soumis les sujets des Nations les plus favorisées. De même les citoyens des Etats-Unis d'Amérique pourront fréquenter toutes les côtes et toutes les contrées appartenant à la République de Colombie, et y jouir de tous les avantages assurés par le présent article.

4. De plus, il est convenu qu'il sera entièrement libre et permis aux négocians, capitaines de navires et autres citoyens des deux pays, de diriger eux-mêmes leurs affaires, dans tous les ports et places soumis à la juridiction de l'un ou de l'autre pays; il en sera ainsi pour les consignations et la vente des produits et marchandises, en gros ou en détail, pour le chargement, le déchargement et l'expédition de leurs navires, devant, dans tous ces cas, être traités comme les citoyens du pays où ils résident, ou au moins sur le pied des sujets ou des citoyens de la Nation la plus favorisée.

5. Les citoyens des deux Nations ne pourront être soumis à aucun embargo, ni retenus avec leurs navires, cargaisons, marchandises, ou autres effets, pour quelque expédition militaire, pour utilité publique ou particulière quelconque, sans qu'il soit alloué aux intéressés une indemnité suffisante.

6. Lorsque les citoyens d'une des deux Nations, seront forcés, soit par le temps, soit par les pirates ou les ennemis, de chercher un refuge ou un asile

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