bolder, called "Takamoku," or the "high "Me""; and E 3 or C 5 which is not so much used as either of the others, called "Moku hadzushi," or the "detached 'Me."" We shall give about an equal number of examples of each of these methods of opening the game, commencing, as is customary in the Japanese works, with "Takamoku." This is an old "Joseki" which used to be popular; it fell into disuse and was revived by Murase Shuho. It is good enough for White if he has an outlying stone or two in the neighborhood, otherwise it is bad play for White. V NO HANDICAP The following stones are supposed to be on the board: Black, Q13, R 13, R 15; White, Q 14, P 16, Q 17. |